Edna Cintron
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I saw the photo of her on 9 11, where she was waving from the tower, at the museum. She was a casualty of inhumanity and hate. She meant something good to the people she knew. We Will Remember.
Alex, Friend
Feb 28 2025 9:35AM
God bless your soul! May perpetual Light shine upon you!
Heather Key, Friend
Jan 23 2025 11:48PM
I remember her from the lower East Side. Rip
Edwin Ramos, Friend
Sep 23 2024 7:54PM
I learned about Edna's story as many people continue to. Like her I was an immigrant to the U.S. who was raised in a working class family. I was inspired by her strong character, love for life, her husband and family. May Edna be in eternal peace. Her legacy is touching countless lives. May all victims of 9/11 rest in eternal peace. We Will Remember
David , Friend
Sep 13 2024 11:54AM
I never knew Edna. However, her story has stuck with me for many years. Hearing about Edna's courage, strength, and resilience in the midst of tragedy is an empowering reminder of human life. I hope you are finding peace now. Rest in power.
Ariana, Friend
Sep 11 2024 9:25AM
God bless you Edna! You’re in heaven now
Sven, Friend
Sep 9 2024 5:07PM
God bless you Edna, you're memory lives on in the hearts and minds of everyone who knew and loved you. rest well my friend.
graham quick, Friend
Sep 9 2024 3:40PM
I’m truly sorry for what happened on 9/11. Hope You are in heaven now
Twinkle Parmar, Friend
Aug 21 2024 0:29PM
Just had the chance to read about you today beautiful soul in and out. Life was in unfair to you, but the people you left behind never stopped talking of your good deeds and beautiful heart. Rest on Edna🌷
Adenike , Family
Jul 30 2024 11:35AM
I know Mrs. Edna is resting in peace. She is in heaven with our Lord Jesus ❣️ Christ 🙏 My sincere condolences to her husband and family.
Patricia Parton , Friend
Jul 15 2024 0:11AM
You fly on beautiful angel.
Lewis E., Colleague
May 28 2024 7:32AM
Edna was a vibrant Colleague of mine who worked as part of my Computer Technology group and who greeted us every morning at Marsh MMC which was located in the Diamond District at our 1166 46th Street location daily . She encouraged all of our Staff to dress the part of of a Professional in which I was accustom too after graduating from a Business School earlier that year . I believe I invited her to my Wedding as I did most fellow Staffers . I was sad to know that Edna got relocated to 1 North Tower to our 93rd Floor however, I'd see her a few times a month when I'd need to visit that location and or Support my dearest of friends Douglass Farnum who was an Employee ( I was a Consultant for Vanstar and worked for Marsh MMC ). matter of fact I was part of Jim's Team that were moved to Marsh initially from Equitable /EQ Financial . I often wonder if Edna was as well. Edna, I recently learned about your miraculous survival and rescue attempts. I just wanted to recognize the fond memories I have of you .
Ira gold , Colleague
Apr 25 2024 1:21PM
Conheci recentemente a história de Edna e deixo aqui meu abraço para a família e peço a Deus que continue confortando a todos que a amavam.
Misael Oliveira, Friend
Apr 16 2024 3:37PM
Leaving here that I just knew about her.....I hope she and whoever innocent lives have died from terrorism may attain peace and happiness in heaven
Keerthi Praneeth Sarath Chandra , Friend
Mar 19 2024 2:08PM
Hello Edna, I’m truly sorry for what happened on 9/11. Just hope you’re in heaven now.
Romelia Olmos, Friend
Feb 19 2024 7:40PM
Did not know her but her strength and courage empowers me. What an amazing woman. I am from Calgary Alberta Canada 🇨🇦. Rip sweet lady. A true hero in my opinion 👏 ❤️.
Christina Gardiner , Colleague
Feb 8 2024 1:34PM
Long live Edna. You didn't deserve this tragic fate at all. It's been 22 long & painful years without you. You'll never be forgotten & your smile will be forever embedded in our hearts.
