Joe Maggitti

Family Tribute:Tribute from Christopher Maggitti

47 years, 5 months, 11 days. Who knew that one man could have such an impact on so many lives in such a short amount of time. Ever since I can remember, I noticed that my father was a man that demanded respect. Not because he was rich or conceited or powerful; but because he was respectful. Jesus said the whole of the law was to do unto others as you would have them do unto you. I believe that my father was a perfect example of that commandment.

My father was an honest businessman. Anyone who ever worked with him not only knew that he was honest, but he was an honorable man as well. All my father had to do was give his word; and his word was good. It's hard to find people like that nowadays.

He was a loving father who cared immensely for my sister and I. Any random Saturday he would take her out on a date. They'd go downtown and visit the aquarium or just walk around Little Italy. Being older and being the boy, we did everything together. There were many times when we would go out on the deck and smoke a cigar, listen to music and just discuss whatever was on our minds. Sometimes we would sit around the television and watch golf and prepare something on the grill. I guess I took advantage of those times because they happened so often. Yet, at the same time I cherished every moment. I wouldn't trade that in for all the riches in the world.

Once in a while we would plan a night out. One of our favorite things to do was to drive down to the city and eat in as many places as possible. Appetizers in Greek town, (dolmathes, spanikopita), most likely a main course in Little Italy or downtown. We would always nip about from place to place. Other times we would go to Fells Point and sit down eat shrimp, mussels, and maybe a burger. We always ended up going to the Warf Rat, John Stevens, or Duda's and Bertha's. Often times, I'd think to myself, 'Don't I look odd coming to Fells Point on a Friday with my old man.' But deep down I knew that I was having the time of my life. We would talk about life, my schooling, his job. Sometimes we would just joke and laugh about old times for hours on end. Those precious moments are more valuable to me than anything this world can offer. I am so lucky to have shared those experiences with him.

With my friends it was the same thing. Whenever he was your coach or just knew you as being my friend, he went out of his way to make everyone feel welcome. They'd always ask, ' How's Joe doing?' Seeing how much they loved him makes me realize it was a true honor to call him 'dad'.

Most importantly he was a loving husband. He made my mother so happy. I could see it in the way he looked at her. Our house was peaceful. No screaming and yelling or throwing things. Not only did he love my mother, he respected her! He valued her as a mother and as a nurse. He was always looking out for her best interest; even if it meant putting more weight on his shoulders. They were to be married 25 years on December 4th. As a gift to each other, they were going to revisit their honeymoon spot, Paradise Island in Nassau. Mom, I stand here and say to you with the utmost confidence that Daddy is truly in Paradise! That is the beauty of our Christian faith. It's the only reason I can stand in front of you and speak. We leave this world, but we go to a much better one. We can be confident that one day we will all be together again, FOREVER! We may say 'good-bye' now, but soon and very soon, we will once again say, 'hello.'

Joseph V. Maggitti, age 47 of Abingdon, Maryland was a victim of the tragedy in New York City on September 11, 2001. Born in Baltimore, he was the son of Amelia Mary Pietrogiacomo Maggitti of Baltimore, and the late Andrew Henry Maggitti. He was a Vice President of Marsh, USA. He graduated from University of Baltimore in 1976 with a B.S. in Business. His senior year the Bee Booters won the NCAA Division II Championship in soccer. He was a member of the New Covenant Presbyterian Church, Abingdon. He coached boy's little league baseball and soccer for Emmorton Recreation Council, soccer for Harford Kicks, and girl's softball for Emmorton Recreation Council.

In addition to his mother, Mr. Maggitti is survived by his wife with whom he would have celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary on December 4, 2001, Pamela A. Kortesis Maggitti; one son, Christopher J. Maggitti of Abingdon; one daughter, Lauren A. Maggitti of Abingdon; one brother, Andrew S. Maggitti of Berlin, Maryland; and one sister, Mary Ann Derr of Saugus, California.

In lieu of flowers, contributions may be made to the Joseph V. Maggitti Scholarship Fun, c/o Sun Trust Bank, 2912 Emmorton Road, Abingdon, MD 21009.

