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Our Memorial

Each year, we remember the 358 Marsh McLennan colleagues and friends we lost on September 11, 2001, and rededicate ourselves to stand against violence and destruction, and stand for kindness, courage and care.

You can visit the memorial at Marsh McLennan's New York headquarters on:
Summer (May 15 to September 15): 7am-8:30pm ET
Winter (September 16 to May 14): 7am-7pm ET
The memorial is located in the plaza adjacent to our offices at 1166 Avenue of the Americas.

Our Colleagues

To read or write a tribute, please select the first letter of their last name, or click here to leave a general comment
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All tributes will be reviewed by our site moderators prior to being posted. Tributes will normally be posted on the site within 24 - 48 business hours of submission.
General Comments
Tears still come to my eyes whenever I remember those lost in this unimaginable tragedy. Though I was only 8 years old at the time, the events of September 11 left a lasting impact on my life and the way I see the world. I know I'm not alone in feeling this way. This is a wound that will never fully heal, but we will always remember those lost and those who sacrificed their lives on that fateful day – they will live on in our hearts forever. My deepest condolences go out to those who lost their loved ones – my heart aches with yours. I send love, strength, and my warmest thoughts to everyone affected by this tragedy.
Roman R.,
Sep 25 2024 8:47PM
Sending my most heartfelt and sincere condolences to the friends, families, and coworkers of the victims who so tragically lost their lives on that fateful day. That day unfortunately left a massive mark in the memories of all Americans that day. When it happened I was in kindergarten so I didn't and couldn't grasp the magnitude of this act of evil, but know, as a 28 year old man I appreciate and respect the sacrifices that were made that day from the first responders to go in to the burning buildings and to save as many people as they could. With that being said, I would like to send my peace and love to the heavens to the beautiful souls who lives were taken way too soon🕊🕊🙏🙏
Marsalis Whitelow ,
Sep 19 2024 7:11PM
Dear Souls Lost on 9/11, As I sit down to write this letter, my heart is heavy with the memory of that tragic day. Though many years have passed, the pain and sorrow remain fresh in our hearts. Even though I was only five years old that day, every time I look at the NYC skyline, I feel that something is missing up there. Your lives, though cut short, left an indelible mark on the world. You were mothers, fathers, sons, daughters, friends, and colleagues. Each of you had dreams, aspirations, and a unique story that was abruptly ended on that fateful day. We honor your memory by striving to live our lives with the same courage and resilience that you showed. To the families and friends you left behind, we offer our deepest condolences and unwavering support. Your loss is unimaginable, and our hearts go out to you. We stand with you in remembrance and solidarity, ensuring that the legacy of your loved ones lives on. In Remembrance, E. Siavoshy
Erfan Siavoshy,
Sep 19 2024 4:42AM
Heartfelt condolences, they are gone but not forgotten. More love and strength to the families.
Sunil Shukla,
Sep 16 2024 0:13PM
We must never forget. I send eternal love and strength to the families, friends and colleagues who lost a loved one.
Mark A Graham,
Sep 13 2024 1:50PM
We haven't moved on. We haven't forgotten. Forever changed. Forever remembering that day. Always thinking of those who left us - heartbroken.
Michelle Riley,
Sep 13 2024 2:04PM
Lost a few good Guy Carp friends that day. We shall never forget 🇺🇸
Phillip Ward,
Sep 13 2024 9:21AM
They will never be forgotten and happy memories of them with their families and friends will be cherished forever.
Sep 12 2024 7:55PM
We will never forget the ones we have lost.
Sep 12 2024 10:04PM
In Remembrance for all the people who lost their lives and affected by the tragic incident! Also Pray for the peace and deliverance of world as a whole !
Ajitha Mathews,
Sep 13 2024 10:51AM
To all those families that have lost a loved one, remember what they stood for. Remember that they will always be in our hearts and minds. That they still live in our hearts.
Jaslene S.,
Sep 11 2024 10:00PM
Thoughts and prayers for the lost colleagues and their families. I will never forget.
Tim Clune,
Sep 11 2024 7:12PM
Never forgotten.
Rafael Soares,
Sep 11 2024 7:04PM
Never forgetten. Continued prayers for all families.
Sep 11 2024 6:55PM
May my fallen colleagues Rest In Peace🖤 Continued prayers for their families. Never Forgotten
Maria Palazzo,
Sep 11 2024 6:18PM
So many wonderful people lost on that day. They will not be forgotten.
Sep 12 2024 2:03AM
To my former coworkers (Laura, Bill & Joe) who unfortunately transferred from the Stamford & Princeton offices to the NYC office. Rest in Peace! I still remember the good old days.
Roman Ozimek,
Sep 11 2024 10:41PM
Never forget and will honor these folks forever.
Sep 11 2024 8:48PM
Sending my strength to all who need it on this difficult day.
Richard Does,
Sep 11 2024 8:30PM
Sending my strength to all who need it on this difficult day.
Richard Does,
Sep 11 2024 8:30PM
To all those affected by the attacks of September eleventh, please know that the memories of those who lost their lives on that tragic day will never be forgotten.
Jake Pastore,
Sep 11 2024 8:22PM
I was a Marsh employee back in the 1990s and truly enjoyed working there. Made wonderful friends. I think about all who were lost on that day. May they Rest In Peace
Laura Baio (Currao),
Sep 11 2024 6:43PM
I hope everyone had a good day together and pulled through the tough memories of what happened 23 years ago. Stay strong and never forget
Sep 11 2024 6:11PM
Remembering all those who died on 9/11, they are not forgotten. The day is etched in my mind as I had woken in Sydney very early on the morning of 12/11 to see on television what was occuring and then going to work at Mercer that same morning into our Sydney office - it was surreal, and no one really knew what to say or do.
Robyn Young,
Sep 11 2024 6:00PM
Na zawsze w naszej pamięci <3
Sep 12 2024 6:56AM
Never forget. So that it never happens again. With love. LB
Lorenzo Braiati,
Sep 11 2024 5:54PM
Every year on 9/11 I put some time aside and pray for the 358 Marshans that died in this horrific event. I, as a Marsh employee, at the time before retirement, lost several friends and contacts I had made over the years. My heart goes out to all the relatives, friends and colleagues who lost folks on that day. May God bless you!
Rick James,
Sep 12 2024 1:25PM
I am so sorry for your loss. I could not imagine losing a loved one because of 9/11. May peace be with you all. Always remembered.#remembering9/11
Riley Knapp,
Sep 12 2024 11:38AM
A tragic event that had shaken the world - heart goes out to families and friends, colleagues of MMC that lost their loved ones and peers on this day.
Jasmin T,
Sep 11 2024 9:26PM
Peace and love to all.
Kathy Frantzen,
Sep 11 2024 6:14PM
May peace be with the families and friends of my fallen colleagues today. I hope they are all being remembered for the beautiful humans they were taken from this world too soon.
Joyce A Aller Frailey,
Sep 11 2024 4:28PM
Always remembered
Sep 11 2024 4:45PM
i want to say have a great day everyone and even though these times are tough, you will get through them. #neverforget
Sep 11 2024 4:05PM
Today is a very difficult day as it is each year on September 11th. We should never forget our colleagues, coworkers, and friends that needlessly perished.
Scott Cohen,
Sep 11 2024 2:29PM
I stopped by your agency in Billings MT to pay my respects in person.
Francesca Strickland ,
Sep 11 2024 2:41PM
Never forgotten. Continued prayers for all of their families and friends.
Tom H,
Sep 11 2024 2:14PM
Gene Maloy was a dear friend from elementary all the way through high school and the best cello player. I miss his laugh and want his friends and family to know that I hopefully honour him by playing music, creating art and written projects and living to the fullest.
Becky Brauning Roberts,
Sep 11 2024 0:04PM
9/11 started as an ordinary day, but turned out to be the opposite, as so many lives were changed, and our country has also changed since that day. So many lives were lost, but we remember them not because they died, but of what they did right before their lives were cut short. We remember the thousands of acts of bravery presented on this day, so many people sacrificing their lives for other, sacrificing their own lives in the process. We remember and honor those people. God Bless. @Sept11Memorial Museum #remembering911
Josue Castaneda,
Sep 11 2024 0:02PM
Prayers for all of the families who lost loved ones on that day. Special prayer for all of my colleagues who are truly missed.
Bill Walker,
Sep 11 2024 4:28PM
R.I.P. to all beloved colleagues who lost their lives in 2001 attack.
Hritik Kapoor,
Sep 11 2024 0:37PM
This day is always a somber one, thinking of our lost colleagues and their families.
Sep 11 2024 1:16PM
Always in my heart - wishing peace to the surviving families of: Kermit Anderson, Carole Eggert, Vincent Gallucci, Cesar Garcia, Roberta Bernstein, Ernest James, Carol LaPlante, Nancy Mauro, Joel Miller, Kevin Murphy, Tom Sgroi and every one else that perished on this day 23 years ago. -Dino
Dino Gomez,
Sep 11 2024 1:14PM
God bless all those who lost their lives in this tragic event. Deceased, heroes, courageous loved ones and family...always in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.
