Joann Louise Heltibridle

Family Tribute:Jo,

You were really a loving, dedicated daughter to your mother. I was so proud of you as you grew up to be a very bright, educated young lady whom I could depend on being there in tough times, with helpful ideas. I am proud we had a good mother daughter relationship with mutual respect and love for each other.



Your brother Dan and sister-in-law Betty sure do miss your visits … your joking around and also our serious talks with your good advice. You sure knew how to brighten our lives, and you earned our respect and love beyond measure. There is a huge hole in our family unit. Dan has wonderful memories of you two growing up together in the country where you loved to visit and relax. The terrorists may have taken your life but never your spirit and our memories. We now celebrate that you are with our Lord in that wonderful place where we will all join you someday. We love you always.

Dan and Betty Heltibridle

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How is it 23 years? As a giant in the insurance industry, I hope we make you proud everyday. Miss you !
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 14 2024 1:55PM
I just today was shown this pic of the memorial garden in Springfield NJ where Jo lived. I can’t post the pic but it’s named after her. That is really a great tribute.
Jay Jameson, Colleague
Sep 11 2024 5:19PM
How is it 22 years? I hope those of us who carry on your legacy have made you proud. Miss you my friend.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 11 2023 0:42PM
I’ve never posted I’ve never even seen this before. But I miss you. I went to mass this morning and took your Christmas card with me. I hope you are at peace Jo…
Jim Jameson, Colleague
Sep 11 2021 8:39PM
20 years passed like a heartbeat...seems like yesterday we were joking around on Monday 9/10/01. Miss her dearly.
Dr. Louis Anagnostis, Friend
Sep 12 2021 2:43PM
How is it 20 years? Not a day goes by that you aren’t in my thoughts. I have a plague in my office with one of your Joann sayings. Miss you. Hope you are proud of all of us. You taught us well.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 10 2021 4:51AM
Another year has passed. Still unreal. Your legacy lives on inspiring people in the business. You live on in us
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 12 2020 3:06AM
It is unbelievable that all these years have passed. You still inspire. Miss you
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 11 2017 11:06PM
While yet another year has passed, JoAnn's memory inspires so many!
Tim O'Brien, Friend
Sep 12 2016 9:19AM
Joann was someone that you could always turn to for advice and kindness. I miss her zest for life and cherish the times I spent talking about work or more importantly life. You are always in my thoughts.
Stuart Patterson, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 3:57 PM
Another year has passed and the hole in our lives is still there, we are still missing our sunshine. A day does not go by you are not on our minds or thinking of all our wonderful memories of you. I know you are watching over us, your song plays on the radio and I know your there. I love you and miss you so much Aunt JoJo
Lori Heltibridle Johnson, Family
Sep 11 2015 7:04AM
Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Angela, Friend
Sep 11 2014 11:22PM
Remembering you especially today...
Bob Lynn, Friend
Sep 11 2014 10:15PM
I can't believe that 13 years has flown by. Today is my first 9/11 since moving back East. As a tribute to you and Susan, I went to 830 Morris Turnpike. Miss you always.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 11 2014 4:51PM
You were truly one of the best bosses I have ever had. I will never forget your smile, laugh & how kind & caring you were. As the anniversary has arrived again, know that I am thinking about you & your family. Some comfort is knowing you are with Susan. Miss ya lots!
Toni, Colleague
Sep 10 2014 7:19PM
Another year has pasted but your memories and the mark you have left behind are to strong among those you had touched. I know you are still watching over me and guiding me as you always had as I was growing up. I am the women I am today because of you, that I thank you for. I love you and miss you Aunt JoJo.
Lori Heltibridle Johnson, Family
Sep 11 2013 12:46PM
Time will not diminish the memory's I have of the times we shared. In memory, in tribute, in honor.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 10 2013 10:56PM
I am still wishing you a HAPPY BIRTHDAY! Because 'You' coming to this life was a great gift for so many people that I would still celebrate it every year. And it is my way to say; I didn't forget you, I miss you, I miss your humor and I miss having you around. You are always on our minds; you will remain forever a part of us, of our memory, history, of who we really are with a legacy to learn from. I would not be the person i am today either personally or professionally without your wisdom, guidance, support and love. My friend, while your life was shortened by the tragic events on 9-11 , it was beautiful and meaningful.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Jul 26 2013 8:25AM
There is nothing more beautiful than a persons whose heart has been broken, but still believes in love., Friend
Apr 30 2013 12:58AM
Another year has passed but our heart is still broken with the lost of you. Not a day or moment passes that we don't think of you and miss you. At lease now Pappy & Grandma are with you. I miss you so, but I know you are with me everyday watching over me. I love you and miss you so.
