Dolores Fanelli
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No mention of 'baby dance' or good laughs shared around a fire pit go unmet with thoughts of you. Miss you. Roy
Roy, Colleague
Feb 1 2025 10:51AM
I met Delores in 1976 in the 7th grade @ St. Pius X. We were bused to that school and a lot of people were not ready for people of color to attend that school. From the first time I met Delores she was so nice to me and everyone who was new to the school. I remember her smile and how athletic she was. We lost touch aftet elementary school. When ths news. came on aftet the towers fell and I heard her name Iooked at the screen and saw her face and that big smile of hers. My heart dropped. Now every year on 9/11, I watch the telecast and wait to hear Delores Brigette Fanelli's name and I say a silent prayer for her. I will never forget her and pray that she is resting in peace.🙏🏽❤
Tracy Sims, Family
Sep 13 2020 4:09PM
I think about Dolores frequently and smile when I think about how fun she was. My smile turns to sadness when I think of what she went through that day. I am friends with Tony, her dad--and my parents were really close to them. As a father, I don't know how I would live with the loss and I only hope that her spirit lives on as love.
Frank Visconti, Friend
Jul 19 2019 8:23PM
I will always remember Dolores' laugh and her kindness during my one year training in NY. Thank you again pierre
Pierre borgeaud, Friend
Sep 11 2014 3:05PM
It was such a joy to work with you. You will always be remembered.
Robert Blackey, Colleague
Sep 10 2014 9:03PM
10 years later and I still remember your wonderful smile and your awesome laugh.
Shannon Bowman, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:22PM
To the Fanelli family Though the years have passed, the memories haven't faded.... Dolores's big smile, infectious laugh, and mischievous enthusiasm....our 'gang' of 6, the football games, bike rides to the park, Jones beach, visits to Connecticut, and Mrs Fanelli's pancakes with vanilla sauce...the bond of childhood friendships always stay with us. My thoughts and prayers are with you on this 10th anniversary. With Love, Ann
Ann Sommella, Friend
Sep 11 2011 5:31PM
Remembering your warm smile and how welcoming you were to me. Miss you, rest easy.
Donna Dosedlo, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:00AM
Dear Dolores, My thoughts are with you and your entire family, that the pain gradually eases and that God continues to watch over all of you. Dave Ziminski, husband of Ivelin (Eve) Ziminski.
Dave Ziminski, Friend
Sep 10 2011 11:03AM
Happy Birthday...miss you
Sue, Family
May 6 2011 6:38AM
Dolores could always be counted on for a smile, a laugh or a joke. Remembering her, I can only ever remember her smiling.
Tom D, Colleague
Sep 15 2010 5:27PM
Aunt Dolores, miss you and love you!
Ariana Fanelli, Family
Sep 11 2010 3:35PM
To the family of Delores I remember Delores from St. Pius. I remember her big smile and a happy person she was. My thoughts and prayers are with her and her family today
Salvatore Vitiello, Friend
Sep 11 2010 9:19AM
Dolores was one of those people you meet in your childhood and never forget. She was funny, athletic and had that great smile that lit up when she cracked one of those corny jokes ..And yes she also taught me and the rest of our 'group' to play football and have fun and enjoy life. I wish we had spent more time together after St. Pius, but life took us all in different directions. My condolences to all of her family, i am sure you miss her deeply.
Linda DiRe Cochran, Friend
Mar 22 2010 10:58PM
Dolores, thinking of you. Wish I could hear your laugh again.
Roy Selig, Friend
Jan 16 2010 8:29PM
Dolores, I cant believe its been 8 yrs since you were taken fromyour family, when I saw your pic 8 yrs ago on TV I could not believe it, my prayers go out to your family, I hope by me leaving this message maybe Marina or Ronny will reply to me so we can catch up, you were a big part of me growing up in Rosedale, you taught me how to play football and because of you I understand the game totally. Rest in peace...neighbor....
Lisa Benedetto, Friend
Sep 11 2009 10:05PM
Dolo, Sitting here with our whole family...missing you. It has been eight long years without you. We will never forget, we love you and miss you so much. Till we meet again. Love, Sue
Sue, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:32PM
Hey Aunt Dolores, Another year has gone by and I still miss you just as much as the first day you were gone. Love you always and hope you are happy and well! Love your Ariana!
Ariana, Family
Sep 11 2008 8:47PM
Remembering Dolores and her family today...and always.
Shannon, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 6:58PM
I always think of Dolores on this day. She did have the greatest smile. A Rosedale friend.
Helena Dowd, Friend
Sep 11 2008 12:42PM
Dolo, Seven years...Still miss you! Always in my heart!
Sue, Family
Sep 11 2008 7:22AM
Hey D! Hope you're well. Miss you a lot. Just wanted you to know, you and Astrid are the ones I compare all back rubs to. LOL! Geez you had such STRONG HANDS! :) I have to agree with Ed C, I can't think of a day when you weren't smiling and laughing that laugh that we heard down the hall. :) Love you! M
Mikey, Friend
May 12 2008 11:20AM
Thinking of you today and always. Miss you a whole lot.