Cindy Clark,
Sep 11 2024 0:23PM
Remembering all that were lost 23 years ago, All we lost at Marsh that day will never be forgotten, We will always remember you, May you all Rest in Paradise
Sep 11 2024 0:19PM
TO A FRIEND ON SEPTEMBER 11 To see your face, To hear your voice, To share the radiance of your smile, The spirit of your intellect and wit, And the nurturing embrace of your caring nature – All these and more abide within a living memory, A hologram at best, A ration that by definition must be enough, Though it will never be enough. The anniversary of your loss, Our loss, Magnified by the many people For whom your life was a precious gift, Is but one occasion Within a coursing river of days and moments In which somehow your countenance is etched And presence felt. And in that place where yearning dwells And dreams bear fruit, You sit beside me in a contemplation Timeless, Wordless, And magnificent. Hello again, my friend, hello.
Gordon Prager,
Sep 11 2024 11:17AM
God Bless all of my colleagues who perished on September 11, 2001. We will always remember you. Rest in Peace
Donna DiDonato,
Sep 11 2024 3:46PM
Remembering the lives that were lost, the heroes who emerged, and the strength of the human spirit that continues to inspire us.
Sep 11 2024 6:47AM
Like most of us, I remember exactly where I was that day and what I was doing. In Germany, we were far away at the time, but we still felt the pain that all New Yorkers and Americans felt at the time. And that is still the case today. I often think about September 11, 2001, not just the anniversary. When I started working at Marsh, I heard about the terrible loss of the employees at the time. It is unimaginable to me how one deals with such a loss. On a day like today, when all the memories of the deceased are even more present than usual, my thoughts are with you. I am praying for you and your loved ones. Best wishes from Germany.
Sep 11 2024 7:27AM
RIP our beloved colleagues! You will always be remembered and in my prayers!
Rosalia Croes,
Sep 10 2024 7:58PM
Continued thoughts and prayers for all families.
Nagem, Daniele,
Sep 11 2024 1:16PM
In memory of my friends and colleagues at Guy Carpenter (Marsh McLennan) in NYC. Peter, Baloise Insurance Company/Switzerland (1980 - 1990)
Peter, Basel/CH,
Sep 11 2024 0:37PM
I wasn't a Marsh employee at the time of the tragedy but remember the events of that time very well. I have also visited the Twin Towers memorial in NYC which was very moving. Thoughts are with colleagues and the wider community.
Sep 11 2024 9:23AM
A few years before the attacks I visited MARSH NEW YORK and met a local colleague. We became good friends and kept in touch regularly. The day of the attacks I was in my office in Antwerp (Belgium). My colleagues and I were totally shocked by these events. I was mostly thinking about my friend/colleague in NEW YORK, but luckily she was in the office building on 6TH AVENUE at that moment. A few years later I returned to NEW YORK and the colleague showed me the Memorial. We were both impressed and very moved. This must never happen again. Not in NEW YORK and nowhere else in the world.
Peter Slootmans,
Sep 11 2024 8:37AM
Never forget you guys.
Jeff Mah,
Sep 11 2024 9:20AM
May they all rest in peace, amen.
Sep 11 2024 9:13AM
Always remembered, never forgotten. But always the saddest of days for many.
Jim Carroll,
Sep 11 2024 7:39AM
This occurred before my time at Marsh... I still remember watching this unfold on TV as the office I was working in at the time ground to a halt in disbelief. Terrible scenes - indelibly etched on everyone who witnessed it. So incredibly sad for those who lost loved ones. Always remembered.
Lee Cashman (Norwich, UK),
Sep 11 2024 9:28AM
On this day our hearts and minds are with the ones that have lost someone dear. My prayers and best wishes, we'll never forget.
Luiz Renato Ribeiro,
Sep 11 2024 8:47AM
This site is a wonderful way to remember those lost that day. We will never forget.
Soonil Auchoybur,
Sep 11 2024 6:29AM
23 years of absolute heartbreak for our country. We will never forget.
Sep 11 2024 2:38PM
Always in my heart.
Lesley S,
Sep 11 2024 2:29PM
Never forgotten. Praying for all those that lost a loved one and grateful for those that are still here.
Florence Balfour,
Sep 11 2024 2:11PM
Regina Spratt,
Sep 11 2024 1:35PM
Never Forget.
Sep 10 2024 4:01PM
I wasn't an employee at the time of this tragedy but wanted to share that my son visited the Twin Towers last year in NYC. When he heard how many lives were lost just from MMA he called me as soon as the tour was over. Needless to say he was very overwhelmed with emotion. My prayers go out to the families and collegues whose lives were changed forever.
Natasha Totton,
Sep 10 2024 4:20PM
Love and prayers. We'll always remember you.
Sep 10 2024 4:03PM
Always remember and never forget what happened that day! Pray for the families who are still affected by this tragic event.
Patti Richardson,
Sep 10 2024 4:03PM
I worked in the Louisville office. I worked closely with a few just two weeks earlier.That day was heartbreaking and surreal. We will never forget. We remember all impacted. We choose to be brave, kind, and caring in their memory.
Janet Jones,
Sep 10 2024 4:49PM
Never Forget.
Cindy Curtis,
Sep 10 2024 4:16PM
Never forgotten.
Thomas ,
Sep 10 2024 3:55PM
Let us carry their memories forward, committing to kindness and compassion in our world. Together, we will never forget.
Etaja Green,
Sep 10 2024 3:57PM
I take a moment to pay tribute to the souls who perished in the World Trade Center, Pentagon, Shanksville, Pennsylvania. My heart goes out to their families, who are also feeling the pain. WIll always remember and never forget!
Sep 10 2024 10:35AM
Forever grieving all of the lives lost. It is still surreal that everyone that sat around me was gone just like that. I can still see all of your faces, I will forever hold you all in my heart. Never ever forgotten.
Kathy Reyes,
Sep 9 2024 2:42PM
I was starting my career at Mercer's Orange County, California office when this tragedy happened. I had trained in New York less than a year earlier. The weight of losing so many colleagues continues to shape my perspective of my own humanity to this day. You are never forgotten.
Sep 10 2024 10:28AM
Another year has passed since that horrible day our country and the world changed. I worked in our Denver office at that time. I want families to know we have not forgotten all those who perished on 9/11. Wishing you all peace and comfort in your memories. Mary Ann Marsh Denver, retired
Mary Ann Simpson ,
Sep 9 2024 11:53PM
I will always remember … never forget!!
Faye White,
Sep 8 2024 7:59PM
I was employed in the HOUSTON MARSHMC OFFICE preparing to leave for the office, when I saw the plane hit the first building on a morning show followed closely by the second, where we also had offices. It was devastating. Over coming weeks, the depth of the horror became more and more clear. For the privacy of the families who had lost loved ones, the names were withheld for a time. I called Jimmy's extension over and over, hoping if he didn't answer, his spirit would feel the many people who cared. What these people could have accomplished, enjoyed, and created is unquantifiable. Every September, the first pleasant weather day in Texas, is overshadowed by the horror that occurred by the memory that beautiful, yet horrific day.
Jimmy Storey and all others,
Sep 8 2024 2:01PM
My husband, Lowell, was head of the Mercer office in Portland, Oregon, at the time of this tragedy... Every year we talked about the loss of MMC friends & colleagues & the impact it had on all of us... Although Lowell is gone now, the loss of 911 will never be forgotten.
Wanda Lichtenberg,
Sep 5 2024 8:03PM
Apologies for being late. I was working in the London office and regularly spoke to a few colleague's but left a few months before the tragedy and often wondered what happened to everyone. Very sorry to learn they lost their lives. RIP. Fatema July 2024
Fatema Docrat ,
Aug 9 2024 11:19PM
As a new affiliate with Marsh McLennan, we learned in our training about the number of souls lost in this tragedy. I was so young when this happened but remember so vividly and have visited the memorial grounds for the lost loved ones. The sorrow is still so profound to this day. I am honored to be able to help some of the employees that were affected by this tragedy and I pray that I may give them excellence in service as a small tribute to what they felt that day. Always American, Never Forgotten.
Jul 12 2024 1:46PM
358 people is a lot of people to lose, let alone, in just one day. Our hearts continue to be with the people and families who lost their loved ones.
Marcus Banks,
Jun 5 2024 7:55PM
When this first happened it was so unbelievable and heartbreaking but I was on the West Coast far from this tragedy and didn't know anyone in the towers but now over 20 years later I have become almost obsessed with this tragedy and have watched everything I could find and have gotten to know via the stories a little about who these beautiful souls were. I think the reason this haunts me so is because it could be me or you or any one of us. These were every day people going to work living their lives and then in an instant their whole world is changed forever this goes for the people who perished and for the ones that were left behind. I want to go to the memorial and feel the grief and sorrow close up and then honor these people that died so unnecessarily. Even though I didn't know anyone in the towers I feel such a deep sense of loss. I will never forget what happened on Sept 11,2001 I pray for healing for all that have been impacted for the families and the friends. I hope they are resting in Heaven.
Amy Marlar,
Jun 6 2024 2:56AM
Today, I pause to honour the souls lost in the World Trade Center. My thoughts are with their families, sharing in the sorrow.
Matt ,
May 14 2024 6:11AM
I used to phone every day for server checked we laughed every morning a joked. That day the phone just went dead. I was in the mk call center England. Even today I remember and we will never forget
Tracy Tomlin,
May 4 2024 9:06AM
Continued thoughts and prayers for all families. I will never forget.
Feb 8 2024 9:46PM
RIP to the 2 men who were fathers of my classmates.
Feb 1 2024 5:17AM
Hello, I will never forget. I don't know anybody personally who was lost here, but I guess I don't need to say more than I'm here because I care and I'm posting this because I care, and I will do my best every day to make sure the future doesn't forget.