Joe was my colleague, but he was also my friend. This may seem like an unremarkable statement, but in today’s world of hurly-burly, Wall Street-based, quarter-to-quarter driven business, one doesn’t have to be your friend because he’s your colleague. Except with Joe; he lived his business life by the edict that “even if we disagree, we don’t have to be disagreeable.” Joe was, in fact, the most agreeable professional I’ve ever had the privilege to work with. Don’t take that to mean he wasn’t tough; he was. But he was careful not only to be heard, but also to listen well. To understand first, in the words of Stephen Covey, before seeking to be understood. He was at the same time smart about his business yet vulnerable to the intelligence of others. Those of us left to carry on have much to emulate.

Lots will be said about Joe’s devotion to his family; his love of sport – both as a coach and a competitor. In fact, I think I still owe him a $2 Nassau bet from our last round together. And, of course, his great love of cooking. Indeed, Heaven’s restaurant has a 4-star rating today.

But, other than having his family at his side, Joe died doing what he loved best -- solving client problems and adding value to their enterprises while surrounded by his colleagues and friends. If Joe has a message for us today, it is embodied in John F. Kennedy’s remembrance of Theodore Roosevelt:

“The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood, who knows the great enthusiasms, the great devotions, and spends himself in a worthy cause; who at best, if he wins, knows the thrills of high achievement, and, if he fails, at least fails daring greatly, so that his place shall never be with those cold and timid souls who know neither victory nor defeat.”

Joe would say to us today, in fact, he is saying to us, get back in the arena; fight the good fight; dare greatly. Vince Lombardi said, “The great battles are won in the hearts of men; it is not whether you get knocked down; it’s whether you get up.”

Joe is saying to each of us at Marsh and in business, “Get up, my friend; go one; make me proud.”

I heard a New York City firefighter eulogize a fallen colleague at the end of last week. He summed up quite accurately what those of us at Marsh feel about Joe and his legacy. “It could have been anyone of us. But God asked for our best, so that’s what we sent.”

Joseph V. Maggitti: Tickets to Paradise Island

Joseph V. Maggitti met his future wife, Pam, in high school, and he took her to the senior prom. Tuesday would be their 25th wedding anniversary, and Mr. Maggitti had already bought the tickets for their return to Paradise Island, where they had honeymooned. 'But Joe went to Paradise ahead of me,' said Mrs. Maggitti. 'My husband was a Christian; I am a Christian and so are my children. That is the great hope that we have and one day I will be there with him.'

Mr. Maggitti, 47, who lived in Abingdon, Md., worked for Marsh & McLennan, and was in the Trade Center for a morning meeting on Sept. 11. When Mrs. Maggitti turned on the television that day, she said, all she could think of was something he told her after another meeting there: 'I can see the planes flying beneath me.'

Mr. Maggitti was born in Baltimore and was always a jock. He was a midfielder on the University of Baltimore soccer team that won the Division II N.C.A.A. championship in 1975. Lately, he had shifted his athletic passion to golf.

He cooked stuffed peppers for his daughter, Lauren, 14, on Sundays. He would go to the Fells Point area of Baltimore with his son, Christopher, 22, where they would drink local beer and eat oysters. 'He was a best pal to me,' Christopher Maggitti said.