Lori Johnson, Family
Sep 11 2012 8:43AM
Thinking of you and missing you.
Angela Intelisano, Friend
Sep 11 2011 11:19AM
Joann 10 years have passed and not a moment goes by I don't think of you. I've missed you so much and wish you were still here with us. I wish you were here to watch Troy grow up and turn into such a wonderful young man. You still inspire me to be the best I can be and I can do anything I put my mind to even thou I'm a girl. I love you and miss you, your always be in my heart & my guarding angel.
Lori Heltibridle Johnson, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:11AM
Thinking about you and am so thankful to have such great memories of time spent with you. You were a wonderful mentor and thoughts and prayers will be with your family this weekend...know we will never forget!
Missy Elder, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 4:53PM
Justice has been done. Now you can finally rest in peace, my friend. Miss you.
Karen Hivry, Friend
May 2 2011 12:32AM
Another year has gone bye. Today I went to the 9-11 memorial here in Arizona. It was a sunny day with no clouds in the sky, very much like that Tuesday nine years ago. We are remembering you with love. Your memory (and smile) will be forever in our hearts. Miss you.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 12 2010 3:35AM
I can not believe nine years has passed. I miss you! Thinking of you, Susan and all the families that were affected by such a horrible day.
Toni D., Friend
Sep 10 2010 9:44AM
Today is my birthday. That may not seem like a big deal but when the most momentus occasion of your life happened on that day it somehow makes that occasion much more memorable. I did not know Joann. Nor did I know one single person that was lost on that awful day. I count myself very lucky. I am however forever connected to Joann through this industry and the award in her name that I was fortunate to be honored with. Now on every one of my birthdays I always remember her and what she did for our industry. I wish I had known her.
charlotte, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 1:54PM
Well Aunt JoJo another year has gone by and it still feels like Yesterday you were taken from us. Not a day goes by that our heavy heart feel the lost of your sunshine in our lives. I know you are watching over us, I feel you and hear you still guiding me through my life as you alway have all these years. I miss you and Susan coming home to visit. Well I have a bottle of wine for us later today, I will be toasting your life and your love for us. For Ever Young JoAnn Love, Your Niece Lori Johnson
Lori Johnson, Family
Sep 11 2009 8:20AM
Jo: May your sole be in peace as your spirit continues to live through your family and friends. There is not a day that goes by that you are not in my thoughts. Miss you. Karen
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 10 2009 11:24PM
Jo, No matter how many years you were taken from us, I will always remember and miss you and Susan. As always, Liz, Kathy & I will be honoring both your lives on 9/11. Toni PS: Send a little hug to Liz!!
Toni, Friend
Sep 10 2009 8:54PM
I think of you every day in every thing I do. I know you are watching over me and I am so thankful for that. It is amazing how many lives you touched. This year we also lost Bob Perrone. 7 years have passed. It still seems so surreal. I think the world should use this day each year as a day to reflect on our lives and make sure we have our priorities in the right place. I know I do. Keep smiling my friend.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 13 2008 1:53AM
Jo: I miss you. Time goes by but it does not really seem to help all that much; it was just a much better plce with you here. Anyway, I'm sorry it took this anniversary for me to actually post a note to you again but I do think of you. Jim
Jim Jameson, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 7:53PM
Your family and friends will never forget the light you brought into our lives. The earth is lacking a little sunshine, but heaven is a little brighter because you're there.
Tina Stull, Friend
Sep 11 2008 10:43AM
Jo, What can I say that hasn't already been said. You and Susan were great friends to each other and many others. It is sad that something like this ended both of your lives. I think about your families and what they must be going through every year on this day. Liz, Kathy & I will be visiting Susan's grave and place our three yellow roses to remember both of you. We miss you!
