Kathryn A. Shatzoff
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I love you and miss you
Teresa Shatsoff, Family
Sep 10 2024 6:10PM
9/11/22, Kathryn, my dear sister, what can I say. It DOES NOT get any easier even after 21 years. I miss you so much. This day also took part of me away. I miss and love you soooooo much. You were so precious, kind, loving, generous. I can go on forever. I know you and mom are watching over me and my family and that keeps me going. Your values, Kindness, generousity, love will be passed on to my kids and so on. We will never forget. God Bless.
Marc, Family
Sep 11 2022 11:15AM
It is now 20 years since we lost you. I will never forget you my equal Gemini friend/colleague from Marsh! RIP. 💕
Frances Rodriguez, Colleague
Sep 10 2021 3:28PM
It was great to find this site...Kathryn is my cousin. We are the same age and grew up together in the same building in NYC. We grew apart as we got older but memories of us together as children endure. This tragedy will never be forgotten. I was proud to have served in the military at the time and to have been able to hopefully ensure in the ensuing years these events will never happen in our Country again.
Anna Marie Cardenas, Family
Sep 11 2013 11:10AM
My niece Janice informed me of your welcomed site. Kathryn from the time of her birth until this awful day of 9-11-01 was a lovely girl/woman. She has left a big void in our family. Kathryn and all the others who perished on 9-11-01 are kept in our daily prayers. All our lives have changed since that day, we pray that God in His infinite mercy and goodness will keep our country safe and free of terrorist acts. Know that you are MISSED, and LOVED, Uncle Lou and Aunt Maureen Riegert
Louis Riegert, Family
Sep 13 2011 9:28PM
It has been 10 years and I remember you as if it were yesterday. Miss you my Gemini partner in crime at Marsh ! RIP.......
Frances Rodriguez, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 8:52AM
kathrn was great ,she lived to help everyone. and everytime i think of her it hurts inside and can't stop myself from breaking down. I knew kathryn for nine years and talked to her everyday. she would come by the store and we would talk or sometimes i would go over to neils and kathryn's house. One of the last things i herd her say on the phone was, 'i need a philips screw driver but all i have is a stanley', i guess reading the instructions,i know we shouldn't have laugh but it was funny you will be missed. I didn't realize this was here till tonight Thank you tony
tony caamano, Friend
Jul 9 2010 11:29PM
it has been 8 years...you are not forgotten.
crystal shatzoff, Family
Sep 11 2009 11:05AM
I miss you
Vickie Shazoff, Family
Sep 11 2008 8:41AM
thinking of you...
crystal shatzoff, Family
Sep 11 2006 4:04PM
Today I had to get in front of a group of agents at Ticketmaster and give a presentation. About halfway through the presentation, our whole callcenter had a moment of silence for those lost on 9/11. When we went back to our meeting, I lost it. I had to dismiss the meeting for about 10 minutes and make a call to Vickie. I had too many thoughts going through my mind at the time. I couldn't focus, sometimes a moment is not enough.
Crystal Shatzoff, Family
Sep 11 2003 3:38PM
Kathryn, It's been one year since I've lost my only sister. I miss you so much. Every single day I think of you. How I wish you were here. Although there is no closure I know that one day we will be reunited in heavan and the emptiness will be filled. If only you had come to my house on this day,as we had planned, you would still be here. But you didn't want to take two days off in a row. I know you are looking down on us and giving us the strength to go on. You know by now, because you can see everything, that you will be an aunt again. I hope it's a girl, she will be given your name. You would have been the godmother as I had promised you, but you were taken from us and we decided to choose your godmother. I love you so much and will miss you. I'm sorry we can't hold those that are responsible accountable because it's out of your mom's and brothers hands and you would want that, I know other families will. We love you. Love Your brother Marc, Jeanne, Madeline and baby to be.
Marc Davidson, Family
Sep 11 2002 4:50PM
Kathryn was a dear friend! She was always there to help in any way she could. Kathryn helped the consultants in any way possible and did a fantastic job. She made their job easier because she was there to solve their problems and get the assignments they gave her done as quickly as possible. I loved having lunch with her Michelle and Linda. We would get together in our Library/Resource room and have fun eating the donuts I sometimes brought for our sweet teeth. Kathryn was a friend in every sense of the word. I miss her and think about her especially when I look at the beautiful memento she made for me. Your friend always, Terry
Terry Terenzi, Friend
Sep 11 2002 3:09PM
I met Kathryn on my first visit to New York City to meet my then husband's family. She made the trip much more tolerable because I was feeling very overwhelmed by the big city. I may not be a Shatzoff any more but I still thought of Kathryn as family. She will be missed.
Deena Shatzoff Oneil, Family
Aug 26 2002 2:29PM
I wish I could write about all the good times that we spent together, but the truth is I have never met Kathryn. This makes it even harder because now I will never get the chance to know her. I appreciate the company setting up this tribute page and allowing for others to look back on the life of Kathryn Shatzoff.
Crystal Shatzoff, Family
Jun 1 2002 6:43PM