Doreen Angrisani

Cool Aunt Was Young at Heart

The Giovanniello kids had been hanging out with their Aunt Doreen since they were old enough to navigate the stairs to her apartment above their home in Ridgewood.

Up at Doreen Angrisani's place, Maria, 17, and Paul, 14, could kick back and relax. They'd joke around, watch some TV or talk about their troubles and triumphs while the classic rock their aunt loved played in the background.

'She could sit down and listen,' said her brother, Ralph Angrisani of Mineola. 'She was good like that. ... She would do anything for those kids.'

On Saturdays, Angrisani, 44, and her nephew used to take trips to the local handball court or walk to Sam Goody to browse through rock albums. She encouraged him to take guitar lessons, and she gave her niece, an aspiring dancer, pep talks when she became discouraged. 'It's hard to explain, but she was there for everything,' her nephew said.

Never married, Angrisani threw herself wholeheartedly into the role of godmother after her sister, Gina Giovanniello, gave birth to Maria. Their two-story family 'was like two moms and a dad,' her sister said. 'I don't have a memory of my children since their birth where she wasn't there.'

Looking after the kids brought Angrisani and her sister closer. 'She was my best friend,' Giovanniello said. Each night over coffee the two talked about the kids, work and life. 'We were more or less on the same page.'

Angrisani, a Queens native who had worked in insurance since high school, rose to become a financial manager at Marsh & McLennan. 'She worked on Wall Street, but that was not who she was,' her sister said.

A late-bloomer who overcame her shyness in her 30s, Angrisani loved to debate politics and passionately defended people's right to live their lives as they choose. She loved the Mets, Melissa Etheridge and Pink Floyd.

In short, she was the perfect cool aunt, a young-at-heart rocker who always told her niece and nephew that 'it's OK to be who you are, to go after your dreams and stand up for what you believe in,' Giovanniello said.

For the Giovanniello kids, 2001 was a big year. Paul was starting his freshman year at Stuyvesant High School. Maria, a college-bound high school senior, was about to embark on a grueling round of auditions for dance programs at different universities. Then on Sept. 11, they lost the aunt whose encouragement meant so much. Angrisani, at work on the 98th floor of Tower One, died in the attacks on the World Trade Center.

The loss is like a punch in the gut for the family she left behind-the Giovanniellos, her brother and her mother, Irene Angrisani, who lived nearby and relied on her elder daughter's help.

'The world lost a good person,' her sister said. 'She had a big heart, a big heart. ... She was a light, and now the light is out.'