Nia, Friend
Nov 29 2023 11:56AM
Umakant, Colleague
Nov 14 2023 5:31AM
I just learned about the story, and the sacrifices Edna made along the way and how she ended up working at the World Trade Center. Just living her life like many of us do. Rest in Peace dear Edna, may your soul be with the heavens and Angels up above. 🕊🕊 And I pray your family gets justice soon. 🙏
Nancy S, Friend
Oct 28 2023 6:06PM
Edna is one of the abiding images of that terrible day, her and the falling man. I was in the WTC in 1978, I remember the view, I often think of Edna standing waving, I think of them both, we are all Edna, we are all falling man, life is so precious, God rest their souls, them and the others 😞
William , Friend
Oct 5 2023 1:35AM
She totally left a mark. I only hope she is in heaven, and I truly felt sadness for her and everyone who died that day. She was so brave, so inspirational, she stand for rescuing for life, she became a symbol of standing in Tragedy. Rest in Peace dear Edna Cintrón and Co.
Louis González , Friend
Sep 26 2023 6:48PM
Dear Edna, While you may not be here in this world anymore, you truly live on in my, and so many others' memories. You were so brave, and your bravery and persistence will genuinely stay with me, and has already inspired me. RIP, Edna. From Josh
Joshua Leslie, Friend
Sep 22 2023 6:44AM
Totally shocked and heartbroken. Such a waste of so many precious lives on that day, which was my birthday. Always remember all the lives lost. God bless you Edna.
Cameron, Friend
Sep 20 2023 2:34PM
You will be missed and living in people's hearts forever.
Jimmy, Friend
Sep 20 2023 9:29AM
Dear Edna, I feel so awful for you and all your fellow colleagues who lost their lives so tragically. Descant en paz.
Anne-Marie Dooley , Friend
Sep 18 2023 7:01PM
My heart aches for you. All the tributes below are so touching and beautiful. Together we will all keep your memory alive ❤️
Catharine, Friend
Sep 13 2023 11:22PM
You left your mark on all of us. May u rest in eternal peace from now and till forever❤️❤️❤️ Rest in God’s arms!!❤️❤️❤️
Sep 12 2023 11:26AM
RIP Edna
Nia Orea, Friend
Sep 12 2023 6:00PM
Edna...Just knowing your name today and reading all the lovely words about you...I couldn't help but leave my own. Though I didn't know you, I believe we are all One so in that - we are Friends. Thank you for watching over so many, and for being such a beautiful Soul. Till we meet on the other side <3
JaMel , Friend
Sep 12 2023 9:40AM
She was such a sweet loving women I worked with her in the early 90’s she was the best my heart aches my fondest memory was when it was our birthday she would have her husband make us a bouquet. RIP Edna
Karin Smith , Colleague
Sep 11 2023 10:27PM
On that sunny September morning God called your name Edna to take you home for a higher purpose. Your parting gift to the world was to teach us humanity and compassion. Your heart touched our hearts. Never to be forgotten.
Pat, Friend
Sep 11 2023 2:18AM
Edna I didn't know your story until today. I just wanted to let you know that, you were not alone on that terrible day, and you will no doubt continue to touch people you never knew for many years to come. I will be thinking about you on every anniversary. Rest in peace lovely lady.
Roger, , Friend
Sep 9 2023 0:34PM
Many of us have seen you waving and we all wish we could've saved you and all the others that horrible day. We see you brave lady. May the angels surround you with love and peace💛
Lisa Raynes, Friend
Sep 11 2023 9:26AM
I never heard of you until today. If I ever get to visit the waterfalls again I'll find you. Rest in peace dear lady ❤️
T.Gurnett, Friend
Aug 28 2023 11:09PM
Dearest Edna, I didn't know you and only found out about you today, and seeing your last moments makes me so sad, I'm so sorry, may you rest in eternal peace, God bless you
Daniel, Friend
Aug 3 2023 2:25PM
Edna, I have only just learned of your story, I’m not sure how I ever missed it but I feel I needed to come here and connect with you somehow. Seeing your last moments has taken my breath away this evening and you’ve inspired me to never become complacent with my life ever again, your story, and all 2976 other souls who were taken that day, will not be in vain.
Poppy, Friend
Apr 23 2023 3:18PM
I didn’t know Edna. But reading through all of these messages that her friends, family and colleagues have left leads me to believe that she was a beautiful soul with an amazing heart. I hope that people will visit this site in years to come and notice the amount of precious souls which were lost during the 11th of September, 2001, and how we need to cherish every moment with our loved ones. They can be taken away in the click of a finger. Spread love. Rest In Peace, Edna. Mills.