Connor Fabiano,
Jan 29 2024 9:50PM
Nothing will erase you all from our memories. We will never forget you!! God Bless you and continue to sleep peacefully!
Nov 18 2023 2:47PM
For all of the colleagues we lost on that day, their families and friends may you rest in peace. Amen
Kevin Rowan ,
Sep 29 2023 3:30PM
Rest in Peace all who showed such bravery and courage - I used to work at Seabury in Glendale, CA, and would have to call the twin towers. The woman at Marsh would say, do you realize how high I am? Thinking about her.
Sep 26 2023 5:20AM
Rest in peace to all the people we lost on 9/11. Over 20 years has passed by, but we have not forgotten the tremendous loss we experienced that day. Marsh McLennan Company is a class act. This is a beautiful tribute.
Sarah Baker,
Sep 20 2023 5:38PM
Having read each of the names of individuals who died on that day, I cannot imagine the horror this Company as a Community went through on 9/11. I remember the day well. Peace and love to all colleagues and family members. It is an honor to share in the strength that is their legacy.
Nancy Giovino,
Sep 19 2023 2:12PM
Never forget the tragedy. You will be missed <3
Thomas Phizaclea,
Sep 18 2023 9:12PM
To all our friends at Marsh McLennan and Guy Carpenter - WE WILL NEVER FORGET.
Celines Matos,
Sep 15 2023 11:46AM
Never forgotten. Love and prayers always.
Sep 13 2023 1:55PM
My condolences go out to all the families that have lost their loved ones during the 9/11 attack. I wish you guys love and know that they are still remembered.
Jeanmuel Ocno,
Sep 13 2023 2:59AM
Never forgotten. Continued thoughts & prayers to all families and friends of those lost and those who survived and suffer/struggle. TH
Sep 12 2023 8:57PM
I'm so sorry for the people that lost their families, friends, and colleagues on September 11th 2001. I pray for them even though I don't know them. I also prayed for the families that lost people that day because I know they wish that It never happened and that they were still with them today. I can't say I know how you feel but all I know is that you still miss them and think about them no matter if 22 years have passed. They will always be in your heart and they are being taken care of in heaven.
Savannah Del cid ,
Sep 12 2023 6:28PM
America was hit that day with tragic uncomfortable news. It is a day to remember and honor those who sacrificed their life for others, and those innocent souls we lost. Our love and freedom towards one another will always go to the firefighters, officers, and citizens. 8,036 days, 1,148 weeks, 264 months, 22 years, but will never forget.
Lyla Gordon,
Sep 12 2023 10:54AM
My heart, love and prayers go out to all that lost someone and to all our colleagues, family and friends. Such a tragedy even 22 years on, its still doesn't seem that long ago! They will never be forgotten and I wish only love and peace for all that have suffered losses.
Sarah Phillip,
Sep 12 2023 3:03PM
Even after so many years have passed, the feeling of loss is still tangible. May the spirits of all the souls who died as a result of 9-11 always be kept in our thoughts, spoken words and memories. Their spirits live on in everything we do. And it creates a legacy for all of us to strive for.
Natasha Martinez,
Sep 12 2023 3:22PM
It's hard to believe that 22 years have come and gone since that terrible September, but it's heartening to see so many people that still remember, and take time from their busy lives to leave a tribute to a friend, colleague, family member, or even a stranger who lost their life in such a terrible, cruel moment in time. To those who continue to grieve, please know that countless, faceless people share your pain, and hope that you find peace and happiness in the years ahead.
Leslie Honcharik,
Sep 11 2023 10:19PM
I worked at 1166 at the time. I will never forget either the colleagues lost or how we banded together in the aftermath on both 9/11 and in the days that followed.
Stephen Ruisi,
Sep 11 2023 10:15PM
I worked at Marsh for 19 years and watched this day unfold on TV knowing my friends & colleagues were in the towers. It was devastating and changed all of us! My heart still breaks for the families of those we lost. There are no words except “I will never forget!”
Sheri S,
Sep 11 2023 6:06PM
Remembering today the pain of grief as we watched and listened to the happening in NY from our STL office. We will always remember.
Sheila Feldman,
Sep 11 2023 10:25PM
I will never forget this day and we will never forget YOU. I may not know you personally but my heart is with you and all those who miss you so much.
Sep 11 2023 8:26PM
11 de Setembro de 2.023, já se passaram 22 anos de uma tragédia que certamente parou o mundo. Mesmo distante da situação nos solidarizamos e nos conectamos com a dor, com a brutalidade dos fatos e também com as perdas das vidas. Naquela manhã, perdemos 358 colegas. Lembramos deles, de suas famílias e de todos que morreram naquele dia.
Cleiton Anjos,
Sep 12 2023 0:22AM
In the UK I heard on the news on the radio that a plane had hit one of the twin towers in NY. I had watched a film no long before where a plane hit the Empire State Building in NY so wondered if this was something similar. We put the TV on once we got home and were horrified to see the events unfolding in NY. This is an event that has affected the world and those innocent victims must never be forgotten. Like us they were just ordinary people going about their day to day business. Thoughts are with the family, friends and colleagues of those lost.
Gill Driscoll,
Sep 12 2023 7:40AM
It is as fresh today as it was 22 years ago when I was on a routine call with the other CIO's of the MMC companies when the 1st plane struck the first tower. I had planned on being in the office of my friend and colleague Gary Lasko on the 95th floor for that call. Running late, I went to my office in the 50th floor of the south tower to join the call. That moment is forever etched in my memory as well as the last words of Gary who was speaking when the plane hit directly in his office. The question of "why was I spared" that day is only known to my Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. I am thankful for every day I have breath since 9/11 and only know that God's plan for man and each one of us is perfect. It is never clear or understood in this life. Trusting in eternity with Christ according to his sovereignty and grace is available to all. I pray that the souls lost on 9/11 knew Christ and are in his presence in heaven for all of eternity. Psalm 18:16-19 He sent from on high, he took me; he drew me out of many waters. 17 He rescued me from my strong enemy and from those who hated me, for they were too mighty for me. 18 They confronted me in the day of my calamity, but the Lord was my support. 19 He brought me out into a broad place; he rescued me, because he delighted in me.
Paul Fox,
Sep 11 2023 5:40PM
I came here today to see if the company had an online memorial. I had a friend who has lived with survivor’s guilt having lost so many dear colleagues. Please know they are not forgotten.
Chris S.,
Sep 11 2023 5:24PM
We may have never met but know you live on as we honor your lives today and so many other days.
Tonya Hall,
Sep 11 2023 0:39PM
Our younger son & I visited a friend at work here in April, 2001, but she was at home on 9/11–for which I will be forever grateful. I remember the graciousness & welcoming of everyone I met @ Marsh & I hold them always in my heart.
Karen Milliorn,
Sep 11 2023 2:42PM
A day of reflection. Our colleagues and their families will never be forgotten.
Linda Iverson,
Sep 11 2023 6:43PM
On the anniversary of 9/11 it's common to study the impacts of the tragedy on our modern society. But sitting in my 10th grade classroom writing an essay for my personal finance class, I can't begin to imagine the pain of so many lives lost, those who had families, friends, bosses, pets. It is unimaginable. Rest in Peace.
Isabella M Izzett,
Sep 11 2023 2:47PM
When someone you love becomes a memory, the memory becomes a treasure.
Lee Yeargain,
Sep 11 2023 2:39PM
This date we will never forget. Today we pray for those lost and those still grieving.
Rachael Mabe,
Sep 11 2023 1:05PM
its so hard today with all the flashbacks. I was working in call center and was on a call with customer when it happened. seems like everything froze at that moment. I will never forget and will keep passing on the memories for future generations so people wont forget those we lost.
dorothy martin,
Sep 11 2023 0:52PM
Remembering never gets easier, we relive the pain and then look for hope still. God bless to all spread love and light, it is the only way.
Sep 11 2023 0:03PM
On 9/11, I was a Risk Manager and client of Marsh. I will never forget that day nor the lives lost. May all their memories be a blessing.
Ginny Penzell,
Sep 11 2023 11:59AM
Always in our thoughts and always a remembered part of the insurance industry
Emma Ackers,
Sep 11 2023 3:01PM
Sending my deepest sympathies and prayers to the families of those who lost loved ones as well as the survivors that are still impacted today. We will never forget.
Gayle Jacobs,
Sep 11 2023 11:14AM
Thinking of all the families today who lost loved ones 22 years ago. I have a friend who was working in the second tower and luckily he managed to get out and run for his life. For many hours we did not know if he had survived. This is a day of reflection.
Donna Atkins,
Sep 11 2023 3:16PM
Keeping all those involved and impacted by this horrific tragedy in my thoughts and prayers!
Rosie Cinalli,
Sep 11 2023 11:24AM
To the families and loved ones of those 358 Marsh colleagues taken from us, we will never ever forget. Their memory serves as an inspiration for the work I do each and every day at Marsh.
Renata Elias,
Sep 11 2023 11:12AM
To the families and loved ones of those 358 Marsh colleagues taken from us, we will never ever forget. Their memory serves as an inspiration for the work I do each and every day at Marsh.
Renata Elias,
Sep 11 2023 11:11AM
Bless ALL of those souls who lost their lives on this day 22 years ago. I will never forget... EMS
D R Lambert,
Sep 11 2023 10:18AM
From 1998 thru 1999 I worked for Balis & Company on the 9th floor of a downtown Philly skyscraper. Balis was a Marsh McLennan company. I'm certain that during the term of my employment with Balis I spoke with at least one or two of those who were lost that day. God rest their souls. We will never forget.