(c) 2001 Newsday, Inc. Reprinted with

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just watched another video and she was in the comments. I just a fellow American from Los Angeles never forgetting.
greg probst, Friend
Sep 25 2024 1:50PM
I did not know Doreen; I am merely a visitor to this site paying their respects. Doreen was obviously a dear, caring person, and I hope her family and friends take comfort in her memory.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 14 2022 4:13AM
Doreen, Just wanted to say that you are always in our hearts. We have not forgotten your warmth and kind disposition. We miss you. RIP
Raj P, Colleague
Sep 12 2022 4:08PM
Doreen, you are not forgotten! Though we did not know each other, your legacy at Marsh is remembered and cherished by all of us. My thoughts are with you on this 19th anniversary of your death and my prayers of comfort are with your loved ones as they celebrate your life.
Donna Anderson, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 5:35PM
I didn't know this young lady at all. My heart goes out to her and her family. They can't hurt you anymore sweetie. ~RIP~
Patricia Cappo-Dean, Friend
Sep 9 2011 4:31PM
I often think of Doreen, especially when I hear certain songs or bands. Over these past nine years I've also thought about her family and how they've experienced both good and bad times without her.
Josephine Restivo, Colleague
Sep 13 2010 12:15PM
Miss You Doreen always. Love you always. Gina
Gina Giovanniello, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:51PM
Hello to Doreen's family. I'm Maria - Louise Lynch's daughter. I just requested that my Mom's name and Doreen's name be next to eachother on the WTC Memorial Pool - since they were such great friends and all. Just hoping you'd do the same. Please email me if you see this. Thinking of you <3
Maria Lynch, Friend
Jun 11 2009 12:00AM
Doreen was my first cousin, and she was very sweet, I will miss her always, she passed away a year after my mother died, and she was Doreen's Godmother, I love you Doreen Love Patty Note to Gina Giovenello Hi Gina, if you want to e-mail me and chat, my e-mail is
Patty Logan, Family
Apr 28 2009 11:03PM
I'm an ANGRISANI also. All my support and that of my family to yours. It would be nice to know each other... we're from argentina from basilicata, italy. If you need, e-mail at
john, Friend
Dec 11 2008 5:26AM
Hi Doreen We all miss you Love Patty
Patty, Family
Sep 11 2008 12:32PM
i think of you many many times throughout everyday, i see your picture, i talk to you, i blow you kisses i miss you very much, wish you were here. i try hard to find something positive in all this but it is a great challenge, as always, we must continue to move forward. save me a seat, until we meet again,lor.
lori, Family
Sep 11 2008 9:31AM
Doreen was a wonderful person, sister and friend. Her spirit was so strong that she really was the one who held the family together. We all miss her so and things have never been right since she left us. Gina
Gina Giovanniello, Family
Mar 23 2008 1:57PM
My gosh even after all these years it just doesn't get any easier.. Jorge and I think of you and talk about you often.. What a wonderful person to know.. I hope you family is doing well especially Gina. I will write to you here for as long as i can .. Just to let you know i'm still around .. All my Love Your favorite Hairdresser,
Eric Amorosi, Family
Sep 11 2007 4:46PM
I miss you, Doreen you have always been good to me esp after Mom died I know she is with you Love Always, your cousin Patty
Patty, Family
Jul 28 2007 12:58AM
Well another year has gone by .. I'm not sure time heals all wounds, Because this one certainly still hurts.. I hope your Family is doing good and are in good health.. I always think of Gina around this time, Because you guys were so close.. There is still a great pain in my heart still after all these years..You wil always be greatly missed.. And we will never forget.. I want to send out a big hug and alittle kiss on the check to GINA.. I'm with you during this hard time.. Love Always Your Favorite Hairdresser Eric Amorosi
Eric Amorosi, Friend
Sep 10 2006 5:52PM
It has been five years since my last post to you Doreen. We will never forget your courage and bravery on that horrific day of September 11th. Our thoughts and prayers go out to the Angrisani families all over the world who have been touched by such greatness. God Bless you Doreen.
Lisa Angrisani, Friend
Sep 6 2006 5:31PM
Just thought i would drop a line to say Hi. Let you know that i am thinking about you right this minute.. I will be going to see John Edwards(the Medium)in Las Vegas on July 14th or 15th. If you can stop by on that day to say Hi to me I would really be happy... Anyway always thinking of you .. Love Always Eric
Eric Amorosi, Friend
Jun 21 2006 1:25AM
Sis, we never stop thinking of you. Always remembered...
Paul, Family
Sep 14 2005 12:20PM
Well Doreen it's now been 4 years since that horriable day. Wow i always think about you and can't believe that your gone. I was her Hairdresser for the last several years of her life. We became good friends and she always opened her heart to me as alot of people due to their hairdresser's. What an innocent kind and hearted person!! I moved from NY to CA just before 9/11 and remember getting a card from Doreen when i moved here and that was the last i had heard from her. You will never be forgotten for your kindness and Big heart .. I love you and miss you very much. All my love Eric Amorosi