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These anniversaries never get easier... Thinking of you and your family today and always.
Jeff C, Colleague
Sep 11 2024 7:50AM
Joe, you remind me of a famous person whom I will never forget, as with you. Princess 👸 Diana. Ive seen people like her, my own wife, who had that Ora around that attracted great qualities within them. That is a gift that I personally, searched all my life for. That gift is a gift from God that is very special. Maybe it's a gift to open people's eyes up to living a spiritual, and a humility life. That's a gift that God gave you. I will always keep you, and your family, because I feel like part of your family, always in my prayers. I'm trying to get to where your at, spiritually. Love you Joe.
Robert Anders, Friend
Jun 12 2024 11:46AM
You are the best Joey and you are with Dr. Houska. Best doctor - can't beat that team. Say hi to my first Dr. Houska.
Don. Becker, Friend
Jan 12 2024 11:28PM
Thinking of you and all of yours today Joe. You have left a smile on my heart all these years. I especially remember your "Geez oh Whiz" phrase and pray your family has grown beautifully and blessed as your living legacy. May the Lord give them comfort and peace each day and especially as we and so many others on this day. Be well Joe. Cindy
Cindy (McFerran) Gibbens, Colleague
Sep 11 2023 10:29AM
Hi, Joe was a great person. I miss him. I appreciated he tolerated my awful golf game. I loved him; he was a great family man. Wait now I need to line up my third putt.
John Murphy , Friend
Sep 11 2022 11:07AM
I worked with Joe at Wausau Ins. back in the 1980’s. He was a wonderful man that always had a smile. He spoke of his family often. He’s always in my thoughts on this day.
Robert Domzalski , Colleague
Sep 11 2021 7:19PM
Joe was one of the nicest guys I have know. He was kind, loving and generous. He loved food and cooking. We played a lot of golf together and at the end he would always say” I could drink a beer”. Joe, you are always in my heart and in my thoughts. I love you and miss you. Friends forever.
Lee Schmelz, Colleague
Sep 11 2021 6:04PM
I knew you for several years in the late ‘70s and you your life was cut way too short.
Brad Lewis, Friend
Sep 12 2021 0:08AM
Miss you Joe and thinking of you and your family.
Jeff, Colleague
Sep 10 2021 2:40PM
I enjoyed working with Joe in the Marsh Baltimore office in the mid-1990's. I remember his intense work style, and friendliness.
Steve Earp, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 9:38PM
Joe, I did not personally know you during your time in this physical world. I watched in horror as you and so many others perished at the hands of terrorists and prayed for each and every one of you on this day so many years ago. I bowed my head in prayer on that day as I do today. You are not forgotten.
Michele Martin, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 6:29PM
Greatly missed and often in my thoughts.
Jeff, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 11:33AM
Rest in peace. Your family is beautiful. You were a great man and your legacy of your family will continue. Your daughter is amazing.
A, Friend
Apr 5 2020 0:41AM
Hi Joe. ... Thinking of you today. Hard to believe 18 years have passed.
John F Murphy, Friend
Sep 11 2019 4:51AM
Always in my thoughts, especially today.
Jeff, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 0:13PM
17 years? How can that be? That golf photo of us remains on my desk so I still look at you/think of you often but especially today. You were a wonderful coworker and a good friend and we miss you!
Shannon Bowman, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 8:30AM
Thinking of you on this day.
Jeff, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 7:39AM
Hey Joe, it's been 2 years, don't know how I missed last year but.....both mom & dad turn 85 this year. Chris & Lauren seem to be doing well.The MS is finally catching up with me, Tony too. Well, God Bless Joe The Damizia Family
Michael Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2017 3:42PM
Hey Joe - Hard to believe so many years have passed. You are greatly missed and lovingly remembered. I know your famliy continues to miss you dearly and most likely you have many additional family members who are being raised to know and love you too. I wish for them all that God's Peace and Hope can bring as they wait to meet you one day in Heaven. "Geez oh Whiz" Joe - our lives here on Earth have never been the same since we lost you and our other colleagues. Here's to you my colleague and Friend. God Bless you and yours and God bless America. Cindy
Cindy, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 10:43PM
