Wayne A. Russo

Family Tribute:This is the homily which was written for Wayne Alan Russo’s memorial service by a long time friend of the family, Rev. E. James Roberts. The service took place on November 3, 2001 at Holy Spirit Roman Catholic Church in Union, New Jersey. Close to one thousand people were in attendance - a true testament as to how many lives Wayne touched. Our hope is that you never forget Wayne. Think of him often - keep his memory alive. Wayne’s spirit will live on in our hearts forever...

Arthur, Arlene, Lynne and Mario

Reflecting on the events of September 11, 2001, Dean James Pain of Drew University, a former teacher and mentor of mine, asked: 'How do you think the unthinkable or speak the unspeakable...We are living,' he said, 'in a shattered moment, a moment which will continue to be shattering.'

Indeed, seven and a half weeks later, we remain shattered...shocked, stunned and saddened beyond belief. We have witnessed unspeakable evil committed by obscenely evil people. We still feel grief, anger, fear...shaken to the very core of our being...as we continue to think the unthinkable, and to speak the unspeakable.

He didn’t know it when he left for work at Marsh and McLennan that fateful Tuesday morning, typically much earlier than he had to, but Wayne was leaving for the front lines of a new kind of war in which the old rules of engagement no longer applied. We’re hearing a lot about heroes of the World Trade Center...police, firefighters, emergency personnel, and rightly so. But Wayne is a hero too, a hero who died for all that is good and right and true, just as surely and as certainly as if he were engaged in hand to hand combat.

So many of those who died that day were among the brightest and the best, and Wayne was one of the very brightest and the very best. A graduate of the prestigious Stern School of Business at New York University, he spent his entire career with Marsh and McLennan, or the companies that were merged to form it. To December 7, 1941, which some of us here today remember having lived through and experienced, we can add September 11, 2001, as a day which will live in infamy.

Wayne was a quiet and unassuming man...the kind of man who supported a child in Africa for years without anyone but himself, and the child who benefited from his kindness, knowing about it...the kind of man who would donate blood several times a year, again, without anyone knowing it...the kind of man who was always available, for a cousin or a friend who needed a companion to go to a concert at the last moment, for friends who were getting married in Ecuador and wanted him to be present, for his Dad, to make 'just one more drop of campaign literature' before an election. As his Uncle Anthony put it, 'he didn’t know the word ‘no!’”

His travels took him, literally to the far corners of the globe...to China, Russia, all over Europe, Japan, Hong Kong, Ecuador, and Italy where, in a remote village, quite by chance, he met descendants of his grandparents and immediately related to them as if he had known them all his life. Indeed, he spent part of September 10th planning, with his father, a return visit to that village in October.

A week prior to that, he returned from a trip to India. A traveling companion, a part of the small group on that trip, who hadn’t known him before, on learning he was missing, wrote to Arlene and Arthur and Lynne, that she 'felt she had known him much longer than a week...He made a good impression on me,' she wrote...'A lot of qualities shown through right away - his absolute honesty, his warmth and generosity toward other people, his deep concern for the impoverished people of India. I just took to him right away,' she said, adding, 'how could anyone not?' How indeed?

As wide as his interests were, the center of his life, was his home and family...his parents, Arthur and Arlene, his sister and closest friend, Lynne, and more recently Lynne’s husband, Mario, who he claimed as a brother. And how he looked forward to being 'a real Uncle' after being an honorary Uncle to the children of cousins and friends.

But this was the focal group of a much larger circle of Uncles and Aunts and cousins whose closeness and love and respect and support for each other is extraordinary. It was from this close knit family that Wayne reached out to countless others. As Arthur put it, 'Once you were a friend of Wayne’s, you were a friend for life.' 'He was,' he said, 'a man of honor...intensely loyal...and his word was his bond.'

Sports and music were other interests in Wayne’s many-faceted life. A little leaguer as a youngster, he played a mean second base and short stop. Later, as an adult, he became a 'black belt' in karate. He bowled in an extremely competitive league. And he was an avid fan of the New York Giants and the Yankees, spending the Saturday before 9/11 at Yankee Stadium watching the Yankees play the Red Sox, enjoying the home run by Tino Martinez and the win. Again, it was a family event, with his Uncle Alan and Aunt Ginny there as well.

Wayne was not only a performer of music, playing the drums in a group with childhood friends Brian and Lito, but he was a student of music as well, with an encyclopedic knowledge of music history and a collection of hundreds (if not thousands) of records, tapes and CDs. Going to concerts and shows, frequently with cousins and friends, was a favorite pastime.

Wayne Russo was truly, a remarkable young man...with interests as wide as the world, enhanced by sports and music, but always grounded by family and friends. Whatever he did, he did it with eagerness, enthusiasm and enjoyment. He died, much too soon. But if there is one consolation, it is that he lived a life that was fulfilled and filled full in ways that few ever attain.

In the chaos and confusion that immediately followed the destruction of the World Trade Center, a young woman was interviewed on TV. She had been searching for her missing fiancé. 'And where is my friend, Wayne Russo?' she asked at the end of the interview. 'Where is my friend Wayne Russo?'

That was our question too, and it continues to be our question.

Where is our son, where is our brother, where is our nephew, where is our cousin, where is our friend, Wayne Russo? The only answer that comes to me is that of the angel to Mary Magdalene on the first Easter Day when she came looking for Jesus. 'He is not here. He is Risen!' Wayne is not there in the devastation we know as 'Ground Zero.' He is risen...to be in the closer presence of Almighty God.

And he will be with us too, to live forever in countless memories of all that he was, all that he achieved, and all that he sought to be. He will be with us in a myriad of ways...some will bring a smile, others a tear, but always with love and affection and gratitude for his time among us.

Shortly after 9/11, Lynne asked her brother to send her a sign that he did not suffer. By chance, she picked up something Wayne had written several years ago regarding their very ill cat, Bret. She was dying in front of their eyes at the animal hospital. They decided to put her to sleep, as she would not make it through the night. Wayne wrote, 'It was quick and painless and humane. It was the right thing to do. I hope I go out like that some day.' Wayne Russo’s demise was undoubtedly swift, but certainly not humane.That’s what hurts so much. Not only was Wayne and thousands of others cheated out of their promising future, but we were too. To say that it makes us angry is an understatement. We want him here, with us, to hug him, love him, to blink the lights when the music gets too loud. But knowing Wayne, as we do, we know that he would not want the circumstances of his death to consume us.I don’t know whether Wayne ever knew of the late Fr. Henri Nouwen. But I am sure he would have agreed with him when he wrote that two deadly words in the spiritual life are 'there' and 'later'. Instead, Nouwen challenged us to live 'here' and 'now'. I think Wayne would urge us to do the same, with the same zest, the same enthusiasm, the same energy with which he lived life in the here and now.I do know that Wayne knew of Paul McCartney and could probably write a book about him and the Beatles. Although he probably hadn’t read these recent words, I think he would have concurred. If he could go back in time and meet, the 12-year-old Paul McCartney, 'what advice would you give Him?,' McCartney was asked.'Oh, my God,' McCartney replied. 'What would I tell him? Keep a good sense of humor, man. You’re going to need it...And enjoy yourself. Because, you know, we don’t know how long we’re here for. We don’t know the deal, really. And so I think if you enjoy, it certainly helps. I think it helps people around you too. It helps them to enjoy.'I think Wayne would have agreed with that, because he truly enjoyed everything he did. He lived life, savored it so much that we enjoyed it too, just being around him.And McCartney is right. We don’t really know the deal, at least we don’t know all the details. But we do have a faith, a faith, as the liturgy puts it so well, that 'at death, life is not ended, but merely changed.' That is our prayer for Wayne, that for him, life is not ended, but merely changed.And if he could, I’m sure Wayne would echo those words of Jesus and say to us today, 'peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you...let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.'http://www.geocities.com/jrusso7768/Waynespage.htmlWayne Alan Russo: A Trip UnrealizedWayne Alan Russo never got to Egypt. He had been to China, Japan, Russia, all over Europe -- he was planning his eighth trip to Italy for early November -- and returned on Sept. 2 from India. But some sort of trouble always blocked the trip to the pyramids.At home, he led an organized life. He gave blood several times a year, and supported a child in Africa. He took the bus from Union, N.J., where he lived with his parents, every morning at 6:30 to arrive early for his accountant’s job at Marsh & McLennan. He went to almost every Giants’ home game since Giants Stadium opened in 1976 with his father, Arthur Russo. And there were the Yankees. He and his family saw them beat the Red Sox on Sept. 8.On Sept. 11 Mr. Russo, 37, was to have had dinner with Cheryl Marx, who had been in the group that went to New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. They never got to exchange photos. But they did receive each other’s postcards, sent from India on that last trip. Each said 'Egypt next year.' Copyright (c) 2001 by The New York Times Co. Reprinted by permission.

Shortly after 9/11, Lynne asked her brother to send her a sign that he did not suffer. By chance, she picked up something Wayne had written several years ago regarding their very ill cat, Bret. She was dying in front of their eyes at the animal hospital. They decided to put her to sleep, as she would not make it through the night. Wayne wrote, 'It was quick and painless and humane. It was the right thing to do. I hope I go out like that some day.' Wayne Russo’s demise was undoubtedly swift, but certainly not humane.

That’s what hurts so much. Not only was Wayne and thousands of others cheated out of their promising future, but we were too. To say that it makes us angry is an understatement. We want him here, with us, to hug him, love him, to blink the lights when the music gets too loud. But knowing Wayne, as we do, we know that he would not want the circumstances of his death to consume us.

I don’t know whether Wayne ever knew of the late Fr. Henri Nouwen. But I am sure he would have agreed with him when he wrote that two deadly words in the spiritual life are 'there' and 'later'. Instead, Nouwen challenged us to live 'here' and 'now'. I think Wayne would urge us to do the same, with the same zest, the same enthusiasm, the same energy with which he lived life in the here and now.

I do know that Wayne knew of Paul McCartney and could probably write a book about him and the Beatles. Although he probably hadn’t read these recent words, I think he would have concurred. If he could go back in time and meet, the 12-year-old Paul McCartney, 'what advice would you give Him?,' McCartney was asked.

'Oh, my God,' McCartney replied. 'What would I tell him? Keep a good sense of humor, man. You’re going to need it...And enjoy yourself. Because, you know, we don’t know how long we’re here for. We don’t know the deal, really. And so I think if you enjoy, it certainly helps. I think it helps people around you too. It helps them to enjoy.'

I think Wayne would have agreed with that, because he truly enjoyed everything he did. He lived life, savored it so much that we enjoyed it too, just being around him.

And McCartney is right. We don’t really know the deal, at least we don’t know all the details. But we do have a faith, a faith, as the liturgy puts it so well, that 'at death, life is not ended, but merely changed.' That is our prayer for Wayne, that for him, life is not ended, but merely changed.

And if he could, I’m sure Wayne would echo those words of Jesus and say to us today, 'peace I leave with you, my peace I give to you...let not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid.'

http://www.geocities.com/jrusso7768/Waynespage.htmlWayne Alan Russo: A Trip Unrealized

Wayne Alan Russo never got to Egypt. He had been to China, Japan, Russia, all over Europe -- he was planning his eighth trip to Italy for early November -- and returned on Sept. 2 from India. But some sort of trouble always blocked the trip to the pyramids.

At home, he led an organized life. He gave blood several times a year, and supported a child in Africa. He took the bus from Union, N.J., where he lived with his parents, every morning at 6:30 to arrive early for his accountant’s job at Marsh & McLennan. He went to almost every Giants’ home game since Giants Stadium opened in 1976 with his father, Arthur Russo. And there were the Yankees. He and his family saw them beat the Red Sox on Sept. 8.

On Sept. 11 Mr. Russo, 37, was to have had dinner with Cheryl Marx, who had been in the group that went to New Delhi, Jaipur and Agra. They never got to exchange photos. But they did receive each other’s postcards, sent from India on that last trip. Each said 'Egypt next year.'