Mills , Friend
Apr 3 2023 11:27AM
Edna, you would be 69 this year. Albeit we are strangers and you rested long before I was born, I am truly sorry for your helplessness during your last moments, along with other victims of the tragic event. I genuinely would have liked to meet you if you were here today...I imagine you to have been a bright, compassionate and lively woman. ~Maud, from Australia.
Maud, Friend
Mar 17 2023 8:24AM
I never knew Edna. However, her husband described her in such a beautiful way just a few days after.
Jason Grant, Friend
Mar 1 2023 9:59PM
I didn’t know Edna, but I wanted to say that I hope wherever you are, you’re looking down on your family and knowing that many people are thinking of you.
Phillip (Baltimore), Friend
May 9 2022 6:06PM
Bonjour ma fille de 17 ans souhaiterait en octobre prochain rendre homm a toutes les personnes décédées mais en particulier a edna cintron qui l'a particulièrement touchée.
Iratni , Friend
Jun 9 2022 2:30PM
Edna, I'm thinking of you these days. Thank you for inspiring me every day, to be a better person. We never met, but I know I have a friend for my whole life, because I will never forget you. I admire you and you will always be in my heart.
Jeremias , Friend
Oct 1 2021 8:53PM
In Loving Memory ~Edna Cintron~ May Your Brave Soul Rest in Eternal Peace.
Stella - The Netherlands, Friend
Sep 27 2021 2:01PM
I never knew Edna, Her story is powerful. Her endurance and patience is one that will motivate many to hang on to the belief that all is okay when everything around you has crumbled and there is no way out. Watching Edna observe a helicopter fly by over and over again offering no assistance for her rescue damages my psychological health but it does remind me that even when those closest to us see us in distress and offer no help, the only one who will offer any help is you. No one else ever will. We love you very much Edna, we hope you are at peace. We would understand if you were not.
Joshua Machado, Colleague
Oct 10 2021 7:40AM
Sending your loved ones and colleagues my condolences.
Joel C, Colleague
Sep 23 2021 10:17AM
The courage to stand there looking out on the open waving trying to get help will never be forgotten. You are my hero!
Bryant, Friend
Sep 11 2021 7:30PM
I remember Edna from my time at Betty Ford. She helped get me through some hard times, a great gal. I only just found out she was mixed up in all this. Crazy. RIP Eddie xx
Broady, Friend
Sep 1 2021 11:39PM
Aug 20 2021 1:48PM
Relationship ‘other’ actually. I see you there in mind, off and on, standing in the opening and looking out over NYC. You were brave and curious, obviously loving life to the very last microsecond. I will see you always.
Rochelle Snyder , Friend
Jun 17 2021 9:25PM
It is now April 2021, I will call myself a friend, as a fellow New Yorker and as an admirer of your great courage, along with the courage of all the first responders either in uniform or civilian; although I did not know you personally, know this brave lady - you will NEVER BE FORGOTTEN! God Bless You!
Michael Schneider, Friend
Apr 9 2021 1:53AM
Edna cintron was a kind person and beautiful,in 1955 edna and her mother came to new York by time she 2 years old I know edna cintron since we have been in high School and edna's husband owned a flower shop and edna Worked marsh mclennan since 2000 rest in peace edna.
Katie, Friend
Dec 27 2020 9:47PM
I know of Edna as a docent at the 9/11 Museum. As part of our shift at the Museum, we spend an hour speaking at various artifacts. One of our artifacts is a section of twisted column, known as impact steel, which was part of the North Tower's impact zone. I spoke in front of that section of column for a few years before I realized that Edna was present in a photograph alongside. I now make Edna a part of my talk and point her out in the photograph. Telling her story is important to me. It honors her memory and the sacrifice she made. God bless you Edna. I know you have found peace.
Lucille Stanziale, Friend
Feb 12 2020 3:40AM
Got here by accident and after reading all the beautiful stories about you, I couldn't help but leave a little prayer for you and all your colleagues that were brutally taken. May God grant your soul eternal rest and comfort your family. I pray that one day, humans would love more than they hate, save more than they destroy and live in peace together as one.
Benjamin Chiedu, Friend
Sep 26 2019 11:13AM
I will never forget when I first saw Edna. An amazing woman, who should never be forgotten or ignored. I remember her often. Peace to all good people. X
Rodent, Friend
Jun 27 2017 11:21PM
I finally know who is the waving woman, Edna on behalf of every single person that died because of the terrible day of september 11, I would like to send out my condolences to all, Edna I think you are an inspiration to all in terms of bravery and going strong. God bless you all.