Mr. Joe, as always your are in my thoughts today. Jon & Callie are getting so big. Callie just turned two and your wonderful wife had her birthday party in your back yard. We had a moon bounce, baby pools and plenty of food. Everyone had a great time. Lauren and Pammy put in a lot of time planning it out. Callie is just like your little girl, full of sass and as beautiful as ever. Jon started his second season of soccer, he is really taking to it this year. He is really into Star Wars and WWE Wrestling. Please continue to look over us. I know that no day goes by that Pammy, Lauren, and Chris don't have you on their mind. I know that you were reunited with one of your old buddies this past month, Leon Mach. I know you two are probably catching up on old times and having a laugh or two. If you get a chance tell my grandparents hi for me, I miss them dearly. Love & Prayers, Your Son-In-Law
Jon Salbeck, Family
Sep 11 2015 8:27 AM
Mr. Joe, you are in my thoughts today. I really wish that I could have met you. The family and friends speak so highly of you. You would be so proud of Lauren, Chris, and Pam. Lauren is such a wonderful mother! You now have two beautiful grandchildren, Jonathan and Callie. I hope that the Lord opens the window for you time to time to just get a glimpse of them. I look forward to meeting you one day and I promise that I will always take care of your little girl. Love Your Son-In-Law, Jon
Jon Salbeck, Family
Sep 11 2014 8:22AM
Dear Joe, thinking of you,today especially. Hard to believe it's been 13 years.Dad's birthday is the 12th. He thought of you as his 3rd son & now that Roseann has passed away, it's not easy to relive this day. God Bless Joe & love you always, The Damizia Family
Michael Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2014 8:15AM
Hey Joe, been a rough year bro, lost Roseann to cancer. I hope she was reunited with you & maybe you could help her make the transition. I know if it's possible you would. Love you always Joe & will always remember Viva la famiglia, l'amore è sempre The Damizia Family
Michael Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2013 7:32AM
Not an anniversary of that terrible day can pass that I don't think of and fondly remember a wonderful guy with whom I worked at Marsh & McLennan in the old Baltimore office. Joe was a wonderful husband and father, a kind and decent human being, and a fun person. He is sorely missed and his memory will always be cherished. My thoughts and sympathies go out to the Maggitti family.
Carol Hall, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 5:11PM
Thinking of his family tonight. He was a good friend of my mother and father.
Dawn Bayer, Friend
Sep 10 2012 8:15PM
Dear Joe, still think of you every day Each time someone in the family speaks of you, your memory always brings a smile to all of our faces. God Bless & love you always. The Damizia Family
Michael Damizia & Family, Family
Sep 10 2012 8:03PM
It always hits home when a friend passes away at an early age. So many opportunties, events an occassions to be missed. Yet, the 47 years that Joey was on this earth, he lived to his full potential and like his son said, never a bad thing to say about anyone. Soccer players are thee most loyal and supportive friends. Even though Joe stood on the other side of the center circle against me he will always stand next to me as I live my life.
Mario Scilipoti, Friend
Sep 13 2011 10:43AM
Dear Joe, What can I say that many friends and Family did not say ,only to say that I had great memories of the neiborhood. You were a big factor in the maturing of the younger guys that were younger than you.I was included in that bunch, and I can say that I am a better person today because of it.You are in our hearts always. I hope when I see you again ,that you can share that wisdom all over agian. Joe Sperato
Joe Sperato, Friend
Sep 13 2011 9:53AM
Mr. Joe and his family lived in the same neighborhood when I was growing up. I graduated high school with his son Chris. Mr. Joe was never my coach on an athletic field but I will always remember his passion for family and sports. I remember Mrs. Pam when she was pregnant with Lauren. It seems like yesterday. I'm always so saddened by the 11th but it brings me great comfort to know that God was with all on that day! He touched each one of his angles and they went to Heaven; God's home. God Bless the Maggitti family. Always in my thoughts and prayers.
Lauren Hafer Barber, Friend
Sep 12 2011 8:35PM
My family and the Maggitti's have known each other forever. Joe's son, Chris, and I grew up together. Our families always lived within a couple of miles. Joe was my soccer coach for as long as I can remember, and he was one heck of a coach. He knew how to push you to make you better, but not put you down. I was so sad 10 years ago, when I found out he has passed in the attacks. I still hold him and his family so close to my heart.
Joe Polek, Friend
Sep 12 2011 4:49PM
I have a picture of us at a golf outing that remains on my desk. I look at you almost everyday and I just can't believe 10 years is gone. I'll never forget you, Joe Maggitti.