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Dear Wayne, This is the first time I have seen this tribute site. I looked back and read all of the previous messages and my heart shattered. To see all of the years pass and everything change and yet you are still not here with us. I've never met you but I feel like I know you more than would make sense. Everyone has always told me that I reminded me of you. I never really understood why. I always just nodded my head and smiled. But as I got older, I realized I have always felt this connection and understanding that your spirit lives on through me. Your sister and my mom will never be the same after you passed. Nothing can change that, not now, not then, not ever. But, every time she looks at me, I know she sees you. Your love, your passion, your kindness, and your heart. I will always try to live up to your expectations. It is hard to be as good as a man as you were. Knowing the type of person you were inspires me to be better everyday. I want to make everyone proud for you. I want to make sure you and your deeds are never forgotten. I wonder what you would think now if you were here. All of the memories we could've had. That's what hurts the most to think about. I never had my uncle, my siblings never had their uncle, my mom lost her brother, my dad lost his brother in law, my grandparents lost their son, and your friends lost their friend. You've touched so many people throughout your life, and now that you're gone it was impossible to move on. I know no one will ever move on from what happened. I have been going to the 9/11 memorial since I was born and I plan on going until I die. Every time we go, it is a day of memorial but also pain and suffering. Reliving those feelings that everyone shared 23 years ago. My mom still hurts just as much as she did the day she lost you. She is living for you and always will. Just as I always will. We will never forget Wayne. Keep watching over me. Keep guiding me. Keep protecting me. I will make you proud. Love, Your Nephew Justin
Justin Wayne Russo Linale, Family
Sep 24 2024 4:24AM
Wayne - the sky was weeping earlier this morning. There are so many tales I would have told you about…. cats, the girls, travels…. Time keeps speeding up, but that day twenty two years ago remains rooted in our memory, and draws us back right back to the grief and loss. Look over your family, your friends, and all those missing you, please. I know we will catch up one day. Lady Rei
Rei , Friend
Sep 11 2023 11:13AM
I didn't know Wayne; something just brought me to this site this year. Sincerest condolences to all who knew him.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 19 2022 10:18PM
Wayne, Just thought you should know that we have not forgotten you. You are missed. Never forget!
Raj, Colleague
Sep 12 2022 4:24PM
Wayne - It’s hard to believe it’s been twenty one years since we lost you. As we all know, time never stopped, never slowed down, and never turned back. I keep marveling how things today pull up an interlocking chain of memories - a quick drive past the West Village triggering an old moment tucked away in a corner of my mind - an old postcard advertisement for “Shoes” we went to go see, an old org chart with your extension - a stranger’s kindness, and a reminder to be kind, and take the high road. The girls are teens now, and of the age of being able to comprehend how and why this day remains a marker in our lives where the ground suddenly shifted, the world turned upside down, and we live - facing our forward - honoring those we’ve lost, carrying their memories, and remembering the friendship, love and presence we were so fortunate to have experienced. Please continue watching over your family, and friends. Lady Rei
Rei , Friend
Sep 11 2022 0:01PM
I believe we were related. I was a cousin of Vera Russo. Our great grandfathers married Russo sisters, as the story be told, I think! Anyway, Vera and I talked by phone until she passed away. Dearest sweetest soul. Although I never met Wayne, from all accounts he too had the sweetest soul. I'm so very sorry for the families' loss. He is truly in heaven. Remembering you and holding you in prayer.
Gail Cotugna, Family
Sep 11 2022 2:10AM
Wayne. I know you are somewhere beautiful. I think if you often. I will always remember you. You are a very special person and I know how loved you are. You have a beautiful family. I wasn’t surprised. They are like you. Your friend Sue
Suzanne Pajonas, Friend
Aug 23 2021 6:30PM
Remembering Wayne Russo on 11th September 2021. Fond memories of Wayne especially every Sep 11th. The most kind young lad from my younger elementary and middle school days. I was lucky to be paired with Wayne in our PE gym classes for many years due to our same height surprisingly year after year. He was often my dance partner for years. He stood out for his big smile, curliest blond hair, honestly always the most eager in class with his hand held up first to answer questions or to offer help. God Bless. Diana Lindner Grimston
Diane Lindner, Friend
Sep 11 2021 8:22AM
With respect !!!
mamaligadoc, Friend
Jan 2 2021 4:19PM
Dear Wayne, I miss you so much. This world needs more people like you. I am thankful for having you as a friend. I heard your favorite son on the radio last week, I know it was a hello from you. I will always love you. Lisa
Lisa Garcia , Friend
Sep 11 2020 5:02PM
Grieving and sharing the loss of our Beloved Wayne. Forever we miss his love, bright smile, hugs, so many acts of kindness, the way he made us laugh, quiet moments, generosity, and everything about him. Life has never been the same since that horrific day for so many and our loss of Wayne ... well... time certainly hasn’t faded the loss, diminished our love or mended our broken hearts. Our families’ love for each other continue so strong but we still suffer without you. We all try to pay your acts of kindness forward as a small tribute. With much love.
MaryAnn, Family
Sep 11 2019 6:48PM
Will always remember him as a bowling buddy for the insurance league.
Migdalia Otero, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 1:50PM
Wayne - Today's morning sky was gray, gray, gray. I think often - what would you be making of the girls' antics I would be sharing with you. You'd definitely suggest a re-education of music taste, (among other tops) but then again, I know you'd have a great hearty laugh. With time's unpredictable ebb and flow, this year, today snuck up quickly - and yet, the whole memory of that morning - that day - goes by in slow motion in my memory, in my mind's film projector pulling me back into snapshot moments, drawing me into that day. All our furry grrrrls have joined you up there, I'm sure, meeting others. Please watch over your family, your friends. We miss you, and we will never forget you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2018 1:31PM
Wayne: It's a crisp blue sky, few high clouds, and it's reminiscent of that day 16 years ago. Every year, this day comes quietly, a footfall of autumn, lengthening shadows, and a sense of immense emptiness arrives in the morning. Time flows forward, and comes to a standstill each year, and we mark time in grief and in sadness. We stand there, feeling the currents pass by, knowing we get pulled back to this place each year. Please watch over your family, your friends. We miss you, and we will never forget you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2017 9:38AM
With a still broken heart I remember that tragic day you were taken from us 16 years ago with sickening detail. You were in one of my dreams a few weeks ago and you told me you are always with us. I believe that Wayne. You are alive in my heart and in the hearts and of all who loved you. We carry your name, your life, our precious memories and our love for you always. Con amore per la mia cara cugina, Linda
Linda, Family
Sep 7 2017 8:56AM
Wayne - It's been 15 years, and time just seems to pick up more speed - whether it's the girls, or my own age - not sure, but it seems to pass quickly. Your patience, listening to my tales - good and bad - and the positivity you share - no matter how crummy the situation may sound. I miss your encouragement, and your voice that I could actually see you're smiling on the other end of the phone. Fifteen years, and the grief is still raw. Fifteen years out, and fifteen years wiser, but the loss of a dear friend cannot be simply filled in with time and memories of the subsequent days, months, years that follow. Please watch over your family, watch over your friends. We miss you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2016 10:11PM
Wayne and Greg were great friends in High School and beyond, sharing a love of music together. I wanted the Russo family to know that after 15 years, Wayne is still remembered and thought of in our family. My children know all about Wayne and have visited the 9/11 memorial to see his name. Especially this time of year, our thoughts are with the family. Terri, Greg and family.
Walker Family, Friend
Sep 11 2016 11:16AM
Thinking of you today Wayne, like I have the past 15 years on this day. Watching the 9/11 tributes on TV waiting for your name to be announced. I always remember your amazing smile and think of all the laughs we had in the hallways at work back in the day. We joked about our curly hair. You always made me laugh and smile. You are a special soul Wayne. I'll never forget you. I still have the birthday card you gave me with the button inside and will keep it always. -- "Runway" (your nickname for me)
Maryjane, Friend
Sep 11 2016 11:51AM
Wayne. 15 years have passed and it feels like forever since we laughed and were together. I look at the picture of the 4 of us from the early beach days on my refrigerator and fondly remember all the laughter and silliness of our youth. We were truly blessed to know such joy. I miss you Wayne and carry you in my heart always. Con Amore, Linda
Linda, Family
Sep 7 2016 6:21PM
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Waynezee! I miss you and love you with all my heart...
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2016 10:29PM
Wayne--It is with profound sorrow and love that I honor you today. We all miss you terribly. Our WW days aren't the same without you in your stars and stripes suit that would probably still fit you today:) I carry you always in my heart until we meet again. Con Amore Linda xoxo
Linda Dolceamore, Family
Sep 11 2015 3:23PM
Wayne - Each year, this day creeps closer and closer, first treading lightly - tiny footsteps that slowly signal the end of summer, the beginning of a school year - and before I know it, we are here, again, remembering that day that spun our universe around, upending our lives and our sense of normalcy. It's been 14 years, and although some days, the passing time seems more of lyrical, happier moments dot the daily memories that flow through - but we all slow down as we approach today. Your generosity, your drive, the energy to simply take on a project, and GET IT DONE. Remembering small details that bring a smile to a friend, knowing a good hug, a good joke would light up someone's day. Oh, Wayne, my daily, "inspiration" calls - your voice that just smiled over the phone. Watch over us - your family, your friends. We miss you, and we will never forget you. Went down to the Jersey Shore - my first time during the summer, the girls' first time. What happy memories. I'll hold onto them to share with you, when we catch up. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2015 8:57 AM
WAYNE, I just read your sister Lynne's beautiful message to you and thought I'd post one too. On 1/5/15 you turned 51 years old in Heaven. You're truly in our hearts forever and I know you were the best friend anyone could ever have! I'm so thankful that we first met as lab partners in 8th grade at Kawameeh Jr. High. I thank God for all the time we spent together especially the fun we had with our band Stetz. You were so generous and the fact is we wouldn't have been able to release our lp 'Songs Of Experience' if it was for you. Wayne, you did so much for so many and we will love and cherish our memories until we meet again. Keep rockin'!!!
Jan 13 2015 1:34AM
Happy Birthday in Heaven, Wayne! I can't believe you would be 51 today. You will forever remain young in my mind and in my heart. Fourteen years have passed since we last celebrated our birthdays together. I miss and love you so much. We went to the 9/11 Memorial yesterday to honor you for your birthday. The same old gang went...Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Brian, Allison, and Lito. We stood by your name, wished you a Happy Birthday, and released balloons into the gray January sky. Did you see us? Did you hear us? Did you feel the love in our hearts? We then went to the Hard Rock Cafe, a yearly tradition. We made a birthday toast to you. We'll have to start bringing Jesse and Jared to your birthday celebration. Maybe next year. What an awesome uncle you would have been to Jordan, Justin, Jesse and Jared! They love you and send you birthday hugs and kisses. I see you when I look into their eyes. Your legacy lives on. Waynezee, on your birthday, and always, I want you to know how much I love you. I promise to keep your flame burning brightly. I will honor your memory always. I miss my better half. I miss my best friend. I miss my brother. I hope you and Dad are celebrating in grand style! Until the day we can blow out our birthday candles together again...I will love you forever. They must be playing AC/DC in Heaven... Your adoring sister Your birthday card is in the basement
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2015 7:44PM
Couldn't bring myself to post on 9/11 as I felt crippled with sadness at the always shocking reality that you are not with us here on earth. It continues to shock me that someone as alive and energetic, kind and compassionate would have been taken from us and in such a violent, hateful way. A gentle soul you were, Wayne, and you are missed beyond words. I think of you always, and miss you so much. I know that you are in a better place, and that the grief I feel is for us left behind. I hope that you are drumming in heaven. Miss you Miss you Miss you xoxoxoxo
Vicki, Friend
Sep 13 2014 11:09AM
13 years and I still can not process the evil that happened that tragic day you died. I try to focus on your short life and the love we all had for each other. Your flame was bright and too short. We miss you and hold you in our hearts every day. xxoo Great toss for fours:)
Linda Dolceamore, Family
Sep 11 2014 6:38PM
Whenever I visited my mom at work - I couldn't wait to hear about the latest concert you went to. Thanks for suggesting obscure songs to call into K-ROCK when I was bored at the Christmas parties, for convincing my mother to take me to my first concert, and for the Smashing Pumpkins hat!
Cat, Friend
Sep 11 2014 11:39AM
Once again on Sept. 11, I opened my copy of the Star Ledger to the obit. section and see Wayne's smiling face and heartfelt message from his family. The pain of losing a good friend hasn't lessened with time. God bless one of the most wonderful people I have ever known and God take care of your wonderful family. Miss you buddy.
Greg Walker, Friend
Sep 11 2014 11:02AM
Wayne - Another year slips away, quickly, and yet, each September 11th I dread as the day tiptoes closer, the sadness and grief still fresh when I realize it's upon us. Thirteen years between your departure and today, and thirteen years wiser, older, grayer - and yet, I'm still taken back to that morning. Watch over your family, watch over your friends, watch over us. We will never forget you. Miss you always. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2014 9:16AM
Waynezee, September 11th is only a few days away. That familiar ache is creeping in to every fiber of my body. We will be there, in New York, to honor you on Thursday. I miss you. I love you. You will live forever in my heart... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 8 2014 10:10PM
Spent the day at the beach, and saw two angel shaped clouds. thought of you. Miss you, Wayne, always. xoxo
Vicki, Friend
Jul 12 2014 10:03PM
Never out of mind my friend.
Ed Donohoe, Friend
Jul 2 2014 2:59PM
Waynezee, Missing you and Dad so much on my birthday and always. Nothing will ever be the same. I love you... Your adoring sister I got your sign today. Thanks, I really needed that. I know you and Dad were with me today.
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2014 9:01PM
Wayne - Wishing you a very happy 50th birthday in heaven. I will always be honored to be your brother in law. I will always be honored to have been your friend and eternally thankful of how you welcomed me into your family. You will always have me to look after your sister and your Mom. Happy birthday Wayne. Love, Mario
Mario, Family
Jan 6 2014 4:20PM
Dear Waynezee, Happy 50th Birthday in Heaven my sweet brother. Fifty years old...it is hard to believe. You will forever be young in my mind and in my heart. Today we celebrated your life and honored the beautiful person you were. We had a crowd this year...Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Chris, Hope, Linda, Vera, Craig, Brian, Allison, Lito, Ed Graf and, of course, me. We went to the 9/11 Memorial and stood by your name. There was a white rosé placed by your name because it was your birthday. We took pictures, laughed and cried. The security guard remembered us from previous years. We each had a balloon and gathered in a circle. After we yelled, 'Happy Birthday, Wayne' we let the balloons go and watched their flight to the heavens and to you. Did you see us? Did you hear us? Did you feel the love we sent with those balloons? I hope so. After the memorial we walked to the family room. We stayed there for a while. We wrote notes to you in the books. We walked around and looked at pictures. We talked. We remembered. We missed you. We then went on to the Hard Rock Cafe to continue your birthday celebration. I was hoping we would get a sign from you, and you didn't disappoint. Just as we got up from our table to leave, AC/DC came on...Let There Be Rock with Bon Scott! Oh my God! I couldn't believe it. What a classic. We all knew you were telling us you enjoyed your birthday. Thank you, Waynezee. As your 50th birthday comes to an end, I want you to know how lucky I am to have you for a brother. I miss you. I miss my best friend. I hold every memory close to my heart. I will love you and honor you forever. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Waynezee. I love you with all my heart... Your adoring sister Your birthday card is in the basement
Lynne Russo Linale, Family
Jan 5 2014 10:51PM
I can't believe that it has been 12 years since you've been gone. I remember fondly our times in the Accounting Department at Sedgwick James. I miss you and the Accounting gang. Hope you, Wili and Gary have had a chance to 'Rock On' in Heaven.
Arie Albero, Friend
Dec 11 2013 6:44PM
Wayne you are missed here on earth. You are not forgotten even after all this time. My memories of all the times we laughed at Sedgwick James will never fade nor will your memory. Thank you for being such a great heavenly angel to me. Until we meet again my dear friend, peace be unto you.
Lisa Abbas, Friend
Oct 9 2013 4:51PM
Wayne, 12 years later, and the hurt is still so deep that it feels like yesterday. I still have trouble processing it all. You were taken far too soon, an angel here on earth and now in heaven. I hope you can somehow feel the love that so many have for you. I miss you, Wayne. And I will never forget.
Vicki, Friend
Sep 11 2013 8:11PM
Wayne I love and miss you like crazy! I know you are looking down on me and the family protecting us and seeing how much we have grown. When I'm reaching for the stars I'm reaching towards you. I'm still dancing my heart out on stage I'm you are proud of how far I have come. I love you RIP you are my angel <3
Jennifer, Family
Sep 11 2013 12:33PM
Wayne: Twelve years later, and it's still raw. It aches, and tears well, and there's that hole that's still there. Time flows outward, and we seek solace through progression, through positive and constructive strength, through inner reflection that ultimately pushes us forward day, by day. And yet, on this day, each year, I get pulled back - whipped right back to that morning. I always hear your positive and warm voice, and the encouragement. It keeps me going, it keeps me humble, and it serves as a role model as to what, simply, a sincere, honest, and good person one should be. Watch over your family, your friends, your colleagues - all of us who miss you terribly. Your dad is there with you - and I know you both are catching up, watching over everyone. Whose other children request okra with soy sauce and katsuobushi topping on their first day of school? Only mine, of course. Miss you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2013 10:47AM
Another year without you. We miss you so. Such a painful time of year...a time for remembering, reflecting and wishing things were different. Time doesn't heal all wounds. We move forward without you but we carry you in our hearts. Justin was over a few months ago and Anthony said to him ' I am your favorite uncle right'...Justin paused and I knew what he was thinking...that you were his favorite. I told him it was okay to have a favorite uncle in heaven and one here. The saddest part of it is he should have you here...we all should..you have an amazing niece and nephews..I know you are proud. I love you and carry you in my heart always. Con Amore xxoo
Linda Dolceamore, Family
Sep 7 2013 7:42AM
Waynezee, Tomorrow, Jordan and Justin will be testing for their Black Belts. Can you believe it? They are following in your footsteps. You and Dad would be so proud of them. Please watch over them tomorrow. I told them you would be there with them. I am a wreck...what else is new?! I would give anything for you and Dad to be here to see the kids receive their Black Belts. I love you with all my heart, Waynezee... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
May 31 2013 8:39PM
Waynezee, Today is my birthday and I am missing you and Dad so much. I wish I could get a birthday hug and kiss from you and Dad and hear your voices wishing me a Happy Birthday. I wish... With all my love forever, Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2013 9:20AM
Dear Waynezee, Happy Birthday in Heaven my sweet brother. I can't believe you would be 49 today. I can't believe your birthday is here once again, but I can't give you a birthday hug and kiss. I can't believe we can't celebrate our birthdays together anymore. It has been over 11 years and I still can't believe you are not here. I just miss you so much. The ache never goes away. I know I always say that, but it is so true. I miss you more and more with each passing day, month, year. I will never stop missing you or loving you. I was just watching some old Stetz footage from '92. You guys were practicing in the basement. I would give anything to go back to those days...anything! I can still see Dad eating dinner trying to read the lips of the news broadcasters on TV as the deafening noise rose from the basement and shook the house. Now you and Dad are together and hopefully celebrating you birthday in grand style. Tomorrow, we will be heading into the city to the memorial to release balloons and wish you a Happy Birthday. We'll be sending one for Dad. He never missed your birthday. We'll then head over to the Hard Rock Cafe in your honor. Please send me a sign like you always do...AC/DC or KISS would be great! The usual gang will be going except Mario and Justin. They flew to Miami today to watch the BCS National Championship game: Notre Dame vs. Alabama. Justin is insane about Notre Dame. We're hoping that's where he'll end up in 9 years. Wouldn't Dad be proud? Justin reminds me so much of you. Whenever I look into his big brown compassionate eyes, I see you looking back at me. You would be so proud of him, Jordan, Jesse and Jared. Your niece and nephews all love you and wish you a Happy Birthday. Did you hear us yell it out to you this morning, Uncle Wayne? I know you did. What an awesome uncle you would have been... Waynezee, as another year ends and a new one begins, please continue to watch over your family. Please help me to be a better mother, daughter, wife and friend. Somedays, it is just so hard. If only you were here, things would be so much better, easier, happier. I miss you and Dad so much, but I am comforted to know that you are together, father and son. Dad ached for you so. One day we will all be together...then we can blow out our birthday candles together once again. Until then...Happy Birthday, Waynezee. I will love you, miss you and honor you forever. Your adoring sister Your birthday card is in the basement
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2013 5:39PM
Wayne - Happy Birthday my brother...we love and miss you so much. I know you'll be watching your nephew, Justin and myself in a few days in Florida at the National Championship game with Notre Dame...please wish us luck and especially Justin! You would be so proud of him Wayne, he's truly a wonderful and extraordinary kid, and I know that he's destined for greatness after he graduates from Notre Dame. I know you are so proud of all of my kids because they are all truly wonderful and amazing, I just wish that you were here with them, they could learn so much from you and would truly love being with their Uncle. I miss hanging out with you and wish that you could have been with us at the Super Bowl last year, you would have loved it. Another birthday without you and I am so sorry for that, for my wife, my kids and myself. I love you and wish you a happy birthday in Heaven with Jesus and all of those we have loved and lost. Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Jan 4 2013 4:31PM
Wayne, I have been listening to the cd Lynne made to honor you. Everytime I hear your Kean College song I start the preamble over and over again. Brian and Frank say so much and you say 2 words because you did not go to Kean College. Just hearing your voice saying 'I don't' is so amazing and yet so painful. It leaves me wanting more. I miss you Wayne. Have a fun celebration in heaven. A big kiss and hug to your father, and my son. xxoo Linda
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Jan 4 2013 9:29AM
Dearest Waynezee, Merry Christmas in Heaven, my sweet brother. I miss you and Dad so so so much. I can't believe another year, another Christmas, has gone by without you here. How I wish you could see the kids open their presents on Christmas morning and play with them all day long. I know you and Dad are here with us always. I just wish it could be different. I miss my family. Missing you and loving you with all my heart...Merry Christmas, Waynezee! Give Dad a big hug and kiss for me!!! Your adoring sister Your Christmas card is in the basement...
Lynne, Family
Dec 26 2012 3:37PM
Waynezee, Last night Mom and I said goodbye to Jake, and you said hello to an old friend. I know you were happy to see each other. He was the last of our babies, and now he has joined you, Dad, Rudy Sarzo, Bret, Pretty Boy and Nikki. Those were such happy days when we were all together in our house in Union. Now Mom is there all alone. Please take care of my sweet baby boy, Jake, and all of our beautiful furry babies. Tell Dad I miss him so very much. Watch over Mom and all of us as always. I told Jake to go to you as he slipped away. I got your sign to let me know you were waiting for Jake with open arms. Hold my baby close. I miss all of you and love you with all my heart. Until we are all together again... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Nov 4 2012 8:59AM
I didn't know Wayne but every year for the last several years I have gone to the MMC remembrance site on the anniversary to read about one of my MMC colleagues that perished on 9/11. I picked Wayne's name this year because people often confuse my name with Russo. I was touched by all of the tributes over the last 11 years. Wayne is still in the thoughts and prayers of many friends and family. He will always be remembered.
Diane Ruffo, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 1:37PM
The past weekend was stormy - angry clouds raced across the sky, downpours, thunder, and tornadoes, yes, in NYC. Then, as quickly as the rain rolled in, autumn crispness moved in. The same nose-tickling autumn crispness, the clear, blue sky, the bright sun - just like that morning, 11 years ago. The girls - oh, they have sprouted. I hold them a bit longer, and hug them tighter especially today. Motherhood (tiger mom?), career, chasing down what little time I have for keeping house... but the funky bentos prevail. You'd appreciate them. My oldest plays piano - and the little one is rearing to learn as well. I can almost hear the discussions we would be having on this... Watch over your family, your friends. 11 years swiftly fly by and the pain remains - tears flow with the same intensity, but with less frequency these days as I try to remember to carry forward with positive momentum and energy. Thinking of you - Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2012 10:31AM
thinking of you and your family. I pray you are watching down on your loved ones and u r at peace ;)
Sue, Friend
Sep 11 2012 12:27AM
Wayne -Another year has passed and another year of wishing that you were here with all of us. I wish that you could share in our laughter and in our tears and in the very proud days that we have in raising Jordan, Justin, Jesse and Jared. We all love you so much and we all always keep you close in our hearts and will never forget the significant impact that you had on our lives. Even Jesse and Jared know who you are and love you. I wish you peace and I know that you have it in Heaven. I wish your sister and Mother peace as well and hope that their pain can be lessened by knowing that you are in a beautiful place and are truly happy and that we will all be with you again someday. You would be so proud of your family and especially Lynne as a Mother and of your niece and nephews, they make me so proud too. Wish Arthur a happy Birthday in Heaven for me and let him know that I miss him very much and think about him often, his place as a second Father to me could never be replicated. We'll take our annual trip up to West Point again this year to take in a beautiful fall day and a football game, and I'll be thinking about him as it just doesn't feel the same going up there without him. Love you Wayne, rest in peace my brother.Love,Mario
Mario, Family
Sep 10 2012 2:49PM
Missing you always. You are still so very much alive in my heart and soul, Wayne. Love you. Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Jun 8 2012 12:30PM
I am shocked to just discover that Wayne perished in the 9/11 attacks. I have friends that survived that horrible day. I was living in Boston at the time and had previously worked for an insurance company and one of our agents was M & M...that's how we met. We lost touch after a few years but I will never forget the trip I made to New York to see the Ramones with Wayne. Big Heart, Big Loss...Rest in Peace Sweet Man.
Maryanne DeYoung, Friend
Mar 31 2012 12:33AM
Dear Wayne Happy Birthday my friend and my brother. What can I say that your family or friends haven't already said about you over the last ten years? Everyone loved and still loves you - you will never ever be forgotten by anyone whose life you touched and you touched so many. You have even deeply touched the lives of your niece and your nephews and they never met you on this earth. They love you so and know who you are and will always honor you with not only their names but their kind and unselfish acts for the rest of their lives. I wish I could honor your memory to your sister and your family better than I do, but I try my best. I look forward to the day that we can all be reunited and I can see your sister smile again - I love her so and love you as well. Happy Birthday Wayne! Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Jan 5 2012 3:59PM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee! It is hard to believe you would be 48 years old today. Where has the time gone? I'm sure you wouldn't have aged a bit...you never did! I just can't believe another year has come and gone without you. I miss you so much. We went to the city on Monday to honor you for your birthday. We had quite a crowd...Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Lito, Brian, Allison, and Brian's brother, David, and his family...his wife, Christine and their kids, Jessica and Nicholas. We all wanted to be there to wish you a Happy Birthday. This year we got to stand by your name at the memorial. The memorial is breathtaking. It was so cold and windy. The wind was whipping the water from the waterfall over the edge of the memorial and hitting us. It was quite a sight. Twelve balloons were carried swiftly up to the heavens to reach you. Did you grab them and hold them close to your heart? Did you feel all the love that was sent with them? I couldn't believe a couple came up to us and asked if we were the family of Wayne Russo. We were so surprised. They said they used to live on Wayne Terrace and remember seeing you walking to the bus stop every morning. They have since moved away, but were in NYC and wanted to see your name on the memorial. Wasn't that nice? What a coincidence that we were there at the same time. Waynezee, you have touched so many lives...even people that didn't know you. You are a special person and a special angel. You always have been and always will be that guiding light in our lives. We then went to the Family Room and stayed a while. We looked at all the familiar pictures we have looked at time and time again over the years and left you notes in the journal. The Family Room has become a place of comfort to me. It is so peaceful. It is like a second home. It just seems so strange not to see Dad walking around the room, looking at your pictures or looking out the windows at all the construction...sitting on the couch in quiet contemplation or sitting at the desk writing you a letter. I know you are both happy to be together again. It just hurts so much for us left behind. Dad was our rock. He was our Superman. I miss him so much. We then went to the Hard Rock Cafe for lunch, as we do every year. You never fail to send us a sign. An AC/DC video came on shortly after we sat down. I know you were there with us enjoying every minute. I got a kick out of Justin and Brian. They are good buddies. I think Brian looks into Justin's eyes and sees you. How could he not? I watched them talking and goofing around and thought of what it would be like if Justin's Uncle Wayne was here to laugh and play with him. We all got cheated out of so much. You should be here with us. Why aren't you here with us? I still can't grasp the fact that my brother is gone. Waynezee, on your 48th birthday I want you to know how much I love you. I truly truly love you and miss you more than words can say. My life has never been the same since September 11, 2001 and it never will be. The ache never goes away. I know you want me to be happy. It is just so hard. Jared just woke up and came down here to see me. He saw your picture on the computer and ran over and said 'Uncle Wayne!' I told him it was your birthday and he wanted to know if you were far away. I told him you were in Heaven with BaBa. He looked at me and asked me why I was crying. He touched my tears and told me not to cry. I wish you were here to watch your beautiful niece and 3 gorgeous nephews grow up. I know you get a kick out of my daily struggles as a mother of four! Your sister has four kids?! How can that be??? You would be such an awesome uncle and so proud of Jordan, Justin, Jesse and Jared! Happy 48th Birthday in Heaven, my sweet brother. Another year passes without you, yet we are another year closer to being together again. Tell Dad I miss and love him...we all do. The kids talk about BaBa all the time. His grandchildren were what got Dad through the rest of his days after you left us. Now you are together once again. I miss and love you both so so much. I hope you and Dad are celebrating in grand style...maybe in Italy. Happy Brithday, Waynezee. I love you and cherish all of the memories you left behind. I hold those memories close to my heart. I hold you close to my heart. I love you with all my heart... Until the day we can blow out our birthday candles together again... Your adoring sister Your brithday card is waiting for you in the basement.
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2012 7:35AM
