Larry Sumaya
v 0.0.46 ------
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Happy Heavenly Birthday 🤍
Mimi, Friend
Sep 19 2024 7:42PM
I had the pleasure of working with Larry before 9/11. He had a great sense of humour, and that always present infectious smile. I think of him often.
Chris Venne, Colleague
Sep 11 2021 7:23PM
Dear Larry ... we are all thinking about you and your smile today.
amg, Friend
Sep 11 2013 3:14PM
It sounds so cliche, but it really does seem like only yesterday. I saw Larry the night before 9/11 - at a ski club meeting. We ran into each other as we were going into the door. I still remember what he was wearing and what we said to each other and his smile - he always had a smile. We parted ways as we went in the door and never did catch up with each other the rest of the night. I will always remember how nice he was and how much he enjoyed life. The world lost a great person that day. We need more Larrys in this world!
CA, Friend
Sep 12 2011 2:37AM
I hope that you have conquered those slopes in the sky. You and your wonderful humor and smile are missed.
Penni Kessler, Friend
Sep 11 2010 9:07AM
Larry and I worked together at MMC in the late 80's. When I heard of his loss, on 9/11, I was was in shock. His laugh was infectious and his sense of humor was absolutely amazing. We sat next to each other for over 1 year and I learned from him to never take life too seriously, because he sure didn't. I too had lunch with Larry with quite a few times and he was always happy go lucky. A characteristic that is hard to find in our life today. I think of Larry and my other colleagues from MMC that perished on 9/11 and pray for them all the time.
Atul Moghe, Colleague
Sep 12 2008 7:34PM
I often think of Larry and his beautiful smile. He had a contagious appreciation for all the good things that life had to offer.
LM, Friend
Sep 11 2008 7:28PM
Larry and I worked together at The Brooklyn Hospital back around 1984-85 or so. We discovered that he was a long distant relative of my wife, also a second generation Filipino(a). I remember Larry programming in his spare time a baseball game on the System/38. It was amazing! I ran into him just outside the World Trade Center where he told me he worked at Marsh. We both agreed to keep in touch. That was just a couple weeks before 9/11. My heart goes out to his family.
Alex Blasenheim, Colleague
Aug 21 2008 7:37PM
Larry is my brother-in-law. I had the great pleasure of spending time with him throughout the years, specifically at family gatherings. Larry had a great love of life and he is deeply missed by all who had the good fortune to know him. Larry, we miss your smile and the way you would brighten a room with your presence. We love you, you are in our prayers and may God bless you until we meet again. Love, Peter
Peter D. Passacantando, Family
Sep 6 2006 12:46PM
I just think that Larry might be a cousin of mine or something cause I have never met anyone as that wasn't family of mine with the same last name as me. I just wanted to see if Larry had any other Sumayas that might be related to me. Email me if anyone one has any infomation with the SUMAYA last name.
Manuel Sumaya, Family
Sep 29 2003 11:16PM
Larry was my brother's friend, so our family would see him occasionally when they were coming or going from golf, trips, concerts, etc. I'll always remember his great big smile and his laughter. He seemed to have an endless supply of energy! He was devoted to his family and he loved working with computers and apparently found a good home at Marsh. His vitality and good nature is what the world could use more of - we miss you Larry.
Josephine Todaro, Family
Sep 23 2002 10:17AM
I met Larry back in 1989, when I worked at Marsh & McLennan. We would do lunches and plenty of happy hours together during those years. I left in 1991, but Larry and I remained friends. We would do the corporate challenges together, rollerblade in Central Park, hang out in the village and just chat on the phone. I moved to Florida in 1995, but lost touch with him in 1997 and was devastated when I saw his name among the missing. I wish that I had picked up the phone during those few years that went by just to say hi to an old friend. My thoughts are with his family. The world was a better place because of Larry. He will be missed.
Penni Kessler, Friend
Sep 18 2002 11:38PM
I did know Larry and I miss him terribly. He was one of those rare genuinely nice people. I met Larry during my first week at Marsh. He just popped his head into my cubicle and asked if I wanted to go to lunch. Just like that. I had only been briefly introduced to him that week and was surprised he even asked. That first week after 9/11 I was waiting and hoping for a phone call from him either telling me how he was away on this great vacation or how he narrowly escaped. If anyone could have gotten out it would have been Larry. He was so fit, I imagine he could have run down all 96 flights. He was always talking to me about running and his ski trips, nights out in the city. I told him I envied him because he seemed to live life to the fullest. He just knew how to talk to people and make them feel comfortable. I will never forget how proud he was over his negotiations for his SUV. Not a day goes by that I don't think about Larry. My heart goes out to his family who must miss him dearly. He was really a great guy.
Janine Bland, Colleague
Sep 12 2002 10:29AM
As a way to respectlfully remember those who gave their lives in the 9/11 tragedy, the employees in our company are wearing ribbons to honor each individual. While I did not know Larry, I feel a bit of a kinship since I am a Technology Manager as well. I was happy to see this memorial tribute where I can acknowlege that we are remembering the people who were lost. There are no words to describe the sadness we feel as a nation that this event occurred, that Larry and so many others lost their lives, and that our very freedoms have been challenged. In honor of Larry, I hope we will each live our lives to make sure they are not forgotten, that our country will become stronger, and that our freedom will survive.
Susan Lackey, Friend
Sep 11 2002 3:56PM
I never had the pleasure of meeting Larry eventhough I worked with him by phone on numerous projects. Always helpful, responsible and knowledgeable. He made our jobs that much easier and run that much smoother. May he rest in peace.
Mark Konzelman, Colleague
Jul 25 2002 3:10PM
Although I'm not a MMC employee, I wanted Larry to have at least one tribute here. Larry and I were friends for almost 20 years. He was part of a small circle of friends from Staten Island that spent quite a lot of time together. We went to bars, ballgames, played golf, softball, went to the shore, hung out at one another's houses, went on vacations. Single guys doing what single guys do. I could not keep up with Larry. He was always on the go, always ready to do something else. He had a great disposition -- although neither one of us was a very good golfer, we always had a good time playing. He loved sports, particularly the Mets, Jets, and Rangers. He was at Shea when the Mets won the Series in 1986: games six and seven. I was in his house when the Rangers won the Cup in 1994; boy, was he happy! Now that I'm married, with two kids, I didn't have as much time to hang out with him as I used to. We went out for beers during the summer, and right after Labor Day I was trying to arrange another after-work outing with him and some other friends. The e-mails went back and forth, and one of them was classic Larry: in response to my suggestion of a particular day to go out, he wrote 'I'm booked all week.' We all made fun of that: 'What is he, a celebrity?' But that was Larry -- he had a way with words, and he wasn't one to sit at home. Larry, I'm sorry I couldn't have one more beer with you. Next one is on me.
Tom Todaro, Friend
Jun 13 2002 4:33PM