Shannon Bowman, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:18PM
Dear Joe It's hard to believe that 10 years have gone by. I can still vividly see you standing in the doorway of my office and talking about how you were thinking of redoing your office at home -- you wanted to know how much the chairs that we had in office cost - you really liked and wanted one for home. I can still see the look on your face when I told you around $600.00. We promptly changed that subject and talked about our families. Although I have not seen Pam in a while, I did get to meet your son-in-law a couple of weeks ago and see a picture of your grandson. What a nice young man -- you would approve. What a beautiful baby. Joe you are thought of often in the office. Each anniversary we gather in the conference room named in your honor to listen to the ceremony in NY and light a candle in your honor. Your colleague and friend, Linda
Linda Smiley, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 9:58AM
Joe, I think of you every day & especially this day. God Bless you, love you always.
Michael Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2011 9:52AM
Dear Pam: On this 10th anniversary of the day Joe ascended to sit beside God, I just want to let you know that Al and I remember and will continue to remember Joe in such a fond & warmhearted way. Many years ago, Al said he would like a remembrance of Joe to display in his house because he thought so much of Joe. I created a 'tribute' photo of Joe on the computer. Al has this framed tribute sitting on a shelf where he sees and remembers Joe all the time. I tried to attach the photo here, but it was not possible. Al and I have talked many times about the summers we spent together with you and Joe in Ocean City on vacation. We have reminisced about how 'hysterically funny' Joe was and how his sense of humor must be greatly missed by so many people. I can still see him imitating Steve Martin and John Belushi skits from Saturday Night Live. I can still see him playing Charades and how much he made us laugh. I clearly remember how much he made me laugh when he made such fun of Al when Al got physically sick from one of the rides we went on in Ocean City. Those were some of the best times of our lives. The good times are impossible to forget and Joe was a very big part of those times. Just know that Joe, and you as well, are thought about more often than you will ever know!!! With Love and Sincerity, Alice Sasser
Alice Sasser, Friend
Sep 10 2011 4:18AM
We remember!I joined the 9/11 Memorial page on Facebook and offered to dedicate my status to the memory of one of the victims of 9/11 and the name of Joseph Maggitti was the one chosen for me. As I was decided to find out about him I came across this page and I feel honored to have dedicated my status to such a wonderful person. Tears came down as I read the words of his son, so much love, so great loss.I just want the Maggitti Family to know that we remember, and we are praying for them! No words can ever express how we feel, but we trust the Lord to give them all the comfort they need and the peace in the knowledge that they will be reunited again in eternity. Sincerely,Ines Wilson
Ines Wilson, Friend
Sep 9 2011 2:33AM
Happy Birthday Joe. What a great husband and were. Now,you are with our Heavenly Father. God be with your family always
Sandy Boyer-Comalli, Friend
Mar 30 2011 8:25PM
Just wanted to wish you a happy birthday. Even though we have never met, I feel like I already know you through my wife (your daughter), Lauren, and your wonderful wife, Pam. I look forward to the day that we can finally shake hands and I can meet my son's grandfather. God Bless.
Jonathan Salbeck, Family
Mar 30 2011 12:36PM
Pam, I have no other way of contacting you so please forgive me for using this venue but I think this is important enough. If you do not already know, planning for a 'Maryland 9/11 Memorial' has begun and I am honored to be serving on the Advisory Committee. I'd like to know if you're interested in any type of involvement. God Bless.
Stephan G. Fugate, Friend
Dec 1 2010 9:09AM
Dear Pam, I think of you and your family and your loss so often. I don't need this anniversary to bring you all to mind. I know your faith has brought you all through this and my hope is that you are all well and happy.
Jean Bocek, Friend
Sep 11 2010 4:27PM
A beautiful day this year in Baltimore. My flag is flying, but my heart is still breaking. Still think of you every day. God Bless you Joe. The Damizia Family
Michael Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2010 8:15AM
hey joe, my dad has told me many things about u. before all this happened i wanted to meet u. my dad is james pietro son of joseph pietro i wanted to meet my dads side of the family soo much that it came an obsession. well i hope ur having fun up in heaven maybe one day i will see u up there god bless you
rachel pietro, Family
Jan 19 2010 11:56AM
