Richard Anthony Aceto
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I miss him so much he was my beloved husband and you are in a better place now!!!!! :))))))) <3
Lucy, Family
Sep 11 2024 0:39PM
He was one of the little kids on Butler Street and his mother's favorite child. He wasn't big enough to play with the big boys, so he refereed our street games. He was a mainstay at all the Butler Street Blues street hockey games. Our routine was when I sat at the second-floor window of my parents' home and he would pass by. He would tease me until I jumped out the window and chased him. Somehow he would make it to his house and manage to lock the door behind him. He always had that engaging smile and that sense of humor. I cannot ever remember him having a bad day. Of course, there was 9/11. Even then, I'm sure he never saw it coming and left us with that same smile. The man in the picture left a daughter behind. His hair had grayed, but those were the same eyes. And that smile. I never met that Richie, but the one I knew stays in my heart forever. Let us raise a glass to Richie Aceto, never to be forgotten.
John Reinhard Dizon, Friend
Sep 11 2024 0:03PM
9/11 has moved me to my core, although I am from this increasingly more numerous generation that wasn't there to witness it, or too young to remember witnessing it. Putting a face and a name on these tragic pictures that have haunted the world we grew up in and shaped it into what it is, helps vainquish fear and despair. There is hope, because humanity has a face - the face of the innocents who died. We will remember you, as well as all the others, and we won't let the hope for peace disapear from our collective fantasies. A. Bara From France
Alfred Bara, Friend
Apr 5 2023 11:53AM
I never met Richard; I am just one citizen paying respects to one of the fallen. Rest in peace, Sir.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 18 2022 2:24AM
Mr. Aceto, though I never knew you, I am honored and privileged to have your daughter Christina as a part of my life. She is a rare ray of sunlight in my day as I am currently going through difficult times. You would be proud to know that she has developed into a strong, confident woman, who is as full of life as anyone I have ever met. She brings joy to everyone she meets. Yet at the same time, she loves you so much and she misses you dearly. I can sense that she has a hole in her heart that can never be filled, and so, each year we hug each other and cry together on a date that we share in common, my birthday, and the day that she lost you.
Michael Osterhart , Friend
Sep 9 2022 11:56PM
He was one of the little kids on Butler Street and his mother's favorite child. He wasn't big enough to play with the big boys, so he refereed our street games. He was a mainstay at all the Butler Street Blues street hockey games. Our routine was when I sat at the second-floor window of my parents' home and he would pass by. He would tease me until I jumped out the window and chased him. Somehow he would make it to his house and manage to lock the door behind him. He always had that engaging smile and that sense of humor. I cannot ever remember him having a bad day. Of course, there was 9/11. Even then, I'm sure he never saw it coming and left us with that same smile. The man in the picture left a daughter behind. His hair had grayed, but those were the same eyes. And that smile. I never met that Richie, but the one I knew stays in my heart forever. Let us raise a glass to Richie Aceto, never to be forgotten.
John Reinhard Dizon, Friend
Sep 11 2021 8:05PM
To the Aceto family, I am deeply saddened for your loss , although I did not know Mr. Aceto I too am an Aceto live in Montreal . May we are related I would love to know where he was from. I wish you all peace and may just spirt always be close you and protect you always. Connie Aceto
Connie Aceto, Friend
Sep 11 2021 1:00PM
we will always remember you Richard
haiden, Colleague
Sep 7 2021 3:49PM
Christina was my student at the time of 9/11 at Guardian Angel School in NYC. I was a counselor and honored and horrified to hear what she shared she learned the following morning that she knew her dad had passed. Her strength and ability to come to grips with what she understood was far beyond even my comprehension. She was a window into the saddness we'd face in the years following and the strength and love many have gained through this heart wrenching healing processes... "Christina .. You left me speechless because I couldn't take away the pain...but I know that you are doing wonderful things with your life that your father would be proud of." It was an honor to be the person you turned to ... I wish I did more .. I now live in Wantagh where I believe you might have then which is a crazy connection and my husband worked for Marsh with your dad at the time but at a different location ( I found out later) .. thinking of you on this July 4, day of freedom and letting you know that I will never forget you or your dad. Love Always. Ms. Rosen now Mrs. Abramsky
Marcy Abramsky ( née Miss. Rosen) , Friend
Jul 4 2017 11:18PM
Hi, Daddy. I love you so much - So many wonderful things are happening in my life, and I wish you were here to share them with me. I know you're always with me in spirit, but I wish I could just give you a hug and tell you how much I love you, miss you - and how much I think about you. You are my guardian angel, and I will always do everything I can to make you proud of me. You truly are the best daddy, and I'll ALWAYS be your baby girl. I love you.
Christina Aceto, Family
Apr 1 2016 11:15PM
My name is Paul Johnson and am currently serving in the U.S. Navy stationed in Europe. Today we ran our 9/11 memorial 5K run and each had a person we ran for. I ran for Mr. Aceto and although we never met, we will never forget what happened that day 10 years ago.