Toni DeFinis, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:42AM
It's been seven years and I still think about you and our friendship and our cats. It's taken me awhile to do this but I just wanted to let you know I've finally made VP. It only took 20 years but what the heck. I know if you were here with Susan we would have celebrated big time. The only good thing out of this catastrophe is that I met my future husband. And by the way, I finally got that divorce. Miss you and Susan, but as they say life goes on. You will always be in my heart. Liz
Liz Esposito, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:40AM
I didn't know Joann but was honored to receive a reward in her name from AIG PCG. It was truly the pinnacle of my career. I am inspired by her memory to leave a legacy behind in this industry. From what I have heard and read she was an amazing woman and we are all a little less fortunate without her in this world. Thank you Joann for leaving your legacy. I will do my best to do the same.
charlotte, Colleague
May 22 2008 4:06PM
In 2004, AIG Private Client Group established an award to recognize a person in the high net worth market who exhibits professionalism, has a deep knowledge of insurance, a passion for the industry, does right by his/her clients and still at the end of the day has a sense of humor. The award is named in your honor and memory. This year's winner is our own Tim O'Brien. We are all very proud of Tim as I know you would have been as well.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Oct 25 2007 1:13PM
I can't believe that it has been six years since you were taken from us. Yesterday Kathy and I went to the cemetary (Liz wasn't feeling well). It was nice to see that someone had been to Susan's grave earlier. There were beautiful red roses and a purple plant. As you know when we place our three roses (Kathy, Liz and I) at Susan's grave they are for the both of you. You were such good friends to us all and we miss you!
Toni, Colleague
Sep 12 2007 4:42PM
Thinking of you and missing you today. You were such a bright force, and someone that I truly enjoyed working with on our numerous projects over the years. Fred S. James was a long, long time ago, but you always embraced every new initiative and every change... I Miss you.
Linde Hotchkiss, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 3:12PM
I put off sending a tribute for a long time. I thought all of the tributes that will be sent in will explain how I feel, and they do. As I type this at 8:00 am on Tuesday, September 11th, I find myself doing what everyone else is probably doing; remembering where you were when it happenend and who we lost. It's hard to sum up what a person meant to you or how they affected your life in a paragraph or two. The other tributes have captured what many of us feel, so all I will say is I am so glad to have known you. I will always miss you and I will always remember you. Ava
Ava, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 8:16AM
Miss you a lot and think about you often.
Patty Shrensel, Friend
Sep 11 2007 7:33AM
I can not believe that 6 years has past. I know you are looking over my shoulder and checking on me. It gives me direction and keeps me focused. My Fred S. James baby is now 18 years old and started college. How time flies. And like the song says... I know you won't let me down 'cause I'm already standing on the ground but this voice keeps whispering in my other ear, tells me I may never see you again 'cause I get a peaceful, easy feeling and I know you won't let me down Miss ya.
Karen, Friend
Sep 10 2007 4:26PM
my goodness, she looks like the lady who was standing in the building window. the woman who is being identified as Edna Cintron. my condolences to everyone's family and friends. i cant imagine having to bear such a loss.
lauren, Friend
Aug 23 2007 3:02PM
Jo: Tonight AIG presented their award for Performance Excellence named in your honor and memory. Special thanks to Jerry Hourihan for making this happen again this year. The honoree is a woman named Charlotte Edmonston from AJ Gallagher in Baton Rouge, La. You would like her. I am so very proud to be working for and a part of an organization who gets it and keep what you started going.
Karen Hivry, Friend
Oct 19 2006 5:12AM
Aunt JoJo, Another year and it still feels like yesturday we lost you. Your never far from my heart or mind. I think of you all the time. Yesturday on my way home every radio station I played on my 30 min drive home played Rod Stewart for you and of course I cry all they was home. By he was our man was he not JoJo. I know Troy misses you so much, he remembers when you use to talk my out of punishing him. I share stories about this most amazing women who was my aunt to everyone that will listen. I just wish you were here to still share in the good times we have. I'm getting marries next year and you won't be there to tell me what a beautiful bride I am like to be the 1st time. I remeber it like yesturday you telling me that I was as beautiful as my aunt is. But in truth you was the most beatiful women inside & out, that will next change. Your still my beatiful aunt and I love you & miss you. I will see you one day and we will hug and have that glass of wine.