Hey Joe, I hope you have now found peace after this horrible tragedy. I think of you often. I remember when we had to moved our office and staff from Columbia and fit into the Marsh Baltimore office. We really crowded into your area and I know if was a shock since we were so busy and loud. You were always so cordial. We got to know each other well. I remember spending time explaining the particulars of our jobs to each other. We worked on the MTA account together. We talked often in anticipation of getting it awarded to us. What a big one that was. I know it drove you crazy simply because of it's shear size. I remember how we both were so excited (and shocked) when Rick told us that we were awarded it. Joe, I miss you and the times we spent discussing our mutual issues. Chuck Mullaney Partnership Manager Sedgwick Claims
Chuck Mullaney, Colleague
Sep 12 2009 9:04AM
It rained all day today in Baltimore. I wanted to put my flag out but, couldn't. I think of you every day. All our Love, The Damizia Family
Michael Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:07PM
A Candle for Joe. It has been eight years and like every year since we have listened to the MMC memorial call from the Maggitti Conference room in the Baltimore office of Marsh. Dan Glasser spoke this year followed by a moment of silence and then the MMC chorus. Also, like we do every year, we light a candle for Joe. It will burn all day in remembrance of a great friend and colleague. Many shared stories of his days at Marsh. Joe, we will never forget you. Jim Hudson Baltimore Office Head 9/11/2009
James Hudson, Colleague
Sep 11 2009 1:45PM
Dear Joe: Today I remember you as a very special friend, mentor and over all great guy. I give thanks to the LORD for putting you and your family in my path, and for the great moments we enjoyed while working together with the Tren Urbano account in Puerto Rico. Today, I am part of the MARSH organization and community, which make us now colleagues too. Every time I drive past the urban train system, through the Island's mountains, near the beach, have some pork chops or just enjoy a round of golf, the first thing that comes to my mind is you, and how much we enjoyed those times. Rest in peace my friend, and please keep an eye on all of us from up there!
Edgardo 'GORO' Vazquez, Friend
Sep 11 2009 12:51PM
I believe Joey was delivered by my father, the late Dr. Henry J. Houska. Joe was a gentlemen. He would often see my father at the doctor's office and my father would tease him and ask who was going to win the B.U vs. Loyola game, and Joe would just laugh. I am certain that my father is looking after him. They both were truly gifts from God to us on this earth. God bless you both and the USA. Let us NEVER, EVER, forget!!
john houska, Friend
Sep 11 2009 9:31AM
Hey Joe! You've been on my mind.....hope your family is doing well - we all miss ya. 'Jeezohwhiz'
Cindy (McFerran) Gibbens, Friend
Sep 11 2009 6:54AM
Hi Joe, Just was thinking of you this week.
John F Murphy, Friend
Sep 19 2008 4:21PM
Remembering you today and always.
Shannon, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 1:38PM
Joe was a wonderful, kind, Christian man who was always willing to help anyone. Many times he drove me home when we had early closings due to inclement weather. When we reached my car, he would have me sit and wait, while he cleaned off my car, and made sure all was well before he pulled off. He was one of a kind. To this day, all of us in the Baltimore office still miss him. He truly was an exceptional man.
Dotti Higgins, Colleague
Sep 4 2008 4:03PM
Even though I haven't seen him since we were kids growing up in Highlandtown, I feel like a part of me was taken that day. He leaves behind a wonderful family and memories.
Rosalie Maggitti Shaffer, Family
Apr 8 2008 12:57PM
Happy Birthday Joe! How could I ever forget the boy who bought me my first stuffed Easter bunny. I have talked to my husband of 32 years of what a wonderful friend you were to me, especially when I moved from Fells point to Brooklyn Park. I'm glad you kept your faith and had such a wonderful family life. I know you watching over them from heaven!
sandy boyer- comalli, Friend
Mar 30 2008 10:03PM
Joe, Was a life long friend of mine. We played sports together, grew up in a great time in Highlandtown. Words can not describe how Joe has been missed by his friends. The memories we have of Joe can never be taken from us, and I am sure that I will be playing soccer with him again in heaven . God Bless the Maggitti family.
Pete Caringi, Friend
Nov 12 2007 11:13PM
Joe - It's hard to believe it's been 6 years since that fateful day. Please know that you're thought of often and missed even more. I'm going to fix some pico de gallo in your honor this evening and spend some time reflecting on what we've learned from the tragic loss of you and all of the others. I hope your family is doing well and wish them God's Peace. Love and miss you my friend, Cindy