Eric Amorosi, Friend
Sep 12 2005 10:34AM
Dear Doreen, Three years have passed since we lost you that day. There's not a day that goes by that I don't think of you, and hear your full, lively and contagious laugh. I think back and can't help but start to cry. How Frankie and I used to tease you about being a Met fan, and how you teased us right back about being Yankee fans, and the arguments that went on during the World series of 2000. The trips to the Bronx Zoo, and the vacations to Montauk. How whenever you found a picture of Jon Bon Jovi you would always save it for me, and how you opened my ears to Melissa Etheridge. Then I think back even further to when Maria and Paul were babies and how you always would hold me on your lap when you knew I was jealous of the attention they got. The one thing i think I will never forget were the last words you said to me. I had just gone through a rough break up and you told Aunt Gina that you werent' sure how to approach me about it, so all you did was give me a big hug and said 'don't worry Jenny, everything's gonna be alright'. I may not have been your real neice, but you were like an Aunt just the same. And above all, a friend. I miss you. please watch over aunt gina and uncle paul and maria and paul. i love you and miss you. Shine on, you crazy diamond... love, Jenny
Jenny, Family
Sep 13 2004 11:11PM
I writte you from Uruguay,South America. I never meet anyone of you,never meet Doreen,but I´m an Angrisani so,my heart is with you. We are a big great family spread around the world that´s why now I felt so near you. Seek her in your memories and you could find her in your heart.Love,from Uruguay Veronica Angrisani
Veronica Angrisani, Family
Jan 5 2004 8:29PM
Every day for the past two years I've had the same thoughts and questions going through my mind...questions that will probably never be answered. All I can hope is that Doreen and the others are in a better place.
Josephine Restivo, Friend
Sep 28 2003 8:53PM
Though I don't know much about this wonderful person, it was moving to see my family name in the list of the people died in the wtc tragedy (we are relatives in some way). I write from Rome, Italy, and please if possible send my condolence to her family. Alfonso Angrisani
alfonso angrisani, Family
Sep 2 2003 10:33AM
Doreen was a colleague of mine for a couple of years. She was very quiet and had a sweet disposition (opposite of me) but we got along really well. I would see her early every morning in the panty getting her coffee and she would laugh at the remarks I gave whenever she asked how I was doing? She is in my thoughts and prayers every day and will not be forgotten.
Corinne Simonetti, Colleague
Sep 12 2002 10:45AM
My mom, Anne was friends with Doreen's mom, Irene when I was a kid. While watching the tributes today on t.v., my mom heard Doreen's name and wanted me to resarch if in fact it was Doreen. I feel so terrible and my heart goes out to her family. I met Doreen a couple of times when I was a kid and later on when I started working in the city, my mom and I bumped into Doreen on the 'M' train in the mornings on the way to work a couple of times. She was always a warm and friendly person. Irene, I don't know if you member me...but my heart goes out to you and your family. I have fond memories of you. God bless you all.
Marilyn Walter, Friend
Sep 12 2002 2:21AM
Not a day goes by without me thinking of Doreen. Since we liked the same kind of music, we used to talk about concerts and bands and new albums. I'll never get to do that again, and I miss that. I can still see her face and hear her voice. I miss her and my heart aches for her family.
Josephine Restivo, Friend
Aug 25 2002 6:58PM
Doreen was my sister and best friend. We were very close and shared each other's lives. Losing Doreen has left a hole in my soul that aches each and every day. I was lucky I had 42 years with my sister, and yet I feel so cheated. My sister was a kind, sensitive and loving person. She always seemed to give more than she ever received. There's not a moment when Doreen isnt in my thoughts, I spend alot of time reflecting these days. Searching for anwers I know I'll never get. Its so hard to think about the future without Doreen being a part of it. I dont know what the future holds for any of us, all I know is I will never be the same. I love you Doreen with all my heart, I miss you so badly I physically ache. Watch over the kids, Dor, they need you so. I will never forget, Gina
Gina Giovanniello, Family
Aug 4 2002 7:03PM
I really didn't get to know Doreen until around the first quarter of 2001. I remember her telling me that she never watched television, but she could listen to music all night long. I thought that was strange, since I am a 'couch potato'. Well, one night I was having problems with my cable, so I decided to play some music. I loved it. When I returned to work the next day, I told Doreen, that I now understand her love for music. Thank you Doreen, my Pink Floyd days has just begun.
Shirley Farris, Colleague
Jun 6 2002 2:21PM
I worked with Doreen for a couple of years. During that time I never heard her say a bad word about anyone. She was a sweet and understanding person. I'm very sorry for her family and she will be missed.
Leila Elvebakk, Colleague
Apr 19 2002 1:35PM