Dear Waynezee, Well, the ceremonies are over, the TV specials, the articles in the papers, and all the rushing around from memorial to memorial over the weekend has come to an end. Mario is at work and all four kids (that still seems strange to say 'four kids') are at school. I am now home alone with my thoughts, my emptiness, my heartache. I can't believe it has been ten years since you were taken from us, Wayne…I just can't believe it. I've read all the posts on your Marsh tribute page as well as emails, cards, texts, voice mails, phone calls, tributes near and far...such an outpouring of love from your family, friends and people who never even met you. It's overwhelming. You've touched so many lives so profoundly. I wonder if you knew how much everyone loved you so in the short time you were here on this earth and the ache that has remained in so many hearts since you left. On Friday, we drove into the city to attend the Marsh & McLennan anniversary ceremony at the midtown office. Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Brian, Allison and I all went. It is so strange not to say 'Dad' after 'Mom'. We laid flowers and your picture under your name at the memorial. Seeing your signature under your name gets to me every time. I miss seeing that happy-go-lucky up and down scroll of yours, usually punctuated by a squiggly line or star, on the bottom of a birthday card. The ceremony was beautiful. Then we drove back to Jersey to attend the Union memorial in front of the municipal building. We were all there as well as Uncle Anthony, Vera, Craig and Val. Mike Pek, his wife and baby girl were there too. It was a touching tribute, but what really got to me was when all the 5th graders from Union walked down Morris Avenue and up to the front of the municipal building waving American flags. They are the 9/11 generation born in 2001. I looked over at Jordan, thinking to myself, she is one of them. She was born shortly after 9/11 and look at how she has grown. She is our timeline. We look at her and see how much time has passed since we last saw you. I'm so glad you knew you were going to be an uncle. We put flowers and your picture by your flag. On Saturday we went to Liberty State Park in Jersey City to attend the NJ 9/11 Empty Sky Memorial dedication. Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Brian, Allison, Lito, MaryAnn, Joe, Art, Jeff and Brad and I were all there. The ceremony was beautiful. Dad should have been there to see the Empty Sky Memorial he and the rest of the board chose. I remember Dad showing me the design many years ago. It took a long time to complete, but it was worth the wait. Dad would have been proud. We found your name and again we left flowers and your picture. We held a large piece of paper over your name and Mom rubbed it with charcoal to get an impression. Jordan and Justin met the governor and took their picture with him. As I stood there at the waterfront staring across the Hudson, I recalled a day when Mom, Dad, baby Jordan (she was only a few months old) and I stood in that very spot staring in quiet disbelief. Why? How? How could Wayne be gone? I still ask that question to this day. We said goodbye to the P'Burg crowd and went to the mausoleum to wish Dad a happy birthday. I'm sure Dad was happy to be spending his birthday with you this year. I miss him so much. I thought Dad would live forever. He was our Superman. You are now together and can finally plan that trip to Italy you were talking about on Dad's birthday ten years ago...September 10, 2001. That was the last time I saw you. In the early morning hours on Sunday 9/11/11, we made that familiar trek into lower Manhattan, as we have done for the past 9 years. We had a pretty big crowd. Mom, Mario and I, Jordan and Justin, Brian and Allison, Lito, Uncle Alan, Linda, Chris and Hope, Joe, Joe Olah and his son Zachery. We all carried your signs and wore your buttons. So many people recognize your picture. They tell us they have the 'AC/DC in Heaven' CD and that they have gotten to know a little part of you. Hearing that makes me feel good. Obama and Bush were both there (wow, big deal). It was very crowded - more crowded than years before. (Continued on next post)
Lynne Russo Linale, Family
Sep 18 2011 10:24PM
(Continued from previous post) The ceremony was pretty much the same as it has been in the past. Names were read one after the other, bells rang, poems were recited, songs were sung (James Taylor and Paul Simon both performed). Then a woman came out to speak, and she said she was the sister of Christopher Epps. Mom and I looked at each other. She went on to say that her brother sat next to his good friend, Wayne Russo. Our jaws dropped. She spoke about how we requested that your name be next to Chris' name on the memorial and how much that request meant to her family. At that moment the camera panned to your name and Chris' name side by side inscribed along the waterfall of the footprint of the North Tower. WOW! We were speechless. What a beautiful and touching moment, and the whole world got to see it. I want the whole world to know about you, Waynezee. The whole world should know about Wayne Alan Russo. The ceremony continued and we waited patiently for your name to be read. We moved closer to the stage and held your signs proudly. You should have seen the kids. Jordan, Justin and Hope never met you, but they wanted you to know how much you mean to them. When your name was read, the cameras panned to Jordan holding your sign way above her head for everyone to see. You would be so proud of your niece and nephew. We then walked over to the Memorial Plaza. It is so beautiful. If only Dad could have seen it. How many years we looked out the windows of the Family Room and watched the transformation of the site. How many years did we wait for this? Yes, Dad should have been there. We walked over to the reflecting pool of the North Tower. I knew exactly where your name was. The Epps. family was waiting for us. We hugged, laughed, cried, told stories, took pictures, and exchanged emails. It was a moment I will never forget. They asked if they could have one of your signs with your beautiful face. We gladly gave it to them as well as a CD packet with 'Hometown Boy'. I'm so glad you and Chris are together on the memorial and, I'm sure, together in Heaven. I wish I could have met him. Once the Epps family left and the confusion died down, the enormity of the memorial began to sink in. I touched every letter of your name, not wanting to believe it was you. Your name is engraved in history, forever, for millions of people to see and touch and wonder who Wayne Alan Russo was and what he was like. I taped your picture next to your name. Sorry Waynezee, I have to leave your picture everywhere! The waterfall takes your breath away. To see the footprint of Tower One, the building where you worked, the building that once reached up to the sky, the building that came crashing down ten years ago and left us broken, lost, sad beyond belief - to see that for the first time - there are no words. We took turns tracing your name. We said goodbye to half of our group - they had to catch the ferry back to Jersey - and walked over to the South Tower reflecting pool. Before we left, I kissed your name. We saw what is going to be the 9/11 Memorial Museum, which will open next year. The Memorial Plaza is truly beautiful! more than I ever expected. Finally, after ten long, agonizing years, the families now have a place to go to find peace. Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Brian, Allison, Lito and I then walked over to the water to have lunch. There is a restaurant called Southwest NY (I wonder if you've ever eaten there) that offers lunch to the 9/11 families every year, and every year we walk by it on the way to the ferry saying, We should come here next year.' Well, this year we did. As we were walking along the river to the restaurant, we noticed this huge battleship. I recognized it as the USS New York, which was made from the steel of the World Trade Center. It was an awesome sight. Lunch was really nice. The owner came over to us and introduced himself. We thanked him for his generosity to the families over the past 10 years. After lunch, we had to get to the Italian Consulate on Park and 70th for a ceremony they were holding for all the individuals of Italian heritage killed on 9/11. We had to walk all the way down to Battery Park to find a cab, because all the streets had been closed off for the ceremony. We got there just in time. To hear your name read by someone with an Italian accent was very impressive. There was a small reception afterward. I took pictures of the kids in front of the Italian flag. Dad would have loved it. We made it back to the ferry. Of course there was an incident - there always is in this family. Let's just say it involved Mario and a taxi. I haven't heard Mom laugh so hard in a long time. We needed that! Before we knew it, we were back in Union. The weekend I had been dreading was coming to an end. It was over, well the ceremonies anyway. The heartache, the sadness, the sleepless nights, the 'missing you till it hurts' that will last the rest of my life. Waynezee, it took me a week to write this post. I don't know why. I would start it and after a few minutes, I would have to push myself away from the computer. I don't know why I just gave a recap of everything we did last weekend. I know you and Dad were there with us and saw everything. I don't know why I do a lot of things anymore. I just know I miss you more than anything and losing Dad this past year has punched another hole in my heart. We all miss you and love you both so much. I promise to keep your legacy alive. You will never be forgotten, Waynezee. That is impossible. Tell Dad not to worry. I hope I make you and Dad proud. Please send me a sign one day soon. I'll be looking. I love you with all my heart! Your adoring sister - Lynne If anyone would like to know more about my amazing brother, or if you would like any buttons, pictures, CDs(AC/DC In Heaven, The Best Of Wayne, Hometown Boy)- anything, PLEASE send me an email to linale@optonline.net
Lynne Russo Linale, Family
Sep 18 2011 10:22PM
I saw all of the t.v. coverage of the memorial service as well as having read accounts of the day and the anniversary yesterday 9-11-2011 and I was totally in to the emotions of the day and stayed up until after 1:00AM 9-12-2011 watching documentaries about the horrible day of which we were all a part. I figured I was over it... tonight, I was outside lighting my grill to put on some steaks and I grabbed the Star Ledger and started to light some pages under the charcoal when I saw the Russo's remembrance of their Son, brother, friend and hero Wayne Alan Russo in the obituary section. I have never met him, knew him, or heard of him before that moment, but knew that I could not crumble up that piece of newspaper without learning about him and reaching out to anyone that did know him to let them know that I care, that I feel their pain, and that I am sorry for their loss. God bless Wayne and his family.
Jerry Stanley, Friend
Sep 12 2011 9:36PM
Hello, In yesterday's 10th anniversary commemoration at the reflecting pool I heard the Christopher Epps' sister mention Wayne Russo's name being placed beside her brother's and I would like to know more from someone who knows the story. I am touched by the loving generosity of the Russo Family to honor their friendship. Did they sit next to each other in the office? How long did they know each other..and so on.. I would love to know more about their friendship. Thank you in advance. Joy L, Canada (I am not a colleague, just a stranger, but the website selection does not offer the option of 'stranger' or 'member of the public'
Joy L, Colleague
Sep 12 2011 3:25PM
Wayne - The news of your father's departure broke my heart. However, I know YOU know, that was a most memorable date, and definitely, save that tale to talk about when we catch up. Ten years, and it's still as though it was yesterday. I was calling you, relentlessly, as soon as that breaking news alert came on the radio, as I was on my way to a client meeting in Thornwood. You just weren't able to answer. Save me that seat. Tell me about that funky meal you came across, because I'll convince you to give it a second try. Remind me, it'll all be OK. Watch over your family, your friends... Ten years, and it never lessens - that pain that wells up from the bottom of the heart when I think of your reassuring voice on the phone, that HUGE hug you always gave, that laugh. The girls grow up so quickly, and Wayne, I KNOW you see all the lunch boxes I pack them. I'm not as diligent as you were... you were always my Gulliver - and you sent me a physical marker telling me of your travels, and I seem to run out of time and steam. How did you do it? Not just for me, but for all your friends? Please watch over all of us, and give us the strength and patience to keep that positive momentum - forward. Love, Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 12 2011 12:14AM
Today I attended the San Francisco Giants game - where they handed out a card with American Flag in rememberance of all that were lost ten years ago today. I receieved Wayne's name - I looked him up and was quite touched. Many blessings to you and your family.
Jessica Amon, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:43PM
Wayne, may you be in a better place filled with love and light. You were the best and i know you are protecting your loved ones. :)
Sue, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:59AM
I have chills as I am writing these words. I feel it is truly the work of God and the presence of the Holy Spirit that I have just had this amazing Spiritual experience on this day. I just finished writing a tribute to Wayne a few minutes ago. I was sitting down watching the 9-11 Memorial with my husband, as we always do. Debra Ebbs spoke of her brother Christopher. She also talked about the Russo family making sure that Wayne's name was placed next to Christopher's. They were very good friends. When I was reading some of Wayne's tributes, I remember one that asked for him to keep sending the signs. This is a beautiful sign from God for Wayne and Christopher's families. They are friends in heaven. Thank you Debra for your beautiful words. Through your love, the Holy Spirit sent the Ebbs Family and the Russo Family a sign that your brother and his friend Wayne are together in Heaven. God Bless all of you. You are in my thoughts in prayers. Mariagrace Egan
Mariagrace, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:51AM
Today, it is 10 years. I met Wayne when we worked at Sedgwick. I remember Wayne as the person to go to when you needed help with your accouting problems. I remember one day as if it was yesterday. I went to Wayne for help and he told me don't worry, I will help you. Of course, he did. I remember Wayne as a nice guy with a wonderful smile. And that beautiful curly hair! Mariagrace
Mariagrace, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:19AM
Wayne, 10 years ago this country was brought to it's knees as we watched terrorists destroy our world as we knew it. I will never forget where I was and the immediate thought of 'oh my gosh, where's Wayne?' i discovered three days later that my worst fears had come true. I mourn for you every day, I miss your beautiful smile that was always so warm and genuine, your amazingly positive approach to life and all things, your excitement over music.....you were one of the REALLY GOOD GUYS and you were taken from us far too soon and in a far too violent way. I will never forget you, Wayne. I'm so grateful to have had you cross my path in life. I love and miss you always. Vicki
Vicki, Friend
Sep 11 2011 9:56AM
Dear Wayne - Webster's Dictionary defines the word Hero as a person of great strength and courage. What truly makes someone a hero? Is it an unbelievable display of bravery when duty calls to help one's fellow man; is it a willingness to give one's life for a stranger or for a noble cause, for country or for family? Is it a selfless act of sacrifice? The definition of hero encompasses all of these meanings, but perhaps the greatest of all heroes are men and women who live their whole lives in quiet humility and who practice acts of selflessness on a daily basis without regard for recognition or praise. Wayne - you were such a hero. You would have done anything for your family and your friends. You donated to children on the other side of the World, children you never met and would never know you and you did this without anyone's knowledge. You donated your blood as often as you could; you helped anyone that you could whenever there was an opportunity and never looked for repayment. You were one of the most kind and humble person I have ever met. Wayne, you are my hero - every day when I think of you, I hope to be a more like you - On this tenth anniversary of your passing I want you to know how much you are thought of, how much you are respected, admired and loved. Most of all I want you to know about the profound and important impression you have made on my children, your niece and your three nephews. They know you and love you and can never forget you. We all love you and Lynne and myself do our best to make you and Arthur as proud as we can. Until we meet again, we hold our memories of you, your laughter and our love in our hearts and in our souls. Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Sep 10 2011 10:06PM
I've read this memorial since shortly after 9/11. I grew up near the Russo's but I did not know Wayne. Lynne's posts bring me back over and over, as a more pure love doesn't seem possible. May you find peace, Lynne, Mario, all of you...
Kathleen Koelble, Friend
Sep 10 2011 9:32PM
Wayne, still it friggin' hurts as if it were yesterday when I heard you had left us... 10 Years (Tomorrow) is so long. There isn't a day that goes by that I think of the Towers in their damaged state; wondering what you were doing inside; were you calling your parents, were you looking for an escape? %$#@, along with many many many others, I miss you man!!!! When I was up living up north, the only thing I could do is go to Ground Zero and stare at your name on the list of the lost ones, not only is it carved in stone, it's carved in our minds, memories and will never be forgotten. I'll never say goodbye to you, I know we will meet again! Michael J. Lacey
Michael Lacey (a.k.a.) Hister, Friend
Sep 10 2011 8:30PM
10 years without Wayne10 trips to wildwood without the faded, tight, American flag bathing suit.Birthdays, Weddings, Christmas and every other random holiday where absence has had a steady reservation in our familyMaybe 1,500 or so concerts where your head didn't get to move in tune with the band.My son is less than 1,000 days old, yet not one was the day he first met you. Not once, in a decade, would my son be found in the lens of your video camera at a family gathering. Hearing my son point and say 'Uncle Wayne's bench' each time we walk up from the beach at wildwood.I am left looking into his eyes and wondering how hard it will be to one day verbally convey your life and essence.10 years where every trial and tribulation started with your legacy to guide me through - whether it was taking the time to write 'Wayne' real big on the top of my paper, while everyone else raced to read the first question of the bar exam, or writing your name on my legal pad before an important argument in court, or looking into the sky and thinking of you when we drove Blake home from the hospital. Through the tough times I don't talk to 'God'.10 years - filled with countless days, each of which ever so subtly snatches a pixel of my remembered time with you. Those ten years of individual days accumulate, and in aggregate, somehow reduce once long movie-like memories into still photographs of your face frozen in time. If the pain of your loss has not been eroded with time, why should the memory of my time with you be subject to decay? While time is not fair, the influence and impact you have made on my life is not capable of being broken down with passing days. Instead, your legacy and influence will always flourish in the core of our family and me. In 10 years, I've seen a lot of truly beautiful and amazing things and have finally been able to, at times, be comforted by your absence.I've seen a father exude overwhelming pride of his son, on a level that type written words cannot begin to replicate. I've seen a mother carry her son's legacy with grace, dignity and honor, in a way that captures my admiration more so than anyone else I have ever met. I've seen both your parents instill the same values that surrounded your childhood, into the generation you never met. I've found comfort in the thought of your reunion with your father and the amazing trips you are both finally able to complete. I look back and realize that your father carried the honorable way in which you lived your life and the heavy injustice of your death, with the strength that only a father filled with pride could ever support. Although our loss of him is difficult, especially at this anniversary, you both deserve to be reunited, finally free from the weight of tragedy.I've seen a sister relinquish a large piece of herself in losing you, with more pain and sadness than the loss of a physical appendage could ever inflict. Ive seen a sister fill that loss with your legacy; whether it is thinking of you, sending the family an email or a CD with full lyrics and updated pictures, writing you something, birthday cards, or simply sharing a memory. Her undying love truly speaks to who you were and who you still are in each of us. I've seen your sister and brother (I know writing in-law after brother wouldn't seem right to you) teach their children of you and raise them within the example your life has set for us all. I've been able to laugh this anniversary when thinking of your reaction when your dad sat you down and told you that your sister is a mother of four. In my own core family, when I never got to see my unborn daughter, I was truly comforted that you would see her and accept her into our family in a way only you can. I've seen ten years without you. For a lot of us, this year seems to be a regression back to the initial aftermath of losing you. Through my eyes, his eyes, her eyes and our eyes I know you saw the last ten years in each of us. I know you would want us to move on knowing that you have our eyes. I know that you would want us to move on now more than ever, because you have your father 'the storyteller of the family' there with you to get caught up. I know that I would want you to move on if the roles were reversed. I also know, however, that you would not forget me. And so I've seen ten years, and hopefully will see ten more. And through me and all those you have touched, you will see this next ten. And this world will see a better ten years because of your influence on all of us.
Brad, Family
Sep 7 2011 10:45PM
10 years...where did the time go...so very much has happened in our family..time marches forward, life continues, but the hurt is as deep as it was the day we let go of the hope that you were alive. I carry you in my heart always. So many memories flood my heart of our years. I still laugh out loud at so many of our silly moments as children and adults. The four of us did everything we could to just be together...beg, hide and plead for sleep overs. Now it is Jordan, Hope and Justin who do the same. The family bond is so strong. Who knew that we wouldn't have the chance the grow old together. I miss your Dad so much too. I hear his voice in my head from so many of our conversations. After you died your father told me family time together is our most precious gift. I cherish my time with you and with your father. I picture everyone that we lost together in a beautiful, peaceful place. I pray this is so. Please give my son a big hug from his Mommy and take good care of him for me. xxoo
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Sep 7 2011 11:38AM
I believe I am a distant cousin of Wayne's. My father was related, if not by blood by bond, to the Russo's of Phillipsburg, NJ. I read this tribute and was deeply moved. It's hard to fathom it's been 10 years ago. I can only imagine the heart break, still, of his mother (having read from Vera that Wayne's father has since passed), siblings, family and friends. Wayne, after reading so much about him here, had a zest for life. After reading the tribute to him and all, he didn't waste a moment of his life her on earth. Wayne is certainly in heaven (along with is Father, Arthur) looking down upon all who loved and knew him, and knowing, no believing, there will be the time when he will see all of you again. I am truly saddened by the loss and know how very difficult these years havce been for those who loved and knew him. On this 10 year anniversary I will say a prayer that all of you are safe and certainly keeping Wayne in your prayers and thoughts, especially at this 10th Anniversary. I wish I had known you, Wayne. I can tell by the comments posted here that you are missed and loved so very much.
Gail Cotugna Harris, Family
Sep 7 2011 6:13AM
Dear Wayne, Ten years ago I walked into my classroom and wrote the date on the board: September 11, 2001. Little did I know that on that day our family would lose one of our best and that our lives would be changed forever! Wayne, you are still an integral part of all of us whose lives you have touched. I know you are looking down on us with your dear dad and are bursting with pride at your family. Valerie got married in July and you would have beamed watching Jordan and Justin walk down the aisle. Jordan is beautiful, self-assured and confident. Justin escorted Craig's niece with poise, charm, and a maturity I have never seen before in someone his age. He danced with the finesse of a mini Arthur Russo and is becoming the 'gentle man' you both were!!!! Wayne, we love you, we miss you, and WE WILL NEVER FORGET!!!!!!!! All my love, Vera
Vera Reynolds, Family
Sep 4 2011 4:03PM
Wayne I am glad justice is served. Rest in peace my friend ;)
Sue, Friend
May 4 2011 12:06PM
Wayne: A chapter is winding down in the continually unfolding tale that commenced on September 11, 2001. A pause, some closure - but still, we mourn and miss you. Thinking of you and your family, always. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
May 2 2011 12:49PM
Waynezee, That bastard responsible for taking you away from us is finally dead! Nothing will bring you back to us, but it finally feels like justice has been served after almost 10 long years. I just wish Dad could have seen this day. I ache for you both every day and love you with all my heart. The tears are flowing... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
May 2 2011 6:36AM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee! January 5, 2011...it is hard to believe you would have been 47 years old today. We went to New York on Sunday to honor you and pay tribute to you, as we have every year, for your birthday. We released balloons at Ground Zero. We were afraid the balloons would get caught in the new buildings going up everywhere. There is so much construction going on. But the balloons went straight up and stayed together until they were out of our sight. I don't think that has ever happened in years past. I saw a woman, who had been standing on the side watching us, wipe a tear from her eye. She knew why we were there. People still care. I hope they always will. Then we went to the Family Room. Jordan and Justin drew some pictures for you and we all left you messages in the book. Mario put a new pictures of the kids next to your picture. Who would have thought you would be an uncle to four kids? Who would have thought that you would never have the chance to meet you niece and three nephews??? Then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe. We sat by Ace Frehley's guitar. I never noticed it in years past. Were you telling us something? Yes, we were all there to honor you on Sunday...Mom, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Brian, Alison and I. But there was a huge emptiness in our hearts that day...Dad was not with us. I still can't believe he is not here. The only solace I find is knowing that you are together. Dad must be so happy to be with his son. I miss you both so very much. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Waynezee. I heard our song on the radio this morning. I know that was you telling me that everything is OK. Please tell Dad I love him and miss him. I love you, Wayne with all my heart. Your adoring sister I left your birthday card in the basement...
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2011 4:33PM
Wayne - Happy Birthday in heaven my Brother... I know you are in peace and happy and are with Arthur as I write this. Please continue to look after your family as you have done for almost 10 years now...Please find a way to bring peace to Lynne and your Mother as they go through these difficult days without Arthur. I know that he and you would not want them to be sad and would only want them to make you both proud and enjoy the happiness that can be found in this life, one only has to look as far as our beautiful children to see that. I will always do whatever I can to make you and Arthur proud of me and promise to take care of your sister and our family. Happy Birthday Wayne... Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Jan 5 2011 12:43PM
Dear Waynezee, Well, another Christmas has come and gone and so has another year without you. I just can't believe it has been ten years since we spent our last Christmas together. I can't believe Dad wasn't here with us this Christmas. Wayne, I am still in shock over Dad's death last month. He was our Superman, he was our rock, he was the Patriarch of this family...he was supposed to live forever. I am so so so very sad. I didn't think my heart could hurt any more after losing you, but it does. Where has my family gone? For as sad as I am, I know that is how happy you and Dad are to be reunited. I hope you had a beautiful Christmas together. Tell Dad I miss him and love him more than he will ever know. Tell him the kids miss their BaBa. I will make sure they never forget Dad. Jordan, Justin, Jesse and Jared were his life after September 11, 2001. Take care of each other...I know you will. Now we have two guardian angels watching over us. Until that beautiful Christmas we are together again...Merry Christmas in Heaven, Waynezee. Merry Christmas in Heaven, Dad. I love you both with all my heart. Your adoring sister and daughter I left your Christmas card and Dad's Christmas card in the basement.
lynne, Family
Dec 26 2010 7:17AM
Wayne: I brought Aya by the memorial wall, and showed her your name, your signature. She babbled in Japanglish, and waved her hands. She's turning 2 this year - and she amazes me each day. She tries to keep up with her older sister, and does not back down. What a ham. You would have gotten a kick hearing all the stuff I'm having them try... Another autumn zips by. Love, Lady Rei
Rei, Family
Oct 21 2010 5:37PM
Wayne, it does not seem possible that 9 years have passed. I think of you often but far, far more this past Saturday. My heart still aches, the pain does not go away. I told my 5 year old grand-daughter about you this past weekend, and what happened 9 years ago. She was so sweet, hugged and kissed me and looked up at the sky to talk to you. I wondered if you could hear her? I told her you were now an angel in heaven. I do believe you are. Know that I will never forget you. I love you and I miss you; always. Vicki
Vicki, Friend
Sep 13 2010 7:39PM
Dear Wayne – As I write this on September 13th, 2010 I recognize that the feelings of sadness, loss and absence are still present and as present as they were on September 11th, 2001. The weekend that just passed has been bittersweet, with moments filled with sadness and tears for you and for Lynne and your family and Jordan and Justin and also with immense pride for Jordan and Justin as well. As you know this was the first year that Jordan and Justin have gone to the Anniversary at Ground Zero and it breaks my heart that they have to grow up without you in their lives here on Earth (even though you are a part of them and they know and love you and think about you every day.) My heart breaks that they have lost you in their lives and they have to learn about the tragic events of that day and its repercussions over the days and years that have followed since in our changed world. It deeply saddens me to see my kids grow up and learn about the harsh realities of this world and what a hard and merciless place it can be. The events of September 11th, 2001 exemplify the worst of what this world can produce more than perhaps any other day in history. My heart is also filled with immense pride that all of my children bear your name and that they know what kind of a man Wayne Russo was – kind, considerate, gentle, humble and willing to do anything for a friend or a stranger. I was also filled with pride to see Jordan and Justin hold up your sign at the anniversary at Ground Zero and stand there with all of us to honor you. Today as I do every day, I wish you peace and Lynne and your family peace and pray that they will all find comfort in the beauty that exists on this earth – they only have to look as far as the four kids that live in Jackson that bear your name to find it. Love - Your brother - Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Sep 13 2010 2:40PM
Wayne: The sky was brilliant. Air crisp, clouds thin. I heard you laughing on the phone, I felt your hug. It's been 9 years since your departure, and it still feels as though it was yesterday. I saw the patchwork quilt of the ground, small pockets of suburbia grow smaller as we lifted up higher and higher; the droning engine strumming a steady base, the whistling air whipping around us. The door opened, I felt the tap, and my legs were over the side of the aircraft. Then off I go, my arms crossed in front of me, the wind, the air rushing upwards. I know you know. I was thinking of you, of Eric, I was close to you all, embraced by the infinite unknown of the heavens. Atlantic City, Philadelphia in the horizon, the sky the same brilliant crystal blue when you left for your journey. Air and wind throbbing in my ear. I could almost feel your hug, as we floated downward - I could hear our conversation on the phone - Wayne - I floated on air. I know for a moment in time, I was closer to where you are. We miss you so much. The girls grow up so quickly - Hana starts preschool this Monday. I wish I could have picked up the phone to tell you, but I know you're up there and you know. Work has been busy - which is good - but leaves little time for anything else. The little one - she dances and laughs, and is picking up Japanese. How quickly time passes... Please watch over your family, your friends - we all miss you. The air up there was so crystal clear - I know you saw us, and we were thinking of you on this brilliant day, 9 long years since that day. Love, Lady Rei
Rei, Colleague
Sep 11 2010 7:40PM
Wayne, I still expect to see you at the bus stop on Salem in the mornings on my way to work. Rest in peace buddy!!
George Stragalas, Friend
Sep 11 2010 4:03PM
9 Years & Never Forgotten, Mr. Wayne Alan Russo, We Surely Do Miss You Friend!!!!
Michael J. L (a.k.a.) Hister, Friend
Sep 11 2010 11:33AM
Thinking of you and your family and friends. We will never forget you!
Jaime Mc., Friend
Sep 11 2010 11:14AM
Just wanted to let you know that I still think about you, Wayne. Not just on September 11ths. For the small amount of time I spent with you, you have had, and continue to have an incredible impact on me, and my life. I thank God that I knew you. - Jonathan Turner
Jonathan Turner, Friend
Sep 11 2010 11:10AM
I moved to Union two years ago, and I sit on Wayne's bench on Salem Rd. every morning to take a bus to work in the city. I was curious to know Wayne Russo, so I googled his name two years ago. I learned that Wayne was an extraordinary fine man. Full of life, love, adventure, and a family oriented person. I spoke about him to my husband and kids; I feel as I knew Wayne. Tomorrow, Sept. 11th. the 9th Anniversary of that tragic day, I will have Wayne along with our good friend Raymond Suarez who also perished, and their families and everyone lost that day in my Heart and Prayers. God bless...Alicia
Alicia, Friend
Sep 10 2010 3:10PM
Dear Waynezee, I can't believe another anniversary is upon us. Nine years...it just doesn't seem possible. Today is Dad's birthday. I can't believe he is 87. That was the last time we were all together...September 10, 2001. You, Mom, Dad, Mario and I gathered around the kitchen table for dinner and to celebrate Dad's 78th birthday. I feel like we have all aged so much since then. If we could only turn back the clock. Our world would be so much happier if you were still here. Tomorrow we are heading into the city once again to honor you and all those lost on that terrible day. Jordan and Justin will be coming with us for the first time. They do love you and talk about you all the time. Justin has your big brown eyes and Jordan has your carefree spirit. They really loved watching you dance on my wedding video. You would get such a kick out of them and the little guys, Jesse and Jared, too! Why my kids have to grow up without their Uncle Wayne, I still can't comprehend. Mario and I took Jordan and Justin to the new Yankee Stadium on Monday (Labor Day) to see a game. I haven't been to a Yankees game since September 8, 2001 with you, Mom, Dad and Mario. What a great day that was. Remember Tino was on fire and we were all chanting his name? The Yankees beat the Red Sox that day. I don't remember the score, but any time the Yankees beat the Red Sox, it's a good thing, right?! As we were leaving, I can still hear your voice as clear as day say, 'Hey Mom, get a picture of me,' as you handed her your camera. That was the last picture ever taken of you...standing outside Yankee Stadium with your Yankees shirt on. How could we have known??? We are taking the kids on Sunday to the season opener of the Giants at the new Giants Stadium. It's so sad that the old stadium is no longer there. Mom, Dad, Mario and I went to the last Giants game played at the old Giants Stadium back in December. We went as a tribute to you. We walked around the entire stadium before we left. I cried. We did manage to get our four seats we sat in all those years from the stadium. They are here at my house. It is so cool to have a piece of history, a piece of our family and the good times we had at the Giants games. I will take good care of them, I promise. Tonight we are going to Union for a ceremony they are having at the municipal building. We will all be there...honoring you, missing you, loving you. Waynezee, please try to send us a sign. A dragonfly tomorrow would be great. I know as we hold up your signs proudly tomorrow with you beautiful face, you will be standing right there next to us. I know you will be hugging us, telling us not to be sad any more. It's just so hard. Nine years without my brother. It really stinks. I never thought we would ever be apart. I love you so much. I will honor you and love you always, Waynezee. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 10 2010 12:27PM