Cindy McFerran, Friend
Sep 11 2007 5:24PM
Now six years later. My family & I think of you often. Your memory will always live on in our hearts.
M. Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2007 10:09AM
Five years later, we keep your memory alive to let the world know, we won't forget or let this happen again. God Bless You
M. Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2006 10:36PM
Joe was a great friend and colleague. He worked with me on three wrap up programs, his specialty. I had asked him if I should have been in the meeting he was attending at the WTC and he told me it wasn't necessary. I was scheduled out of town for two weeks at the same time anyway and he was actually covering for me while I was gone. I learned of the attack while standing in the American Cemetery above Omaha Beach. I called his cell phone and left him a voice mail that night. Little did I know how bad it was in that Joe and three others I knew were lost. We sure miss you Joe, but we have not forgotten you. Terry Boettcher
Terry Boettcher, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 4:59PM
my tribute for mr. joe maggitti has been posted at my thoughts are with everyone who loved and knew joe and is missing him today especially. i pray my tribute honours him.
ladybug, Friend
Sep 11 2006 4:02PM
We will never forget. 911 will be etched in our minds as long as we live. May you be an Angel of Peace Joseph... A remembering on looker Marlene
Marlene, Friend
Sep 10 2006 12:16PM
hello, my name is connie, and i am taking part in a tribute to the victims of sept 11th. please take a moment, and check out this website: then head the the official Project 2,996 blog: my mother knew joe maggitti, and i was hoping maybe i would be able to speak with via email, one or two of his co-workers, and maybe supervisors, just to get some first-hand information on my tribute. i have been reading a lot of the online tributes and obituaries, i am looking for maybe some day-to-day anecdotes to have in my cache of things to write about joe come sept 11th this year. also, i would love to hear from any of his family as the event there are pictures they might like to contribute or more day-to-day stories... please feel free to email me... - please just put '9/11 tribute/maggitti' in the subject i hope this wasnt inappropriate to post this here... respectfully submitted, connie
ladybug, Colleague
Jul 6 2006 8:12PM
In Loving Memory. We will not forget. You are forever in our hearts and prayers.
Mike Damizia, Family
Sep 11 2005 2:11PM
Joe I think of you often and I, as well as everyone that knew you, still miss you so much.
Vincent L Pietrogiacomo, Family
Aug 31 2005 8:03PM
Even with time passed, my fondest memories of Joe have not faded.
Shannon Bowman, Colleague
Aug 17 2005 3:56PM
Joe, Happy St. Patrick's Day, buddy! We've enjoyed this holiday together for many years, and I think about it every year since you've been gone. You made this one of my favorite holidays, and we always had a great time. It's not the same anymore, but at least I have some great memories about the good times we had. We often used this holiday to also celebrate your birthday, so let me also wish you a happy birthday. No one made me laugh harder or feel better about the hard times, and that was one of your greatest gifts.
Matthew Maulone, Friend
Mar 18 2005 3:35PM
Joe, It's coming upon 3 years now since you were taken from this world. I trust you are in a much better place and able to keep watch over all of your loved ones, especially Pam, Christopher and Lauren. I think of them often and hope they have moved on with their lives to become the incredible legacy you so deserve. I have left Marsh and this September 11, 2004 I plan to celebrate the future by inviting my new colleagues over for a cookout, swimming and in your honor, some cigars and much pico de gallo. God Bless you and yours and thanks for the memories, inspiration and hope you give us all. I love ya man and miss you too! Cindy
Cindy McFerran, Friend
Aug 13 2004 1:19PM
Joe had an impact on dozens of kids during the years he coached. I have been pleased, and I am now proud, that my son Tim was on several of Joe's soccer teams. Joe helped teach the kids that they can play hard and still play fair; that skill and determination was not equivalent to anger on the field. You always knew Joe was on the side of the field, as he was continually working with the kids to give their best. A piece of Joe lives on in many of those kids still today - Tim is headed for OCS and pilot training with the US Navy in November - and the life skills he learned from Joe on the field will always be a part of him. Thanks, Joe, until we see you again. Pam, Chris, Lauren: I wish there was something we could do to bring him back. We all share in your grief and we'll all miss him. Thanks for sharing him with us!
Bob Smallwood, Friend
Jul 28 2004 11:00AM