Richard Eells,
Sep 11 2023 10:36AM
I remember that day like it was yesterday. We are remember where we were. My heart still aches for those colleagues that were lost. Your life and your memory will go on in each one of us. You will not be forgotten.
Maryann Dark,
Sep 11 2023 10:14AM
You will never be forgotten.....
Steve Taylor,
Sep 11 2023 10:14AM
I remember having to cancel my flight into NY the day before.. My kid got in trouble.. Waiting on a Verizon video conference to start in Tampa. Video blacked out and I didn’t know what had happened. Too many valuable members of my team lost that day. I still have nightmares. Thinking about starting a blog or podcast so people can talk about survivors guilt. It’s a real thing, and has impacted my daily life for the last 22 years.
Sonya Walling (née Sorenson),
Sep 10 2023 5:54PM
Our prayers go out to all the family members of our lost colleagues. Rest in peace.
Celina Stephen,
Sep 11 2023 10:37AM
Another year passes, but my colleagues will never be forgotten.
Simon Jellis,
Sep 11 2023 7:50AM
I worked for Marsh at the time of this terrible event. I can still very clearly remember being in a meeting at the Des Moines offices and coming out to see what was happening on the TV. It was and still is to this day an unthinkable act of terror and my heart lives on for all we lost. I did not know most who passed but I did know Jim Cleere, our boss back then, who was visiting for meetings. May their memories be eternal in all of us.
Toni Sanger,
Sep 11 2023 9:41AM
I was waiting in our new training room for a connection promised. I called somewheres around 8:46 AM 09/11. Couldn't understand what was going on. Still can't. The IT people I and all other LTC's worked with in the Tower were our lifeline, colleagues, and friends. I will never forget them, and they are forever missed. To their families, my sympathies 22 years and ago and onward.
Nora Butler,
Sep 11 2023 8:34AM
On this day, I think about the colleagues and friends we lost and their families. I was working for Marsh at 1166 when this happened and my heart immediately sank when I heard the news. The wounds are still fresh and I still remember the smiling faces of those we lost. I will never forget.
S Arroyo,
Sep 11 2023 8:19AM
I remember watching those devasting images with my work colleagues from Ireland and that feeling of helplessness we felt. Seeing their names here, really hits you. May their souls rest in peace.
Helen Davitt,
Sep 11 2023 1:45PM
Each year we remember our lost colleagues and friends. Grief doesn’t stop. Our loss is not diminished by the years. We mourn still. May they rest in peace and rise in glory.
Edd Hogan,
Sep 10 2023 8:40PM
Sending so many loving thoughts and healing prayers for all the loved ones who were so affected by this senseless, horrific tragedy. We felt the sense of shock and disbelief all the way here in South Africa, may the departed rest in peace but we also wish peace to all who remain behind. My thoughts are with you every single year at this time.
Wendy Rieken,
Sep 10 2023 5:09PM
May we never forget the lives of friends and family that were lost on this day, Sep 11 2001. May your souls rest in peace and may we continue to build trust and respect for all mankind
Glenn Lim,
Sep 11 2023 9:49AM
We will never forget. Rest in peace.
Christina Brown,
Sep 11 2023 9:40AM
I was only a child when the attacks happened. I remembered watching the first attacks on TV from home. Seeing the tears in my mothers face, I knew something was horribly wrong. After making my way to school, all the teachers were in silence as we all watched the rest of the horror that unfolded that day. My heart goes out to the MMC employees that lost their lives that day. May the thousands of people who lost their lives that day Rest in Peace.
Brian Munoz,
Sep 11 2023 9:12AM
Tears today for my friends, so vital, lost in their primes. Memories for all from that day. The world was bettered by your presence and contributions, but our lives are lessened by your absence.
Ed Haas,
Sep 11 2023 8:47AM
Remembering William Dimmling and his family this day. Bill and his family are always in my prayers.
Louis Antonucci Jr,
Sep 11 2023 8:44AM
Every Year since, there is a sting as if it were the very same moment. I pray for those lost and families torn apart by such cowardly sensely acts. No, we will never forget.
Veda Blount,
Sep 11 2023 8:40AM
As a new employee, I would like to thank MMC for the sincere and loving attention you ask for all those who have been victims of this tragic event. At the time of the attack, I was employed by Aon Re and like many others saw how the planes flew into the WTC in which 176 Aon colleagues also died. Been in the fortunate circumstance of being able to visit the museum and memorials. This has left a huge impression but also made me even more aware of the importance of remembrance. I would therefore like to leave a message to say how much I appreciate MMC paying attention in this way, but at the same time how touched I am by the beautiful and heartwarming reactions from family, friends and colleagues.
Pieter van Rossum,
Jul 31 2023 10:12AM
My condolences for the victims of this terrible act. Rest in peace.
Ravi Chopra,
Sep 8 2023 1:40AM
Such a senseless and horrible act that I will never forget. May we always remember this day and what so many families lost, while reminding ourselves to love one another, across all boarders.
Sep 8 2023 11:16AM
Not a day goes by when you are not loved and missed. Our hearts and the world still ache in sadness and secret tears still flow. You will forever be remembered by families, friends and the world. R.I.L.
Lesina Brown,
Sep 7 2023 8:32PM
May God bless always every colleague lost on 9/11. Rest in peace. The World must never forget.
Mark A Graham,
Sep 8 2023 3:56PM
I will never forget that day! My prayers to all the family of those who were lost that horrible day in US history. May we as a Nation never forget.
P. Scott,
Sep 8 2023 0:20PM
My mom worked for Marsh during the attacks on September 11th. I thank God every day that she was spared, but she, in turn, lost so many colleagues that she knew well; some more than colleagues, her friends. Every single year I reflect on this tragedy that struck our city 22 years ago. May we never forget the souls that were lost on that infamous day, and may we never forget those that they loved. NYC strong!
Sep 8 2023 0:04PM
Rest in peace, you all will always be remembered!
Tom Mackay,
Sep 8 2023 10:42AM
May God bless those angels in heaven and also those on earth who must carry on. We will never forget. Peace Be With You.
Crissy Ryan,
Sep 8 2023 10:31AM
I will never forget that terrible day watching the horror from the midtown office. God bless all who perished that day.
Lorraine Langro,
Jul 7 2023 11:01PM
Rest in peace to every beautiful soul lost on 9/11, we will never forget.
Stephanie Vargas,
May 17 2023 9:13PM
Just noticed that a lot of Marsh's employees had been sacrificed during this tragic event, send my condolences to those families.
Apr 20 2023 10:09AM
Rest in peace. We miss you and we will never forget you.
Allan Gilbert Rizza,
Mar 7 2023 4:02PM
Just had cause to remember working with Lotus Notes, and I remembered Alva Sanchez and Janet Alonso, my contacts in NY. Never met you ladies but we spoke often. Never forgotten you. MM, London.
M Moore,
Dec 20 2022 4:45PM
Rest In Peace, all of you beautiful souls.
Rebecca Fitzgerald,
Sep 26 2022 8:12PM
Rest in Peace all brave hearts. We will miss you.
Hemant Gaur,
Sep 17 2022 11:35AM
To everyone who was lost, lost someone, or experienced something so awful on that day, know we will never forget. We will never forget the lives lost. We will never forget what happened. We stand stronger than ever and continue to stand together.
C. Layne,
Sep 14 2022 9:16PM
I may have not been there to experience 9/11, but my condolences are sent to every victim. The world must remember to never forget.
Sofia M,
Sep 14 2022 5:09PM
9/11 was a tragic event that should've never happened. On that day so many lives were lost, and so many families were broken apart. Ordinary people became heroes in their final moments, and everyone stuck together. We will never forget.
Sep 14 2022 11:52AM
To all those lives lost, we will never forget you.
Sep 14 2022 8:24PM
I was working for Marsh & McLennan in 2001. On 09/11, I was at an NFPA fire code meeting at Underwriters Laboratories in Oakbrook, IL. Upon hearing that a plane had hit the WTC, we had a TV brought into the meeting room, and we watched in horror as events unfolded. Several committee members worked for companies that had offices at the WTC, and I think most of us knew someone who worked there. 9/11 also hit me hard because I knew the WTC area well. Just out of college, I had worked for Barclays Bank at 120 Broadway, in the block next to Trinity Church. I would typically get off the PATH train at the WTC and walk the few blocks to Barclays. With all flights grounded, I was stuck in Oakbrook for 3 days. Eventually, I contacted the rental car company to inquire whether I could drive the rental car to Portland, and how much it would cost if I did that. They informed me that they had lost their data center in the WTC. They did not really know where all of their vehicles were, and they were charging just a flat daily rate for anyone who chose to drive home. It took 3 long days to get back to Portland. I did not see a single plane in the sky until I passed the summit of the Blue Mountains in eastern Oregon. I did not dare to contact any of the Marsh colleagues I knew. As information gradually emerged, I eventually determined that I knew at least 30 people who perished in the towers. I remember all of them every year on the anniversary.
R Anderson,
Sep 12 2022 5:51AM
My heartfelt condolence to everyone who lost their near and dear ones on that fateful day. Life is not the same for the whole world since. I pray for a peaceful, mindful and loving world where everyone - race, religion, country, color, ethnicity apart - treats every human and animal with love and mutual respect. Let there be love and life in its true sense.
