Kevin Conroy

Family Tribute:Dad,

I am going to miss you. You are the greatest person who ever lived in my eyes. May god take good care of you up there Dad. We are all going to miss you. I love you.


Kevin E. Conroy: Supper Every Night

By day, he was an accountant at Marsh & McLennan, the insurance brokerage company that occupied seven upper floors at 1 World Trade Center. Evenings, Kevin E. Conroy, 47, the father of four children ages 6 to 12, insisted that his family get together at home in Kensington, Brooklyn, for supper (not dinner) that he often prepared.

There was his infamous eggplant parmigiana. Salad. Pasta. Meat and potatoes. Barbecue. 'Nothing too extravagant,' said a cousin, Lynn Taylor. 'They were the only family I knew that cooked dinner every night. It was just important for him that the family sit together at the house.'

The schedules of youth leagues and school tested the custom; some nights it was just pizza ordered in. But Mr. Conroy always looked forward to the suppers and, on weekends, playing the gracious host for gatherings of friends and family.

'We shared some great times, drank some beer, had lots and lots of laughs,' said a letter from two other cousins, Tom and Oonagh, that was read at a memorial service last week. 'And Kevin, the barbecues were great.'

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Thinking of Kevin’s wife, children & brothers on the anniversary of his passing in the tragedy of 9/11. Your 1st cousin in Ireland, Mary, Galway, Ireland . (Dgt I of his Aunt Katie (nee Moran from Mayo)
Mary Doherty (nee Keane), Family
Sep 8 2024 10:29PM
I was friends with his son Matt. I remember going to one of Matt's games and we stopped at L & B for a pizza. It was a bunch of people from the neighborhood and he saw that I had no food. He offered to get me pizza and I told him 'No thanks' when of course I wanted pizza. A few minutes later he laid two slices down in front of me and said 'Here you go champ.' And it still means the world to me today as it did then. Thank you forever....
James Goffio, Friend
Dec 20 2014 4:16AM
I was in social studies class, watching a slideshow of names who died in 9/11. Our job was to pick out a name and live the rest of our lives for that person. I became curious about Mr. Conroy. Obviously we shared a last name, but I knew he had a whole life, with friends and family, and memories that no one could replace. So I did some research and found this page. I wanted to pay respect for him. I did not know him, but I know he could have lived a full life, yet never got the chance to. So, to all of his family: I am deeply sorry for your loss. But please know that I know he is up there, and am living my life for him
Cici Conroy, Friend
Sep 11 2014 7:28PM
I think of my friend Kevin each year around this time. I first became friendly with Kevin through his first wife who worked with my wife in public accounting. He attended our wedding, and we his. We went skiiing together, and often the four of us went out to dinner. During this time I was a 'head hunter' and actually placed Kevin in his first job and then sadly his final position at Marsh. Although it had been quite some time since I had last seen Kevin, I was devasted when I heard that he was among the many lost on that tragic day. Kevin was a wonderful person. I miss him dearly and only wish that we had kept in touch. I remember the last time I ran into him on 6th Ave. when he worked uptown, and how he told me how happy he was with his new bride and his kids. Kevin, my friend rest in peace. Barry Greenberg
Barry Greenberg, Friend
Sep 11 2012 5:20PM
just discovered this site-i am kevin conroys 1st cousin on his mothers side from ireland and have been trying to get in touch with his wife,Jet and children b4 10th anniversary pf 9/11. My mother,Katie(Kevins Mothers sister)is last remaining member of the Moran family and is 92yrs old on sept 6th and anxious for contact to be made. May Kevin rest in peace.
marydoherty, Family
Aug 28 2011 4:34PM
dad, I miss you soo much you dont even know!! all the time I wish you were here. i love you!!
Jill, Family
May 17 2008 8:41AM
Kevin, IHM's girls won their 3rd championship in 4 years. It all happened because of what you started. Once again your daughters Jamie and Christine played great. Jamie was awarded the games MVP award. We miss you. The Crimeni Family
Nick Crimeni, Friend
Mar 17 2008 11:33AM
i love you and miss you uncle kev. cecelia
cecelia, Family
Sep 10 2007 10:16PM
Kevin -We won the championship for you again on sunday morning.I was thinking of you the whole time.You wil never be forgotten. Nick
Nick Crimeni, Friend
Mar 28 2007 1:46PM
Kevin, No one has ever made me laugh as much as you. You had the Irish gift of gab. You were my husbands roommate, best friend and the Best Man at our wedding. Today is no different than five years ago, we miss you deeply.
Mary Fischedick, Friend
Sep 11 2006 2:35PM
Kevin- I stumbled onto this website and wanted to add my thoughts. From the first time you were going to 'red card' me when I was coaching Jamie's 5 year old AYSO team, through all the block parties, Egg Cream games, right up to the last Tuesday night basketball game at IHM, you always combined a fierce competitiveness with being a terrific family man. Your kids are your testimonial. You are missed every day. Gone but not forgotten.
Steve Popkin, Friend
Jun 22 2006 3:20PM
Every once in awhile I think of Kevin and my memories are happy ones - his joking in the office, his bragging about his family, his big and loud laughs. It's almost five years that he's been gone but I still remember him.
Gloria Chin, Colleague
Jun 1 2006 4:15PM
Kevin, Last night the YOUR Immaculate Heart of Mary girl's basketball team,which you started won the BCBA JR. Divison championship. Your daughters Jaime & Christine played like the winners the are.I know you were watching.Words cannot express how much you are missed by the entire Crimeni family. Happy St. Patricks day. GOD BLESS.