Joe Not very many days go by that I don't think of you. I wish we had seen each other a lot more after we were grown. We played together all the time as kids. I worked with you on your paper route and I always looked forward to getting paid on Saturday, with a whole meatball sub from Tippy's Sub shop. Man they were good!.But most of the time I didn't get paid at all because we usually didn't have any money left over. Usually your Dad had to give you some money so you could pay your bill. But I loved being with you. You were my cousin, my best friend. I miss your great sense of humor, especially when you would come into the store where I was working and yell out in front of everyone 'Hey handsome' then you would hug me and give me a kiss. Boy that would embarrass me! You got the biggest kick doing that to me! Forever in my heart and in my soul Miss you Joe Vince
Vincent L Pietrogiacomo Jr, Family
Apr 21 2004 11:05PM
Dear Joseph - I think of you every day. My most wonderful memories are of us as children, playing, running, laughing, and just being together. I speak to you often - I know you hear me - Love, Roseann
roseann golaner, Family
Dec 8 2003 8:02PM
My dad has been scanning his old 35mm slides at my business where we have multiple scanners.To see the old photos of us growing up is a great joy.Of every photo I've seen of Joe, I cannot remember one of him not smiling.And when he met Pam the smile got even bigger.Then with the birth of his children even bigger.I'll always cherish those memories of us as children. Joseph, you and your family will always be in our hearts and prayers. God Bless, the entire Damizia family
Michael Damizia, Family
Oct 27 2003 11:17AM
Joe, This electronic opportunity to tell you how much you are missed first prompts me to categorize our relationship. The choices are Friend, Family or Colleague. Unfortunately, I am limited to one - so I chose Colleague. If given the option I would also select Friend and there were times when we were family, as well. I've read the wonderful tribue that Christopher wrote for you and I hope that he and Lauren know how very proud of them you are. Even though you and I spoke only occasionally over the phone and via e-mail with a face-to-face opportunity once or twice a year; there was never a time when we didn't talk about how they were doing. I've thought many times over this past year how much they must miss you. I haven't had the courage to call Pam up and see how she and the kids are doing. I hope they know that all of our thoughts and prayers remain with them and that y'all will always be on my mind and in my heart. I've missed you many, many times - when I've had an exciting new opportunity at work, when I've needed your encouraging words before a presentation, or when I've met a really nice guy and used to be able to call you up and you would say 'that's just great, Cin - you really deserve the best, and I mean that'. I have been with some of our other friends/family/colleagues this past year and we allways talk about you and share the great stories and hug each other through the sadness. You have made an indelible impression on me - my heart, my mind and my soul...may your legacy continue through your wife and children and may each of us whom you've touched make a difference in the lives of others. I will be spending 9/11 this year alone, hiking at a favorite state park here in Texas. I will take a break mid day to smoke a cigar, listen to some great music and snack on some picco de gallo and remember you. If I listen very closely, I'm certain I'll hear on the wind....'Geez o whiz' coming in from my Italian friend from Baltimore who led by example in everything he ever did.
Cindy McFerran, Colleague
Sep 9 2002 2:27PM
I had known Joe for about 10-11 years first from living in Maryland and attending the same church as Joe and his family. Then we moved to Des Moines,Iowa in 1996. We were fortunate to see Joe as his job brought him here 3-4 times a year. I still have an email from Joe saying he was going to be in Des Moines on 9-11 & 12. That was my first thought when I heard the WTC had been attacked. Unfortunately he wasn't here. I remember Joe best as a person who lit up a room when he walked in. Within minutes after you met him you felt you had a friend. Probably the best compliment I can give him is that I never met anyone who didn't like him. I will miss him and our times together golfing, talking, eating and just being Joe!
Gary Arneson, Friend
Sep 4 2002 12:50PM
Joe knew and understood construction wrap ups more than anyone I have ever met. He was willing to roll up his sleeves and do whatever was needed on new business opportunities. He always looked for the win-win for Marsh and our clients. I wish I'd been given more time to know him and learn from him years of experience. He had a wonderful sense of humor and it was always a bright spot of my day if I got to talk to him.
Sharon Hammer, Colleague
Apr 8 2002 11:52AM