Mark, Friend
Jul 26 2013 8:10PM
I did not know you, but I will never forget you. You were a beautiful woman, and you are now even more beautiful in the presence of the Lord. You have left these earthly bonds for something better, something brighter. While we feel the sadness of our loss, and those whom we lost with you, we rejoice that you are in a better place. We will meet again. This is our hope - our dream. Rest peacefully, Edna, you are not forgotten.
John, Friend
Sep 29 2012 12:47AM
i was there
chirstopher garcia, Friend
Feb 19 2011 7:52PM
As I seat here remembering this terrible day when so many love ones were lost, I can’t stop thinking of you and how much fun we used to have when we worked together Marsh. I want you to know that I still have the plant you gave me and that is growing as beautiful as you. The kids and I call it the “Edna Plant”. I hope you could see us from above so you could see how much we hurt by not having you here among us. Forever in my heart you will be. =-) Lily
Liliana Mendieta, Friend
Sep 11 2009 9:21AM
On this day of Sept 11, 2008 I remember you. My son who is two now will know of his aunt Edna. After the stories and laughs I will teach him that everyday is a beautiful day and to live as though it will be our last. Forgive when angry, laugh when sad and when ever you can have a great big belly laugh! To do his best at everything he does and to love and respect all. Everyone has something to teach us. Take the time to listen and we will learn the beauty of people…… I won’t make the mistake again of losing someone before I can tell them how much they meant to me. We miss you and will forever hold your spirit in our hearts! Love you, Your niece, Angie and Tyler I miss you
Angie Acevedo, Family
Sep 15 2008 2:10PM
Looking for Edna's friends and family. Looking for family pictures and pictures from Sweet Williams Flower Shop contact webfairy@webfairy.org please.
Rosalee Grable, Friend
Jan 10 2008 10:42AM
I know the people here have good intentions, but do the family a favor and dont mention her pictures we are here to show our respect and love. Thank you god bless us all
Anonymous, Family
Dec 6 2007 5:23PM
Im constantly thinking about you it hurts to accept that your gone but I know your doing better than anyone else here because your with God in paradise god bless RIP Mi Tia
rebecca carmona, Family
Dec 6 2007 5:20PM
We still remember you Edna.. May the world never forget the cruelty that harmed you and others, and i hope some day the truth will be widely spread. As Robert Johnson said.. You are the proof. You will never be forgotten. Bless you, Edna..
Alexander Haaheim, Friend
Sep 19 2007 9:24PM
Edna left a beautiful memory for all of us that knew her to enjoy. While she is truly missed, may her memory NEVER die.
Tim Sanford, Colleague
May 15 2007 2:48PM
Please may your example not be in vain. May my daughter never have the same end. Please, everybody live with dignity and real care for all so that not one person on this small earth will desire themselves to cause harm to another. You have my vote for person of the world from the beginning of time until the end of everything.
Lawrence Grant, Colleague
Apr 24 2007 10:04AM
The image of Edna standing in the opening left by the plane hitting the tower proves that there were no fires there hot enough to melt giant steel beams. I feel it was God's will to have Edna stand there as proof that she and the others in those towers were murdered by Neo Cons inside our own government. Bless you Edna! We love you!