Lori Green, Family
Sep 12 2006 8:34PM
Jo, I remember way back when when I was working for a small insurance agency in Summit when you recruited me to come work for Sedgwick James in Morristown. You took me out to lunch at Marco Polo for my interview and I felt so professional. I was so excited when I got the phone call that I got the job!I have to say, you were definetly the best female boss that I have ever worked for. You were professional,fair, and hell of alot of fun. There were so many memories from the Christmas parties with your 'special' eggnog to my office engagement party. It seems like only yesterday. However,a few jobs, 15 years of marriage, and three kids later, I still remember my first day at Sedgwick. I would just like to say 'Thank you' for being a part of my life. Lori Chovan-Redunski
Lori Chovan-Redunski, Colleague
Sep 12 2006 11:01AM
Joann was a wonderful lady who I remember always extended herself to others. She touched so many people and left her mark in as many hearts. I have fond memories of her helping me to get through the tough days in my life when I really needed someone to listen and understand. I feel she was such a good person on earth that she has to be an angel in heaven, and is still looking after us all, giving us direction and guidance from above. Rest in peace Joann, thanks for giving me my first 'big' insurance job, and believing in me and caring and listening.
Susan Dean, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 11:38AM
There is a NY Times article today addressing the fact that families who lost loved ones five years ago are at varying stages of the healing process. I can only begin to imagine. I hope JoAnn's family has been comforted to see the universal high esteem with which JoAnn was held by her 'work family'. I was fortunate enough to attend the first Professional Customer Service award named in her honor, presented in Austin Texas almost three years ago. The presentation was very moving, and the recipient was truly honored to receive the award in JoAnn's honor. Aside from a formal award that recognizes her industry contributions, I hope JoAnn's family is comforted to know what a tremendous professional role model JoAnn was to all of those fortunate enough to have worked with her. Thank you for sharing her with us!
Tim O'Brien, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 10:54AM
JoAnn, Thinking about you today and always. Angela
Angela, Friend
Sep 11 2006 10:11AM
Jo: As I sit here today and ponder what I should write, my thoughts lead me to the lyrics from one of the songs in the play WICKED. Some people would not understand, but I know The Wizard of Oz was your favorite. So here goes. 'I've heard it said that people come into our lives for a reason. Bringing something we must learn and we are lead to those who help us most to grow. If we let them and we help them in return. Well I don't know if I believe that's true, but I know I'm who I am today Because I knew you. It well may be that we will never meet again in this lifetime, so let me say before we part So much of me is made of what I learned from you You'll be with me like a handprint on my heart And now whatever way our stories end I know you have re-written mine By being my friend.' May you be at peace. Karen
Karen Hivry, Friend
Sep 9 2006 2:04AM
Jo, For some reason I have been thinking a lot about you. I don't know if it is because of your picture I have on my desk, the 5 year anniversary approaching or because we celebrated your birthday at Smugglers. I was a little saddened that not a lot of people showed this year, but with vacations, lives changing I guess that is expected (we still had a good time with those that came). Don't worry Kathy, Liz and I will always celebrate your life as well as Susan's. Even though we said we were going to behave with the consumption of alcohol, it didn't work. On Sept. 11, Kathy & I (not sure about Liz - has to attend would laugh at the reason) will be visiting Susan's grave and then going out to dinner in both your honor. Please know that you will both be in my hearts forever. Toni
Toni, Friend
Aug 24 2006 2:13PM
My email address did not print in the last tribute, so here it is If any of Joann's friends would like to talk or share their stories of Joann over the the years of knowing her, I would love to hear them. Thanks
Lori Green, Family
Jun 13 2006 3:54PM
Well Aunt Jo-Jo it's been a while that you have left this world and we still feel the lost and lonelness without you. Well Troy just finished the 5th grade today, while how time has gone by. Hes growing so fast and I'm so thankful for you and susan looking over him. I'm so glad all your friends still get together for your birthday and have a glass or two of wine with you as I do. I hope to hear from some of Joann freinds, please feel free and contact me @ my email address. Please let me know if you get together this year for her B-day, I would love to come up.