Dear Uncle Wayne, I wish I could see you. I really miss you. I love you so much. Take care of Trey, Little Anthony, Roxie and all the cats. One day I will see you. Love you forever... Your Nephew, Justin Wayne
Justin Wayne Linale, Family
Sep 10 2010 10:44AM
Dear Uncle Wayne, I miss you so very much. I love you. Tomorrow, Justin and I will be going to New York City with Mommy, Daddy, YaYa and BaBa to honor you. I wish I had known you. Mommy tells me you were so much fun and such a nice person. I love you with all my heart. Your niece, Jordan Wayne
Jordan Wayne Linale, Family
Sep 10 2010 10:36AM
Waynezee, We are leaving for Wildwood in the morning. The kids are so excited. Today was Jordan and Justin's last day of school. Well, not really. I had to pull them out. They were supposed to go until next Friday, but Wildwood got in the way. I can't believe another family trip to the Port Royal is upon us. We will all be thinking of you, missing you, loving you. I am looking forward to a little alone time sitting on your bench, staring at the ocean...and remembering. I would give anything for you to be here with us. I miss you, Wayne...so, so, so much. I love you. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jun 18 2010 11:18PM
i finally went down to the site on Easter. i was with my husband and kids. i walked around myself. people were trying to sell things which angered me. i said a prayer for you but i know you are in a better place. :)
sue, Friend
May 17 2010 3:43PM
Wayne, Thinking of you.......missing you.....love you. Vicki
Vicki, Friend
May 12 2010 5:48PM
Wayne, As you know, Hope is 7 now. She went to her friends last night to play. When she cam home she told me she wrote a song. This is what she wrote: Oh Wayne Oh Wayne I never got to meet you Although I feel like I know you - From what my Mom says. Your heart is full of love Your soul is full of laughter You fill me with joy! I was so happy and proud of her!You are missed more than you could ever imagine. We love you - your look alike - Chris
Chris Sostarecz, Family
Mar 17 2010 12:31PM
Dear Waynezee, Please give Little Anthony a big hug and kiss from his Aunt Lynne. I can't believe it has been a year since he left us. He is missed and loved so much. Take care of our little cousin. I love you, Wayne... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Friend
Mar 11 2010 9:49PM
even though i did'nt no of you im not an outsider who just so happened to browse your name. you knew my aunt. her name was Shevonne Mentis. you and her actually were friends. im pretty sure that alot of people died. im a young girl only 12 turning 13 and i hope that you and everyone else that died stays peacful in hevan until one day we meet up.
Dwyonita, Colleague
Feb 24 2010 6:05PM
Dear Waynezee, Happy 46th Birthday in Heaven. I know I keep saying it, but I still can't believe it's been over 8 years since I last saw your smiling face (except in my dreams), and 9 years since we celebrated our birthdays together. I still can't grasp it. I miss you so much. I stopped by the house today to talk to you. I know I can talk to you anywhere, anytime, and I do, but I just wanted to be home with you - 407 Prescott Road will always be my home...our home. I would give anything if we could go back and be kids again. Justin is sitting here with me, and he wants to tell you, 'Happy Birthday, Uncle Wayne. I love you so much. You're my favorite Uncle ever! You were so nice to people. I want to be just like you one day. I take karate like you did. I am a green belt. I hope you have a Happy Birthday in Heaven.' Oh Wayne, Justin is so cute. He has your big brown eyes. You would get such a kick out of him. If only you were here... We all went to New York on Sunday to celebrate your birthday. Mom, Dad, Mario, Jordan, Justin, Brian, Allison and I were there. It was such a cold and windy day. That didn't stop us. We all stood at Ground Zero and wished you a Happy Birthday. Right before we released the balloons, the wind died down. We watched them disappear into the sky. Justin asked where they went, and I said I bet Uncle Wayne is holding them right now. Then we went to the Family Room. We all wrote a message to you in the book. Jordan's note to you was so sweet and innocent. She wanted us all to read it. Your niece loves you so much. She is a beautiful little girl, inside and out. She is our angel. I don't know what we would have done without her. I'm so glad you knew she was coming. I still remember clearly when I told you I was pregnant. You were the first person we told. I know you were excited about being an uncle. Little did you know (little did we know too) that 3 little guys would follow! I know you are getting such a kick out of all of this! We then went to the Hard Rock Cafe for your birthday lunch. We sat right by the AC/DC memorabilia. Lisa Abbas and her son, Evan Wayne, met us there. She is such a good friend. She named her son after you. You can tell she misses you and thinks about you often. She told me about how you guys met at Sedgewick when she was only 16 and how you showed her the ropes. You remained friends with her all those years later. But that's just the kind of guy you were...a true friend. When we got back to Union, Lito called and came over. It was nice to see him. He is another true friend. He misses you greatly. You can just see it in his eyes and hear it in his voice. Nobody will ever forget you, Wayne. You are sooooooooooo unforgettable. It was a great day. Waynezee, before I came on this website to write to you, I read an email from a psychic that I have spoken with several times over the last few years. I get her newsletter every week. In her letter she wrote: Souls can come to us like snowflakes falling from the sky - pure, pristine, and for an elusive moment, crystalline in their beauty; each one a unique gift before it fades away. I thought it was beautiful. I know you come to me all the time, and I treasure each and every sign you send me. Please don't ever stop. It gives me hope and keeps me going. I know we will be together one day. I know we will laugh together and do that whole brother/sister thing again. I know we will blow out our birthday candles together again. Until then...I love you, Wayne. Happy Birthday, my sweet brother. Your adoring sister I left your birthday card in the basement...
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2010 9:09PM
Uncle Wayne - I love you very much, I'm sorry for you. I miss you so much and happy birthday. Love, Jordan
Jordan, Family
Jan 5 2010 8:48PM
Wayne - Happy Birthday! You are always on our minds and in our hearts, and I know you are always with us. Today and everyday, I wish that you were here with us. As I read the words from your sister of prior posts my heart aches for her, for your parents and for my children that you were taken from us. I know you will continue to watch over all of your family and be with us again in heaven some day. Love, Mario
Mario, Family
Jan 5 2010 11:39AM
Happy Birthday Wayne. I love you. I miss you. I think about you CONSTANTLY. YOu are thought about and talked about so much, with such adulation, that I am sure you would be embarrassed by it all. But the truth is, that we miss you so much that it hurts. Please continue to send signs - we all cherish them. I love you Wayne! Your look alike, Chris
Christine Sostarecz, Family
Jan 3 2010 6:31PM
O.K. the Giants blew it big time! No big surprise!!! What a terrible way for the Giants to say goodbye to their home for the last 33 years. I'm still glad we went. Besides Dad screwing up the time the game started - no big surprise either - it was a great day. We got your sign as we were walking into the stadium. 'Dirty Deeds' was playing loud and clear. We knew it was you telling us you were right there with us. It was a beautiful late December day. I took it all in. I had to. I sat there and remembered. I remembered all the good times we had at the games. It never really mattered if the Giants won or lost, we were together laughing and enjoying time together as a family. That's all that really mattered. Waynezee, I wish the seat you carved your initials into on opening day back in 1976 was still there. It has since been replaced. Mario took a picture of Mom, Dad and myself standing by our four chairs, leaving one empty for you. It is beautiful. I told Mom and Dad that I am going to the opeing game at the new stadium next season, and if I can, I will carve your initials into one of our new seats. As we left Giants Stadium I had tears in my eyes. It was the end of an era. Thank God for memories. Thank God for my time with you. I love you, Wayne. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Dec 28 2009 4:22PM
Dear Waynezee, It is Sunday morning, December 27th. Everyone is still sleeping, but that will change any second! Christmas was so much fun for the kids. There were presents everywhere. It looked like Toys R Us in the family room. Jordan and Justin got everything they wanted, and then some...an iPod, a DS...all this technology is blowing my mind. I can't operate anything. I feel like Mom and Dad! Jordan and Justin both said it was the best Christmas ever! Even Jesse and Jared were getting into it. You would get such a kick out of your beautiful niece and adorable nephews. I often wonder how much more fun Christmas would be for them if you were here. Today Mom, Dad, Mario and I are going to the last Giants game to be played in the stadium we all know and love...so many memories. This is our tribute to you. I can't believe we won't be going there anymore. I will always treasure the fun times we had at Giants Stadium. All the games, the taigates, the laughs...let's not forget the concerts! It will all be stored in my heart. All of my memories of you have a special place in my heart. I treasure each and every one of them. Waynezee, I can't believe another year has come and gone. The ache never goes away, the tears still flow frequently, my thoughts of you never diminish. I miss you, Wayne, so so so much. Please continue to watch over everyone. Please take extra care of Gary, Uncle Anthony, and Auntie Ann. Please give them the strength to go on. This year has been so difficult for them. Give Little Anthony a hug and a kiss from his Aunt Lynne. Merry Christmas in Heaven, my sweet brother. I will love you forever. Your adoring sister Go Giants!
Lynne, Family
Dec 27 2009 8:09AM
Dear Waynezee, Another anniversary is coming to a close. I can't believe it has been eight years since I last saw your smiling face. I miss you so much, Wayne. The ache is always there. Well, we braved the weather today and went to the ceremony at Ground Zero. Nothing will ever keep us away. I will continue to go there every year, ceremony or not, to honor you. Mom, Dad, Mario, Brian, Allison, Lito and I were all there today. Of course there were some lighthearted moments (there always are with this gang), like when Lito tried putting his poncho on...hysterical. I had to snap a picture. I know you were laughing with all of us. Did you like the new signs we made? I think they are beautiful. How couldn't they be? They are of you. Jordan and Justin wore your pins to school today. They do love you and talk about you all the time. Speaking of school, can you believe Jordan started second grade and Justin is in kindergarten? My little babies aren't babies anymore. Even the little guys aren't so little. They are 16 months now and are into everything. You would get such a kick out of Jesse and Jared. Why my children have to grow up without there Uncle Wayne, I will never understand. What a cool uncle you would have been! Jordan and Justin have their karate graduation tomorrow. They are receiving there solid orange belts. I am so proud of them. Mom gave them one of your karate trophies. They take turns keeping it in their rooms. I think your niece and nephew are following in your footsteps. On Sunday we are taking Jordan and Justin to see their first Giants' game. I wanted them to go to a game before they tear the stadium down at the end of this season. I haven't been to a game since January of '01 when they won the NFC Championship. You, Dad, Mario and I went. That was such a fun day. I feel this is something that I have to do. I'm glad we're going. We also got tickets to see KISS at the Garden in October...something else I have to do. Mom, Brian, Allison, and I are going. I know you will be there with us, shaking your head to 'Rock and Roll All Nite' with confetti getting stuck in your curls. I hope you are proud of me. Well, Waynezee I am exhausted. This is such an emotional day. The wounds will never heal. I hurt just as much today as I did eight years ago. Eight years...it just doesn't seem possible. I miss you Wayne. I will love you and honor you always. Your adoring sister...
Lynne, Friend
Sep 11 2009 11:59PM
9-11-09 8 years have gone by. We will miss you Marilyn and Jack
Sep 11 2009 10:39PM
Wayne - This is an anniversary for which celebration is not in mind. Yet I do celebrate you.........the time you spent with us here on earth will be treasured by many. Why this happened continues to baffle me, I am still trying to wrap my head around it all. But I must remind myself that you live on thru your neice and nephews, sister, brother-in-law, parents and so many others whose lives were better because of your presence. We miss you, and we love you. Vicki Powers 9/11/09.
Vicki Powers, Friend
Sep 11 2009 11:24AM
Dear Wayno, We feel your presence as I see those raindrops as your blessings upon us as your letting us know that you are here with us. You will never be forgotten, dear friend. Your light shines on. God bless you and your family, always. P.S. Not that you don't already know, but The Yankess are doing great. They are in first place and Derek Jeter has tied Lou Gehrig record. Love Gigi
Grissel Gutierrez, Friend
Sep 11 2009 10:02AM
Wayne, As I sit hear on the 8th anniversary listening to the names being called, I am overwhelmed by the tragedy. I am always overwhelemd by losing you but sometimes I forget the thoussands of others tha we lost that day. I can always see Lynne and your parents holding your picture high while I am watching on TV. You are so missed. Your memory is so strong. The kids all talk about you and there isn't a day that goes by that we aren't saddened by our loss. When in Wildwood, we all touch the bench, in recognition that you are always with us. Lynne has come so far - she even went to see AC DC this year - twice!! And how about Luke turning into a bit of a rocker?? Jordan Justin and Hope are as close as we were - looking forward to when they will see each other again - and always the hope that it will lead to a sleepover! Wayne, our family lost so much 8 years agao - that we will never get back. BUT YOU ARE ALWAYS WITH EACH OF US AND YOU WILL ALWAYS BE A PART OF WHO WE ARE. I love you Wayne - your twin, Chris
Chris Sostarecz, Family
Sep 11 2009 9:35AM
Wayne - Another anniversary is upon us, and the skies weep cold tears - such a contrast to that day eight years ago. The sky was crisp blue, the air sweet and clean, and the sun bright. You were taken away from us too quickly, without warning, without reason, and we mourn you each day. Not a day goes by without a thought of you popping in my mind. Life has changed so greatly since that day, I still remember you meeting up with me at the Duplex to see Tim's show, to give me a 'Wayne' hug, telling me it'll be all, OK. Please watch over your friends, your family - We miss you so much. I could imagine our phone discussions when you find out all the culinary explorations I'm taking Hana on. I'll just save them for when I catch up with you. Love, Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2009 9:17AM
8 years has come and gone, but we still remember you! We will NEVER forget you! We will hold you in our hearts forever and keep your friends and family in our thoughts as well.
Jaime Mc., Friend
Sep 11 2009 8:36AM
Dear Wayne - Once again the anniversary is upon us again. It seems to come quicker every year as the years roll on. It certainly doesn't get any easier for us, your family to not miss everything about you every day. As the years have gone by I watch my children (all 4 of them now), your niece and nephews grow to be such beautiful, kind and compasionate kids. I always regret so much that you are not a part of their lives here in a physical sense on Earth. I do know and I see with my own eyes that you are a part of their lives every day in every other way. I love you Wayne and I am always so grateful that I got a chance to know you and be your Brother. Please continue to watch over my children, your sister and your parents and keep them safe as I know in my heart you always do... Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Sep 10 2009 8:31PM
Dear Uncle Wayne - I love you Uncle Wayne and I know you will always be safe. I wish that I could see you. Love you forever, Justin Wayne
Justin Wayne, Family
Sep 10 2009 8:08PM
Dear Uncle Wayne - I miss you very much! I will always remember you in my heart. Sometimes I'll dream about you. Love, Jordan Wayne
Jordan Wayne, Family
Sep 10 2009 8:06PM
Wayne, When we lost little Anthony I just kept thinking one more for the other side. We keep moving forward but our sense of loss is ever present. A few weeks ago we were in Wildwood. Doug brought Tara and it was so great to see all of our next generation doing the things together we once did. They may not know you in the psysical sense but they know their Uncle Wayne. Hope told me that everytime she passes your bench she blows you a kiss. You are always with us. We miss you Wayne. Our sense of loss hasn't lessened in all these years. We honor you and cherish our moments spent with you. Take good care of little Anthony and my beloved son, Trey. Con Amore, Linda Linda Russo Dolceamore
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Sep 10 2009 5:53PM
dear wayne, All i can wish for is peace... your friend Sue
sue, Friend
Sep 9 2009 4:34PM
Two thousand nine hundred and twenty days...that's how long it will be next week since you are gone. Two thousand nine hundred and twenty days.....an eternity...and still my heart aches because I miss you so very very much. You know that this past year and a half have been the worst of my life, and through all my heart attacks and surgeries you were ever so present and comforted me more than you will ever know. You gave me strength when I had none left so that I could live to see a brand new day. As I always said to you, you were my best friend and my brother even though the same blood did not flow through our veins. I always thank God for you.... As always, Forever In My Heart...I love you Uncle Wayno....
Wili, Friend
Sep 4 2009 11:31AM
I just wanted to say that I think of Wayne often. I knew him through Isabel and Lito deLeon, and have always kept him in my thoughts, heart and prayers. I also think of Mr. and Mrs. Russo as well as his sister.....you are ALL in my prayers. Love, Denise
Denise Duralek, Friend
Aug 25 2009 7:45PM
Wayne, Heard Kiss on the radio this weekend. Thought of you, of course, as I so often do. Still missing you...........
Vicki Powers, Friend
Aug 10 2009 11:30AM
Waynezee, What a horrible past few weeks this has been. If only we could hit the rewind button. I know you know. Please take good care of Little Anthony. We are all looking for answers, but we come up empty. This family has been shaken to the core. Thank you for all the things you told Bonnie, and for trying to reach me too. I told Gary, Uncle Anthony, and Auntie Ann that they have to believe. I told them you send me signs all the time. Waynezee, we are all heart broken. Everyone is in so much pain and disbelief. Please watch over our wonderful cousin, Gary. This shouldn't have happened...just like you. No parent should have to bury their child. You and Little Anthony have to send him signs...please! I know that helps me through the rough days, and Gary is going to have many of them. I just wish we could go back to when we were kids and didn't have a care in the world. Please watch over Uncle Anthony and Auntie Ann. To say they are heartbroken is an understatement. Little Anthony was their first grandchild. He was more like a son to them. Remember when he was born? It seems like yesterday. Nothing will ever be the same. Please give Little Anthony a big hug and kiss from his Aunt Lynne. Tell him he will always be in my heart right next to you, Waynezee. Tell him I will forever treasure the poem he wrote for you after 9/11. And tell Little Anthony that I will always remember the last time I saw him and the big hug he gave me. Waynezee, I know you will take care of our little cousin always. Well, we lost our beloved Sarzo yesterday. I know you are holding him right now and he is purring while you scratch his little face. How he loved his sweet little face scratched. He made it easy on us...he went on his own. Mom came home yesterday to find him in his spot. We are heartbroken. It doesn't matter that he lived a long life for a kitty...18 1/2 years. We were so lucky to have him all that time. Remember when Mom found him behind Uncle Anthony's office screaming his little head off? He was only about 4 weeks old. He knew we would take care of him...our little Skeezer. I'm sure Rudy was happy to be reunited with her little buddy. I just can't believe all our babies are gone. Only Jake is left. I feel better knowing that you are there to take care of all of our furry babies. I miss them so. I miss you , Waynezee...so so much. So many hearts have been broken recently. Please help us all to heal. And always, please watch over your niece, Jordan and nephews, Justin, Jesse and Jared. Shield them from all that is bad in this world. Let them be happy and have a wonderful and memorable childhood like we had. How lucky we were. How lucky I am to have you for my brother. I will love you forever. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Mar 29 2009 9:54PM
i am a drummer in austin,tx. i grew up in hyde park,ny and when i was 13 or 14(1991), i bought a stetz album at rhino records in new paltz not knowing who the heck they were. i guess i just liked the cover where wayne is staring wide eyed at a newspaper (songs of stetz experience). i dug out that record recently and googled stetz out of curiosity and found out the horrible story. when i listen to 'not now' i get the chills. he certainly was a major influence on my drumming style. i wish i would have had an opportunity to meet him. my deepest sympathies to all who have been hurt by his passing. what a hero.
steve g, Friend
Feb 13 2009 11:59PM
Waynezee, I spent my birthday yesterday the same as I have the others...missing you. I'm still looking for that birthday card and waiting for your phone call. I love you with all my heart... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 11 2009 4:37AM
Wayne - Happy Birthday! As always it is hard to find the right words to say that are fitting for today - your birthday. I can tell you that I wish more than anything that you were here, for your whole family, but especially for your parents, for your adoring sister and our 4 amazing children. The greatest pain in my life is realizing how your absence will be a loss to my children that they never will fully comprehend. Your sister and parents have done an incredible job in making sure that our children not only know who you are but keep you alive in their hearts. In many ways they have always known you - I see glimpses of you in them quite often. Jordan's kindness and gentleness do honor to you, Justin's quick wit and hilarious one liners often make me think you of you, and of course time will only tell soon enough what the little guys will be like, but I can see already that they will have some of their Uncle's attributes. I am so proud of those qualities in them that I know came from you. Again Wayne, I wish more than anything that my kids could have shared their lives with their Uncle. Your family often talks about your sense of humour when they talk about you. I would just like to mention a couple of items that I think are pretty amusing and I am sure that you would agree. How about the fact that your sister, out of anyone in the entire family has 4 kids (she didn't even want 1 before she met me)!!! I'm not sure if that is a testiment to how much she loves me, what a great salesman I am or that perhaps even to a very minor degree you had a say in the matter with God and you are really laughing your butt off in heaven every day watching the zoo our house is constantly. I know that you would agree with me when I tell you that I am so proud of the mother that your sister has become. She loves those children with all of her heart and even though we are both exhausted at the end of the day, she would do anything for our kids and our family. I don't know where she finds the energy and strength - but again Wayne, I am sure that you might have had some say in that too. On a final note, Lynne is always asking for signs from you, and Saturday when we all went into New York for your birthday that was no exception. A sign from you clearly came when we were all seated on the subway and at a subway stop, a musician dropped his amp into the doorway of the subway train and then proceeded to reach over and pick it up and then finding that he was stuck in the closing doors with the guiter that was strapped on his back barely was pulled free from the train before it took off down the tunnel. That scene was direct out of the Three Stooges and I know that you were laughing yourself as you sent that sign to your family. Happy Birthday again Wayne. Although, I knew you for only a few years, I always did and do consider you my brother. Love, Mario
Mario, Family
Jan 5 2009 11:49PM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee! I can't believe this is your 45th birthday, but mostly I can't believe you are not here to celebrate it with us. You are missed and loved so much by your family and friends. We made our annual birthday trek into the city on Saturday. Mom, Dad, Mario Jordan, Justin, Brian, Uncle Alan and I were all there. I guess in a few years the little guys will be coming as well. We went to Ground Zero and released balloons. Did you hear us sing Happy Birthday to you? Our singing voices have not changed over the years. We still sound terrible (except Jordan)! She has a voice like an angel. We watched the balloons until they were out of sight. I know they flew straight to your heart. Then we went to the family room. Jordan and Justin made pictures for you and hung them up. They both wore your necklace on Saturday too. Jordan and Justin talk about you all the time, and ask me questions about you. I love telling them about Uncle Wayne and the things we did and the places we went. What an awesome Uncle you would have been! Then we took the subway to Times Square. The guy getting his guitar stuck in the subway doors was straight out of the Three Stooges. Thanks for the comedy! We had dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe once again. Watching Dad's face looking at the music videos was priceless. I must admit that I felt a little on the 'older' side myself. I swear I had never heard of half the bands they were playing videos of. I don't know where the time has gone. Wasn't it just yesterday that we were walking the halls of Union High? I would give anything to go back and have more time with you. Those were the days. I hope you enjoyed your birthday celebration. I left your card in the basement earlier. I was down there alone just remembering and enjoying my time with you when Justin came bounding down the stairs. He wanted to play Uncle Wayne's drums, so we did. We played a song just for you. Who knows, maybe Justin will follow in your footsteps. He always wants to hear Uncle Wayne's CD and he loves 'You Sook Me All Night Long'. His hair is long too. He gets mistaken for a girl all the time (just like you did when we were little). He tells the people he's not a girl. He just has long hair like Uncle Wayne! He comes out with the funniest things sometimes. I know you would be best buddies! Waynezee, I can't believe another year has come and gone. Every year my New Year's resolution is to be more like you...tolerant, kind, forgiving, easy-going...but that goes out the window within a matter of hours. How did you put up with me for all those years? Nobody could ever follow in your footsteps. You are truly one of a kind! I miss you and love you so much. I know you know. Please continue to watch over us, especially your niece and nephews. Help them to become the person you are. How happy and proud I would be if they all turned out like you. Happy Birthday in Heaven, my sweet brother. I love you with all my heart... Your adoring sister The Giants had a great season and are in the playoffs. Hope they don't blow it!!!
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2009 10:51PM
Happy 45th birthday to my wonderful cousin!! Wayne, no matter how much time goes by, we all think of you, talk about you, and miss you so much. You must be laughing in heaven over the fact that Lynne has 4 children!!! She is second only to my mom with six!! Do you remember on the beach in Wildwood one summer when she said she wanted none?!! Though she has her hands full and is busy 24/7 she and Mario are loving, devoted parents. You would be very proud. Wayne-- Valerie, Craig, and I hope to go to Italy for the first time in the near future. How I wish you were hear to talk about your experiences there or even to go with us!! We love you and miss the genuinely fine person who touched all of our lives. Happy Birthday!! Love, Vera
Vera Russo Reynolds, Family
Jan 5 2009 7:43PM
Wayne, Happy 45th Birthday! It's hard to believe - isn't it? Remember how old we used to think people who were 45 were? Well it has been a tough year. Jay was sick most of the year with many complications from his diabetes. He is doing great now but it really takes a toll on all of us. Luke turned 16 this year and for his birthday as you already know, I got him tickets to see AC/DC for Jay, Luke and me. It was the first time Lynne showed any interest in going to a concert since going with you, so Jay gave her his ticket. Lynne let me wear one of your t-shirts - I felt so proud. Anyway, you would have loved it. They were, as always, amazing. Luke couldn't beleive how loud it was! When they came out on stage I have never felt so overwhelmened with emption. I actually thought I was going to pass out. I miss you so much and know you would have been at every show in driving distance. You would have also thought it was hysterical that they were opening up their world tour in Scranton, PA!!! Then Shook Me All Night Long came on and I was hysterical. I was so proud of Lynee for not only going, but for enjoying it. I know you were proud too! Anyway, today we were at Vera's for a surprise birthday party for John Marfia and we were playing a questions game. The question was, 'What is the nicest compliment you ever received from someone?' Luke said that is so easy. He said the first summer we were in Wildwood after 9/11, Uncle Sonny said to him, 'Luke, you remind me more of Wayne than anybody. You are also a gnetleman and a gentle man'. We miss you so much Wayne. Today we were talking about my 40th party at Vera's and I started to cry. Every birthday I think of you because first of all we are only 3 weeks apart and secondly, you were ALWAYS the first to call me - every year! Wayne - I love you and miss you so Your favorite cuz and twin, Chris
Chris Sostarecz, Family
Jan 1 2009 8:55PM
Merry Christmas, Waynezee! I can't believe another Christmas, and another year, is coming to an end. Mario just took Jordan and Justin upstairs to bed. They have been going since early this morning. They really loved all the toys Santa brought them. I'm sure they will fall asleep as soon as their heads hit the pillow. They were so excited all day long. Jesse and Jared didn't know what was flying, but they seemed to enjoy all the commotion and eating the wrapping paper. We didn't go to Union today. Mom and Dad came down to our house. It seemed a little strange not to have Christmas at 407 Prescott Road. I just couldn't do it with the babies. They turned 8 months today! They are really cute, but a lot of work! Mario and I took all four kids (I will never get used to saying that) to the mall yesterday to see Santa. Yes, I still believe. Jordan and Justin loved meeting him. The picture of Santa and the gang turned out pretty good. At least Jesse and Jared didn't cry. How about the picture of us on Santa's lap so many years ago? You were looking at all the toys and I was screaming my head off! What a surprise! I guess Mom never took us back after that. Waynezee, I just don't know what to say. My heart aches for you all the time. I don't know why I am here and you're not. I don't know what the plan is. I keep searching for an answer, but never seem to find one. I miss you so much, especially today. Please keep Pretty Boy close to your heart. Give him a kiss from Lynnie. We miss him, and all our furry babies, so much. Please watch over Sarzo. He's so old and hasn't been feeling well. Remember when he was just a baby? The little Skeezer! I know this message is short, but you know how I feel and what I'm thinking...what is in my heart. The Christmas memories I have with you I will cherish in my heart forever. Merry Christmas in Heaven, Waynezee. I love you with all my heart. Your adoring sister...
Lynne, Family
Dec 25 2008 11:59PM
Wayne, It's almost Christmas. Jordan is celebrating another birthday. The twins will have their first Christmas experience. All things that I'm confident you are observing from heaven. Lynne sent me a beautiful picture postcard with the children's pictures. I gasped when I took the photo out of the envelope. Maybe its just me, but looking at Justin was like looking at you. You live on in all of us with the way you touched our lives but with Justin - well - it's like you are here in body. What an honor for him to resemble you so much. You would have been THE BEST uncle and they would have worshipped their Uncle Wayne. I miss you and think of you every day. Merry Christmas in Heaven............ Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Dec 21 2008 10:48AM
Dear Waynezee, Well, I guess you know where I was last night...I went to see AC/DC!!! I can't believe I did it. I did it for you, Waynezee. I finally did something that I know made you happy. AC/DC came out with a new album a few weeks ago. Boy, am I dating myself calling it an album! It's called 'Black Ice', and it is unbelievable. I just know you would be playing it over and over again in the basement. They kicked off their world tour last night in Wilkes-Barre, PA. You know they haven't toured in 8 years. I'm sure you and I went to see them in 2000 at the Meadowlands. I'll have to go through my ticket stubs. I went with Chris (your twin) and Luke. Luke loves AC/DC. You would be proud! And going anywhere with Chris, you know it's going to be a fun time! I wore one of your AC/DC concert shirts, and Chris wore one too. It was a night I will never forget. We had floor seats. Chris and Luke sat together in the 10th row to the right, and I sat by myself in the 16th row to the left. Well, I guess I wasn't alone. You were rocking next to me the whole time. The seat to my left stayed empty the entire concert. If that wasn't you telling me you were right there with me like old times... I was hoping there would be somebody waving a crutch in front of me. That would really have been a sign smack in my face!Waynezee, I kept screaming your name. Did you hear me? The show was amazing. I loved the opening. The whole train thing was so cool. 'Rock N Roll Train' is a great song. I know you would love it. And how about all the old pictures and album covers they showed during 'Let There Be Rock'? It was awesome. I bought a program for you. I am putting it in the basement along with my (our) ticket stub. Waynezee, going to see your favorite band was just something I had to do. I haven't been able to go to a concert since the last one I went with you...Bon Jovi in July of '01. After all this time...it feels like a weight has been lifted off my shoulders. I feel like I finally did something that made you happy, and that makes me happy. It was truly a magical night. I hope you're proud of me for taking this huge step. I don't know if I'll go to another concert again, but this was one I just had to do. It's all for you Waynezee...it's all for you. I love you with all my heart. Keep rocking. I will too! Your adoring sister... Mom, Dad, Mario and I are going to the last Giants' game this year before the stadium is torn down...for you, Waynezee.
Lynne, Family
Oct 29 2008 9:53PM
Dear Waynezee, I just miss you so much. I am writing this message with Jordan and Justin close by on their computers. Jordan asked, 'Why are you crying, Mommy? Is it Uncle Wayne?' She always knows that when Mommy is crying it is because I am missing you so desperately. We were at the anniversary ceremony at Ground Zero as we are every year. We saw the dragonfly you sent. I was hoping he would land on my sign, but he just kept circling over our heads. Thank you for letting us know you are o.k. So many people came up to us who recognized your picture from the 'AC/DC in Heaven' CDs we've left in the family rooms over the years. They say they listen to it all the time, and that you must have been a special person (and that you were really good looking too)! A man came up to me and said that he was a recovery worker. He said that out of all the pictures of people he has seen posted around the city and at the anniversary ceremonies, your face stands out the most. He said he will never forget you even though he never knew you. I guess that's just the kind of person you are...unforgettable. Later that day, Union had a ceremony in front of the Municipal Building where the memorial is. It was a beautiful ceremony. Dad was the guest speaker. He had no idea he would be speaking until an hour before the program. Were you responsible for the lights flashing to let Dad know to wind it up? He was rambling as only Dad can ramble. I had to chuckle. There were a lot of people there, including some of your friends and cousins. It was really touching. There was a choir from Connecticut Farms School that sang. As I looked at those little children, it reminded me of when we were young and going to Livingston Shool (your favorite school). I remember us walking to school together and saying hi to Louie the crossing guard every morning. I remember Bop picking us up at the end of the day and looking forward to the goodie bags he would have for us. I remember us on the playground playing fly catcher's up. I remember walking by your classroom and trying to get your attention with a wave and you would do the same. I remember how I always felt safe knowing that my big brother was close by. I know you are still close by, watching over us, guiding us, keeping us safe. I feel your presence all around me. Waynezee, I can't begin to tell you how much I miss you...how much I love you. Your are in my thoughts constantly. I just can't believe it's been seven years since I last heard your voice and saw your smiling face. It still doesn't seem real. I don't know where life is going to take me, but you can be sure that wherever I am, you will always be with me in my heart. I love you and miss you to the stars and back. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 14 2008 11:11AM