Chip, Friend
Apr 10 2008 4:32PM
Hey dodo! I am converting to Latvian orthodox!!! ;-) you know where that is from dont you? Here in Riga and I miss you so. Kisses from your baby sistah...
Marina Fanelli, Family
Dec 19 2007 7:17AM
I watched the memorial on tv today just to see your smiling face again. We all miss you! Carmela Roros
carmela roros, Family
Sep 11 2007 8:32PM
Even after 6 years it is hard to know what to say. In the years that I worked with Dolores I honestly don't remember EVER seeing her in a bad mood. She almost always had a smile on her face and a mischievous twinkle in her eyes ... always looking like she was up to something and often was. For some reason I always loved the fact that I could always count on Dolores to get any obscure Seinfeld reference I came up with even if it was at her expense. You are still missed Dolores. The world is a bit sadder place without you but you still make me laugh when something reminds me of you.
Ed Catlett, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 1:48PM
Remembering Dolores, especially on this day. My thoughts and prayers are with her family and friends.
Shannon, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 12:14PM
Hi Aunt Dodo! I just wanted to tell you how much I love you and miss you. We all miss you! Wish you could have come to the Canary Islands/Fire Island this year. I know we would have had so much fun. We're all growing up, I mean i'm halfway through college! and I wish you could be here with us, but I know you've got our backs and i know you're watching us. I still can't believe it's been 6 years. Well I know I speak for all of us but we miss you and we'll see you! LOVE YOU SO MUCH!!!
Ariana Fanelli, Family
Sep 11 2007 12:07AM
I never knew Dolores but my heart goes out to her family and loved ones. I put in the word 'Family' next to relationship because we are all God's children despite the fact that we share the same last name. It's possible that we could be related too. We don't always understand why bad things happen to good people. We can only trust that God, in His infinite mercy, will bring a greater good from it. The events of September 11th show us that we still live in a very dangerous world. The best thing that any of us can do is to remain prayerful and stay close to God each minute of every day. We have a good friend in a high place looking out for us. May Dolores rest in eternal peace.
Michael Fanelli, Family
Apr 7 2006 5:01PM
In two days it will be 4 years since you were taken away from us - it still is very painful going through life without you. We think of you all the time! Until we meet again... Sue
Sue Fanelli, Family
Sep 9 2005 7:46PM
We are having a Fanelli family reunion on July 16 with all the folks from Nevada and California! It will be the first time many of the cousins will meet! You will be there in our hearts! Love; uj
Uncle John & Aunt Joanne Fanelli, Family
Jul 14 2005 12:52AM
Happy Birthday Dolo! We miss you!!
sue, ron
May 6 2005 9:58AM
Remembering your infectious laugh -- rising from the belly, ending in a beaming smile that could soften a room full of technocrats. Miss you. Roy
Roy, Colleague
Sep 11 2004 4:46PM
Just wanted to say thanks to all of you who are leaving messages. It's really great to read them!
Janet Fanelli, Family
Aug 5 2003 2:13PM
I would like to extend my condolences to Dolores' family and friends. I worked with her on several occasions and was always delighted. She is very much missed.
Tom West, Friend
Sep 28 2002 9:41PM
I worked with Dolores Fanelli in Brown Brother's Harriman on Wall St. and she was really a great, smart and fun co-worker. She was also a great athlete and really got the job done. Her infectious smile will be greatly missed. Today, 7/30/02 her name just popped into my head and I decided to search her out to say hi and was sadly shocked when I found her picture in the list. God bless her and her family. Guy Albanese
Guy Albanese, Friend
Jul 30 2002 8:01PM
Dolores was the most loving, caring, thoughtful and fun-loving person I ever new. She was my strength and guide through life. Whenever I needed her she was there for me. She never yelled at me often, but when she did, I knew I was wrong. She was more than just a sister to me. While growing up she treated me like a daughter. When I got older she was an understanding friend ready to give solid advice. Not a day goes by that I don't want to share my thoughts or experiences with her. Losing her is a loss that is too great for words.
Marina Fanelli, Family
Jul 2 2002 11:52AM
Happy Birthday Dolores !!! I miss you so much and wish you were still here with us.
Chip, Friend
May 6 2002 1:17PM
Delores was an exceptional person and I am grateful I had the opportunity to work with her for a brief period of time. She always made me laugh when I spoke with her. She was so quick with her wit and we shared a similar style and sense of humor. She was always very frank and open in her dealings with me and I appreciated her candor. I will always remember the time she went with a group of us visiting from Portland, OR to a Yankees game. She never stopped teasing me about cheering for the visiting team as loudly as she rooted for the Yankees. Though I hadn't worked with her for some time when she was taken from us, I still think of her often. In particular I remember her refreshingly direct manner and wonderful sense of humor. Remembering her laugh always brings a smile to my face. My deepest condolences to her family. She is missed.
Kay Farrell, Colleague
Apr 18 2002 7:52PM
Dolores had the biggest smile and the greatest laugh I have ever heard. When I think of Dolores I feel so sad that she is gone but so happy I had the chance to work with her and to have known her. Dolores made every meeting fun. She is greatly missed. My deepest condolences to her family.
Eileen McGuire, Colleague
Apr 15 2002 10:49PM