Nick Crimeni, Friend
Mar 17 2005 12:16PM
Kevin and I worked closely for about five years at Marsh & Mclennan. At the time we were both Supervisors in the Controllers Dept. When I join MMI Kevin have already been there for several years so he showed me the ropes. He was a good friend. He loved his family very much. He was loyal to all those he cared about. I remember that Kevin worked hard but was not the first one in the office in the morning. He often arrived at 9:30am, I wish he kept his old arrival time. God Bless You and Your Family Kevin!
Richard Miskewitz, Colleague
Jan 19 2005 10:02PM
KC a real good friend I regret we lost touch when I left Marsh . He always made me feel welcome when I visited New York . We rarely agreed on work issues but what the heck , we sorted them out over a brew or two. A real and sincere family man , I hope his family get to read this because he could never resist an opportunity to talk about his wife and kids he was so proud of you all. Glad to have met one of New York's finest
Steven B Evans, Colleague
Apr 29 2004 9:51AM
on March 18th, 2000, my good friend Kevin was my assistant coach for the Immaculate Heart Of Mary basketball team that won at the buzzer in a dramatic fashion. On Sunday, March 21st 2004, four years later, I am back at Xaverian High School in the finals again. I will feel his presence on the bench and will try as hard as I can to win another one for him. Miss you buddy. Dennis (3-20-2004
Dennis Maragliano, Friend
Mar 20 2004 8:00PM
Kevin was my daughter Annie's basketball coach. He gave tirelessly to Annie and to the other players. His excitement and enthusiasm were contagious and he urged Annie on to overcome her shyness and to get more tuned in and assertive on the court. Kevin taught Annie valuable lessons that she will never forget and she still talks about how he 'made her play better'. Thank you Kevin. We miss you... Paul
Paul Cassone, Friend
Aug 8 2003 11:59PM
Spring is in the air and that means I'll be heading down to Breezy on the spring and summer weekends. It was the summer of 1999 that Kevin was sitting on a bench at Bedford Avenue just coming up from the beach, empting out the sand from his toes. Kristen stopped Kevin first. I hadn't seen Kevin in a while since he moved to the WTC. We met at Marsh and found we three had a common bond - Breezy Point. Laughter always arose quickly when talk of Breezy and the Mardi Gras arose. Smiles lit up Kevin's face when the talk turned to family. His smile was contagious when he mentioned his wife and kids. Who could miss the pictures in his office that his childres draw. He took time out to say who did what. It was great to see a Father so in love with his family. Maybe some day I'll meet them in Breezy. Maureen
Maureen Brinsmead, Colleague
Mar 28 2003 9:49AM
I just wanted to say that Kevin was our son Miguels' first baseball coach and that he instilled a love for baseball in my son along with a lot of knowledge and love.What always fascinated me about Kevin was his knack for remebering your name. I swear that he knew everyones name once he met them. I admire this. I also admired his love for his children and wife. Jaime is in IHM with Miguel, in the same class and we think she is awesome. Matthew is also a great kid and we love you all. We will always remember Kevin and keep him and his family in our prayers. God Bless You ALL!!
Millie De La Cruz, Friend
Sep 12 2002 1:12PM
I will always remember Kevin. He was not my boss but I've always felt comfortable with him. He was a good family man who sincerely loved his children and wife. I always came to him for any victory in my life that I wanted to share with him. He was there to encourage me and congratulate me for the blessings that did come my way. I miss Kevin, who was ever so kind to everyone. God bless his dear family.
Jo Garcia, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 3:01AM
Each time I think of Kevin I can see him smiling or laughing. He had a big heart and many, many friends here at MMC. He was a happy and thoughtful person. He was smart and kind. He had a great sense of humor. He really loved being a husband and father. He talked about his family often and with great pride and contentment. He will always be remembered and be in our thoughts and prayers.
Gloria Chin, Colleague
Aug 23 2002 12:27AM
Kevin was not only my first boss at Marsh but also a good friend. He was very loyal to people who worked for him and wanted to see them succeed. I always felt comfortable talking to him about life outside of Marsh. I miss his hearty laugh and our talks. He is in my prayers every day. Joe Billy Joel wrote a song entitled 'Only the good die young' on the good die
Joe Lodispoto, Colleague
Apr 16 2002 10:58AM
Kevin E. Conroy: Supper Every Night By day, he was an accountant at Marsh & McLennan,the insurance brokerage company that occupied seven upper floors at 1 World Trade Center. Evenings, Kevin E. Conroy, 47, the father of four children ages 6 to 12, insisted that his family get together at home in Kensington, Brooklyn, for supper (not dinner) that he often prepared. There was his infamous eggplant parmigiana. Salad. Pasta. Meat and potatoes. Barbecue. 'Nothing too extravagant,' said a cousin, Lynn Taylor. 'They were the only family I knew that cooked dinner every night. It was just important for him that the family sit together at the house.' The schedules of youth leagues and school tested the custom; some nights it was just pizza ordered in. But Mr. Conroy always looked forward to the suppers and, on weekends, playing the gracious host for gatherings of friends and family. 'We shared some great times, drank some beer, had lots and lots of laughs,' said a letter from two other cousins, Tom and Oonagh, that was read at a memorial service last week. 'And Kevin, the barbecues were great.'
Matthew, Family
Apr 11 2002 6:46PM