Rajath R Shenoy,
Sep 12 2022 10:29AM
I still remember the day watching this on Television, and it felt unreal. RIP to everyone who lost their lives. My thoughts and prayers are with you
Sani Parwani,
Sep 12 2022 5:16AM
Having joined the MMC family in June, I had no idea we had lost our own colleagues in this great tragic event in history. My prayers are with their families they leave behind and for strength to continue on their legacies. This is very moving. - Chiara
Chiara Azua,
Sep 12 2022 8:28AM
That day I was highly impacted by the images that were transmitted from Ground Zero to the world. It hurts and still hurts. Now that I'm part of this team, you feel the loss even more. Let us honor his memory.
Ivan Rodriguez (Colombia),
Sep 12 2022 0:11PM
Words can't really express the enormity of this terrible tragedy, which affected so many people and families. I can only pass on my very deepest heartfelt sympathies to those affected and hope we never see the likes again.
Sep 13 2022 11:22AM
Looking for the friend of my Dad's. Brian O'Rourke was retired but he has friends at Marsh. We know many perished but someone’s wife knitted our niece's Christmas stocking much before the attack.
Sep 11 2022 7:45PM
We will never forget you! Rest In Peace! ♥️
Rosalia Croes,
Sep 11 2022 6:44PM
To all the brave and innocent people who died. We remember you.
Antonino Corvato ,
Sep 11 2022 9:20PM
To anyone who lost their lives due to the attacks on 9/11, we will never forget and my heart goes out to you and your family and friends.
Maya Yarborough,
Sep 11 2022 9:07PM
Although I never worked for Marsh, I wanted to express my sincere condolences to all the family and friends that lost someone they loved on that awful day 21 years ago. May they rest in peace and their loved ones find some solace from their heartbreak knowing their loved ones will never be forgotten.
Leslie Honcharik,
Sep 12 2022 4:40AM
Every year I find this day difficult. We remember our colleagues and families.
Chuck Wardell,
Sep 11 2022 7:50PM
To anyone who lost loved ones, or bared witness to that awful day. My heart goes out to you all. #Neverforget
Crystal Pratt,
Sep 11 2022 2:29PM
9/11 ... to my friends at Guy Carpenter; Peter from Basel/Switzerland (Baloise Insurance Comp., Reinsurance)
Peter Drechsel,
Sep 11 2022 11:26AM
I will never forget working in the Houston office when all the Accounting head of office from all of Marsh were attending a breakfast meeting in NY. Jim Story will never be forgotten. In memory of these events, I started a non-profit called Moonstruck Foundation, Inc.
Priscilla Hurt,
Sep 11 2022 0:02PM
Remembering you all. 💔 Rest In Peace. 9/11/2001.
Rhonda D,
Sep 11 2022 11:50AM
I worked for UniCARE in California and MMA helped us many times. We spent some Christmases together. This loss was like losing a part of our family. They are sorely missed. Rest In Peace
Michelle Bayer ne'e Thomas,
Sep 11 2022 11:25AM
All of the families who lost loved ones will forever be in our hearts and prayers.
Kenneth Daly,
Sep 11 2022 10:54AM
I was an employee of Mercer on 9/11 and working at MMC Headquarters in NYC that day. We remember our MMC colleagues who lost their lives on 9/11/2001.
Chris Burns,
Sep 11 2022 3:18PM
Although we were not connected at the time, the lives lost were devastating. When we seek the positive, we are forever grateful to the company's reaction, setting motions in place that remain strong and impactful through a global pandemic, which makes the story unique and come full circle.
Lisa Bryant,
Sep 11 2022 1:03PM
I joined the Marsh McLennan Agency family in the Midwest Region in 2014. While I didn’t know the 358 personally, their memories do live on through those who knew them and loved them. My thoughts and prayers go out to you ❤️🥺🙏
Kara Valle,
Sep 11 2022 11:56AM
Coming to Marsh just over a year ago, this memorial brings into stark reality what happened to so many industry colleagues, their families and all who loved them. I keep all those impacted by 9-11, especially now, the Marsh family and those first responders who ran into the danger to help and save others close in prayer.
John Atkinson,
Sep 11 2022 11:55AM
My prayer and I remember those who died and their families, hoping that there will never again be deaths from wars and violent causes.
Pablo Casado (Argentina),
Sep 11 2022 10:14AM
Remembering those members of the the MMC family who lost their lives on 9/11/2001.
Deb Kassien,
Sep 10 2022 10:43PM
I was a part-time HR employee who recently took time off to be with my children. I made acquaintance with many who came through the new hire process and were lost in the attacks at WTC. My heart is heavy for all the families who lost loved ones on that terrible day. Marsh was a wonderful place to work, and we were all family, and family will always be remembered.
Rosemarie Williams ,
Sep 11 2022 9:02AM
These colleagues, friends and work family - all forever in our thoughts. This day shall never pass that we won't think of them, and remember the sadness and loss we all felt and will forever feel. Our hearts are with them, may they forever rest in peace.
Sep 9 2022 11:08AM
Forever in our thoughts and prayers. Never forget.
Sep 9 2022 10:10AM
Always in our hearts and prayers, never to be forgotten.
Donna Lane,
Sep 9 2022 10:12AM
Wishing good health and happiness to the families of those lost to this senseless tragedy. We remember you, always.
May 28 2022 7:39PM
We will always remember you in our prayers. And hope your families are in good health today.
Abhishek Vimal,
Apr 18 2022 9:12AM
I had just left Marsh a little while before 9/11 and my heart goes out, as it did then, to all of my former coworkers, their families and loved ones. Love and peace to all of them, and to all of those directly affected by those horrible hours.
Nov 23 2021 3:15PM
Honor & Glory to men and women we lost that day. We'll never forget them.
Diego Romani,
Oct 19 2021 2:40PM
Talented man and women were lost that day, but their light is never lost will guide our hearts into peace and comfort.
Gabriel Rosales ,
Sep 18 2021 8:33AM
I was watching a documentary and a man mentioned this company, its heartwarming to see all the tributes and I want to say we will never forget. May you rest in peace and I will continuously pray for you all.
Sep 17 2021 0:01AM
We are a vendor for Marsh Mercer here in Canada to support their IT requirements in many locations. Our Company is Activo in Toronto. We wish our condolences to all of the family members and co-workers who lost people close to them on this 20th anniversary.
Joanna Shank,
Sep 14 2021 7:37PM
I was glad to see that the Company saw to provide this remembrance. As the years went by the Company did less and less on the anniversary of that terrible day. I watched the buildings collapse from 1166 and personally knew at least 40 colleagues and friends whose lives were taken. We will never forget, but it's nice to have a venue for remembering.
James E. Carroll,
Sep 15 2021 5:47PM
Very somber and sad to know how many people passed away on that day. I've gone back to the 9/11 site every year for a while- it meant a lot to me and still does. RIP all MMC employees, who perished in this tragic tragedy, and Godspeed. You are not forgotten.
Sep 12 2021 3:39AM
Gone from our sight but never from our hearts. Greta September 11, 2021
Sep 12 2021 1:24AM
Rest In Peace all souls that were called home to the Lord that day. Praying for those that were left to bear the burden of loosing loved ones. Praying for peace and this type of tragedy at the hands of others never repeats itself. God bless all people to who were effected by this day in history. To our family member, Susan Murray, may your beautiful soul R.I.P. 🙏
Donna Adinolfi,
Sep 12 2021 0:20AM
On September 11, 2001, I was working for Marsh Advantage America which became Mercer in later years. Marsh was one of a family of companies, one of which was Marsh McLennan. In my fifth year of employment, we were glued to the news that morning, and the emotion turned even darker when we were very quietly told that our corporate accounting department was in the towers, virtually at point of impact. Maybe only a few in our building knew or interacted with anyone in the towers because we were in Iowa, but you still felt like an odd family. I was taken up with emotion, and had to call my Mom. As emotion welled up, I told her "I can't watch", even though there was a small tv in the area. She said "you don't have to watch". I stayed at work that day, but I don't think I would have gone to work had it happened before I took the drive. I would have wanted to be with Mom, knowing it would hit her hard. In memory of the colleagues and consultants employed with Marsh McLennan. I think of them all. Also in memory of the thousands lost, firefighters, first responders, police, service animals, passersby. The feeling of common loss never goes away.
Lori Tenold,
Sep 11 2021 11:30PM
As a retired Mercer employee this is a hard day and I can't imagine how difficult this day is for so many people. All my love to the people who lost loved ones that tragic day. And for all those who were injured in so many ways all my best and love to you. I will never forget.
Philip Schneider,
Sep 11 2021 10:47PM
I am grateful my niece Sabine sent me this link - she has worked for Marsh McLennan in the Stuttgart - Germany for many years. This day will never be forgotten - I am so sorry for all those that lost their life! The World needs to work together to prevent this from happening again 🙏🏻
Bruni Adams,
Sep 11 2021 3:08PM
I remember Salvatore Zisa. He was a young man beginning his career at Marsh McLennan when I met him. I was I think one of his first accounts at Phillip Morris Inc. and risk management department. We talked about growing up in New York and how much we loved our city. So I always think of him and pray for his wife and his daughter on 911 and always.
Juanita Shaw,
Sep 11 2021 2:55PM
I was 28, woken up out of bed by a phone call “turn on the TV”…instantly my heart in my throat for the people in the towers, your offices & countless others. Remembering all who lost their lives that day, their surviving loved ones and all we’ve learned since. May they Rest In Peace.