Lori Green (niece), Family
Jun 9 2006 2:42PM
I cannot believe another year has past. In another month, we will gather again at Smugglers, raise a glass and celebrate your life. Today is Jeffrey's 21st birthday. Can you believe it. Each day as I sit at my desk at AIG/PCG with you looking squarely over my shoulder. You sit there and allow me to fumble. Even now, there are times I go to pick up the phone and seek your advise. Last year, the first Joann Heltibridle award was given to a great lady in Texas. You'd like her alot. Can't wait to see who this year's honoree will be. I still laugh about the time you answer the phone at work with a lousy Hispanic accent. We were busted! Well, here's to The Big 50! We will raise a glass to you and to Susan. Smile upon us and toast us back. Love, Karen
Karen Hivry, Friend
Jun 28 2005 9:00PM
Jo, As Karen wrote a whole bunch of us went to Smuggler's Cove in honor of your birthday. We placed your picture on the bar with a glass of wine next to it. I know you were there in spirit, but I wish you were there physically. You would have 'loved' the group who gathered. As this dreadful anniversary approaches, I wanted you to know that you are missed and thought of all the time. Liz and I will be going on Saturday to Susan's grave and then out to lunch to honor the two of you and the friendship you shared. Love and Miss You Toni
Toni DeFinis, Friend
Sep 8 2004 3:50PM
The other day I was driving home from an appointment and got a cell phone call. Because I was about to go into a cellular 'dead zone' I had to pull over into a parking lot to take the call. Suddenly I was overcome with emotions. Sadness, joy, reminiscence, you name them...all at once. It occurred to me that I was recalling a long conversation I had with Jo one evening on my way home from work in 1998 or so. It was shortly after JoAnn was transferred to New York and I had joined the Morristown office. We were both apprehensive about the future, lamenting the past, supporting and cheering each other on and making jokes about all of the scary stuff to make it less scary. That conversation lasted at least 45 minutes, and I took that call in that exact parking lot, so as not to lose the signal. As was always the case with JoAnn, she left me that evening feeling stronger, braver and better than I'd felt at the beginning of the call. Jo, life has taken all of us in many directions since we last saw your face, but you continue to touch all of us, sometimes at the most bizarre times, and in the unlikeliest of places. Thank you JoAnn, for everything.
Mike Nestor, Colleague
Aug 2 2004 3:53PM
Well tomorrow (7/26) marks your 49th birthday. According to the Red Hat Society, you are now officially a 'Princess'. Coming from someone about to become a Red Hat Diva, we did good didn't we. Again this year in celebration of your birthday, a group of us will gather at Smuggler's and raise a glass of wine to your spirit. I found a poem which about sums it all up. So I will end with the poem hoping to share with others and bid you a Happy and Peaceful Birthday. Your friend, Karen Hivry We thought of you with love today, but that is nothing new. We thought of you yesterday, and days before that too. We thought of you in silence, we speak your name with pride, and we relive our memories of working side by side. Your memory is our keepsake with which we'll never part. God has you in his keeping--we have you in our heart.--author unknown
Karen Hivry, Friend
Jul 25 2004 9:22PM
Well Aunt JO-Jo it been awhile since you left us, it still feels like yesturday I talked to you on the phone and waiting for you to come home to visit. I miss you like crazy, but I know you and Susan are with me. When ever I'm lonely or have a problem I feel your there like always to help me.Troy and I talk all the time about you and our times with you. Your always be in our heart and in our minds. I'm still so glad there is still people out there that are still thinking of you and still are writing their tributes to you. It has alway be a comfort to read them and see how much you have touched so many people our the years. I glad there is alot of people who was able to meet you and see how special of a person and loving you were. Thank you to all that knew JoAnn and were her friends . I love you and miss you,please continue to watch over me. Until we meet again Love your Niece Lori A. Green
Lori Green, Family
Jun 23 2004 10:15PM
Jo... I finally decided to get in the Christmas spirit this year and send out cards to family and friends. I went through my address book to ensure I wouldn't miss sending a card to someone. I came across your NJ home address...I've kept it in my palm pilot these last few years. I decided never to remove it so that it could serve as a reminder of our friendship and the good times we had together. In lieu of a Christmas card, please accept my holiday wishes through this e-mail. Chandler says 'happy holidays,' too. His second grade class had a short memorial ceremony on Sept. 11 this year. He told his class that he lost a friend on that day and missed her. I miss you too and think of you often. Brian & Chandler
Brian Edwards, Friend
Dec 9 2003 12:33PM
Jo, Tomorrow marks the 2nd anniversary of the horrific events of 9/11. Liz, Kathy and I will be visiting Susan's grave tomorrow, as well as going out to dinner to honor the both of you. We decided that this will be our tradition to the both of you every 9/11. Please know that you are always thought of and are in our prayers. Love Ya, Toni
Toni DeFinis, Colleague
Sep 10 2003 1:58PM
Jo, You never knew how much the joking that we always did meant to me. I was shocked to find out that you were gone! All of my old memories with you and the family came fludding back. I know that you probably didn't know it, but I was serving in the Army when it all happened. It hurt to find out that you were gone, I prayed for the family, and for you. Jo I just want you to know that I did everything that I had to do the best that I could do, you were taken from us all who care for you, and it was my duty to defend our way of life. Jo I miss you and all of our times that we had! I love you Jo, and I know that Lori does too.