Wayne: I think of you each day, but even more so today. I know you heard Melissa and I talking - who knew I'd cross paths with someone who was also touched by your kindness, your professionalism, your humor.... Turns out you TRAINED her on JOMS - I laughed when I heard that name. Wow - what a blast from the past. xoxo Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:00PM
Wayne, I never got to meet you. I am a good friend of your cousin Jim, though, and through him I've met your family and I have gotten to see what kind of person you were by the impact you had on the lives of those around you. Clearly you were an incredibly beloved brother, son, cousin, and friend. As we all pause today to think about that horrible day, I feel it is necessary to stop and let you and your family know that your life has blessed some who never even had the pleasure to meet you, and in that way you will always live on.
Debo, Friend
Sep 11 2008 6:50PM
My dearest Wayno, No matter how many times I say how much I miss you...No matter how many times I say how I wish for just one more day with you...no matter how many times I say I want to hear your voice...that will never be enough. Seven years have passed since we last saw each other, spoke to each other, and hugged each other, and I can still hear you and feel your embrace. I can still remember all the trips we took together and all the laughter we shared. My brother...not only today, but always, I miss you and not a day goes by that I don't think of you or see your face either at home or at work where your pictures and your memorabilia grace my walls. You have been with me through my darkest hours in critical care unit in the hospital where I lay for days and days and I know you were the fly in my room keeping me company and keeping me strong. You are ever present in my life and I will love you always as I have loved you. I miss you... Forever in my heart...mi Wayno
WILI, Friend
Sep 11 2008 2:07PM
well i didn'y know what to put but even i don't know u ur prayers r with me all the time today we remember our loved ones as we do everyday but 7 years ago today changed everybody's lives i can't tell u how sorry i am i watched it on t.v i thought it was a movie of some kind but then i heard a news reporter & then saw the second plane hit my mouth dropped to the floor no joke i think everyone's did even to the firefighter's & police that lost there live's as well around this time i get teary eyed but it's a day of rememberance thanx love kimmie
kimmie, Friend
Sep 11 2008 12:19PM
Wayne, your always in my thoughts and prayers to your family. We had UHS reunion last year and I thought of you imagining you were walking through the entrance and you were smiling your bright whites and you still are up in heaven. Love, Margaret UHS 1982
Margaret Paul-Price, Colleague
Sep 11 2008 11:58AM
Dear Wayne, My thoughts are with you and your family always. The world is not as bright without you but I believe your spirit is still here and with those who love you. I saw your name read again on TV and saw your family's grief. I am still shocked and stunned that you are gone.
suzanne, Friend
Sep 11 2008 11:22AM
Wayne- You are in our hearts forever. All our love, MaryAnn and John
MaryAnn, Family
Sep 11 2008 7:48AM
All I can say is, 7 Years Wayne and it hurts as much as first hearing the news, Why can't we all just wake up and realize it was just a bad nightmare?
Hister, Friend
Sep 11 2008 7:30AM
Wayne, It is almost impossible to believe that we are at another 9/11 anniversary, another year that has been without you. Your loss is still as painful to me now as it was on this day 7 years ago, and I know that I speak for many when I say that we miss you more than words can say. I will wear your pin tomorrow and I will say a prayer for your parents, for Lynne and Mario, and your beautiful neice and nephews. I know you are watching over then from heaven. Send Lynne a dragonfly. Blanket her with love. Remind her that you are near. Miss you Wayne, Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Sep 10 2008 4:03PM
Wayne- I can't believe seven years have passed since you were taken from us. I know you are watching over us. I know my Grandma Nancy was happy to see you as she joined you in heaven in June. Seven years ago, when she was in the nursing home and unable to communicate, my dad and I were talking about the horrible events that had just happened. As we were talking, she was trying so very hard to tell us something. Did you speak to her? I am sure you did. We all miss you. I know you had a part in sending us Elizabeth--she is such a joy and we love her so much. Thank you! Your cousin, Kim
Kim Puglia Foote, Family
Sep 10 2008 3:40PM
Wayne - Another year passes and brings us closer to that day - it's been seven years since then. I know you were there when Mark surprised me with those amazing seats for The Police. I could almost year you on the phone, oh - the discussions that we would be having! It certainly was a once-in-a-lifetime event, never to be forgotten. Much has happened this year - I know you know, but you also were up there cheering me, giving me a thumbs up as I got through everything. I'm so excited for Lynne and Mario's expanding family - I know your nephews and of course your niece all carry a piece of your kind and generous soul. We have our own pending arrival in December... again... who would have ever thought I'd grow up and be a responsible adult fully responsible for two little girls. I keep revisiting our phone conversations, where you were always so positive, always so funny, and yet, always so sincere. Wayne - please watch over your family, your friends - not a day goes by when we don't think of you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 10 2008 1:21PM
Dear Wayne, Would you believe I'm still teaching!! As always when I unwrapped the American flag and placed it in its holder above the board in my classroom, I thought of you. I once again placed your smiling face beneath the flag. Each time the students and I do the flag salute we see you watching over us. This summer Craig, Valerie, and I took a boat ride on the Hudson. We stopped right in front of the Statue of Liberty and sang God Bless America. I could barely see through my tears because all I thought of was my wonderful cousin. Our family is as strong and close-knit as ever, but it will never be the same! We love you and miss you!! Vera, Craig, and Valerie
Vera Russo Reynolds, Family
Sep 9 2008 10:16PM
Dear Waynezee, A quiet moment alone, and I just needed to talk to you. Thursday will be seven years you were so suddenly taken from us. I sit here with tears streaming down my face as the ache in my heart has never gone away. Your beautiful nephew, Justin, just came walking down the stairs asking me to play Monopoly with him. That peace and quiet didn't last very long, did it? I really think he looks like you, especially when I stare into his big brown eyes. Justin wants me to tell you, 'I love you Uncle Wayne.' Jordan is in school right now. I can't believe our baby girl is in first grade already. You would just love her so much. She reminds me of you because she is good at everything she does. I always tell her how excited you were to find out you were going to be an uncle and that his niece's name would be Jordan. She is going to wear your necklace and button to school on Thursday. Now I hear one of the babies crying. It really is a zoo around here. I know you are getting a kick out of all of this. Jesse and Jared are really cute, but a lot of work. Tomorrow is Dad's birthday. Mom, Dad and I are heading in to the city tomorrow to put more CDs in the family rooms. We are also going to Battery Park to sign the beams to be used at the memorial and to erect a flag in your honor. We are going to the property clerk's office too to hopefully identify your watch. I hope we can bring it home. Of course we will all be at Ground Zero on the 11th for the anniversary ceremony. Please send us a sign. Please send a dragonfly to let us know you're o.k. Waynezee, you know I've never been much of a writer. I can't begin to tell you how much I miss you. I can't begin to describe the constant ache in my heart. You know how I feel. I will always love you and honor you until the day I join you...brother and sister forever. I love you with all my heart. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 9 2008 2:03PM
Dear Wayno, Another year has come upon us but you are never forgotten. Miss your beautiful smile and wonderful heart. Just miss you period. God Bless your family and watch over them, like you always do, especially now that you are an uncle of four beautiful nieces/nephews. Miss ya always Gigi
Grissel (Gigi) Gutierrez, Friend
Sep 4 2008 4:17PM
Wayne, I know I always start off the same way but it is hard to beelive another year has passed. Just the other day Hope said to me, 'Mommy can I miss Wayne if I never met him - because I do'. I told her absolutely. You would be so SHOCKED and proud of Lynne. Who would have ever thunk it?!?!?! On nephew is better looking than the next - and then there is gorgeous Jordan! Wayne there isn't a week or day that goes by that the family doesn't miss you, mourn you, think of you, laugh at a memory, or just smile. I miss you terribly and will love you forever. Your look alike - Chris
Christine Sostarecz, Family
Sep 4 2008 3:09PM
Dear Waynezee, Well, your two new nephews are finally here! Jesse Wayne and Jared Wayne are 17 days old today. They look nothing alike. Jared looks like Jordan and Justin, but Jesse...I don't know where he came from!!! You should have seen how big my stomach was. It is such a relief to have them out of me! I know you're getting a kick out of all of this. Your sister, a mother of four! I can't even believe it. I am missing you so much, Waynezee. I wish more than anything you were here to play with your niece and nephews. What an awesome Uncle you would be! Sunday is Jordan's dance recital. She is in three numbers. She is receiving a special award at the end I don't know what it is for - it's a suprise. I am very proud of her. She is taking after her Mommy in the dancing department! In a month, we'll be heading down to Wildwood. I can't believe summer is almost here, and we'll be at our favorite vacation spot soon. There are so many happy memories there. I know you will be there with all of us. Oh those Wildwood days... Please watch over your family and keep us safe, especially Jordan, Justin, Jesse and Jared. I love you so much, Waynezee. You are in my heart always. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
May 12 2008 4:23PM
ddcxzaq1u78900pl;'[--=4785213 Dear Uncle Wayne, I love you very much. I wish you were here with me and Jordan. All my love, Justin Wayne ljpogtudkjiygtogoiuhuojouu878yt8j
Justin Linale, Family
Feb 27 2008 10:01AM
Wayne, I thought of you the other day. I lost my father this summer and was thinking maybe you to met up there. You are both amazing people.
sue, Friend
Feb 12 2008 8:39PM
Waynezee, Can you believe those Giants?! What a game!! It was the best Super Bowl I have ever seen. I guess because the Giants won, but it was still a great game! I'm sure it will go down in Super Bowl history. Mom wore one of your Giants t-shirts for the game. Maybe that brought them some luck! The twins were kicking the entire game. Who knows, maybe they'll be football stars one day! I'm just remembering all the great times we had over the years at Giants' Stadium. The last game I was at was in January '01 with you, Mario and Dad when they won the NFC Championship. What a great day. We were so psyched. You were wearing your KISS ski hat and big puffy coat. It was really cold. Of course they blew the Super Bowl big time that year. I haven't been to another game since. I can't do it without you sitting next to me cheering our team on. Today I watched the ticker tape parade they had for the Giants. The team rode down the Canyon of Heroes, so close to Ground Zero. I'm sure you would have been there. It was a great moment. I watched with tears in my eyes, thinking of you. They will be tearing down the current Giants' Stadium in a few years for a new one. Doug is working on getting the seat you carved your initials into the first game the Giants' played there back in the 70's. Wouldn't that be something?! I will always tell Jordan, Justin, Jesse and Jared what fun Mommy and Uncle Wayne had at the Giants' games. I guess they will inherit the tickets. I hope one day the four of them will look forward to tailgating and cheering on the Giants and just being happy that they are together...brothers and sister. I hope they share the closeness you and I have always shared. I love and miss you with all my heart. GO GIANTS!!! Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Feb 5 2008 8:26PM
Wayne: I'm in the Melville office now - and my neighbor sitting next to me is the colleague who so painstakingly taught us RM Xpress so many many years ago... And then of course, I stopped by to see you, and to talk to Chris, Charmaine... but the best part of the day was to see you, and to get a big Wayne hug. We'd peek out the windows and look at the world outside, the boats crawling up the river, the cars, tiny tiny specs... Your birthday, Lynne's birthday have come and slipped by again. I know you are so excited for Lynne... Hana's so big now - she has four teeth and more coming through. She loves bath time, and dances when we start singing. Of course, I'm feeding her Japanese food... and one day we'll catch up over some sushi! HA! Miss you... Please look over your family - xoxo Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Jan 11 2008 10:24PM
Waynezee, Today is my birthday, and I am missing you so. I was staring at an old picture of us at one of our birthday parties. You are wearing a Beverly Hillbillies t-shirt, and I have some crazy 80's hairdo. What a great picture. I would give anything to go back. All day long I was hoping to get a sign from you, and I finally did. Thank you. Helen (Betty's cousin) called me at work out of the blue. She said she was thinking about you all day and went on the Marsh website to read all your postings. She read some of my postings and saw we were having twins. She said she had to call me. Helen was your messenger. You always come through when I need you to! A KISS or AC/DC song on my ride home tonight would be nice... I love you, Waynezee. I left your birthday card in the basement on Saturday. Happy Birthday to us! I love you with all my heart... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2008 5:22PM
Happy Birthday Wayne, We miss you, we love you, we condtinually grieve for you, but memories of your goodness and spirit are imprinted in our hearts forever. You left us much too soon but your impact will be felt for eternity!! All our love, Vera, Craig, and Valerie
Vera Reynolds, Family
Jan 7 2008 5:42PM
Happy 44th Birthday, Waynezee! We just got back from our day in the city honoring you. Mom, Dad, Uncle Alan, Ginny, Brian, Jordan, Justin, Mario and I all went. It was a memorable day honoring a memorable human being. We released balloons at Ground Zero. Did you hear Jordan sing Happy Birthday to you? She has a voice like an angel. Justin wanted to know where Heaven was and how will the balloons get there. I told him not to worry, Uncle Wayne will see them. We went to both family rooms and left messages for you in a book. Jordan even wrote one to you all by herself. The kids drew pictures for you too. They love their Uncle Wayne and talk about you all the time. Sometimes they grab my necklace of you and kiss your face. If only you could have met your niece and nephew...and now the two little guys on the way! Then we were off to the Hard Rock Cafe once again. I was desperately looking for signs from you. Maybe I was looking too hard. Motley Crue's 'Smokin' In The Boy's Room' came on, though. Remember when you, Chris, Gina and I recorded that on the boardwalk in Wildwood?Remember what we called ourselves? I still have the tape. You were the only one that sounded good. Chris and I couldn't stop laughing. Let's not forget your infamous ending! Those were the days. I would give anything to go back. Before dinner, we all raised our glasses and made a toast to you. I hope you enjoyed your little celebration. Waynezee, as your 44th birthday comes to a close, I want you to know how much you are loved and missed. Mom, Dad and I miss you desperately. We ache for you every day. Your cousins, aunts, and uncles talk about you all the time. It still doesn't seem real that you are not here with us 6 1/2 years later. You have left such an influence on so many people. You are unforgettable. Your family and friends will love you and miss you always. Happy Birthday in Heaven my sweet brother. Until the day when we can blow out our birthday candles together again...You are my hero. How lucky I am to have a brother like you! I will love you and honor you for all eternity. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2008 11:27PM
Wayne, I keep remembering something that happened a few days after 9/11. We were at a candlelight ceremony at Holy Spirit. There were many religions represented. Lynne, Chris and I were sobbing uncontrollably by the tree next to the church. A Greek Orthodox priest came up to us and said--'one word courage'. It didn't mean too much to me then because we had not even begun to process all that happened. However the word means a great deal to me now. The truth is it does take courage to go on without those you love. It takes courage to face a new day with heartache and sadness. It has taken Lynne courage to find a way back to life without you these last 6 1/2 years. Of course Lynne would deny that she has courage but she has a great deal. Wayne your time with us was too short. You were like a brief burning star that shined a light on us too quickly. I love you Wayne. Happy Birthday. Please give my son a tight hug from his Mommy and take good care of each other. Until we are together again...with courage Linda xxoo
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Jan 2 2008 4:34PM
Wayne, I know I say this every year but it is so hard to beleive that your birthday is upon us again. If anyone ever thought for one minute that your memory would fade - they know now that they are mistaken!!! I still, and will always, think of you EVERY DAY. It could be a sign I think you are sending me, a song on the radio, watching the Osmonds on Oprah, telling Luke stories about when you drove the car our of the driveway when you were little, or just watching Luke, Hope, Jorda nd Justing playing and thinking you you me, Lynne and Linda. No one can take those memories from me or the innocence that we shared! Happy 44th Birthday Wayne - I love you so much Your favorite cousin and look alike (you know how proud I have always been about that!) Chris
Christine Sostarecz, Family
Jan 2 2008 3:22PM
Dear Waynezee, Well, it is the morning after Christmas, and I never thought I would say this, but I'm glad it's over! I'm beginning to sound like Mom. The past few weeks have been so hectic. Jordan and Justin stayed at Mom and Dad's last night. They were completely wiped out. I guess unwrapping so many presents can do that to a kid. Is it possible that they got more toys than we did when we were kids? I think so. Our house looks like a bomb hit it. There are presents everywhere. We drove Mario's truck up to Union yesterday knowing that we would have tons of toys to bring home. The truck is completely full. I have no idea where we are going to put everything. Mom and Dad even got the kids a Pirates of the Carribbean pinball machine. Remember the KISS pinball machine Bop and Gahom got us? We would play that thing for hours. Thank you for sending me that sign on Christmas Eve. I really nedded it. I was home alone, missing you, and all of a sudden a box shows up at the front door. I bring it in and open it, thinking it was something I had ordered for the kids, and what is staring at me but AC/DC 'Highway to Hell.' I started to cry. I had ordered this metal sign of the album cover months ago to hang in you stairway, and it had been on backorder. I had forgotten about it, and all of a sudden it shows up on Christmas Eve. I immediately called Mom and Chris. Waynezee, we are always looking for signs from you to let us know you are o.k. Your family and friends just miss you so much. I can't believe another Christmas and another year have gone by without you here. Last night at Uncle Anthony's, Bonnie, Ray Gary and I reminisced about you and your wacky sense of humor. Your laugh was memorable. You found humor in just about everything. Gary talked about the last time he saw you. It was the Friday before 9/11 and you, Gary, and Mario were moving Mario's Jeep hard top to the shelf in the garage. I stood there and watched. I remember Gary remarking how he couldn't believe you stayed the same weight since high school. Gary said never to move that Jeep top. It is the last memory he has of you. Your cousins love you and will never forget you. Waynezee, I just wish so much you were here to watch your niece and nephew grow. You would get such a kick out of them. Can you believe Jordan turned 6 the other day? She is our visual timeline for how long you've been gone. You were so excited about becoming an uncle. Jordan started kindergarten in September, she's lost three teeth already, and she is in her 3rd year of dancing school. She had a roller skating party with her friends from school last weekend. She loved it. Of course I thought it was a nightmare and stressed out about every little detail. Jordan is so easy going and carefree. I'm glad she takes after you. Your nephew is a different story. Justin drives me to the brink of insanity sometimes. He is so loving and cute, though. You forget why you are mad at him. I wonder how different he would be if he had his Uncle Wayne in his life. Everyone thinks he looks like you. Let's hope he acquires your personality down the road. How about our big news? TWINS!!! Could this be? Your sister, who never wanted any children, is going to be a mother of four? I can just hear you laughing. You must be getting such a kick out of this. If you had anything to do with this, I will get you one day! Two boys!! What the heck am I going to do??? We are having trouble deciding on names, but both of them will have Wayne as their middle name. How I wish you were here. You would have been the first person we told, just like with Jordan. How I would have loved to see your reaction...priceless. I guess you knew before any of us. Please continue to watch over all of us...Mom and Dad, Jordan and Justin, your two nephews on the way, your family and friends. We all ache for your physical presence here on Earth, but know that you walk beside us every day. Waynezee, you know I always loved this time of year. I still do, but without you here, it's just not the same. Nothing ever will be. I will always try to do my best to make you proud of me. We will be going into the city on your birthday to honor you, as we have done every year. Merry Christmas in Heaven, my sweet brother. I left your card in the basement. I will love you and miss you forever... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Dec 26 2007 9:17AM
Wayne, I write this on Christmas Eve day, wishing that you could be here celebrating with your family. Knowing Lynne, there are mega gifts wrapped and waiting under the tree for Jordan and Justin; how wonderful it would be to have you there sharing the excitement that your neice and nephew will experience on Christmas morning. I know you are watching from heaven and hopefully that will bring some comfort. You are so loved, Wayne. We think of you every day, even moreso at the holidays. Merry Christmas, my dear friend. Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Dec 24 2007 7:14AM
Wayne - Yesterday was an anniversary unlike any before. Somehow it felt different to me…As always I know all of us felt your presence (as we do everyday) and especially as we walked down into the pit. But, yesterday, I felt more warmth than ever before – I felt as if there were more smiles of empathy and a feeling of some healing around me at both the ceremony and afterwards. It doesn’t get easier for your family and every year is as hard as the last – simply because you are not here and we all miss you so much, but for the first time your sister and parents seemed be in slightly less pain this year. Perhaps it was Keith and his funny antics, maybe the warmth between Keith and his new wife, perhaps it was Fabrizio and the new friendship made, maybe it was the wonderful luncheon and the beautiful voices from the singers that were there….Even though it was raining, it didn’t really hamper anything and we all did our best to pay tribute to the wonderful life you led and to your memory that will never fade with those who love you and to all those who ever met you… Wayne, as you know your beautiful niece, Jordan and nephew, Justin do their best to honor your life everyday. I know that they make proud, I also know that you are always watching over them and protecting them. I regret everyday of their lives that they missed out on a single day of meeting you in person, having you in their lives, playing with them and sharing with them your innate personal traits that were so much of a part of the core of your being: humility, your unselfish nature, generosity and love. I know that they have inherited these traits though as they share your blood and I see these traits in both of them. As always, I want to let you know that I love you, I miss all the time that we would have done fun things together and I wish I could have been your brother longer…I do know that we all be together again. Love, Mario
Mario, Family
Sep 12 2007 3:28PM
Wayne: The skies wept big, heavy tears of mourning yesteday, the sixth anniversary since that horrible day. It was as though the grief that many of us still carry for those lost collectively came tumbling out of the sky in rivers. So different from that clear day when we lost you so suddenly. I know you're still traveling across the world... Miss you still, every day. Love, Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 12 2007 2:27PM
Wayne, You may not remember me but we went to school together from Livingston Elementary all the way to UHS Class of 82. I read your tribue page and have to say it brought me to tears. You are loved by so many. Your sister especially! I can't even imagine how difficult this is for her and the rest of your family but I guess knowing that you're looking down and watching over them helps. I still live in Union and my husband and I are raising two boys. We pass the bench on Salem Road that has your name beneath it everyday and my kids now just refer to it as the 'Wayne Russo Bench'. Yesterday marks 6 years. It's so hard to believe. Back in 2001 just after that awful day, the town was asked to sit out on their front steps and hold a lighted candle to show support. I don't know how many people actually did that but I did and most of my neighbors on Salem Road did too. In fact, each year on that anniversary, I light a candle and place it on my front steps. I don't know if it means anything or if it even helps, but is makes me feel better. I hope you see it. Yesterday I noticed that my neighbor across the street put a candle on her steps too. Who knows maybe sometime in the future everyone will have a candle on their steps on that day just to say we will never forget. You and your family will continue to be in my prayers. Love, Judie Fernandes (Vilacha Class of 82)
Judie Fernandes (nee Vilacha), Friend
Sep 12 2007 1:34PM
My Wayno, I love you my brother....and I miss you always Siempre en mi corazon y en mis pensamientos Love you always Titi Wiwi
awilda, Friend
Sep 12 2007 11:09AM
Wayne, Miss you more than ever cuz. It will be so hard to get married this Saturday without you being there in the crowd with our family. I know that you will be there in spirit and through the thoughts and memories of all of us. We are dedicating a rose to your mom during the ceremony in your honor. I know you will witness the ceremony through the eyes of your loved ones. Six years have come and gone and it is still hard. Every wedding our family has had in the interim has had a tribute play of 'You shook me all night long' to rock out to in your honor. My wedding will of course be no different. It is such a great sight to see all of your cousins, especially the young ones who never got to meet you, jam out to some good AC/DC. As Kerri and myself move from two to one this Saturday we carry with us the memories and examples those in our family have shaped our lives with. Your personality, spirit, kindness, taste for good music and overall good nature will be with me fovever through the impact you have had on me. Seeing your spirit and memory transition into the future generations of our family makes me proud and honored to share your last name. On Saturday we are about to rock, and Wayne, we will always salute you. Your loving Cousin Brad
Brad Russo, Family
Sep 11 2007 9:43PM
Dear Waynezee, Well, another year has come and gone without seeing your beautiful smile, hearing your heartfelt laughter, and cracking up at your unique sense of humor. Another year without my wonderful brother. The ache in my heart is constant. I just miss you so much. We were at the anniversary ceremony this morning, as we have been every year. The weather wasn't very nice. It was the first year it has rained on the anniversary. That didn't stop us, though. Nothing would. We stood there and patiently waited for your name to be read with our Wayne signs proudly waving in the air. Several people recognized your picture and said they had your 'AC/DC in Heaven' CD. They told us they felt very close to you, even though they never met you. I guess you have that effect on people. Everyone loves you. First thing this morning, as we were walking to the ceremony from the ferry, a man stopped us who was on his way to work. His name was Larry and said he worked with you at Sedgewick. He told us you were a wonderful human being and a great person to work with. He brought tears to our eyes. He misses you and thinks of you all the time. Just another example of how many people's lives you touched. When we got back to Union, we stopped by your bench at the bus stop. Even your 'bus buddies' remember you. They left flowers and notes for you on your bench. You are unforgettable, Waynezee! I was a little disappointed there was no dragonfly this year. However, a white pigeon flew right in front of me - an inch or two from my face. It scared the you know what out of me. Was that you, Wayne? Were you laughing?? Well, Jordan started kindergarten last week, and Justin started preschool. So far so good. Can you believe how big your niece and nephew are getting? Everyone thinks Justin looks like you. His hair is even starting to curl up in the back. I'm just waiting for him to aquire your personality! Whenever I look at Jordan, she is a physical reminder of how long you've been gone. I can't believe it has been six years without you. I still can't comprehend what happened. I still wait to get a phone call or email from you at work, or hear your music blasting from the basement, or see you driving by in the Monte with a beep and a wave, or get a funny card from you on my birthday, or hear your ankle cracking as you're walking up the stairs. So many memories stored forever in my heart... 'The best and most beautiful things in the world cannot be seen or even touched. They must be felt with the heart.' Waynezee, I will love you and honor your memory for as long as I live. I hope the CD made you proud! I miss you my brother, my friend... All my love forever, Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 11 2007 9:38PM
I am so sorry i never got to meet Wayne. I happened to run across this article before doing a school project on 9/11. From my grandparents, Myrna and Anthony Navarra I learned that Wayne was my distant cousin whom I will never have the chance to encounter. My thoughts and prayres are with everyone close to Wayne Russo and we will never forget him.
Nixie Mistri, Family
Sep 11 2007 8:11PM
Dear Wayne, I was at the 25th UHS reunion this past Saturday and was thinking of you and hopefully you heard us 'missing you'. Your always in my thoughts and prayers. You were a nice quiet kid and befriended me when I was a new kid enrolled in Livingston School. And you remained friendly towards me through Union High School. I believe after the 2nd coming we will all have our re-union. Miss you always, Love, Margaret
Margaret Paul-Price, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 10:51AM
Dear Wayne, It is still hard for me to believe what has happened. We miss you terribly and remember what an awesome person you were to us all. I'm sorry I didn't call you on Monday when you returned from India. My heart goes out to your family. You are not forgotten and I look forward to seeing you once again on the other side. I have not met anyone that comes close to your wonderful personality. Those Sedgwick James days together I will never forget. Good bye for now my friend.... Love, Lisa
Lisa Abbas, Friend
Sep 11 2007 10:24AM
Dear Wayno, Who could believe that its been six years without you. It seems like yesterday. It is raining today and I know that those are your blessings upon us. I woke up today listening to the beautiful CD your sister Lynne, so caringly and beautifully, put together in your honor with your favorite artists. You're rocking in every song. I don't have to tell you that you have a beautiful family who yearns for your presence and I know that you are watching over them and sending them signs that you are fine and rocking in Heaven. We will never forget you as you are forever in our hearts, in our minds and in our prayers. By the way, every yankee game that I have gone too, I know that you are there cheering them on with me as well. Go Yankees! Luv ya and miss ya, Gigi
Grissel (Gigi) Gutierrez, Friend
Sep 11 2007 10:17AM
Wayne, My heart is SO heavy today, this 6th anniversary of 9/11. I am at this moment listening to the wonderful CD that your loving sister Lynne compiled in your honor. It is amazing...........so many people who love and miss you; myself being one of them. I will think of you all day today and be thankful for the friendship we had and the memories we made together. I am proud to have known you and I count myself lucky to have been a part of your life. You were taken from us far too soon. I love and miss you. Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Sep 11 2007 7:35AM
Wayne - The summer's winding down just as quickly as it came, and I find it so hard to believe it's been 8 months since Hana's arrival. Time's quickly slipping by, just like the waves pulling back at seafoam - lapping at our ankles on the beach. Kiki (our piki monster) loves the new house - and the cats have adjusted very quickly to their new house, complete with cat door, baby gate and automatic litter box. I can almost hear you laugh about the list of paraphanelia we have at our house for all the animals - and of course, the baby. Thinking of you - Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Aug 27 2007 1:48PM
Wayne, Continue to think about you and miss you every single day............. Love - Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Aug 18 2007 2:45PM
Dear Waynezee, It is early Saturday morning, and we are getting ready to leave for Wildwood. I can't beleive it's that time of year already. Last night was Jordan's dance recital. Did you see your beautiful niece shine like a star? You would be so proud of her. I volunteered to be a chaperone mom for her class. Can you believe your sister, the person who never wanted any kids, volunteering for all this 'Mom' stuff? I guess it's payback time for all the years Mom watched me from behind the stage. Watching Jordan dance brought me back to my many many dance recitals and competitions. You never missed one. I could always find your smiling face from the stage. Although you never said it to my face, I could tell you were proud of me. Thank you for being my biggest fan. One of the last songs to play at Jordan's recital was 'You Shook Me All Night Long.' It took me by complete surprise. I started to cry. I know that was your way of telling us you were right there with us all and enjoyng every minute of it. The dance itself wasn't that great. You and I would have done a much better job!!! On the way home last night Jordan asked me, 'Mommy, do you know why it's such a beautiful night?' I said I didn't know. She said, 'Because Uncle Wayne watched me dance and is smiling down from heaven.' She is such a special little girl and loves you very much. She always talks about you and asks what Mommy and Uncle Wayne used to do together. I love telling her all the many stories and memories I have stored in my heart. Well, the kids are awake, and that means every two minutes I'm going to be asked, 'When are we leaving for Wildwood?' I will be thinking of you and remembering all those wonderful Wildwood vacations from years past. Oh those Wildwood days! I love you with all my heart. See you on the beach... Your adoring sister P.S. I got your sign loud and clear at Great Adventure the other day. I know you are always with us...