Marcella Janes,
Sep 11 2021 2:47PM
Today 20 yrs later, I can’t believe something so horrific happened to the greatest country in the world. My thoughts and prayers are with the families that lost a loved one. Always in our hearts and never forgotten 💔
C. Romo,
Sep 11 2021 2:34PM
I worked for The Hartford and I was on the 14th floor of home office tower, in Hartford Ct. It was the bluest sky day I ever saw! I lead a team of technical support folks that supported our agents across the country, Marsh McLennan being one of them. They had an office in one of the Towers and we lost 358 colleagues at Marsh Mac that day! My team, heartbroken…worked endlessly to help reconstruct the files and data that got destroyed! It was the most painful thing for them to ever do! I can never forget this , we said we will never forget and we haven’t!
Nancy Cardone,
Sep 11 2021 2:22PM
I was 45 years old when 911 happened. That was the worse day in history. Coming back to work was tough seeing all the families looking for their loved ones. I’m retired now but this day will always be heavy in my heart. RIP TO all my friends and colleagues.
Migdalia Otero,
Sep 11 2021 11:53AM
I remember that day so vividly. I had to work that evening and would usually sleep through the morning. However the night before, I slept with the tv on, to awaken to the devastating news. I’m sending prayers to everyone that was affected. You will never be forgotten!
Hagar Buster,
Sep 11 2021 5:14AM
Each year I hope this anniversary will get easier but it never does. I remember everything about this day, the saddest day of my 35-year career with Marsh. I shall never forget!
Theresa Shackleford,
Sep 10 2021 11:13PM
Though I did not know anyone personally, every year I look at this message and it still brings tears to my eyes - the same as it had done the day it happened. Reminds us all how life and liberty are precious and should not be taken for granted.
Michelle Cunningham,
Sep 10 2021 6:10PM
As is our tradition, on 9/11, all of Riskonnect will observe two minutes of silence at 8:46AM ET. We unite in our remembrance and honor of those we lost, particularly our valued Marsh/Marsh ClearSight colleagues. We will additionally embrace that moment to include those that have stepped forward since in the overall pursuit of the safety and security of all.
Jim Wetekamp,
Sep 9 2021 10:29PM
I was pregnant with my first child and working in a small brokerage in Scarborough when I heard the devastating news of 9/11. My boss ushered us in a room and led us in prayer for the families who lost their loved ones. That day we were all affected there weren't any dried eyes in that room. It wasn't until I got home that I was able to grasp the magnitude of the loss on TV.
Vanessa Lakhan,
Sep 9 2021 9:29PM
Twenty years is a huge milestone and for some reason on this date, my heart feels even heavier. Twenty years makes me wonder even more about my friends and colleagues who were lost in that first tower and what they could have done with the rest of their lives. Never forget. RIP
Sharon Sikkema ,
Sep 9 2021 9:13PM
I will never forget the Morning on 9/11; I had just gotten to work and heard about what was going on in New York. I was heading to the room where everyone was watching this on the TV, and I heard someone said a plane just hit the World Trade Center, I remember being scared and sad. I thought of the people that were in the office. Thinking of all the people, we lost including my friends and coworkers. All I was thinking about that day was being with my children at home. God Bless all the families that lost Love Ones, Friends and our first responders, our nation’s military and the brave fighters and police officers. Mimi
Sep 9 2021 7:39PM
Lars Qualben was a friend and mentor and a wonderful human being. He was a leader in the community and a member of the Mero Chapter of the American Society of Safety Engineers where he served in various leadership position and past president of the chapter. He mentored many of us, and provided guidance for our own leadership roles as Safety Professionals. We are honored to have worked with Lars and want his family to know the he was loved and respected and we honor his memory in perpetuity. “God Bless You My Dear Friend, you will live forever in our hearts and in our minds where you made your biggest contributions and impressions.” In Appreciation, Dr. Carlos Rentas Jr., Dr.P.H., CSP
Dr. Carlos Rentas Jr., DPH CSP CHMM-Emeritus,
Sep 12 2021 4:11AM
I remember his words so clearly. “There’s been an awful accident in New York, a plane has collided with one of the World Trade Center towers”. As I talked with my colleague in the UK’s Norwich office that day in 2001, and the second tower was hit, it became clear this was no accident. We were instructed to go home, where I watched in disbelief and sadness as the tragic events unfolded. A previously planned visit to New York with my Mum that November went ahead and we wanted to pay our respects to those that lost their lives during those acts of atrocity two months earlier. For me, it was particularly important to pay tribute to the colleagues I sadly never knew but felt inextricably connected to. I will be forever touched by what we found amongst the broken buildings and broken hearts. The collective arms of love, unity, compassion, support, dignity and hope were wrapped around us all; it was a deeply moving and humbling experience. Today, 20 years on, a floral tribute lies at the memorial tree planted in our office gardens as thoughts turn, once again, to our lost colleagues and all the bright lights that were extinguished that day. We will never forget.
Shellie Littleboy,
Sep 12 2021 2:50AM
Remembering a rising star with a bright future in the industry that I was privileged to know and work with (as a Marsh client) namely Benjamin Walker. Sadly taken. Best wishes to Laura and family.
Adrian Tinkler,
Sep 11 2021 6:28PM
I wish to convey my sincere condolences to everyone who was affected by this horrible ordeal. We watched in horror 20 years ago as terrorists heartlesly took lives of the American people and we stand with you in remembering the terrible time you went through. God bless you (Modimo ale segofatse)
Thapelo Emily Mguni,
Sep 11 2021 4:13PM
I remember the day vividly. In the UK at school, hearing rumours going around about what had happened. Then getting home that afternoon and seeing the horror on the TV. My thoughts are with all the victims and their families, and for all those affected the world over by this and subsequent events. Proud to now be a part of Marsh and see how the company rallies together and continues to honour those lost.
Daniel Wakefield,
Sep 10 2021 10:38AM
You are forever remembered and respected. I remember see these terrible events unfolding live, and being totally shocked. My thoughts and prayers go out to anyone who lost a loved one or a colleague and friend that day. We will remember them.
Chris Lomas,
Sep 10 2021 9:53AM
Veinte años y lo recuerdo como si haya sido ayer. Diez de la mañana sonaba el timbre para el recreo y todas las pantallas de tv de mi colegio mostraban imágenes en vivo de lo que estaba ocurriendo. Por altoparlante transmitían y no podías creer lo que veías. El skyline de NYC no volverá a ser el mismo. La vida de muchas personas no volverá a ser la misma. La caída de las Torres Gemelas, un evento que conmocionó el mundo y 20 años después nos sigue doliendo... Por mis colegas en MMC, por los miles de personas que perdieron la vida... Siempre en nuestros corazones y pensamientos.
Sofía Rodríguez ,
Sep 12 2021 7:30AM
I was Working for Willis New Zealand at the time and remember seeing it on TV at home in the morning b4 going to work. So depressing and the mood was most sombre when I reached my office an hour later. I now work for Marsh Dubai where its obvious that colleagues and family are an important part of the company ethos and hence the loss of 300+ employees must have had a dramatic effect on colleagues. Blessings to all the families that lost loved ones in this tragic event
Blair Rayner,
Sep 11 2021 4:19PM
Like others, I have so many memories of the day - alerted to the first plane having hit the first tower a thousand miles away, the conference room television was set up to view the scene, when we saw the second plane hit. The panic followed. The frantic effort to track down friends who may have been there hoping to find them safe, hearing their stories of fear and shock. The horror of events continuing to flow, and wondering what would happen next. The slow realization that so many of our colleagues were officed there, or were in the Towers for meetings. The heartbreaking, short biographies of people just like us, doing their jobs as we did, their lives in mid-stream, rolling out as memorials, for us and for their families, in the following weeks, eventually numbing in their effect. Truly, never to be forgotten. We can't forget them.
Tim Wicker,
Sep 11 2021 4:03PM
I will never, ever forget this day. I remember looking at our small TV in copy room, all the Philly colleagues gathered in this room. Everyone was silent, crying, feeling helpless and in disbelief. I volunteer to place 2,997 flags at the Pennsauken NJ memorial. God bless everyone who lost a loved one on 9/11. You are in my prayers. Barb McDonald
Barb McDonald,
Sep 11 2021 3:06AM
20 years ago since I lost 358 of my MMC colleagues. Just normal people going about a normal day, they never got home to their families. Utterly heartbreaking. You are in our thoughts forever.
Simon Jellis,
Sep 10 2021 6:56PM
Condolences to the friends, familes and colleagues of all those who lost their lives 20 year ago.
Michael Kinney,
Sep 10 2021 9:41AM
In the tribute at the Oakbrook, Il remembrance, I came upon your name attached to a single flag among many. My thoughts were of sorrow and than of hope as I listened to 3 speeches and the patriotism spoken by a nephew, wife, and student.
Susan Murray,
Sep 13 2021 4:56PM
I will never forget that terrible morning 20 years ago when I lost 358 colleagues. I watched it unfold live in disbelief from the Marsh Canada boardroom at the 70 University Ave office. One Canadian colleague, our Chief Information Officer, was unfortunate to be visiting our WTC offices for an IT project. I attended his memorial service at St. Michael's cathedral in Toronto a few weeks later to remember him, other colleagues, and other victims of that terrorist event whose lives were lost on September 11, 2001. The memories of that terrible will be forever etched in my mind. May they all rest in peace.
John VanderVlist,
Sep 13 2021 1:32AM
Remembering those who were lost to soon and parying for their family and friends.