michael arentz, Friend
Jul 4 2003 1:35AM
JoJo, It has been a while since we spoke. Another birthday has come and gone and this 9/11 anniversary week already. Time is racing again JoJo and yet is seems like yesterday we were laughing. There is much on my heart I have not written to you in the past year plus. Like everyone too much for here too much to say it all. I miss you and think often of our meeting at Brian and Kathy Edwards in Memphis. Who woulda thought my sister your co-worker coulda pulled that off? At each communion in the Church at Charlotte I think of you. I know you remember that first communion together. I so enjoyed enjoyed our 2000 summer vacation with the Jim & Susie Murray in Lavallette at the Shore. I carry the picture of you and Susie in my Daytimer. It is my favorite of you. I look at the picures of you visiting me here in Charlotte and me in NJ often. I know for sure you are in Heaven now safe, secure and dancing with your Daddy. I enjoyed hearing stories about your Dad and how you had grown so close to your Mom and family. Until all whose lives you touched see you again, keep dancing JoJo! Love, Rock
Bob Lynn, Friend
Sep 16 2002 8:04AM
JoAnn - A year has gone by and I miss you and think of you every day. I promised myself I wouldn't cry as they read your name. When I heard your name and saw your picture, I smiled, and started crying. I know that you are in a better place and are always looking down and watching over all of us as you have always done in the past. I think of our friendship and will treasure it always. I think about Fred. S. James, 22 years ago when you hired a young 17 year old and molded her into an insurance 'executive'. You came to my highschool graduatation along with Liz Esposito and cheered me on, you celebrated with me when I received my insurance license, you came to my wedding and celebrated with me then. I came to your wedding when you married Keith and we celebrated then. We used to celebrate quite often - just because. I will remember always working side by side with you, Ortley Beach, our 'little' talks, talks about home, constant laughter, and your beautiful smile. I will miss you always, but know that one day I will see you again. But for now you are always in my heart and on my mind. I love you my friend and I will see you soon. Love, Patty Patty Harrison Shrensel
Patty Harrison Shrensel, Friend
Sep 11 2002 10:42AM
JoAnn, I can't believe tomorrow will be one year since the horrific nightmare. I can't tell you how much I think of you & Susan. Kathy, Liz and I seem to always reminisce about the two of you. Especially since the both of you were such good friends. Actually, you were family to one another. Kathy, Liz & I will be visiting Susan's grave tomorrow and also we will be going to dinner together to honor the both of you. Please know that my prayers go out to you, Susan and to your families. Love, Toni
Toni DeFinis, Colleague
Sep 10 2002 9:48AM
I chose the colleague category but believe I should have chosen friend instead. I don't remember exactly when Joann and I first spoke but it was a number of years ago. When we finally met in San Francisco, it was as if I had known her forever. We had many business trips together. Virtually every morning while we were in places such as Phoenix, New Orleans, Portland, Palm Springs, Seattle, St. Petersburg, Tampa, Memphis and others, we would figure out how we could take an early morning walk of at least 30 minutes. This meant knowing what time we needed to be at the meeting, figuring in the time Jo Ann needed to get ready--at least 45 minutes-- and hoping we would fine early morning coffee in the lobby. Many times this meant getting up at 5:30 or earlier. I especially remember the day we planned to walk at Memphis State while attending a training session. We woke up to find it was pouring rain. Never one to be stopped, Joann came up with the perfect solution -- we walked the parking garage from top to bottom and bottom to top for 40 minutes. The only person who seemed confused by our stroll was the parking attendant who eventually just shook his head and ignored us. On an earlier trip to Memphis, I was late reaching the restaurant for dinner. I silently slipped into a seat next to Don Morgan who gave me a welcome and then asked where I lived. I very quietly told Don that I lived in Point Richmond in California onboard a 42 foot sailboat. Joann, who had overheard my comment, dropped her fork, looked at me and loudly said, 'No! You don't! What do you mean you live on a boat?' While I had hoped to keep the boat living low key, the whole table turned to me with a miriad of other questions as well. Later on a visit to San Francisco, she and Don visited the boat so she could see it was real. Joann visited California several times and the last time she was here, she took an extra day to visit us in the Delta. She had an unusual fear of things that might be in the water-- weeds, fish and other imagined horrors-- and it took some time to convince her to get in a kayak. She was finally convinced so her picture could be taken -- only if it was not clear the kayak was still on the dock. I miss you, Joann and appreciate the time we spent together. You told me about how special your family was, about Susan, your summer vacations at the shore, your cats and even a divorce or two. I am very glad to have the memories but would rather have you around instead.