Lynne, Family
Jun 16 2007 7:32AM
Wayne: The summer's finally here, and the weather is warming up rapidly. Hana is growing so quickly - I can't believe she's so big now. I know you see her progress and are collecting those post cards for when we catch up. There are those days when I can envision, and almost hear you answering the phone, with that laid-back tone and that mock-serious voice... 'Lady Rei.' So much that I want to tell you, about our new digs, about the grrrrls, Kiki, about growing up, about the concerts coming up (HOLY MOLY THE POLICE)... We miss you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Jun 8 2007 2:15PM
Wayne- The saying that time heals just hasn't proven to be accurate. We still mourn for you tremendously and think of you every day. Brad and Kerri are getting married in a few months and I still envision all family weddings with you there to greet us upon our arrival, as we provide annotations to you for your videotaping. And my comments always elicited laughs from you. And I loved making you laugh. And I miss your laughter. And I miss you. You are in our hearts and we are always missing you. With so much love, your cousin, MaryAnn
MaryAnn, Family
May 9 2007 4:00PM
Wayne Just thinking of you as I often do............ I heard a KISS song on the radio this morning and wondered if you heard it as well. I bet you did. Wayne, I miss you each and every day. The pain never goes away. Vicki
Vicki, Friend
Feb 20 2007 7:49PM
Waynezee, Please welcome Gladdy into your arms and hold our sweet little girl close to your heart. Another one of our furry babies left us yesterday. Mom loved that little cat so much and did everything should could to help her. I guess she was tired of fighting. Gladdy loved Mom too and followed her around like a dog. They were buddies. Please help Mom to heal and watch over all our furry ones that have left us behind. When we come to join you, I know you will bring them all to Rainbow Bridge. Waynezee, I wish so much you were here to help us through these rough times. You know I'm no good at that. I just fall to pieces. Wishing more than anything for your shoulder to cry on. Loving you and missing you every minute of every day. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 25 2007 3:36PM
I was just talking to a fellow collegue/friend and recalling how much I/we all enjoyed reading your journals on the trips taken because my friend is considering going to Spain and I remember that was one of the last trips you took. I miss you Wayne!
Deanna Mancuso, Friend
Jan 22 2007 2:26PM
Dear Waynezee, Today is my birthday, and I'm missing you so much. Remembering birthdays past and all the fun we had at our shared parties. Remembering the birthday cake inscription: Happy Birthday Wayne and Lynne. Remembering blowing out the candles together and opening up our presents together. Remembering you and me - as kids, teenagers, adults - always together, always sharing a birthday. Wishing more than anything in the world we could share one more birthday together. Please send me a sign today. I really need it. Missing you and loving you with all my heart... Your adoring sister P.S. I forgot to tell you on your birthday that I left your birthday card in the basement. I know you know...
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2007 3:38PM
Wayne: I've been so crazed... our little angel arrived three weeks early, and we've been running around since. You must have pulled some strings up there - your beloved niece now has a twin born on the same day. Happy Belated Birthday to you - the days slip by quickly these days, and before I knew it, 2006 had melted into 2007, and days seem to ripple by. I thought it was only the new year - and now it's already the second week in January. Oh Wayne - we named Hana for the 'international' factor - it means 'flower' in Japanese - and then we found out it's a location in Hawaii. We'll have to travel to Hawaii to show Hana. I could almost hear the coversation I would be having with you about her... There's always something that reminds me of you - a song, a joke, someone's kindness, a postcard... I send hugs to heaven. Please keep watch over your family and friends. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Jan 9 2007 8:02PM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee. I am missing you...loving you...aching for you...today, your 43rd birthday, and every day. I can't believe another year has ended, and a new one begun, without you here with us. I can't believe it was six years ago that we celebrated our birthdays together. I can't believe my big brother, my only sibling, my best friend was taken from me. I can't believe you are gone. They say time heals all wounds. How untrue. The hole in my heart grows bigger every day. We went to Ground Zero today to honor you on your birthday, as we have done every year. I'm sure you saw the 'slight problem' we had with some of the balloons, and I'm sure you had a good laugh. They eventually all went up and out of sight. The love that went with them is immeasurable. I hope you grabbed those balloons and held them close to your heart. On our way to the Tribute Center, we met Keith who presented us with the album cover he made in your honor. He's been working on it for quite a while. The cover looks great, don't you think? I agonized for a long time over the songs to put on it that best describe you. I hope you like my choices. After walking though the Tribute Center, we made our way to the Hard Rock Cafe. Now Waynezee, I know it was no coincidence that we were seated right by some AC/DC memorabilia. When I sat down in my chair and turned my head to take a look around and saw the AC/DC album 'High Voltage' with Angus staring right at me and Malcolm Young's guitar hanging above it, I knew you were right there with us. Thank you for that powerful sign. It gave me a sense of peace. We left a seat open for you. I know you were sitting with us, taking it all in, and I know you were enjoying your birthday with your family. We love you and miss you so much. When I got home tonight, Jordan and Justin wanted to set up a birthday party for you. We had a cake with candles and Jordan, Justin, Mario, and I sang Happy Birthday to you. Jordan has such a beautifully sweet voice. I don't know where she got that from! I hope you liked your little party from your niece and nephew. They really love their Uncle Wayne. They have gotten cheated not having you in their lives. Waynezee, as your birthday comes to a close, I want you to know how blessed I feel to have you for my brother. The bond we share is truly special. Nothing will ever break it. I know of no other siblings that are as close as we are. I will hold our brother/sister memories close to my heart, and I will honor you as long as I live. I hope I make you proud. Brother and sister forever. Happy Birthday in Heaven, my sweet brother. Until the day we can blow out our candles together again... I will love you for all eternity. Your adoring sister P.S. Mom did such a good job driving in the city today. You would be so proud of her.
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2007 10:15PM
Dearest Wayne- Thanks for sending me the signal I just received right after I logged on, touched your picture online and was ready to cry. Although there are still tears, I am happy knowing you are fine in heaven. I love you so much, like you're a little brother to me and cherish all the times together. Happy Birthday, Will. And thanks for reaching out to us. With much love, Your Cousin, MaryAnn XO
MaryAnn, Family
Jan 5 2007 7:57PM
Wayne - Happy Birthday Bro! Today on your Birthday your family is thinking of you as we always do and missing you as strongly as we always do. What we wouldn't give to have you here with us...and what I wouldn't give to have the Uncle of my children here. Jordan and Justin have missed so much Wayne. Please continue to watch over them and protect them and the rest of your family and friends as you always do... I love you. I wish I could shake your hand today, give you a hug, give you a birthday present - maybe a few CD's of the new hot band or maybe some old jazz CD's, some tickets to a concert (Tony Bennett, Sting...something that nobody else would want to go with me)... Youre in my heart and I will always miss having you as my Brother-in-law... Happy Birthday - I love you - Mario
Mario, Family
Jan 5 2007 3:40PM
Mi querido Wayno.... Another birthday without you...another birthday spent without sharing it with you as always before with your ribs and Banana Walnut Cake. I miss you everyday and am comforted in knowing you will always be by my side. I wish you would have been at the house on Saturday as we celebrated Xixa's birthday. We talked about you and fondly remembered birthdays you spent with us. Thanks for all the signs you leave me they go without saying. I started my little baking business and named it Cakes by Wiwi in your honor for calling me Wiwi. I love you, I miss you and Happy Birthday to you. Love you always, Wiwi
Wili, Friend
Jan 5 2007 10:15AM
Dear Wayne, Happy Birthday in Heaven to my dear, beloved, cool cousin!! We all miss you so much. I miss your smile,and your laid back, carefree attitude. I just want you to know that I moved into a bigger classroom in October. It was a major undertaking. I had so many boxes of books and educational materials to sort through and move. The very first thing I placed in my room was your beautiful picture. I kept it on the whiteboard right beneath the American flag. I feel that I am paying tribute to you as well as our country each morning when the students and I salute the flag. They are very poignant moments for me as I begin my day. I just stare at your picture and Remember!!! At the close of the flag salute, 'With Liberty and Justice for All', I say these words to myself, 'With Happiness and Peace to Wayne in Heaven. We Miss You and Love You!' Wayne, I used to complain about birthdays and get very upset about turning a year older. Since we lost you, I realize that every year is a gift---A gift that you were denied!!! I will never complain again as I become grayer and more wrinkled!! All my love, Vera
Vera Reynolds, Family
Jan 4 2007 9:39PM
Dearest Wayne- Thinking of you especially on your upcoming birthday and trying to reach out to you. Too much time has passed without you. All family functions with a huge gap and all missing you tremendously. Your bright smile and face engrained in our minds forever bound by precious family love in our hearts eternally. Your goodness of spirit we try to live by each day to make this a better place. Only solace is knowing you are an angel in heaven. I know you are reaching us by your heavenly guidance. Missing you more than words can say and wanting to give you such a big hug. With much love forever, Your Cousin MaryAnn
MaryAnn, Family
Jan 3 2007 11:36AM
Wayne, Your 43rd birthday is upon us. You will forever be etched in our minds as a young man who was taken too soon from our family. So many holidays and anniversaries have passed. The distance doesn't lessen the pain. Our connection will always be present. You would love to be here when Jordan, Hope and Justin play. It is reminiscent of our youth as the circle of life continues. Happy Birthday dear Wayne. May you be surrounded in heaven with the love we have for you from here. I hope Trey gives you a big hug from me. Con Amore, Linda Linda Russo Dolceamore xxoo
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Jan 3 2007 10:58AM
Wayne, happy Birthday!! It s hard to believe another year is upon us. On New Year's Eve, we put the stereo on and the first sone we heard was 'I Want to Rock and Roll All Night'. Thanks - getting those signs from you helps tremendously!!! I love you and think about you everyday. I thoguht as time passed it would get easier, but it actually gets harder. Happy 43rd Birthday Wayne!!
Chris Sostarecz, Family
Jan 3 2007 9:47AM
Dear Waynezee, Merry Christmas in Heaven my sweet brother. How another Christmas Day is upon us, and you are not here to share in the joy, I will never understand. Jordan and Justin are fast asleep, but will be waking up soon to begin the mayhem. They were so excited when they went to sleep last night. It reminded me of us when we were kids and the aniticipation of waking up the next morning and finding all those presents by the tree. Well, maybe you weren't as excited as I was! Jordan and Justin are our greatist gifts. I don't know what we would do without them. Speaking of trees, you'll be happy to know that our beautiful Christmas tree is now up at Brian's house. It still looks as beautiful as the day we bought it 25 years ago. I know you were there at Brian's house when I was decorating the tree both nights. I heard your signs loud and clear. Thank you for the AC/DC and KISS songs. I know that wasn't a coincidence. The last time I put that tree up was our last Christmas together. What I would give to go back. I always needed your nod of approval when I was done with the decorating. Thanks for the nod. As I was furiously wrapping presents yesterday, I couldn't help but think of our last minute mad dashes to the mall on Christmas Eve. Through all the craziness, we managed to have fun. Those were some of the best times of my life. I also couldn't help but think of what it would be like if you were here. I pictured you playing with the kids, letting them crawl and jump all over you. I thought about what presents you would have gotten them and how excited they would be when they opened them. It would have been something really cool, I know. I could see you kissing them, hugging them, tickling them. I could hear the laughter and see the smiles. I could see myself taking it all in and thinking that it couldn't get any better than this. I guess my little dream will have to be tucked away in my heart to be pulled out next year as I dream of a happy Christmas, if only for a minute. Waynezee, I just miss you and love you so much. I know you will be with us today. Please continue to watch over our family. Give everyone a hug and a kiss for me, especially Grandma, Bop and Gahom, and all my furry babies. I really miss everyone. I wish I could be a kid again when you didn't know what heartache was. I'm leaving your card in the basement. Merry Christmas, Wayne. I love you with all my heart... Your adoring sister P.S. How about our surprise Chrismtas present? What's up with that?? Did you have anything to do with it???
Lynne, Family
Dec 25 2006 6:39AM
Merry Christmas Wayne, I think of you every day. I wish you were here to celebrate the holidays with your family and friends; although I know you are watching down on us from heaven. Wayne, we love you and miss you terribly. Merry Christmas, Vicki
Vicki, Friend
Dec 24 2006 8:25AM
Hi Wayne- I know you know our news. Thank you for answering our prayers. Please watch over us and help to bring our dream to reality. It is such a roller coaster ride. Your sister and Linda have been such a big comfort to me. Please stay by my side! Love, Kim
Kim Puglia-Foote, Family
Dec 14 2006 4:34PM
wayne i just typed this long thing to you and i deleted it by accident.... anyway, i just heard john cougar mellencamp on the road and i thought of you fondly. you know what i typed to you so i can't type it all again, but i hope you are okay and so is your family and i hope you meet my mom up there because you are both great people. your friend sue
suzanne, Friend
Dec 4 2006 9:11AM
Hi Wayne: It's countdown time to the big Day - and I know you are having a great time watching me grow - exponentially it feels - these past few months. I could only imagine what our conversations would be... but we'll save speculation for when we actually get to catch up at another time. You would have such a kick hearing the stories of Mark taking charge of the nursery... we had originally agreed on a 'Marine' theme, complete with turtle bedding, marine life, water color prints... and lo and behold, I come home the other day to find Winnie the Pooh characters, three deep along the walls of the nursery. Not to mention with Paddington and his balloons along the other side of the room!! My coworkers and I were talking about you - they kept on talking about past Christmas parties, but I had no recollection as to where I was during all the holiday party drama. 'Of course you wouldn't know!' they all exclaim. 'You were too busy catching up with Wayne to notice...' Another Christmas season is here without you. Has it snowed yet in Heaven? We miss you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Nov 27 2006 5:03PM
Dear Waynezee, Happy Thanksgiving in Heaven, my sweet brother. I am missing you so much. We are going to Uncle Anthony's house in the Poconos tomorrow. It should be very nice. I remember the last time we went there for Thanksgiving. God, I wish we could go back to that day. Thanksgiving was always a special holiday for us. Whether we spent it at home, P'burg, or somewhere else, we were always together...you, Mom, Dad, and myself...always a family. I used to love watching you enjoy eating the turkey, mashed potatoes, and all the trimmings. You were always a meat and potatoes kind of guy! Waynezee, at every family function, every holiday, every birthday, every day, there is always something missing. We will all be thinking of you tomorrow, wishing we could hug you, hear you laugh, watch you enjoy your turkey and mashed pototaoes. This Thanksgiving, I want you to know how thankful I am to have you for my brother and to have had you in my life for 36 years. I just thought it was going to be a lot longer. I miss you so much, Wayne. I love with with all my heart. Your adoring sister...
Lynne, Family
Nov 22 2006 11:43AM
Hey Cuz, I cant believe it has been five years already. I still often think about you and all the cool things you did for me. Driving me to Vintage Vyn when I didnt have a car and taking me to all the Stetz shows. One of the funniest memories I have was when you car broke down inthe city and we had to bring Tex to go get it..Some good laughs. I live on the other side of the country but I will never forget such a great person as yourself who helped make growing up alot of fun. I remember hanging out when I was till underage with you and Lynn in Wildwood and coming home when your Dad was just getting ready to do his morning walk to Cape May. Those times I will never forget your company. Always your adopted cousin. Tommy Glackin
Tom Glackin, Family
Sep 12 2006 11:10PM
Dearest Waynezee, Well, another 9/11 anniversary has come and gone. The pain is still as fresh as it was 5 years ago.I'm sure you saw us at Ground Zero today. In fact, I know you did. Thank you for sending the dragonfly. We know it was you telling us you were right by our side. I bet you got a kick out of the antics that happened throughout the day. We just can't get our act together no matter what!! The Marsh candlelight srevice was beautiful. Your name was read along with all your colleagues. Waynezee, you are missed and loved by so many people. Yesterday was Dad's birthday, and I recalled his birthday 5 years ago. That was the last time I saw your beautiful face. We were all over for a nice birthday dinner. I remember the last thing I said to you was, 'I'll be over tomorrow to help give Rudy her medicine.' The next morning, our lives were ripped apart. You never got to meet your beautiful niece, Jordan Wayne. You knew she was coming, and you couldn't be happier. Uncle Waynezee!!! You would be so proud of her. She is a special little angel. She's just like you. She has such a wonderful personality and is always happy. Everything she does, she does exceptionally well, just like you. Jordan talks about you all the time. She loves her Uncle Wayne. Justin loves you and talks about you too. He looks so much like you, except for the curls. He has been a little more of a challenge, and I'm sure you are laughing as you watch my daily struggles at being a mother. Me, a mother??? I don't know what we would do without Jordan and Justin. They help make our lives bearable. If only you were here... Waynezee - Mom, Dad and I ache for you. We love you and miss you to the stars and back. On this day, I want you to know how proud I am to call you my brother. I hope I've made you proud too. I will love you and honor you all the days of my life. Until the day we are together again...brother and sister forever. I love you with all my heart, Waynezee. You're adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 11 2006 11:53PM
Wayne, My Colleague, my friend, my travel advisor. It has been 5 years and I still think of you. You kept me company in the early morning hours when we worked at Marsh. You were always advising me to travel and see the world. I loved hearing of all your adventures taken and ones that you were planning. I still have the tour books you gave me before I broke my leg, along with your pictures from your luncheon with your Dad, Mom and sister Lynne. You would be proud to know that I finally got to go to Superbowl XXXVIII in Houston, as you used to tease me about being a die hard female football fan. (smile) I know that you are traveling all over the Heavens taking in the splendor and magnificence of your surroundings. Your kindness and generosity poured out from your heart and touched the lives of everyone that you met, worked with and knew. I will miss you my friend. Lovingly submitted, Yvette Guidry-Robinson Marsh (1995 - 2004)
Yvette Guidry-Robinson, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 8:43PM
Congratulations for getting Wayne's poster into the Associated Press photo today on 9/11. What an honor for Wayne!!!
Christopher Roman, Friend
Sep 11 2006 2:43PM
Dear Wayne, I saw your family on tv holding your picture up. I am comforted in seeing the love you have around you. I listened to the radio today and heard the comforting sound of rock and roll. That is one of the many things that made you happy and it is one of the many things that make me think of you. Wayne, I don't know why this happened and the further the date gets, the more confused about life I seem to be. But I do know that love is real and though you can't see it or touch it or smell it, it is there. Just like I believe in God and your spirit, that you are always there and with God. Your friend Sue
Suzanne, Friend
Sep 11 2006 1:22PM
Mi Querido Wayno I miss you a lot. You are always in my heart... Love you xixa
xixa, Friend
Sep 11 2006 12:57PM
Wayne: I think of you so often. I frequently pass the tribute to those who died at your company on that day 5 years ago and I always look for your name hoping that it isn't there and it was all a tragic mistake but it is there. I found out that you were killed in the towers 2 years after while watching CNN. I felt so horrible! I called your cousin Ray to make sure that it was in fact you than left us that day. I still can't believe that this happened to you and your family. I live so close to Ground Zero and I can't pass it without thinking of you and your family. I read many of the tributes written and I can't help but laugh and cry at the things that were said. You are still remembered and missed Wayne! Mike
Michael Hughes, Family
Sep 11 2006 11:00AM
Wayne: It's been five years since that day - and not a day goes by without missing your laugh, your encouragement, your patience... simply you. The sky is clear, just like that day - but there is a chill in the air. It feels as though if I simply reach up I can touch the crisp edge of blue where you flew upwards to heaven. We miss you so much. Your spirit lives on with us left behind - each of us carries a part of you in our hearts and minds. Please comfort your family, your friends... - they do love you and miss you so much. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2006 10:15AM
Dear Wayne, I am sorry that your life on earth ended before anyone was ready to live without you, although I don't think that that time would ever come. I think you are still with those that love you so much. I will always remember you as a gentle giving soul, a very special person, who loved his family so much.
Michele Ramsey, Friend
Sep 11 2006 9:02AM
My dearest Wayno, I love you and I miss you every day. You are forever in my heart my brother. It's been 5 years and it still feels like it happened just yesterday. Keep smiling down upon me...I always know when it's you!!! Te quiero con todo mi corazon. Wiwi
Wili, Friend
Sep 11 2006 1:10AM
Wayne, I have spent 19 years of my life with you in my life; 5 years with you in my heart and your memory fresh in my mind. The 19 years were filled with your energy, compassion, guidance, and undying sense of good music. You took my brother and I to our first concert in 1996; Pearl Jam. As our family members can attest my brother and I spent the majority of our childhood in antagonistic argument/fighting. We found common ground in the band you introduced us to. Since that first concert we have, together, been to at least 20 shows, each one with a tear and a shared glance communicating, through the crowds, the deep understanding of the impact you had and continue to have on our lives. Trips to Wildwood with your headphones and your circa 1980 faded American flag bathing suit. Giving us freedom when babysitting us. Catching every family event through the lens of a camera, as if to tell all of us, years later, that you will forever capture and remember the little moments you shared with all of us. The quiet example you communicated to all of your cousins of what it meant to share the last name Russo. The last 5 years I have spent your memory in my heart, your example in my daily mindframe, and your picture at eye level on the visor of my car. Its nice to start the day by seeing your face in my car and even better when we both get to jam out to a surprise radio play of an AC/DC song. I know that you look out on everyone in our family. I hope that I am living my life consistent with the example you have set of attaining success, accepting everyone around you no matter what, being there for and keeping family close, and always making time to enjoy music and travel. Its so hard to draft my wedding invitation list and not be able to write your name. Even though you only met Kerri once shortly, I know you would accept her in the same loving way you did all of your cousins. She shares alot of your great characteristics. I will carry you always in my path through life. I will always write 'Wayne' at the top of a hard test that I feel nervous about, for inspiration. Most of all I will always feel pride knowing that I share your blood and last name. Thank you for the time you spent and continue to spend with me. You will always live on through all of us. And, as you would end the conversation, Wayne 'I'll catch you on the flipside.' Love Always, your Cousin forever - Brad
Brad Russo, Family
Sep 10 2006 9:40PM
What up Cuz? We're all thinking of you during this time. I just want to let you know that I miss you and love you. Who the hell else brings their little cousin to their first Kiss concert? We had a wonderful relationship that I will forever cherish. Just remember one thing for me: For those who bow to rock, Wayne, we will forever salute you. Peace, love and respect, Jim
Jim Russo, Family
Sep 10 2006 6:36PM
Wayne, I cannot believe it has been 5 years since that fateful day when you were so senselessly taken from us. We lost a brother, a friend, a son, a commrade.......a gentleman and a gentle man, a wonderful human being whom we are all the better for having known. I truly believe you are in a better place, looking down on us and watching over us. Please continue to do that for all your family and friends; especially Lynn, Mario, Jordan, Justin and your mom and dad. They miss you more than words can say. We all do. Rarely a day goes when that I do not think of you. I miss you as much now as I did 5 years ago. The pain has not subsided. Maybe it never will. I love you Wayne and I miss you terribly. Vicki
Vicki, Friend
Sep 10 2006 2:34PM
Wayne- I can't believe five years have passed since that horrible day. You are the special angel I pray to all the time. As I have said before, although we did not get to spend a lot of time together, I feel very close to you and think of you all the time. I know you are with your family now just as you always were. I take comfort in knowing you are in a beautiful place watching over us and I hope you hear me talking to you. Love, Kim
Kim Puglia-Foote, Family
Sep 8 2006 9:26PM
Wayne - To my brother (the only true brother I ever had) on this anniversery... I often try to imagine what life would be like today if the events of that clear blue fateful morning had never happened. I think EVERYTHING would be different, but this is our life and our reality. While we are on this earth for the rest or our lives, I know that you walk with us, you watch over us, I know that your family and those that truly love you can feel your presence in their lives on a daily basis. I hear your voice telling me to be more generous, to open my arms to a stranger in need, to be kind - all the virtues that came so easy for you and come so hard for me... When I look at my children I see you in their eyes - especially my son - I think he is a spitting image of you...I am proud that your blood flows through their veins - if they grow up to become at least half the warm, generous, caring person that you were I can go from this earth knowing that Lynne and myself did a good job as parents and raised two wonderful children to be so proud of. You would be so proud of your sister and the Mother that she has become. God knows that the kids can be a trial some days - but the love that she has for them is so obviously apparent, it warms my heart. And this from someone that didn't want to have children. I'm sure you had something to do with this. They are here for a reason. Wayne, as always I respect you, admire you, love you and most of all wish that I could have been your brother longer than I was.... Love - Mario Linale
Mario Linale, Family
Sep 8 2006 3:54PM
Thinking of you. Always. With Love, Michele
Michele Lynn, Friend
Sep 8 2006 2:27PM
Sep 8 2006 12:40PM
Dear Wayne- I can't believe that five years have gone by. It still seems like such a short while ago. We all miss you so much and there is always a huge missing gap at any of our family get togethers without your physical presence. Your hug will always be 2nd to none. Of course I am wearing your photo in your honor today, but I don't need to wear it everyday for you are always in my heart. It's amazing that when I look at Luke I can see you so vividly and he is about the same age as you, when I lived w/ your family. Its really uncanny. Your photo is in our new home in the office, bedroom, and mostly you are in our hearts. With so much love forever, your cousin MaryAnn
MaryAnn, Family
Sep 8 2006 11:11AM
Dear Wayne, Five years have passed but it seems like yesterday. You are sorely missed and never forgotten. I know you are looking at us from up above and watching over us with your eternal smile. You are the kindest and sweetest soul that I have ever met. May god bless you and your family always. By the way, the yankees are in first place and rockin! Miss ya and luv ya, your friend Gigi
Grissel Gigi Gutierrez, Friend
Sep 8 2006 10:56AM
Dear Wayne, It is hard to believe that five years have passed. We miss your smile, your laughter, and your kind, generous spirit. Your picture is still alongside the flag on the front board in my classroom. Every morning when the children and I salute the flag, we salute you--our brave hero who is an inspiration to all of us. We love you. Vera
Vera Reynolds, Family
Sep 6 2006 10:50PM
Wayne, It is almost impossible to believe that 5 years have gone by, but so many things now are almost impossible to believe. Some say that time heals but for anyone who has lost someone close to them, they know that it gets worse instead of better. There is not a day that goes by that I don;t think about you Wayne! Thank you for all the signs you have been sending me - it really makes me feel so connected with you. Luke is now obsessed with music. You would not be happy with his music preference but anyway . . .if AC/DC or KISS comes on, that is the only time he knows not to touch the station. I know that you are speaking to me in some way, telling me you are ok. Wayne - everyday is difficult for Lynne and your mom and dad but htis week is horrific. They miss you so much that they pycially hurt everyday. I will always keep your memory alive Wayne - through myslef, Luke and Hope. I love you so much and miss you so much. I wish we could have just one more conversation togehter so I could tell you how much you are missed and loved. Wayne, remembering you on September 11th and everyday for the rest of my life . . . Your twin, Chris
Chris Sostarecz, Family
Sep 6 2006 6:22PM
Wayne, 5 years without you. It just isn't right. I know you are in a beautiful place but the separation from us is very painful. On this anniversary I take some comfort in knowing that you lived your short life to the fullest. We could all learn a lesson from the way you lived. Please continue to let us know that you are with us. Comfort Lynne as only you can. I miss you Wayne. Much Love Linda
Linda, Family
Sep 6 2006 4:02PM
Dear Wayne, I will never forget you. As August is coming to an end and yet another anniversary is near, you are still in my thoughts and prayers and you will be forever. I hope your family gets signs that you are okay because I believe you are with God and you are at peace and watch over your family and friends.
sue, Friend
Aug 16 2006 1:06PM
Hi Wayne - I know you know already about the great news... ! I let Lynne know about it... who knows - you might have a twin if I'm early! We're in the midst of the summer. Kiki, our puppy is growing up so fast - you would have laughed about her daily antics. The grrrrls still can't figure out who or what this 60 lbs creature is, that keeps trying to lick them. Please - watch over your family. We miss you - Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Aug 2 2006 4:05PM
Waynezee, I just read that 10 years ago today, KISS played the first of four shows at the Garden for their Reunion Tour. And 26 years ago today, they played at the Palladium - it was Eric Carr's first show. You and I went to both of those concerts. It seems like yesterday. I miss going to concerts with you. I haven't been to one since the Bon Jovi show we went to at Giants' Stadium in July of '01. I miss the music...I miss my concert buddy...I miss my brother. I hope you heard Vec's band dedicate 'Deuce' to you on Saturday night. You've touched so many people, even those who never knew you. I love you, Waynezee. Keep Rockin'... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jul 25 2006 5:44PM
Dear Wayne, I talked to Lynne yesterday afternoon for a bit. She misses you so much, as do all of us who had the priviledge of being part of your life. Lynne especially misses you, though. Please, please continue to send her signs that you are watching over her and that you are at peace in your home in heaven. She needs to know that you are OK. After talking to her I started thinking about the video you sent me from a stint your band did on TV. Remember?? You sent me a video and included a note saying 'Enjoy, and don't laugh too much!' I am going to watch it today............and I'll smile........ We miss you so much Wayne. We miss you and we love you. Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Jul 21 2006 7:24AM
Dear Waynezee, I know you never met Bernie...until last night. Please take care of our sweet little baby. He put up such a fight, but he was so sick. Mom and I are heartbroken. Like you said about Bret: it was quick and painless and the humane thing to do. Bernie's pain and suffering is over now. I know you are watching over all our furry babies. Tell them Lynnie loves them and misses them terribly. I will never forget them. Wayne, the ache in my heart for you never goes away. Until that day when we are all together again...I love you. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
May 30 2006 6:00PM
Hi Wayne, I am on your website frequently, reading all the postings that have been left by family & friends. What I have known about you all along is solidified for me in these postings......you are an amazing person, loved by so many. I have been in touch w/your sister, and am enjoying this friendship we have built. Lynne sent me a 'Wayne package' which was filled w/wonderful rememberances of you. I wear the Wayne bracelet every single day, and the Wayne button in on my computer at work so that I see you each day. Your family misses you so much..........as do I. You will forever be in my heart. My husband and I are placing flowers at the altar of our church next Sunday, in rememberance of you. I hope that you will see them from your home in heaven, and feel the love that goes with this dedication to you. Love, Your Friend, Vicki
Vicki Powers, Friend
Jan 29 2006 2:12PM
Dear Waynezee, Today is my birthday, and I'm missing you so much. I am staring at my phone, hoping that it rings and hearing your cheerful voice at the other end say, 'Happy Birthday!' That is what I wish for every birthday. I miss that call more than you would ever know. I miss the birthday cards you would give me. They always made me laugh. Your sense of humor was truly unique. I miss our birthday cake and blowing out the candles together. I just miss YOU, Wayne...my big brother by one year and five days. I miss everything about you, about us, about our family...the way things used to be. We went to Ground Zero on Sunday for your birthday. Did you see the balloons we let go? We all miss you and love you so much. Then we went to the Hard Rock Cafe in your honor. There was an extra seat at the head of the table. I know you were there with us, taking it all in. I'm sure you were laughing when Dad made that comment about Freddie Mercury being a girl. You would think he'd know by now! By the way, the Giants blew it. Big surprise! Waynezee, as I turn 41 today, I want you to know that I will always honor you, love you, miss you, make you proud. My birthday means nothing without you here. Until the time we can once again blow out our birthday candles together...I will love you forever. Your adoring sister P.S. Thanks for the AC/DC song on your birthday. I knew you would hear me. Keep rockin'...