Robert Johnson, Friend
Mar 8 2007 4:12PM
I am just a person,helpless that day like all the rest. I could barely stand seeing you there I unable to help, yet there you stood still hopeful.It was the worlds loss,we need more tiger ladies like you. We have all become weak running from the memory...yet unable to forget. I will always see your image standing tall amidst the inconcievable.I am glad to know about you what an impresive strong woman you are. Now Heaven is your home,no more fear,you are safe now. Your beloved husband and family are in my prayers with all those families to whom this will remain an event not to be forgotten. God Bless
Deborah Canada, Friend
Jan 19 2007 5:56AM
Nov 6 2006 7:51AM
I remember you smiling every evening, while sitting infront of Sweet Williams flower shop, never a frown in your face. Now smiling from the HEAVENS, now an Angel up above. Always remembered, never forgotten. God Bless you Edna. From El Barrio 116th Street 1st avenue and Pleasant Avenue to you up in Heaven. WE LOVE YOU AND MISS YOU
daisy vega, Friend
Sep 11 2006 11:41AM
hello its been awhile since i last saw you in my dream but i wont ever forget you edna your fro, hair i loved it and your big brown eyes always captivate my sould and your buitful mind and thought a little crazy but as a budd, you were just fine sorry to see you leave this earth so soon , cause now living on this planet now , is very fucked up cause all the politics in the aftermath of 9/11/01 some say its better off now to be dead but i love ya and miss ya so
sal governale, Friend
Mar 29 2006 10:17AM
I put you down as a friend, Edna, as we are all friends. I have been haunted for so long by your picture standing at that gaping hole, and then the picture of you in your cube, ....having a cubicle brings all of us cubicle gophers closer. I am a singer-songwriter and want to let you know that my song (which lacked a name until I found this site, quite by accident) might perhaps in some small way honor you. As you stood at the precipice, you were the lonliest girl in the world, but you are lonely no more. Many thanks to MMC for providing this beautiful tribute site. Rest well. Marie www.myspace.com/redravensounds www.redravensounds.com
Marie Anne Kelton, Friend
Mar 21 2006 3:55PM
When I saw the photo in an Australian Newspaper shortly after 9/11 of a woman standing at the edge of the damaged WTC building, my mind could not settle to wonder who would this person be. I felt as helpless and shocked, by looking at this mind imprinting photo, as probably a thousand others onlockers had experienced ! But I always wondered who is this person, whom I gave the name 'The loneliest woman in the world.' Always trying to imagine her feeling at that particular time, standing at the edge of the tower, on a perfect September morning, looking down, over Manhatten and knowing nobody would be able to help, to reach a hand or at least call some hope, even if it was impossible. The strength she displayed standing at the abyss on both feet, holding on to the edge of twisted metal, and facing her ultimate destiny, must be beyond anyones imagination. Purely by acident I discovered this website and could finaly rest my thought about this unknown woman, by being able to learn about her name and who she was. Even though, four years have passed by, I still wish to express my sympathy to the husband and friends who were close to Edna. Edna remains in my mind an example of our limitations, and when each and all of us fellow human beings have to pass on, we have to go it all alone.
Bernhard Berschneider, Friend
Jul 2 2005 5:49AM
Edna was like a 2nd mom to me. She and her spouse took me in their life like another one of their children. I remember all the great times we had at the the flower shop they both owned 'Sweet William Flower Shop' in spanish harlem. Everytime Edna came over on the weekend we had a blast. I want to say thanks to both her and her spouse for taking me in and giving me the chance to learn what life is all about. I will never forget the wonderfull holidays we spent together when Enda cooked and invited me over to her home in Queens,NY. We ate so much. I hope you are watching from up above and leading us in the correct path. You are truely missed. Hope to see you soon mamita. 'Que Dios te bendiga y descansa en paz mamita querida' Love always Javier Cruz-Rodriguez
Javier Cruz-Rodriguez, Family
Oct 15 2004 2:06PM
TRICIA, Friend
Aug 26 2003 9:44PM
i have often thought of you and miss you although weve had difficulties i never got to say im sorry to you and from my heart i send you my love and continue to keep watch of my uncle william you were an angel and becky misses you too. God bless you
Deborah Carmona, Family
Sep 19 2002 8:18PM
I will always remember your smile and warm heart. Always willing to give and share. The lunches and shopping along Fulton Street, your favorite perfume 'White Diamonds'. My prayer is that you did not suffer and my life is more fulfilled and rewarding knowing that our paths did cross in our lifetime. Lena Simmons 9/11/2002 - 5:15 PM
Lena Simmons, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 5:14PM
Edna, You were believed to have a heart of Iron, I prayed that you did not suffer. Through all and all, I understood your emotions and I hope that you are in a safe and happy haven. Martha Soto.
Martha Soto, Colleague
Jun 5 2002 3:56PM
A wonderful person to have met in life is now in heaven, may she rest in peace with the angels. Edna I know your keeping all the people in line in the heavens - Thanks for welcoming us to Marsh with the breakfast during our arrival from The Equitable . If anyone understood you it was certainly me . Thanks for your efforts and making sure I had my neck tie on properly.When I was tardy you let me know it!. Im ok now since Inacom days . Your missed dearly in our lives. Thanks mamazita!
Ira Gold, Colleague
Apr 12 2002 6:17PM
Though you are no longer with us, your smile and all the sweet memories you left behind will be cherish for the rest of our lives.
Liliana Mendieta, Friend
Apr 10 2002 8:18AM