Wanda Keefe, Colleague
Sep 3 2002 11:53AM
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!! I just want to wish you a happy birthday, we didn't forget you. I know another year wiser not older and still young and beautiful as always.You are always on our minds and in our hearts as you always have been. Happy birthday I'll have a glass of wine for you. I love you with ALL my heart Aunt JoJo.
Lori Green, Family
Jul 26 2002 10:16PM
Jo, You were my boss, my mentor and my friend. I learned from you, and leaned on you, and feel so fortunate for having known you. Although we lost touch along the way, you were never far from my thoughts. Each day, I think of you, I pray for you, and I miss you. Angela
Angela Intelisano, Friend
Jun 18 2002 2:37PM
Jo... I miss those phone calls we've had over the years and the good-natured way we could give each other a hard time. In particular I'll remember the trips you made to Memphis and what a great help you were with all the work projects that needed to be done. You made the work time fun too. Chandler still talks about you (Jo...the lady with the dark hair)and how you played his favorite game of swords...Capt. Hook and Peter Pan. You were a fabulous Hook to his Pan. You're in our thoughts and prayers every day and are missed very much. Brian
Brian Edwards, Colleague
May 28 2002 1:22PM
Jo, There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of you, Susan and other colleagues lost in Trade Center. You were such a great person to work for and I truly believe I could never have another boss that could treat me the way that you did. I will never forget our trips to the CT Office and even though it was a commute we seemed to fill the time with conversation. I'll never forget your last day in the Roseland Office. When CTJ, Mike and I gave you the engraved clock to remember us by. It was very emotional for me (seven years together is a long time), but I knew we would still speak to one another. I also knew that you would check with Susan on how I was. I'm so glad I was able to see you last summer when you visited the Morristown Office. You looked great, as usual. On 9/11 when I heard what happened, I went directly to Susan's office to see if she heard from you. Little did I know that she went into the city that day. In some ways it eases my pain to know that Susan and you were together. Especially since you were best friends. Just know that I am thinking about you & Susan always and I miss you very much. Love, Toni
Toni DeFinis, Colleague
May 1 2002 4:34PM
Thank you for posting this picure; it's perfect. I'd also like for Joann's family to know that they are right to be very proud of her. I worked with Jo from the time she joined Marsh. In my 10 year career at the firm, she is almost certainly the most talented professional I've worked with and she is sorely missed by both colleagues and clients. I'm also a little surpised at how much I'm missing her personally. She was a caring and intelligent woman with a fine sense of humor that helped me put a lot of the daily issues perspective.
Jim Jameson, Colleague
Apr 23 2002 1:49PM
Joann was not only my aunt she was a second mom and my best friend. She was always there when you needed her. She was the most beautful and smart women I know. Growing up she was my ideal, I wanted to be just like Aunt Jo-Jo. We were so proud of her for all she has compleished, she worked her way up in the world. She was a very special person, she was like a bottle of sunshine, so ful of life and ready to smile and laugh with you. The people who knew Joann, knew the type of person she was and knows the lost we all have to endor, but we only lost her in body not in spirt. Joann will always life on in us, the people who knew her and loved her. She is with me very day and night, I hear her talking to me and laughing with me. She has become are gaurding angel, she watching over us as she did when she was on earth as she is now in heaven. She will life onn in her hearts and memories, they can not take that a way from us. I love you Aunt Jo-Jo,I always will and I will never forget you and very thing you have done and taught me over the years. I just wish you were still here to watch Troy grow up, I will make sure he will never for get you and they love you gave him and all of us. Rest in peace my beautiful Aunt Joann.
Lori Green, Family
Apr 13 2002 11:21AM