Thomas W,
Sep 12 2021 3:07PM
God Bless all whom were lost, their families, and may we always remember them in our hearts.
Monte Masten,
Sep 12 2021 1:31AM
I will always remember that horrible day in 2001. Watching from one of the Mercer offices in Toronto as our colleagues were dying in New York. My heart goes out to all of their families.
Wendy Taylor,
Sep 11 2021 9:45PM
I was on the Mercer IT team in San Francisco 20 years ago. My manager called me that morning and told me to not go to work, as the Embarcadero Center was another potential target. He had just talked with a friend of his working in one of the Towers that morning. She was lost that day, along with so many others, including the Marsh IT team who was there. I was shocked, numb, and horrified at the TV images that day and every year have remembered those we all lost. May they always Rest In Peace.
Kirk Long,
Sep 11 2021 4:56PM
Dear Janice, I did not find out until many years later that you had lost your life on 9/11. You were my friend the times we shared together in our hay day you saved my life . I have thought you everyday since I found out my heart breaks but I know that you are resting in peace and walking in his light. I remember how excited you were when you found out you were going to be a mom I was so sorry that we lost contact with each other but the times that we shared were priceless. I miss and love you my friend you are forever in my thoughts and prayers along with your framing. Rest my dear friend and sister rest❤️❤️❤️❤️❤️
Sherry Shine,
Sep 11 2021 4:52PM
Praying we as a nation never forget the losses that occurred on 9/11.
Kara Valle(MMA Midwest),
Sep 11 2021 3:53PM
My thoughts and prayers are with all who lost their lives that day. God bless you all. For us, you will live forever.
John Yarbrough,
Sep 11 2021 2:53PM
Thinking of all my former colleagues at MMC today, and especially those we lost in 9/11. You are always in my heart.
Susan Reid,
Sep 11 2021 1:38PM
My heart and prayers continue to be with all of the Marsh McLennan families, friends, and colleagues that lost loved ones. My dad was in the San Francisco office for years, on 9/11 he lost 358 members of his second family. I see the pain in his eyes each year and in the quiet manner that he spends the day. God bless you all.
Kristin Lucido,
Sep 11 2021 1:12PM
I will never forget this day, I was a team member in the Sacramento, CA Marsh office at the time. My alarm went off just as the first plane hit, turned the TV on and saw the 2nd plan hit. I will never forget the site of complete devastation, but more importantly - the colleagues that never made it home to their families that day/night. Gone, but never forgotten.
Melissa Garner,
Sep 11 2021 1:06AM
My husband, John Sumislaski, was headed to a meeting on the 99th floor of the north tower that morning. His train was running late, so as he walked up into the lobby, he saw everyone rushing out and decided to follow them. Sadly, all of the people in his meeting perished. John passed away two months ago, but I take comfort knowing he will be spending the 20th anniversary of 9/11 with his friends and colleagues who he greatly admired in a much better place. May we all learn to live in peace to honor their memory.
Priscilla Sumislaski,
Sep 11 2021 0:08AM
Bernard think of you often. You will never be forgotten
Joanne Brown,
Sep 11 2021 0:04AM
I remember the day exactly as I had just arrived to work at Methodist Hospital here in Houston Texas when my boss stormed in a panic and told me to turn the TV on as he felt we were going to war. As we watched in horror we heard on the intercom to go on lock down as we didn’t know the extent of how far this attack would span. We continued to watch as the second plane hit. My heart sank. We were all told to evacuate and head home. As we drove home I raced to pick up the kids from school, the freeways were flooded and everyone was in a hurry to get to their destination. Once I saw my kids’ faces with confusion about the entire day, I rushed to hug them and felt relief but could not help burst in tears for all those that were not so fortunate. To this day, the anniversary of 9/11 has brought tears to my eyes. New York has a special place in my heart. God bless those we have lost and those who are still wounded by this tragic event.
Diana Miller,
Sep 10 2021 5:30PM
That day I was working at MCI (Telephone Company). They had TV's near the ceilings so we could watch news, while waiting for calls. All of the sudden, I get a call, and the guy asks me, what I thought of what was happening in NY. I didn't know, so looked up, and saw what he meant. Around that same time, Supervisors started handing out notices that we were not allowed to talk about it. Fifteen minutes passed and the calls were coming in. They closed NY phone lines, and people were trying to connect to their loved ones. We were so overwhelmed, that shortly after they sent us home, where I watched the second plane hit.
Felicia Schierberg,
Sep 10 2021 4:42PM
To all my former friends and associates at a wonderful company, "Rest In Peace". Our thoughts and prayers are with you and your family.
Carl Moll,
Sep 10 2021 1:05PM
Thinking of my friends and colleagues who left us on that day 20 years ago. Our world lost so many beautiful points of light that day. For many, that day will never be forgotten not because they lost friends and family, but because they saw the horror on TV, and it impacted them deeply. For those friends who suffered loss, but survived that horrible day, I am praying for you along with the souls of our friends and loved ones. Never Forget!
Bob Henderson ,
Sep 10 2021 0:32PM
20 years later and I continue to think of 9/11 often. I had just started my career with Marsh and STARS and already felt a sense of family amongst my colleagues. May none of those lost be forgotten along with the first and second and many waves of responders following that tragic day. My deepest condolences to everyone who suffered a loss that day. Jen
Jennifer German,
Sep 10 2021 11:33AM
Tonight CNN’s, Anderson Cooper, honored a MMA colleague. Her name is Dorothy Morgan. Finally, 20 years after September 11, 2001, her remains were identified. Dorothy's daughter, Nykiah, was interviewed this evening by Anderson. It was a lovely, compassionate, and touching tribute. To her family, and all the many families affected by that day, God Bless.
Nancy Provost,
Sep 10 2021 1:39AM
I worked for Johnson & Higgins before MMC acquired us. My father built the trade center as an iron worker, local 361. My sister was a paralegal at Brown & Wood. I feel very connected to this tragedy. My heart and prayers go to all involved. I honor those lost and their families every year in my thoughts and prayers through out the month of September. Bless you all.
Frank DeViva,
Sep 9 2021 11:29PM
It was the beginning of my senior year of high school. Sitting in my second period English class, the teacher from the classroom next door barged in, in a panic, saying a plane flew into the World Trade Center. I wouldn't fully understand the magnitude until I saw it, live on TV, in my next class. School was closed shortly after, and while I felt the horror of it all, I still had the guilt filled luxury of being in Ohio, safe and far away from the chaos. Fast forward to 2013, I find myself at Marsh, and realizing the intense connection to 9/11 I have inherited. I didn't know anyone that was lost that day, but I do work with colleagues every day that have eerie stories about why they did not find themselves at work that day. The trauma and loss experienced since that day is unfathomable, but the resiliency of the Marsh team is admired. Thinking of all those lost, and the survivors, on each and every anniversary. ♥♥♥
Amanda S,
Sep 9 2021 4:02PM
Never Forgotten. May all those innocent people rest in peace.
Charlotte Hill,
Sep 9 2021 3:01PM
I remember this day like it was yesterday. I was in 4th grade taking a spelling test. My teacher stopped mid way, asking us to put our pencils down and to raise our hand if our parents worked in New York City. Mine slowly went up along with many of my other classmates. My father came in to school later that day to tell me my mother was safe and my uncle (who worked in the second tower) was also ok. Tragically, my town lost 11 people. My heart goes out to everyone who lost a loved one that day.
Grace ,
Sep 9 2021 2:14PM
While the sheer horror and pain around 9/11 can never be forgotten, the day also stands as a strong reminder of the indomitable human spirit. #neverforget.
Sep 9 2021 5:06PM
I kid myself saying it gets easier each passing year. It doesn’t. I think about many of you , not just on 9/11, but at different times during the year as I think about some of the conversations we had at lunch, client or market dinners, business trips, entertaining clients or just chatting in the hallways or coffee shop. You made a difference to me and I miss you all. Peace my friends.
Jim Niwinski,
Sep 9 2021 3:33PM
Very tragic and sad, to this day it still hurts. Yet, we came together as a country and in tragedy we turned to each other for support, comfort and prayer. The lines that divided us were removed. May we remember all that occurred on 9/11.
Mari Hernandez,
Sep 9 2021 3:30PM
SIP Dorothy Burke Morgan, my friend from high school...Hempstead High School Class of 1972. You shall never be forgotten. Prayers to your family...
Patricia Washington King,
Sep 9 2021 2:58PM
I'll never forget that morning. That time I was a trainee in a large American Chemical company, in Brazil, and they said: go to the conference room and see what is happening...I was horrified, shocked, petrified. After that, always 9/11, I send positive thoughts from Brazil to the victims who I believe are in better dimensions than ours.
Kleber, Brazil,
Sep 9 2021 2:03PM
9/11 the most horrific day which can never be forgotten. My prayers and thoughts are always with you.