Paul T. Johnson, Friend
Sep 9 2011 2:01AM
More than 9 years have passed, and it's still hard to believe. I remember hanging with Vinny and Jeanne and you on Butler St., your Uncle George and your mom and dad. The Winter piano, and your brother playing She's a Grand Ole Flag. I've been gone from Brooklyn for over 20 years, but I still remember the fun on Butler St. I wish peace to you and my prayers to your family.
Edward Colandra, Friend
Dec 4 2010 1:27AM
Remembering <3
Kate, Friend
Sep 11 2010 11:18AM
It will be eight years now since that terrible day, Rich. Still think of you always - I remember playing ball with you on Butler Street as kids, the great smell of your Mom's cooking and the fun we had with our third amigo, Anthony Notoro. I'll never forget you. My old buddy has become a National Hero and a special angel. I know I will see you again one day...
Daniel O'Connor, Friend
Sep 9 2009 6:59PM
I hope were related because there's another Aceto in the world. i hate when people died in 9/11. it's very sad. i hope every Aceto loves each Aceto. Just to let you know, i love each Aceto. The world Aceto means a lot to me. i love how it means VINGER!!! So i hope each Aceto is doing good. I love all Aceto's! Danielle Nicole Aceto.
Danielle Aceto, Friend
Sep 9 2008 6:33PM
He was my neighbor and the father of one of my best friends. He was always smiling and happy. We will always remember him.
Robert Milano, Friend
Aug 26 2008 9:46PM
I am an Aceto myself. I never knew this man and i wonder if we are related. I have lots of relitives in Italy and my fathers name is Richerd Anthony Aceto. Are we related??
Elizabeth Aceto, Colleague
Feb 8 2006 10:02AM
I was browsing the internet and considering the similar names, this website came up. I have no acquaintences to your family yet I'm deeply deeply sorry. I hope all is well and my thoughts and prayers are with you. God bless.
Christina Aceto, Friend
May 18 2005 10:09AM
I'm writing from Italy. i live in Trapani, Sicily, but my father born in Solopaca near Benevento, Campania. I am 34 years old ('69). I don't know if we are related, but i am very sorry for you. My first son is only fifty days old, and I wish to you, family Aceto, and to him to live in a world where will not exist fear or pain. G.C. ACETO
Gian Camillo Aceto, Friend
Mar 23 2004 3:53PM
I didn't know Mr. Aceto's family, or Mr. Aceto himself. Was browsing the M&M; website and saw the tributes. May God bless the Aceto family. My heart goes out to you. Scott Reed
Scott Reed, Friend
Dec 9 2003 4:19PM
Richard Aceto was the best daddy in the world! I love him very much and I will love him forever. I miss him very, very, very, very (to infinity) much! I will never forget him. He will always be #1 in my heart! I LOVE YOU DADDY! :-(
Christina Aceto(daughter), Family
Sep 13 2003 10:06AM
My name is Anthony Aceto, my father is Anthony Aceto, and my uncle and cousin are named Richard Aceto. If we are not related by blood, we are related through our humanity and mortality. To see his picture and to think of the tragedy for Richard and his family is overwhelming to me and my family. Our thoughts and prayers are with the Aceto family forever. May Richard rest in eternal peace in a better place than any of can ever know or comprehend. From a friend and member of the Aceto 'family'
Anthony Aceto, Friend
Feb 28 2003 10:14PM
I'm not a colleague, but as a MMC employee I would like to express my condolences. My thoughts are with you and your family.
Paula Azevedo, Colleague
Jul 16 2002 12:50PM
Rich was a vey close friend and colleague. We worked together for eight years in International Tax, sharing the same office. He was always in by 8:15, with his muffin and cup of coffee. We shared many breakfasts and lunches together, and sometimes dinner when we worked late. We always talked about our families, weekends and vacations. We shared many stories. Rich adored his daughter, Christina and his wife Christy. They were his world! He always looked forward to being with them or going on one of their exciting vacations. In the eight years together we grew to be good friends. We knew eachothers likes and dislikes. Even when we had our kids, we shared that experience. I had my son in January and he and his wife had their daughter in November. Christina was his pride and joy. I remember when he called in to let us know he had a baby girl. I remember his first day back. He was truly a happy and proud dad. He loved being a dad. After eight years, we went to different jobs. Wherever we were, we always kept in touch. We wouldn't hear from each other for a couple of months, because we'd be busy with our tax seasons, but once it was over, we'd call to catch up on eachothers families. Wherever we were, we'd try to meet for lunch. It was always difficult to meet for lunch, when I was downtown he was working midtown, when I was working midtown, he was downtown. Even though planning lunch was difficult since he was downtown, he still came uptown to visit and to have lunch with me. I wanted to show him my new place. He was really happy for me. We had a fun lunch. He talked about his vacation to Alaska and how much fun he had with his family. That was the last time I saw Rich. I am so glad that we had lunch that day. I will always remember that day! I will miss his phone calls! I will miss Rich very much! I wish his family peace and love. N.W.
Nancy Willis, Friend
May 7 2002 8:47AM