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2006 5:36PM
Wayne, As always, it's hard to be believe it's another year and another birthday. A day doesn't go by Wayne that I don't think of you, talk about you miss you. Last night making dinner I was talking about you to Jay saying that it was your birthday. Hope asked if we were going to sing to you becuase she said you could hear us in heaven. Wayne I will love you and cherish our memories together forever and and ever. Love, your twin
christine sostarecz, Family
Jan 6 2006 8:43AM
Dearest Wayne- I think of you every day and always with love: For the wonderful person you were while here on earth; For our Guardian Angel that you've become in heaven looking over us; For the closeness we shared with both our families; For being an immediate part of your precious family during your childhood years. It is said that time heals but I just don't see it. For our family get togethers cannot ever be the same but thank you for helping us find the strength to go on. Not only on your birthday, but not a day goes by that you are not remembered, cherished and missed. May God grant you the most heavenly status there is. With much love in my heart for you, Your cousin, MaryAnn
MaryAnn, Family
Jan 6 2006 4:24AM
Dearest Wayne, Happy Birthday CUZ!!! We all miss you so much. I just want you to know that a picture of your smiling, beautiful face is on the board in the front of my classroom. Each day when I write the date on the board, I think of you. I teach 2nd, 3rd, and 4th grade students. So many of them have asked at different times who you are. I stop whatever I am teaching and tell them who you are... a wonderful human being who made the world a better place just by being in it!!!!! You would be so very proud of Lynne's beautiful children. Justin looks like you and Jordan is an angel. You should be extremely proud of the person Lynne is. She has helped me through some rough times this past year. Wayne, we love you and we miss you. Happy Birthday in heaven!!!!!!! Love, Vera
Vera Reynolds, Family
Jan 5 2006 6:53PM
Mio caro cugino, Happy Birthday Wayne. Somedays it feels like yesterday that you were with us and other times it feels like an eternity since we have been together. We carry much pain, sorrow and grief as you are sorely missed. It pains me most that the next generation will only know of you, not you. You would be such a positive influence on Jordan, Justin, Hope and all the kids. I would give anything if things were different. I sometimes think you are going to walk into the room scratching your head and fluffing your hair. I wish it were so. As times passes, we move closer to all being together again. (Perhaps a flying baskavitches performance will be in order?) The separation is so hard on Lynne and your Mom and Dad. Please watch over them. I love you. Con Amore Linda XXOO
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Jan 5 2006 6:28PM
Mi querido 'Uncle Wayno'......... Happy Birthday...Even though you are not here, just wanted to let you know that I am making you some of your favorites I always made on your special day....Ribs and Banana Walnut Cake which I will have in your name as always. I sure wish you were here, and everyone who knows you feels the same. You know how much I miss you, that goes without saying. You are with me, Annette, Lisa and Gigi all the time. There is not a day that goes by that you are not thought of...your pictures grace all of our homes and in our offices in that way we keep you close and you can watch over us as you have always done. So on this day we celebrate you with love, hugs kisses and a big smile because you know we would never ever forget you as long as we live. Forever in our hearts...'your girls' Wili, Annette, Lisa and Gigi We love you infinity!!!
Wili, Friend
Jan 5 2006 3:07PM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee. I can't believe it has been five years since I was able to wish you a Happy Birthday to your smiling face and hear a 'Thanks' back. It seems like an eternity, and at the same time, it seems like only yesterday. I miss you so much. I was trying so hard to find an AC/DC song on the radio on my way to work this morning, but I couldn't. Maybe on the way home...It is such a long ride, alone, with only my thoughts. I need to know that you are there with me. I went through Nick Pappas' toll booth on my way in, and he asked me if I was going to the Giants game on Sunday - they are in the playoffs. I told him the last game I went to was with you. Remember that game when they won the NFC championship and were headed to the Super Bowl in January 2001? You, Dad, Mario and I went. What a great time we had! I was just looking at those pictures the other day. You had your big puffy coat on and a KISS ski hat. Of course the Giants blew the Super Bowl. Let's see what happens this time around. I just can't seem to get myself to go to another game. I miss the tailgates. I miss sitting next to you watching you enjoy a hot pretzel or hot dog. I miss laughing with you at all the comments that went flying back and forth (you know how Giants' fans are)! I miss all the fun we used to have at those games. Fun isn't fun anymore. Your initials will always be carved into your seat at Giants Stadium... Tuesday night, we were all at the house - Mom, Dad, Mario, Jordan, Justin and I. We each had a cupcake with a candle in it and sang Happy Birthday to you. Jordan did a solo as well. She loves to sing and has the sweetest little voice. Did you hear us? Did you see us? You would be so proud of your niece and nephew. I wish so much they could grow up with their Uncle Waynezee in their lives. The kids had such a blast on Christmas, especially Jordan. If there was a present in front of her, she was going to unwrap it. As I sat in the living room, I felt you there with us, enjoying all the mayhem. Mario does his best with the video camera, and I try to take lots of pictures, but it just isn't the same. You are so missed, Waynezee. This Sunday, as in years past, we are heading to Ground Zero for your birthday. Mom, Dad, Uncle Alan, Ginny, Brian, Mario and I will be there. Maybe we'll go to the Hard Rock Cafe afterward for lunch. I know you would like that. Look for the balloons we are going to release. They hold so much love for you. We all miss you and love you so much and wish we could hug you, kiss you, and wish you a Happy Birthday. I would never let go. On your 42nd birthday, I want you to know how much I love you, Waynezee. We continue on for you, for Jordan, and for Justin. A part of you lives on in them. When I look at Justin, I feel like I'm looking into your eyes and your soul. And Jordan's beautiful personality...we know she didn't get that from her Mommy. She got it from her unforgettable Uncle. Please watch over them. I hope they turn out to be just like you. I'm leaving your birthday card in the basement. Happy Birthday in Heaven my sweet brother. I will love you and miss you forever. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2006 2:56PM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee. I can't believe it has been five years since I was able to wish you a Happy Birthday to your smiling face and hear a 'Thanks' back. It seems like an eternity, and at the same time, it seems like only yesterday. I miss you so much. I was trying so hard to find an AC/DC song on the radio on my way to work this morning, but I couldn't. Maybe on the way home...It is such a long ride, alone, with only my thoughts. I need to know that you are there with me. I went through Nick Pappas' toll booth on my way in, and he asked me if I was going to the Giants game on Sunday - they are in the playoffs. I told him the last game I went to was with you. Remember that game when they won the NFC championship and were headed to the Super Bowl in January 2001? You, Dad, Mario and I went. What a great time we had! I was just looking at those pictures the other day. You had your big puffy coat on and a KISS ski hat. Of course the Giants blew the Super Bowl. Let's see what happens this time around. I just can't seem to get myself to go to another game. I miss the tailgates. I miss sitting next to you watching you enjoy a hot pretzel or hot dog. I miss laughing with you at all the comments that went flying back and forth (you know how Giants' fans are)! I miss all the fun we used to have at those games. Fun isn't fun anymore. Your initials will always be carved into your seat at Giants Stadium... Tuesday night, we were all at the house - Mom, Dad, Mario, Jordan, Justin and I. We each had a cupcake with a candle in it and sang Happy Birthday to you. Jordan did a solo as well. She loves to sing and has the sweetest little voice. Did you hear us? Did you see us? You would be so proud of your niece and nephew. I wish so much they could grow up with their Uncle Waynezee in their lives. The kids had such a blast on Christmas, especially Jordan. If there was a present in front of her, she was going to unwrap it. As I sat in the living room, I felt you there with us, enjoying all the mayhem. Mario does his best with the video camera, and I try to take lots of pictures, but it just isn't the same. You are so missed, Waynezee. This Sunday, as in years past, we are heading to Ground Zero for your birthday. Mom, Dad, Uncle Alan, Ginny, Brian, Mario and I will be there. Maybe we'll go to the Hard Rock Cafe afterward for lunch. I know you would like that. Look for the balloons we are going to release. They hold so much love for you. We all miss you and love you so much and wish we could hug you, kiss you, and wish you a Happy Birthday. I would never let go. On your 42nd birthday, I want you to know how much I love you, Waynezee. We continue on for you, for Jordan, and for Justin. A part of you lives on in them. When I look at Justin, I feel like I'm looking into your eyes and your soul. And Jordan's beautiful personality...we know she didn't get that from her Mommy. She got it from her unforgettable Uncle. Please watch over them. I hope they turn out to be just like you. I'm leaving your birthday card in the basement. Happy Birthday in Heaven my sweet brother. I will love you and miss you forever. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2006 2:56PM
Wayne - Happy Birthday! As I read through the postings that have been written within the last year and especially the ones by your sister, my wife, lately I am reminded of so many things. I am reminded of the love that was and is so strong between your family and you Wayne - even to this day, a mere 4 years since you were taken from all of us. I am reminded of truly what an incredible person you were. I am reminded of the pain that is still so fresh that your sister and your family still experience every day. Most of all I am reminded that your loss has left a hole in your family that can never be replaced - I am reminded of the obligation that I feel to take care of my family and yours, perhaps because of this. I am reminded that the healing powers of our beautiful children, Jordan and Justin are so powerful, I would truly hate to think of what our lives would be without them. Wayne, as always I wish that I could have been your Brother in-law longer than I was here on Earth - but I will always feel that you are are my family and here with us. I know that all of us feel your presence and influence every day. I love you Wayne. Happy Birthday in Heaven. Love, Mario
Mario, Family
Jan 5 2006 9:40AM
Dearest Waynezee, Well, it is 2 am Christmas morning. Mario and I just finished wrapping the kids' presents and putting them out by the tree. Now I know how Mom felt all those years! Jordan's and Justin's pile of presents is as huge as ours was! One of the gifts we got Jordan is the game Gnip Gnop. Remeber that? I can remember clear as day getting that game from Gahom and Bop one Christmas. We played it that whole day down in the basement. Remember Bop's fake fireplace and the Christmas tree that they never took down?! That game ended up being a favorite of ours. We also got her Twister, and for her birthday, Mom got her Ker Plunk. Remember playing those games with Linda and Chris every time we would go to P'burg? Those were the days. I wish we could go back... Waynezee, I am missing you so much today, Christmas Day, and always. When I think back to happier times and our Christmases together, I can't help but smile...but always with tears in my eyes. I miss us opening our presents on Christmas morning together. I miss watching you enjoy Mom's turkey and mashed potatoes. I miss you videotaping the whole day. I miss hearing the music blasting from the basement. No, you never took a break from that, even on Christmas. I miss our last shopping run to the mall on Christmas Eve. And even though we still go to Uncle Anthony's at the end of the day, it has never been the same. I miss your laugh, I miss your smile, I miss you... This year I got Bonnie, Ray and Gary frames with their names and your name engraved on them. Underneath, it says Cousins Forever. I went through all my photo albums and made copies of pictures of you with each of them and put them in the frames. I know they will like their gifts. Slowly but surely, I will get one for all our cousins. Everyone misses you and loves you so much, Wayne. Four years later, and I still can't understand why you are not here to celebrate Christmas. As long as I'm alive, your legacy will live on...that I promise. Waynezee, on this Christmas Day, please know that I love you so much and would give anything for you to be here. Mom and Dad try their hardest not to be sad in front of me, but sometimes their pain can't be hidden. A part of us has died with you. The ache is never ending. Merry Christmas in Heaven, my sweet brother. Please watch over our family and please watch over your friend Vicki's husband, Mark and also Mrs. Sommer. Give my Roxie a kiss for me. I left your Christmas card in the basement. I will love you forever. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Dec 25 2005 2:54AM
Dear Waynezee, Well, December is here and Christmas is around the corner. We are planning a big 4th birthday celebration for your beautiful niece, Jordan Wayne, this Saturday. This is the first real birthday party she's had, and she is very excited. My heart has never been in it these past 4 years. It still isn't, but I can't deny Jordan a big party any longer. Things would just be so different if you were here...Jordan and Justin's Uncle Waynezee. Mario and I went to Cape May over the weekend. We stopped at your bench by the Port Royal, and of course, your bench in Cape May. I lit a candle for you at the church. We past Uncle Bill's and I recalled the many pancake breakfasts we had there. Everywhere I turn, you are there, Wayne. Your friend, Vicki (Hilton) got in touch with me a few months ago. She is a wonderful person and cares for you so much and misses you tremendously. We email each other and have spoken a few times on the phone. I sent her a 'Wayne' package which she was very grateful and honored to receive. I know you are happy that we have become friends. Wayne, the ache in my heart never goes away. I miss you and love you so much. I know you will be with us at Jordan's party. Just wish I could see you, hug you, hear you laugh, watch you play with the kids. I love you, Waynezee... Your adoring sister Please watch over Mrs. Sommer, Brian and their whole family.
Lynne, Family
Dec 14 2005 5:45PM
Miss you every day. Thought about you at Cream and how you would probably be 10th row. Love you.
Ed Donohoe, Friend
Nov 2 2005 8:38AM
Wayno - I miss you. But I know you are in a better place where your presence alone is a pure joy. Your face lights up the sky and I know you are looking down at us and watching over us. We will never forget you. By the way, the Yankees are doing ok.
Grissel Gutierrez (Gigi), Friend
Sep 13 2005 10:33AM
Dear Wayne, Though years have past, your memory has not. I still think of you fondly, mention you often when I'm talking about a really great person. Sue :-)
sue, Friend
Sep 12 2005 2:02PM
Waynezee, I read your name at the anniversary ceremony at Ground Zero yesterday. Did you hear me? Did you see us? I hope you were proud. There were so many things I wanted to say to you, but I know you know what is in my heart. Nothing will ever break the bond that we shared. One of the siblings yesterday said something so profound, something so true. 'I would give all of my tomorrows for one more yesterday with you.' I will love you and miss you forever, my sweet brother. Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 12 2005 1:05PM
Wayne - The sky is clear today just a few whisps of clouds that skim past. Four years ago, we lost you on a lifelong journey - and there is not a day that goes by we do not think of you. Please look over your family, who loves you, misses you and honors you. Your friends and colleagues miss you, and remember you too. I reached out to an old high school buddy of mine, whom I have not spoken to in years. I received a most unexpected surprise from him from his business trip in Texas - a postcard! It reminded me so much of your postcards - those snapshots of places you described in your distinct handwriting - capturing the sights, sounds, smells... - signed with your name with a flourish. We miss you. Lady Rei
Rei Hirasawa, Colleague
Sep 11 2005 10:44AM
Dear Lynne, I was reading memorials and saw the last name-then I was shocked to see [as I read further], indeed it was your brother I was reading about. I am so sorry for your devistating loss.. I'm a long-lost friend of yours Joe, don't know if you remember me or not, [it's been a long,long time]... but I want to extend my deepest condolences to you and your whole family. I hope you'll be OK...you were always a very strong woman. (I know it.. :o) I wish there is something I could do or say to make it better. I'll keep you in my prayers. Take care hon, _-Joey-_
Joe P., Friend
Sep 3 2005 2:06AM
I must tell you right up front that i did'nt know wayne. I lost my brother Stephen who worked for Cantor and I was visiting the family room last month with my wife and I took one of Michael CD's with the song he wrote for Wayne (AC/DC in Heaven). I was very moved by the song to the point that I'm writing a thank you note because my brother loved rock music (U-2) and I have a great image in my head now of the two of them rocking the stars. Thanks - Jim Hoffman brother of Stephen
Jim Hoffman, Friend
Aug 27 2005 1:04PM
Wayne--I read your sister's letter to you and it made me think of my brother. We have so many jokes between the two of us also. Your family has their place to go every summer, my family goes to Disney World. I don't think I would be able to go there again if something happened to him. Your family is very strong and loves you so much. I know you are there with your Dad as he is recovering and with Lynne and your Mom, to give them strength. Wayne, Please say a special prayer for me and Jim-it is so tough waiting. Love, Kim
Kim Puglia-Foote, Family
Jul 6 2005 1:19PM
Waynezee, Can you believe Mom got her driver's license today?! She's only waited 48 years!! I know you were sitting next to her in the car as she took her test. Wish you were here to celebrate...God how I wish you were here. Missed you in Wildwood. Everywhere I turned, you were there. So many memories... I love you, Wayne.
Lynne, Family
Jun 27 2005 5:00PM
Waynezee, I am missing you so as we prepare to make our annual trek to Wildwood. It has never been the same without you there. I will sit on your bench and think of happier times. See you on the beach... I love you, Wayne... Wildwood Memories: *Sam's Pizza *Dropping my suitcase by the garbage can on the beach because you were mad at me *Hitting the boards *Did he just say roaring enima? *The Buccaneer and Malibu *Skimboarding *Mom's surprise party at the Wharf *Going to Uncle Bill's for a pancake breakfast and Duffer's for ice cream *Playing the album wheels *Your tanning technique *Buying a ton of stuff at the poster store *Tuning everyone out with your walkman *Our stupendous rendition of 'Smoking in the Boys' Room and 'Nothin' But a Good Time' *Can't forget your infamous bathing suit I could go on and on...Wish you were here to remember with me.
Lynne, Family
Jun 16 2005 12:22PM
Wayne, Your family misses you terribly. We go to WW next week and I will sit on your bench and as I do so many times. In my mind I can clearly see you walking off the beach, with your headset on in your stars and stripes bathing suit. I still can not comprehend how any of this happened. I would give anything if you were here among us. I really hope and pray that you are with my son and taking good care of him because he is just a baby. Please give him a kiss and big hug for me today on what should have been his first birthday and please make it special. Someday we will all be reunited again, it just seems like such a long way away. I love you, Linda
Linda, Family
Jun 6 2005 6:37AM
Waynezee, I know you are watching over Dad. Please help him recover. Last week, I thought we were going to lose him. You are not here to help Mom and me get through this. I miss you so much. Give Dad the strength to get better and give me the strength to endure the the long road ahead. I love you, Waynezee... You adoring sister
Lynne, Family
May 12 2005 4:55PM
Dear Russo Family, You do not know us. We live in California. Last weekend, on April 22nd, our lives were touched by a CD that we picked up in 'The Family Room'. We were only in NYC for the weekend. When we returned to Cali, we have listened to 'AC/DC in Heaven' over and over and over every day. My husband even bought an AC/DC t-shirt the other day. For some reason our lives have been blessed through Waynes memory. Thank you for the music, it means alot. Terri & Bill Borst
Terri and Bill, Friend
Apr 29 2005 10:46PM
Dear Waynezee, Today is my 40th birthday and the ache in my heart continues. I miss you so much. I miss your birthday phone call, your funny birthday card, our birthday party, our cake that always read 'Happy Birthday Wayne and Lynne' and of course, blowing out the candles together. I am haunted by the fact that I get to turn forty, and you never had the chance too. Why? Why does it have to be this way? There was a surprise fiftieth birthday party for MaryAnn at Art's house on Saturday. Jordan had so much fun playing with Hope. Justin was his usual self. It's a good thing he's so cute. After singing Happy Birthday to MaryAnn, Chris said, 'Now we're going to sing Happy Birthday to Jordan's Mommy.' My heart just dropped. Another cake came out with all the candles lit, and everyone started singing Happy Birthday to me. I cried and cried and cried. I couldn't stop. Wayne, that was the first birthday cake I've had since the last birthday we celebrated together. I couldn't blow out the candles. Jordan and Hope blew them out. Waynezee, the next time I blow out birthday candles, you and I will be side by side, as we always were, blowing out our candles together. Until then...I love you Wayne. I love you with all my heart. Your adoring sister...
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2005 2:11PM
Happy Birthday, Waynezee. Today is your 41st birthday, and I am missing you so. On Sunday we all went to Ground Zero - Mom, Dad, Mario, Uncle Alan, Ginny, Brian, and I. They let us down into the pit and we stood in the footprint of the North Tower. We made a little memorial in the rocks with your picture and flowers. We all held a balloon, wished you a Happy Birthday and released them into the air together. We watched them go high up into the gray sky, around the skyscrapers, and out of sight. Did you see them? Did you see us? I hope so. We love and miss you so much, Wayne. Something funny happened to me the other day. I was at the store, and the woman at the register saw your pin on my coat. She asked me if you were my son. I could almost here you laughing. I couldn't help but laugh too. And to top it off, I thought I was looking pretty good that day! I smiled and told her you were my brother and that your birthday was in a few days. She told me to wear your pin proudly. I do and will continue to do so every day of my life. Waynezee, I miss laughing with you. I miss hearing you laugh and your great sense of humor. I miss our birthdays together. I miss my brother. Last night I was staring at the picture of you standing under the KISS marquee at the Garden in July of '96. You were wearing that old KISS t-shirt from the 70's. We had so much fun at that concert. The KISS reunion tour! It was just the two of us. I could just see you nodding your head to the beat of 'Rock n' Roll all Night' with all that confetti flying around us and landing in your hair. Remember we lost Dad's binoculars in the parking garage? I still don't think he realizes they are gone! Waynezee, all I have are these memories now. My heart aches knowing that we will not be able to make new ones. But I promise I will never forget the old ones. I will cherish them and share them with Jordan and Justin, and anybody else who wants to listen to me. I love talking about you. But, I always did. I was always proud of my big brother. Mario tells me all the time that you live through our two beautiful children, Jordan Wayne and Justin Wayne. Waynezee, you would be so proud of them. They are amazing. We know they were a gift from God to help us ease our pain. Jordan knows it's your birthday today. Last night she sang Happy Birthday to Uncle Wayne. I hope you heard her. You would have been such a wonderful uncle. They have gotten cheated out of so much. We all have. Waynezee, on your 41st birthday, I just want you to know how much I love you, how much I miss you, how much you are a part of me every minute of every day. I am putting your birthday card in the basement. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Waynezee. I love you with all my heart. Until the day we can once again blow out our birthday candles together... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2005 2:32PM
Wayne, Happy Birthday in Heaven. I know that you are among the angels and are spending today, your birthday in peace and have only one wish that your dear family will find peace, hope and joy on this earth (there is a reason that your dear sister and myself were blessed with truly beautiful children.) I have a heavy heart today when I think about the sadness that your family feels because they can't hug you on your birthday. Even though they can't physically touch you, I know that you still continue to touch them and so many with your love, compassion and caring. Wayne, you give me and so many others inspiration every day, to aspire to truly be a good human being. Wayne, I miss you and I love you and want you to know that you were and always will be my brother. Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Jan 5 2005 11:21AM
Wayne, Happy Birthday! My birthday will always be synonymous with yours. It is just so hard to believe. You would think after 3+ years it would be easier to understand but it's not. We have had much hardache lately . Luke's says nothing has been the same since you died. It's still hard to hear . . . 'since you died'. You would be so proud of Lynne - what a great mother she is and how truly strong she has been. No more famous door slams either!! I think when this happened your family was so afraid people would forget you. How impossible. There isn't a day that goes by when I don't think about my twin. I was at my mom's last week and there was a picture on the wall when you were about 5. I thought it was me - even from a distance!! Wayne, I will miss you and love you forever.
Christine Sostarecz, Family
Jan 5 2005 9:58AM
1/4/05 Wayne, Tomorrow is your birthday and I would give anything if you were here with us to celebrate. There is something missing at every family celebration, every holiday, every vacation and every oridinary day and that something is you. My heart is still broken and I remain sad that you were taken from us just too soon. I think of you often, I pray to you and I miss you. I hope you are with my son, and taking good care of him. I try to do the same here when I am with Jordan and Justin for you. I really hope there is a heaven and we all get to be together some day. Until then Wayne, I love you and miss you all the days of my life. XXX XXX XXX X Great toss for 3's Love Linda
Linda Russo Dolceamore, Family
Jan 4 2005 5:43PM
Wayne, Again this Christmas and like every other day of our lives I miss you and wonder what our lives would be had the unimaginable not happened. It saddens me so not to have you in our lives and the pain I see in my wife's eyes and in her heart is more than I can bear sometimes, and when I look at our beautiful children and know what they will be missing by never having known you and not having you in their lives, it is so painful. However, I know that Jordan sees you and I'm sure Justin does as well. I know I can feel your presence and so do all of your loving family, you are constantly showing us signs. Your examples of kindness and humilty that you dispalyed every day of your life are especially appropritae this time of year, although this is who you were every day. I know that all who knew you and loved you were and always will be inspired by how you chose to live your life and I am so thankful that I had the chance and the opportunity to be your brother and your friend. Merry Christmas Wayne...I know that someday we will all be celebrating Christmas together. Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Dec 25 2004 1:45AM
Dear Waynezee, It is Christmas Eve and my heart aches so, but that is nothing new. It doesn't matter what day it is or the time of year, I miss you so much. I can't help but think of Christmases past, and all the good times we shared as a family. You and I, side by side, opening our presents on Christmas morning...going to Bop and Gahom's house for more presents and Christmas dinner...then on to Uncle Anthony's house. All the cousins would go up to Ray and Gary's room and listen to Cheech and Chong and George Carlin. What fun we had. Oh, and let's not forget Dad singing 'The Party's Over' at the end of the night. Waynezee, these memories I will hold in my heart forever. As I relive these happy times, a smile comes to my face and tears to my eyes. What I would give to turn back the hands of time. I am trying my hardest to make this Christmas a special one for Jordan. You would be so proud of your niece. She is three years old already. We had a birthday party for her the other day. She had so much fun. She loves opening presents, just like her mommy. She knows why I cry and tells me not to be sad. She tells me Uncle Wayne is in Heaven with Roxie. She also says that you play with her. I have no doubt that she can see you. She is truly an amazing little girl. Mom and Dad are smitten. I don't know what we would have done if she hadn't come along. This is Justin's first Christmas. I can't believe he is 10 months old already. Everyone says your nephew looks just like you. I think so too. He is such a cutie. We will have to wait and see if he has your curls. I can only hope he turns out just like you. I would be so proud. Waynezee, please watch over our loving family...Mom and Dad, Jordan and Justin, and especially Vera, Craig, Valerie, Linda, Tony, Chris and Jay. You know it has been such a difficult time for them. Please hold Trey close to your heart and give Roxie a kiss for me. Tell Grandma, Bop and Gahom Merry Christmas and that I love them. Wayne, I love you so much. I will be thinking of you tomorrow, as I do everyday, while I relive our Christmases of days gone by. I know you will be there with all of us. Your family and friends love you and miss you more than you would ever know. I am putting your Christmas card in the basement. Merry Christmas in Heaven my sweet brother. I love you with all my heart... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Dec 24 2004 8:45PM
Wayne Another year passes since the day Fate so abruptly called you beyond the high clouds sky so clear with air crisply perfuming the early footsteps of autumn and the waning summer memories And yet your presence is always felt in fleeting moments and lingering memory We do miss you so dearly. I will be getting married this November at a destination you have yet to visit. I know you'll be there in spirit. As you promised the week before that fateful day, it all worked out fine. We'll catch up on all the nitty gritty details sometime. Please keep watch over your family and friends who miss you oh, so greatly. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2004 5:24PM
Wayne-- I can't believe three years have gone by. Hearing your parents read your name today broke my heart all over again. I know you were with them today offering strength and love as you always did. You were an exceptional person--I wish we could have spent more time together. I know you will be with all of us at Justin's baptism next week. It will be a very special day. We love you and miss you tremendously.
Kim Puglia-Foote, Family
Sep 11 2004 4:29PM
Wayne, I know you are watching me as I write this to you. It is hard to believe that you are gone and I can't find the words to say how much you are part of my life. You are with me in my earliest memories of being a boy and your influence has continued in my becoming a man. In so many ways you were like the older brother I never had. My heart goes out to your family and I can sympathize for their loss because I truly know of what a wonderful person you were. I'm sorry we didn't keep in touch in the latter years, but I want you to know that you are in my heart forever. Save a place in Heaven for me.
Jeff Eschert, Friend
Sep 11 2004 1:17AM
Dear Wayne, I still think about you and your family. You are always in my prayers. You were such a great person. Your friend Sue
suzanne pajonas, Friend
Sep 8 2004 10:08PM
Wayne, I wanted to let you know that I think about you and your wonderful family every day. I wish with all of my might that I could turn back the clock and keep you from going to work that day. I wish that you were here to make your sister laugh again and make her happy once more. I wish that you could play with Jordan and tickle her and pick up Justin and make him smile or calm him down when he is crying. Wayne, I miss you so much, but I do know that we will all be together again and we will make up for all of the time that we lost. Please comfort your sister and your family and give them the strength, courage and peace to go on with you in their hearts and to live happy lives. Love, Your brother, Mario
Mario, Family
Sep 8 2004 9:23AM
Our Dearest Wayne, Others may forget, but we never will. We will honor you and keep your memory alive until we draw our last breaths. We miss you and love you so much. You will live in our hearts forever... All our love, Mom, Dad and Lynne 'The Broken Chain' We little knew that morning that God was going to call your name. In life we loved you dearly, in death we do the same. It broke our hearts to lose you, you did not go alone; for part of us went with you, the day God called you home. You left us peaceful memories, your love is still our guide; and though we cannot see you, you are always at our side. Our family chain is broken, and nothing seems the same; but as God calls us one by one, the chain will link again...
Wayne's family, Family
Aug 26 2004 3:03PM
Wili, Friend
Jun 23 2004 2:40PM
Wayne: Sending you greetings from Japan, where I am visiting my parents. The weather has been relatively nice, with a few cloudy days here and there, but was gorgeous when I had to travel around. I visited my grandmother in Tokyo, and my grandfather, uncle, aunt and cousin in Gifu, my birthplace. I boarded the Shinkansen and watched the countryside swoosh by, and savoured each moment spent in Japan. I ate all kinds of foods that I miss eating in New York... of course, I could never pursuade you to try sashimi. You always kidded with a 'What about a nice burger' comment that always started debates. I even got a chance to see Chinatown in Yokohama, which was also an impressive sight to see. Very similar to the Chinatowns in New York and London, with thousands of people walking through the narrow street in search of a perfect meal. My parents and I enjoyed a nice Yumcha meal, which are tiny morsels of delicious Chinese delicacies served over fragrant tea. Unlike some other Yumchas that I have been to in New York, there were no carts that came around, where you can pick and choose what you wanted. I`ll do that when I get back to New York. Sending you hellos from overseas. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
May 8 2004 10:31PM
Dear Wayne~ As Easter nears again, I am reminded of the memorial tribute inclusion of the angel's comment to Mary Magdalene, 'He is not here! He is risen'. Wayne, you would be so proud of your niece Jordan and baby nephew, Justin, both of whom carry your name. I am so glad to have had the opportunity to meet you and share the joy and happiness at Lynne and Mario's wedding. What a wonderful brother you were to your sister and her new husband. So sorry to have lost you so soon. It was clear that you were your father's pride and his best friend. Best wishes to those who knew and loved you - Buona Pasqua a Tutti 2004. Brenda Linale Chemleski (Mario's aunt)
Brenda Chemleski, Friend
Apr 9 2004 7:26PM