Sep 9 2021 5:06AM
It was late at night as I fed my newborn baby watching the events unfold from the other side of the world. The fear and tragedy was overwhelming and I wondered what world my daughter would inherit. The strength of humanity and rememberance is powerful. We are and will remain connected. Sending love to all. Gaye Morris Melbourne, Australia
Gaye Morris,
Sep 9 2021 4:58AM
In remembrance of my former boss, Jon Albert—Marsh was my first IT job after college graduation (1987). We were located in Midtown at that time, but I remember Jon as a kind man, with a great smile. He was a great boss for anyone getting started in the workforce, because he had an easy-going managerial style. It was my pleasure to know him and work for him. Blessings to the Albert family…
Adrienne Jennings Holman,
Sep 9 2021 3:30AM
A day and a terrible event that we will never forgot. The Queen's message, read by the British ambassador to Washington, Sir Christopher Meyer, at the prayer service in St Thomas Church, New York in September 2001 defined how many of us in Great Britain were feeling at the time:- You come together today in St Thomas church in New York united in sorrow by the terrible events of last week. Each and every one of us has been shocked and numbed by what we have witnessed in these recent days. But none of us should doubt the resilience and determination of this great and much loved city and its people. Men and women from many nations, from many faiths and from many backgrounds were working together in New York City when this unimaginable outrage overtook them all. At your service today, we think especially of the British victims. For some of them, New York was simply a stopover on some busy travel schedule. For others it was a workplace of excitement and of opportunity. For many it was a familiar second home. These are dark and harrowing times for families and friends of those who are missing or who suffered in the attack - many of you here today. My thoughts and my prayers are with you all now and in the difficult days ahead. But nothing that can be said can begin to take away the anguish and the pain of these moments. Grief is the price we pay for love.
Sep 9 2021 0:06AM
Dear US brothers and sisters. I live in Australia. When I saw the news live of the event, my mind could not comprehend what I was seeing. It took me a couple of days to realise the horror was real. As far as I was from New York, I still felt the sadness and shock. May we never see such travesty again. Love and kindness to all who lost loved ones.
Ellie Diaz,
Sep 8 2021 9:55PM
I want to send my thoughts and prays to all who lost there lives on that tragic day including their family, friends & colleagues. Be kind to yourselves and stay safe, you are always in our thoughts.
Paula, NZ,
Sep 8 2021 7:55PM
Of all the memories I can recall from my elementary school years, this one stands out the most. I still see the tears flowing from my teacher's eyes as we watched the live updates of the chaos. Twenty years later, the sadness is still with me. We are blessed to live an resilient country filled with people of hope. We will continue to move forward, carrying all those we lost close to our hearts. Always remembered, still going strong.
Vanessa Uzoh,
Sep 8 2021 5:15PM
20 years on and my heart still breaks for the victims and their families, and I still weep for the world as it was forever changed that day. R.I.P
Sharon Joseph,
Sep 9 2021 6:54AM
I remember this day as if it happened yesterday. I was in the Marsh office in Antwerp and with all my collegues I witnessed this horrible event. A few years before, I visited New York several times and made friendship with an American collegue. Long afterwards I went back to New York to see my friend again. Proudly she showed me the Memorial at the Marsh Plaza. A moving moment. I will never forget. Peter Slootmans Claims handler - Marsh Belgium
Sep 9 2021 8:18AM
September 11th 2001 I'm not sure there is anybody who does not remember exactly where they were on this day. I was in a tower block in central London where with in 10 minutes of turning on the TV we were evacuated as a precaution. It was a sheer panic just to get home and out of the city. Weeks later we were taken to the roof to be shown what to do if we needed to be rescued air it was utterly terrifying having to go through the training not knowing if you would ever had to put it into practice. Nobody will ever forget that day and my heart goes out to all of our colleagues families and friends who were lost, but no forgotten. If you do get the chance visit the 9/11 museum and memorial its an utterly humbling experience. As you stand around the fountain you will notice how silent it is.
Natalie Cartmer,
Sep 9 2021 0:33PM
On this day my thoughts are with Craig Gibson, a friend and colleague - R.I.P. Craig
Brigid Wallen,
Sep 9 2021 8:15AM
I remember exactly where I was on that day, working for AXA Insurance in Reading in the UK. My friend came back from a broker visit at about 1.00pm GMT and just said 'turn the TV on'.......I will never forget what I witnessed that day. Thoughts are with all those affected, not only this year but always.
Adrian, UK,
Sep 8 2021 2:42PM
Never Forget. We are Connected.
Lisa Dawson-Knight,
Sep 8 2021 3:12PM
We will never forget. Our thoughts will be with those affected by these tragic events forever. xxx
Hanif Rahaman,
Sep 8 2021 1:51PM
I was working in America in 2001. As part of my university course I had the chance to come work in Rhode Island, my nanna had passed away on the 31st Aug and I found it hard to get a flight home to Scotland. I finally found one September 11th from Boston. A couple of days after I had booked i got a call from the airline to say they could get me on a flight on the 10th instead, so I said yes. The flight home on the 10th September was hard, I had made some of the most amazing friends and I really didn't want to leave them..... I landed back in Scotland and remember walking past a tv, I glanced and saw the first plane crashing..... my heart sank I watched in total shock..... I thanked my lucky stars I got that earlier flight. I was at the top of the twins towers on September 9th 2001 by Last trip to New York before coming home.... I'll never forget the man in the elevator, the New Yorkers who were so friendly and the people I met x
Sep 8 2021 1:43PM
I was on a plane from London to Glasgow that morning, and returned on 12th September to a very different world. Such a terrible event but we respond with kindness, hope and determination and will always remember those that did not come home
Laurence Flynn,
Sep 8 2021 1:41PM
For friends, neighbors, MMC and Marsh colleagues, my city and my country, so much was lost that day. Innocence and confidence never to be restored. We pulled together with compassion and determination which served us well. I will never forget. I am always reminded, always moved to tears.
Elizabeth Kellner,
Sep 8 2021 0:58PM
As Office Head in Washington, DC at the time, I vividly remember the picturesque sunrise of 9/11, finishing my routine morning run on the steps of the Lincoln Memorial thinking to myself "what a fabulous city and country I live in and what a wonderful life I have." Later that morning, my assistant passed me a note during a meeting saying "FYI, plane crashed into World Trade Center." I came out to the lobby saw the image now burned into memory and ran to my office to call my colleague who insisted that he attend a conference at the Trade Center in my place that day. He answered his cell on the ninth ring saying he had just gotten off the Path train. Then the rest of the day unfolded as Washington also came under attack and colleagues feared for their safety and those of their friends and families in NY and elsewhere. I knew so many of our lost colleagues personally and wonder to this day how things may have been different for them if only the smallest things had gone differently for them, just as they did for me. I'm torn with my own emotions of how that day represented the worst possible time for colleagues and yet one of the finest moments of leadership and selfless response of MarshMcLennan in the "moment that truly mattered most." Life is truly fragile and I've been given a gift of 20 more years than I might have had but for a seemingly insignificant decision. Since that day, and for every day to my last, I celebrate my life and live every day to the fullest. May you all do the same and may we always remember those less fortunate.
Dick Duncan,
Sep 8 2021 0:52PM
I was in my 2nd year at Mercer and on the west coast, and was awakened by a call from my brother who just said turn on your tv. I will never forget the horror of the jumpers, "the jumpers". It's hard to even write that, but our colleagues who died lived that. Having witnessed it live broadcast, you cannot unsee that. Peace. God bless us all.
wes edwards,
Sep 8 2021 1:11PM
As we approach the 20th anniversary of that horrendous day, and I think back to my personal experiences of 9/11 and find myself going through the losses and fear all over again, in my thoughts. The friends and colleagues who perished continue to be mourned and missed as much or more than they were in 2001. I wear the label "9/11 Survivor" with some reluctance, these days, until I think of them. Than I remember that even though I've lived through health issues, and all the other problems one goes through after such an experience, I've done it with the pride and determination my 295 coworkers were denied. I honor them. They are truly my heroes and forever in my heart.
Lorraine Pepe,
Sep 5 2021 4:34AM
We will never forget the many lives lost and to the many survivors who have endured the mental and physical pain. My heart and prayers are with you always.
Anna Hahn,
Sep 7 2021 1:53PM
I remember how clear and crisp the day was. Since then every time we have a cool fall or spring day with a beautiful clear sky I cannot help but think of that day. Once the planes hit our building most of our colleagues were glued to the south facing windows- trying to understand what they were seeing, when the second plane came in we understood. I think everyone who was part of the Marsh family at that time has the day etched in our minds. We cannot forget our colleagues; our memories of their faces, smiles and laughter are forever part of our journey. We miss them all. God bless them.
Robert Howe,
Sep 2 2021 8:40PM
Around the country, we pause to remember our Marsh McLennan colleagues who lost their lives on the anniversary of the 9/11 attacks, vowing to “never forget.” To reflect is difficult for me, because I was there witnessing every moment of the attacks from a safe distance. But, we will endure and we will overcome. May their souls continue to rest in eternal peace.
Winston Antrobus,
Sep 2 2021 8:40PM
As a 9/11 survivor, I will never forget that horrific morning 20 years ago when 295 Marsh McLennan colleagues innocently went to work and lost their lives in the terrible attacks on the World Trade Center. These remarkable men and women were my coworkers and friends, parents of loved ones; and, above all, Marsh McLennan family. I will miss their kind presence, reassuring voices, friendship, passion and support. As we reflect on the 20th anniversary of September 11th, I will continue to pray for them, and they will never be forgotten.
Gerard M. Wertz Director,
Sep 2 2021 8:39PM
Through sheer terror and ambiguous loss, shattered lives and dreams, paralyzing fear and the darkest depths of grieving, shines the light of love, healing and community. Somehow we move forward, together, rudderless at first, and never the same. Yet with time our raw pain fades into memories that give us warmth, courage and inspire us. You guide us with the gentlest of hands, the most beautiful of memories and you give us hope. You are our light. 20 years later - we will never forget.
Pete Walther,
Sep 2 2021 7:11PM