Wayne: Tomorrow brings me to a spot that I have not stepped foot on since you left for your journey. I will be thinking of you as I take the E train down, like I did so many times. I haven't had the courage to face my inner demon within, and tomorrow will be my day. Are you and Eric trying to tell me it's about time? A friend offered to do my errand for me, but I know this is a sign from you guys telling me to get my act together. Please give me the courage to walk those steps that will bring me closer to where all of you were taken so suddenly. Oh, how I miss your sense of humor. You would be so proud to know I started the South Beach Diet, and have given up my 'youthful' imbibing. I know that you know. Please look over your family and friends. We miss you. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Feb 26 2004 5:58PM
Wayne--I told my Dad that you were 40 and he could not believe it! He remembers you coming to his apartment in the city when you were an infant. He distinctly remembers that you had a bad cold. You were one of the first babies he picked up--ever since then, he has been crazy about children. I know you had a Happy Birthday in Heaven. Lynne and Mario must be so excited--waiting for the birth of their son, your nephew. I know you will be right there. Take care of Lynne during her labor and say a special prayer for Jim and me. I know you are our angel. Love, your cousin, Kim
Kim Puglia-Foote, Family
Jan 19 2004 4:24PM
I never met you, and yet i did. I believe that somehow through you, Doug and I met. Even when you are not physically around anymore i know YOU ARE, and you exist. I know that you will never leave and you will never end. Your physical body may have left, but never did you. I have seen you in your family's hearts and their eyes talk to me about you. Today, during your Birthday, i send a prayer to you. Keep following the light, and keep shining light to yours here in Earth, so that their wound is healed and they can rejoyce in the knowing that you are indeed still among all, may they be embraced by Peace. My humble prayer goes to them, to your cousin, your lovely Dad and Mom, your sister and the little Jordan and to all your relatives... May you touch their hearts and soul, may their grief and sadness be healed and may they experience JOY. I know you are among those i love that, like you, are not physically present, my grandma, my brother Daniel and so many others... through you my love and memories to them... Wherever you are may you be always guided by The Supreme One, embraced by Love and surrounded with Light and Peace. May your fly be a glorious one, and may all yours be embraced by PEACE and LOVE. Amen Namaste Wayne, namaste
Ale, Friend
Jan 5 2004 11:37PM
Dear Waynezee, Happy 40th birthday. You will always be young, while the rest of us get old. You will always be good looking, while the rest of us wrinkle and sag. You will always be in shape, while the rest of us put on weight and our bones become brittle. You will always have a full head of beautiful brown curly hair, while the rest of us go gray or lose our hair. No matter how many birthdays come and go, you will always be my brother, you will always be loved, and you will always be remembered. I remember you, Wayne. I remember everything about you. Those memories will never fade. I thank God for every remembrance of you. I love you and miss you more than words can say. I'm so glad you are home...that is where you should be, especially on this day. Happy Birthday in Heaven, Waynezee. I will love you forever... Lynne
Lynne, Family
Jan 5 2004 4:47PM
Happy Birthday Wayne!!! I had a lump in my throat when I realized today is your 40th birthday. We know you are in heaven, we know you are happy, but it is so hard not seeing your smiling face. We all miss you so much. Nothing is quite the same without you!!!!!!!! We love you and cherish our memories of family fun!! Your cousin, Vera
Vera Russo-Reynolds, Family
Jan 5 2004 1:18PM
Wayne, In seems almost impossible that 2 1/2 years have gone by. There is not a day that goes by that I do not think about you. Remembering you today, on your 40th birthday, seems unbelievable. You were the first person to call me every year on my birthday but, for 2 years, I have not received a phone call. You will be happy to know that Gary calls me every year now to try and fill my void! When I turned 40, you were supposed to turn 40. But everything is different now. Wayne, it would be impossible to forget you. You have touched my life in so many ways. There are very few childhood memories that I have that you are NOT a part of. Whenever I think of good times from my youth, you were always with me. I miss you so much. I am so thankful for the time we had together. You send me so many signs of your presence that I know you are still with me. Just the other day Doug was over and we were talking about you. As soon as we did, a commercial came on TV with AC/DC signing, 'For Those About to Rock'. We knew you were with us. Well Wayne, Happy Birthday. I love and miss you as I think of you today and everyday. Your cousin, Chris
Christine Sostarecz, Family
Jan 5 2004 12:58PM
Happy 40th birthday in heaven. My 40th birthday was the last time I saw you alive. I will always be grateful for our last live conversation together. I carry you in my heart every day. I miss you. Love Linda
Linda Russo, Family
Jan 5 2004 12:30PM
Wayne: Today is your birthday and although it is not a happy day for your family I know that you are in heaven and find great joy in watching Jordan Wayne, your beautiful niece and God-daughter grow up. I know that you are watching over her and protecting her, and I am comforted by that. Today is a day that is filled with regret for me. I often think about the times that we should have spent doing more things together. I wish that we would have gone to some concerts together. I always think about the last concert that we went to together with Lynne, Bon Jovi at Giant Stadium. I regret that we can't go to all of the shows that I know that no one else would go to with me, Tony Bennett, Sting, Jazz...you loved all music and I am sure would have been happy to grab a seat at any of these shows...I just regret not asking you to come with me, because you always said yes when anybody asked you to do anything with them and especially for them.. You also mentioned once that you wanted to go to the cigar shop in Union center and just sit down, relax and see what the whole thing is all about. I'm sure you wouldn't have had a cigar, but would have gone simply for curiousity and also just to hang out with me...I wish that we could have hung out there and anywhere in general more... You were the closet thing to a real brother I ever had. Even though I have 2 half-brother's the relationship that you and I had was so much better and I respected and admired you as a person infinitely more...you always were the kind of person (gracious, kind, accomadating and patient) that I always wanted to be and now strive to be, mostly because of you, although I often fall short... Well, anyway, I miss you so much and our lives will never be the same without you. My heart breaks every day to see your sister and my wife's heartache..I know that some day we will all be together again and these days will be forgotten in heaven...
Mario Linale, Family
Jan 5 2004 9:54AM
Waynezee, Another Christmas is upon us. The holidays will never be the same without you here. The only thing we have to look forward to is watching Jordan Wayne open up her presents from Santa. She is so precious. She is the only joy in our lives. Did you see how excited she was on her birthday a few days ago? I can't believe she is already two. After the New Year, I guess we will be preparing for the arrival of your nephew, Justin Wayne. Oh, Waynezee, why aren't you here to enjoy all of this? I know you would have been the best uncle in the world. You are their guardian angel now. You are loved and missed more than you would have ever imagined. Please take care of my Roxie for me. Give her a kiss for me, and tell her that I love her. Merry Christmas in Heaven my sweet bother. I love you, Waynezee... Christmas will never be the same... Lynne
Lynne, Family
Dec 24 2003 11:11AM
Wayne: We found our wedding site. This is something I would have called you about as soon as I got back. Yes, it's somewhere exotic, warm, beautiful and undeveloped. I know YOU know. They have a dolphin that swims around the ocean, and the place I'm hoping to get married at even has a bell to ring in the event JoJo (the dolphin) is spotted. Cool, right? Next week Monday is the Christmas party. Not only are you not there, your former department has been transferred to NJ, and I doubt I'll see anyone. Every year, I miss you at this event. Charmaine's last day was today. She's leaving to go to the carrier side. Remember how you introduced me to her, and from then on, no matter how tough the accounting problem was, she'd take a minute out to help me? This is how I met most of your colleagues in Accounting. We Miss you. Rei
Rei, Friend
Dec 9 2003 11:38PM
Dear Wayne, It's been almost two and a half years since you were taken from us. I still remember that day as if it were yesterday, and I remember thinking, 'I hope Wayne is okay.' I now know that you are indeed okay, better than any of us who are going on without you, cousin. I know you are an angel in Heaven watching over your family, and hanging out with those family members who have gone too. Please give my dad, your Uncle Bill, a gigantic hug from me. I know you two are probably laughing it up together, as you both had terrific senses of humor. Wayne, please forgive me for not finding a way to go back home to Jersey for your memorials. I was so consumed by my own life that I couldn't think of anything else. But I do think of you and your family every day. I know we will meet again someday in all the glory and splendor of Heaven. Until then, please continue to watch over your family, and gives us signs that you're still around. I love you. Your cousin, Joann
Joann Russo, Family
Nov 6 2003 9:31PM
Wayne You left so suddenly on that morning When the azure sky was piercingly clear Without turning back and waving Without giving one of your big hugs Without smiling widely Without giving us enough time to prepare our hearts for your unexpected departure. Two years later, it's as though you still Travel amongst the mountains Travel through the clouds Travel over the ocean And I simply hope and wait To receive your postcard Postmarked with another foreign alphabet Earning mileage points where I know I definitely haven't been yet And perhaps I will never go to... Yet deep down within my soul I know you have found the most wonderful undiscovered untraversed unexplored country, and you are scouting the landscape Jotting down what you see Devouring with your eyes, new sights, Breathing in the newness of another expedition Etching the sounds of different music, conversation, LIFE onto one of your postcards Which you will give to each of us left behind, now, When we finally catch up with you. We miss you Wayne. Lady Rei
Rei, Friend
Sep 11 2003 7:15PM
Dear Uncle Wayno, I was listening to some music last night in my quiet solitude thinking about all the wonderful things we shared. I cried a little, I laughed a little, and then I cried a lot more. I miss you so much, and I love you so much. My prayers are with Arthur, Arlene, Lynne, Mario and Jordan Wayne because their love and their devotion to you is so immense. I know in my heart that you will live on forever. You are truly a remarkable man, Wayne Alan Russo, te quiero y te extrano todo los dias mi querido amigo. Que dios te bendiga y te guarde para siempre.. 'If blood will flow when flesh and steel are one Drying in the color of the evening sun Tomorrow's rain will wash the stains away But something in our minds will always stay Perhaps this final act was meant To clinch a lifetime's argument That nothing comes from violence and nothing ever could For all those born beneath an angry star Lest we forget how fragile we are On and on the rain will fall Like tears from a star, like tears from a star On and on the rain will say How fragile we are, how fragile we are....' God Bless you Wayno...........
Wili, Friend
Sep 11 2003 9:48AM
Looking at the moon tonight -- shining so brightly -- it's fitting that even the moon should light up our world in memory of you; of everyone who we miss from 9/11. I'm sure you see the candles burning in Heaven - every year just look down - where ever we are there'll be at least one burning for you. You are so missed...nothing is the same. Glen and I were up at Lake Mohawk last week and the butterfly bush is blooming and the butterflies love to rest on it. Happy memories reside at the house. Each time we go to the Arts Center, I still look around as if we'll magically find you there. Grandma Betty found a picture of Kathy's 8th birthday with all 5 cousins...each one of you smiling and that is how I will always remember you - happy.
Amy Hockenjos, Family
Sep 11 2003 12:37AM
Another day, another month, another year. I just miss you so much. I love you, Waynezee... Your adoring sister
Lynne, Family
Sep 9 2003 2:13PM
Aug 3 2003 12:43PM
Wayne: I must say - I survived the Summer Sanitarium, and actually enjoyed my first Metallica concert!! Although, (as I sheepishly confess) I survived part of the concert with ear plugs in (hence, I can actually hear today!) and consuming mass quantities of water. You know I would be calling you right now to tell you, 'Hey - did I make you proud or what?' I can even hear you laughing, and you would make a Wayne comment - 'Rock on, Lady Rei!' Perhaps some sort of musical analysis of the syncopated bass/percussion line? The weather was gorgeous yesterday. Mudvayne, Deftones, Linkin Park, Limp Bizkit and Metallica performed from 3:00pm in Giants stadium. You are so so missed. Lady Rei
Rei Hirasawa, Friend
Jul 9 2003 9:02AM
Wayne: The weather is finally changing from the dreary gray that lingered on from winter. Our deck still remains unrepaired, and so we leave bread on the blacktop so that our grrrrls can watch the various birds that stop by to snack. They chatter with the birds - little sounds reminiscent of children giggling. We have a guest in from the UK - Mark's cousin's childhood friend, who is on a year-long soul searching journey spanning 3 continents. Her last trip was in Guatemala, and her next journey from the US will be via rail through the Canadian Rockies. I believe she will head down to South America after that, and then back to England. I told her all about your journeys, and oh, how much I miss getting your post cards. Those are with Jordan now, so she will know where you have been and what you have seen. Remember Maria from Sedgwick? I just got back in touch with her --first time since that Christmas party I gave you your girlscout cookies! I actually got convinced to attend that summer music festival at Giants stadium. You must be so proud that I'm finally getting out to concerts! Boy, if you heard the lineup, you'd laugh. Granted, I didn't want to see Marilyn Manson per your kind suggestion, but as this one will be inclusive of Metallica and a few other notables, I can almost hear you laughing. Lady Rei
Rei, Colleague
Jun 17 2003 10:11AM
Dear Waynezee, Tomorrow we leave for Wildwood. All I want to do is sit on your bench, stare at the ocean and remember...Remember all of our family vacations at Wildwood since we were little and all the fun we had. I can see you so vividly walking from the hotel to the beach with your infamous bathing suit on, t-shirt, towel slung over your shoulder, carrying your walkman and your hair flopping in the breeze. There are so many memories down there, and I treasure them all. I will tell Jordan of the wonderful times we had and all the funny stories that go along with them. Jordan knows her Uncle Wayne...she kisses your pictures all the time. I know you haven't missed anything. You have been right beside us the whole time. I just miss you so much. I love you... Lynne See you on the beach...
Lynne, Family
Jun 13 2003 10:49AM
My dear Wayno, A couple of weeks ago I celebrated my 43rd birthday, and although you were not present physically on that day, your spirit was there as always. You know I was wondering who was getting my cake this year as it has always been you who got me the cake from Artuso's. Nonetheless, I know you were with me as you always are...my guardian angel.. This past Saturday, we surprised Lisa with a bridal shower, and although it was ladies only, we said if you were here, you would have been the only man attending!! I wanted to tell you how absolutely precious and beautiful your niece Jordan Wayne is...she along with your Mom and Sister came over for the shower and she fell in love with my squirrel, Stanley. She is getting so big and she is walking around like a big girl! I think she's keeping her mommie on her toes! Just thought I would share that with you. I look at your picture every single day, and as always, you are in my thoughts and in my heart forever. It never fails when I need you to send me a sign, out of nowhere I hear AC/DC and I know it's you letting me know you are with me! Thanks... I hope to go see Pearljam, and if I do, you will be right there next to me like the last time we went to see them at Jones Beach. Well Uncle Wayno, that's about it for now. All the girls love and miss you. Please know that you are thought of constantly. Love you..xoxo Titi Wiwi
Wili, Friend
May 6 2003 2:56PM
Wayne: Saw Tori Amos in concert at Radio City Music hall last weekend. It was incredible - as you would have probably said, that babe can really perform! She did perform 'I can't see NY' from Scarlet's Walk, and I couldn't help but tear up. Also, Kodo's back at Carnegie Hall. Remember that concert we went to? That was a truly incredible experience! You'd be proud - I also managed to go to a Toad concert at Irving Plaza. Two concerts in a span of two weeks! rei
Rei, Friend
Mar 12 2003 1:03PM
Our Dearest Wayne, Eighteen months have past since you were taken from us. The sadness, pain and grief continues for those you left behind. Our hearts will never be whole again. You are missed and loved more than you would have ever imagined. Until the day we are together again...WE LOVE YOU, WAYNE. All our love forever... Mom, Dad & Lynne
Lynne V. Russo-Linale, Family
Mar 11 2003 4:51PM
Dear Wayne, I do not believe that time heals all wounds. I miss you more everyday!!! In Heaven you turned 39 years old. On 1-5-03 we capped your birthday off with a nice dinner at the Hard Rock Cafe in N.Y.C. Above our heads a autographed photo of the Go-Go's hung on the wall!!! I really believe you watched our every move from writing a message to you at Memorial Park to seeing Gary and your Dad wonder how the Giants could give up a 24 point lead and lose to the 49ers!!! Keep Rockin' Wayne!!! I love and miss you forever!!! STETZ FOREVER, BRIAN S.
Brian A. Sommer, Friend
Jan 20 2003 11:12PM
Waynezee, I missed your call today and your humorous birthday cards. On my way to work this morning, 'Shook Me All Night Long' came on the radio. I knew that was you wishing me a Happy Birthday. I had to smile as I thought about our dance. I miss you... All my love forever, Lynne
Lynne, Family
Jan 10 2003 5:37PM
Dear Waynezee, This Sunday, January 5th, is your 39th birthday. We are going to Ground Zero and to Memorial Park. I suggested to Mom and Dad that we should go to the Hard Rock Cafe afterward, in your honor. I thought you would like that, as you've been to practically every one around the world. Look for the balloons we're going to release. Each one holds so much love for you. Catch them and hold them close to your heart, as we hold you close to our hearts every second of every day. I am putting your birthday card in the basement. Until we can celebrate our birthdays together again...I love you, Wayne...Happy Birthday! All my love forever... Lynne
Lynne, Family
Jan 3 2003 5:02PM
Waynezee, At midnight tonight, I will look up to the heavens and throw you a kiss. You are our shining star. Happy New Year, Wayne. I miss you and I love you... Lynne
Lynne Russo-Linale, Family
Dec 31 2002 10:34AM
mi wayno: I Miss your call today, another birthday without you. I miss you my friend. I wish that you was here..... I love you wayne..... i miss you xixa
xixa, Friend
Dec 30 2002 10:21AM
Dear Waynezee, It is Christmas Eve, and I am at a loss for words. My sadness and pain is consuming me. You know how much I loved this time of year...decorating the house, shopping for presents, listening to Christmas songs, watching all the specials on TV, opening our gifts together. Now it means nothing. Everyone tells me I have to make it mean something, for Jordan's sake. It is just so hard. I miss you so much. Know that I love you more than anything in this world. I am putting your Christmas card in the basement. Look for it, ok? Merry Christmas in Heaven, my sweet brother. All my love forever... Lynne
Lynne V. Russo-Linale, Family
Dec 24 2002 12:23PM
Dec 22 2002 8:47PM
Wayne, I just wanted to say hello and let you know that I love your sister and your family very much. It hurts to see the pain that your family endures every day, especially your sister and my wife Lynne. It hurts me to see the pain that she goes through every day because you're not here and she misses you so. Wayne, please help her to know as I do that you are happy and in a beautiful place, that you want for nothing at all except to see your family find peace and know that you are ok and that we will all be together again someday. Life will be brief, we will be together again soon. Help her to enjoy life as I know you want her to. We truly have so much to be thankful for, even now, Lynne and her family and your friends were blessed with you for 37 years. We are so blessed by an amazing gift by the name of Jordan Wanye. I know that even though she has never met you, she knows you, she feels your presence and see's you and interacts with you every day. Sometimes when she is staring into space and smiling, we all know that she is looking at you Wayne. She shares so many of your good qualities and traits, she is kind, loves animals, has such a wonderful personality and such a great sense of humour, she is always making us laugh. Wayne, we know that you came to Lynne in a dream and told her that she has to go on with her life when she asked you how are we supposed to go on without you...Wayne, please help her to enjoy life again and not just go on for the sake of going on..but to truly live it the way you would and the way you would want her to. There are so many moments that are so meaningful and precious, like every second with our sweetheart Jordan and times with our loved ones and friends that we should more than just be there for. You would say that those moments should be cherised and savored and I agree. Because God knows you are treasuring them...you haven't missed anything since you've been gone..you've been with us all every step of the way and you always will be. Wayne please do anything and everything you can to help your family heal and as time goes by wash away the pain and replace it with sweet memories that we will have forever. Most importantly we will all be together again. Love, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Dec 3 2002 1:58PM
Dear Waynezee, Mom, Dad, and I love you more than words can say. We miss you so much. I got the sign you sent me the other day. Thank you. Happy Thanksgiving my sweet brother. I hope there is turkey and mashed potatoes in Heaven... All my love, Lynne
Lynne V. Russo Linale, Family
Nov 27 2002 2:48PM
Wayne: You weren't supposed to have a tribute page. I know this sounds so selfish, but it's true. You were supposed to be here with us, so you could rationalize the irrational, make sense out of the nonsensical, cheer those who are perpetually grouchy, and give all of us a thumbs up with a cheery hello. What about them Giants? Do you remember how I'd start the countdown for Christmas in July? I can't do it any more -- you're not here to keep track of the approaching days. Everyday brings another memory that has managed to remain hidden in the shadows of my mind for the past year. Sometimes they pop up unexpectedly, and I'm not prepared for the tears that suddenly collect. If only you were here to hear my daily journal of our grrrls(my cats)' antics. I can almost hear your laugh over the phone. We miss you, always. Lady Rei
Rei, Colleague
Nov 4 2002 1:48PM
Waynezee, It is Halloween, and all I can think about are those happy days when we were kids trick-or-treating together. You never minded that your little sister always tagged along. Remember when we couldn't think of anything to dress up as, so we would be bums year after year? Remember the Halloween party I had when we were in Junior High that you saved by joining in and starting a food fight? How about the Halloween costumes Mom made when we were really little? You were a clown and I was a bunny. I love that picture of us with your arm around me at Uncle Bera's. I will treasure it always. Remember the one Halloween I called you at work? I had that recording of someone laughing. As soon as you picked up the phone, I started playing it over and over, never saying a word. You were cracking up on the other end. Today is Jordan's first Halloween. Oh, how I wish you were here to see your niece dressed up as an angel and videotaping everything. She is our angel, because without her, I don't know what we would do. I will tell her all of those wonderful stories, and so many more, of her Uncle Waynezee and her Mommy. They are memories that will forever be a part of me. You will always be a part of me, Wayne. I love you more than words can say. Thanks for always letting me tag along...Happy Halloween. Your adoring sister, Lynne
Lynne V. Russo-Linale, Family
Oct 31 2002 4:32PM
Wayno: My dear friend. How I miss you so much. It's still hard to believe that I have not seen you in over a year. I try to just imagine you on one of your adventureous vacations. I have grown so close to your family (our family). They've been so good to us, Wayno. I feel closer to you when I'm with them. What about the babies? They are so funny when they are together. You must get a kick out of the fact that one has no hair and the other has enough hair for three babies. They are going to grow up together. I'm sure you love that. I miss you dearly and think of you every day. I love you with all my heart.
Annette, Friend
Oct 18 2002 12:53PM
Waynezee, Not a minute goes by that I don't think of you and miss you. I love you so much, Wayne. Lynne
Lynne Russo-Linale, Family
Oct 15 2002 3:05PM
Wayne, We all miss you so much. I do know that you came to my wife, your sister, Lynne not too long ago and told her you are in a very happy and beautiful place, I do not doubt this for one second. Please comfort her and let her feel the joy that the blessings in our life provide, like our beautiful daughter Jordan, our health and our wonderful family and friends. We think of you constantly and I try to honor you in my actions constantly. When I'm tempted to be angry or quick to judge or fight over petty things, I try to think about what you would do if you were in that situation and try to adjust my actions accordingly with honor and dignity. I know that my beautiful daughter Jordan Wayne will carry on not only your name but your love of family, animals and your gentle characteristics..... We all feel your presence every day. Please comfort Lynne, my wife, make her feel that there are a multitude of good things ahead for her in this life, like the pure joy and love that I feel when I look at Jordan and that someday we will all be together again.
Mario Linale, Family
Oct 15 2002 2:52PM
'What I Would Give' What I would give to see you smile To hear you laugh and hold my child. What I would give for one more day With no pain and sorrow, it has all gone away. What I would give for one more birthday song One year and five days separated us We were so close, we always got along. What I would give to go back to our childhood Playing running bases, watching Bugs Bunny, summers at the Lake Everything was pure and right and good. What I would give for one more Christmas Day To wake up in the morning and open our presents together Throughout the years, that was always the way. What I would give for one last dance To 'Shook Me All Night Long' If we only had the chance. What I would give for one more Giants' game sitting in the crisp autumn sun Tailgating and cheering with Cousin Jim and Dad We always had so much fun. What I would give for one last call To ask you a music question You knew it all. What I would give to see you become an Uncle for the very first time The way you would have spoiled Jordan Wayne Would surely be a crime. What I would give for one last ride With you driving the Monte And me by your side. What I would give to hear 'Lynne, the hair' You loved to tease me That's o.k. I didn't care. What I would give for those Wildwood days To see you fit into that same swimsuit year after year We were all so amazed. What I would give for one more postcard from some far off distant land How you loved to travel and see another country's mountains, sea and sand. What I would give to hear your music shaking the walls And to blink the lights and yell down to you that you had a call. What I would give to see one more show Bon Jovi last summer - that would be the last concert we would see together How would we know? What I would give to hear you say 'Don't worry, Lynne. It will be o.k.' What I would give to see your sweet face Without your smile, our world is a lonelier place. What I would give to take away Mom and Dad's pain It will never be the four of us together Our lives will never be the same. What I would give, my brother dear... I'd give my life, Wayne, to have you here... I LOVE YOU, WAYNE Your adoring sister, Lynne
Lynne V. Russo-Linale, Family
Oct 1 2002 12:41PM
Wayne, One year later and we carry the pain and grief with us but we also carry the our love for you in our hearts every day. For though you are not with us your presence is felt everyday. I was so blessed to grow up with you and to have you in my family. It is my greatest hope that our future generations know you and the wonderful, kind man you were. We will keep your flame alive and we can all learn from how you lived your life. Until we meet again, I love you and miss you. Linda
Linda Russo, Family
Sep 20 2002 2:14PM
Wayne you are still in my heart and prayer. Love Always, Maggie
Maggie, Colleague
Sep 19 2002 3:49PM
Wayne was my cousin. Unfortunately, I did not get to spend too much time with Wayne. But when I did, I enjoyed every minute. I think of Wayne everyday and can't believe he is not here. He will always be my angel and in my heart forever. I am pround to call him cousin and to know all the wonderful things he did for the people in his lie. We will never forget you.
Kim Puglia-Foote, Family
Sep 18 2002 8:10PM
Dear Uncle Wayno, So many seconds, minutes, hours , days, weeks and months have passed by since we last shared a laugh together. We were making plans to meet at my house on that Saturday, and you promised to bring the cake from Artuso's for the party. When I awoke on the 11th to find that you were missing, I did not know what to do. The tears, the pain and the sorrow that were so present then, still consume me to this day. Oh, my dear friend Wayno, if I could have just 5 more minutes with you, I would tell you how much I loved you and always will, I would make sure that I made you laugh again, and I would have had those ribs that I used to make for you that you loved, and let's not forget your Banana Walnut cake! If I had 5 more minutes with you I would ask you to teach me how I could be a better person; I would ask you to teach me how I can make so many people love me the way they loved you. I would ask you to teach me how to be patient. I would ask you to teach me how not to hold a grudge when I am angry. I would ask you to teach me how to be unforgettable. You were the perfect gentleman and I wish every man on earth could take a lesson from you...I wish they all learned to treat women with the utmost kindness and respect that we all deserve. Uncle Wayno, we shared so many things together, holidays, birthdays, vacations, dinners, concerts and on and on and on. There were so many things I still needed to share with you. You were my confidant, and my brother. Wayno, my comfort is in knowing that I was blessed with your friendship and your love that I will never ever forget. 'never had I imagined, living without your smile. And now it's too late to hold you, cause you've flown away so far away. And I know you're shining down on me from heaven like so many friends we've lost along the way, and I know eventually we'll be together, one sweet day....... Loving you always, Titi Wiwi Awilda 'Wili' Ortiz
Awilda 'Wili' Ortiz, Friend
Sep 12 2002 12:28PM
I don't know where to begin. You touched my life in such a profound way. You were never judgemental and always understanding. You are the true meaning of the word 'FRIEND'. You brought such joy to my life and always put a smile on my face especially when you used to call me the blonde bombshell. I am getting married on September 28th and expecting my first son in February and wish you could be here to be a part of these special events in my life, but I know in my heart that you are looking over us and smiling. All I want to say to you is thank you and I love you miss and hold you in my heart each and everyday. All my love, Diana Figueroa aka The blondbombshell (SMILE)
Diana Figueroa, Friend
Sep 11 2002 3:19PM
Dear Wayne, I will never forget you. The time I knew you, you had such an impact on my life. You showed me there are good cool people in the world. When I hear the WHO I think of you. I will always remember your love of music and what a great guy you were. I will keep you in my heart forever... your friend Sue
suzanne pajonas, Friend
Sep 11 2002 9:45AM
Wayne: You are in my thoughts everyday. We miss you immensely, and on this eve of that tragic day a year ago, my heart aches. The time that was robbed from you-- you, who was taken so quickly and tragically from our time, our lives. Not a day goes by when a 'Wayne' thought does not cross my mind, and something makes me smile, or hold back tears. We miss you. Lady Rei
Rei Hirasawa, Colleague
Sep 10 2002 5:46PM
Wayne, I can't believe it's been a year. I remember our last visit like it happened last week. When I married Glen I truly believed there would be decades for me to get to know you and the rest of the family. But in a moment that and so much else changed. So short were my visits with you - but in that brief time I grew to love you and see what a shining light you were in this world...a love of life, a love of people and most of all a love of family. Every morning I look up at your picture in our hallway and see that smiling young man relaxing and enjoying the 4th of July 1997 - and I know that you are still smiling and enjoying your new life and watching over us. And, then I look at my wedding pictures and again see your smiling face. I can't tell you how much it meant to both of us to have you involved in our wedding. Glen tells me all of the stories of all the holidays as kids at Nana and Boppi's. Those are happy memories for him. And through those stories I get to know you and the rest of the family better. Glen has only been able to express some of what he feels about this tragedy and in time I hope he'll be able to share with the rest of the family - he misses you very much. There is so much I'd like to say...I wish that there was something we could do to comfort Arlene, Arthur and Lynne - and the rest of the family. We all hurt and miss you and nothing will ever be the same. But knowing that you are in a better place and someday when our time comes, we'll all be back together again makes it easier to face each day. Every day you are thought of with loving hearts and will be remembered always.
Amy Hockenjos, Family
Sep 10 2002 12:21PM
Sep 10 2002 8:05AM
Wayne, We grew up together, and then grew apart, even though we lived only blocks away. I'll always remember the times we had when we were kids. I'm sorry we didn't stay in touch. To me, you'll always be the kid at the Little League meeting at Hall Stadium that nobody could find because you were out, in the dark, running around the bases. Wayne, I know you're in a better place, I'm only sorry it happened the way it did, far too soon. Maybe they're right, 'Only the good die young'. May God bless your family. I know you are with Him. All my love, George Stragalas
George Stragalas, Friend
Sep 7 2002 9:11PM
Dear Waynezee, Last night I came across some old birthday cards you gave me. I had to smile. I miss your sense of humor. I will always treasure those cards and the memories that went with them. One day I will show Jordan all the cards her Uncle Waynezee gave her Mommy throughout the years, and she will know what a funny, sweet, wonderful Uncle and Guardian Angel she has. I miss you so... All my love forever... Lynne
Lynne Russo-Linale, Friend
Aug 14 2002 9:48AM
In memory of my dear friend Wayne, Wayne was a cool, fun, highly intelligent, articulate, warm human being who loved his family, his collegues and his friends. He also took time out to call me or send me a postcard no matter where he was or how much time went by. He shared his love of music and travelling with me. I admire him and he is an inspiration to me every day. I am 6 months pregnant and plan to place his name on my child. I feel that will be a great honor. His memory will always be pure and sacred to me. I know we will meet again in the sunshine! Love and prayers always to the Russo family, Lisa Abbas
Lisa Abbas, Friend
Aug 1 2002 12:40PM
Waynezee, I know you came to me last night. It was so clear. I could see you, touch you, smell you, hear you. We were in the basement, and you were sitting in the black chair. You had the same clothes on that you were wearing the last time you left the house...the last time we saw you. I was sitting on your lap, hugging you so tightly. My cheek was resting on the top of your head and I was playing with your curls. Tears were streaming down my face, and I whispered, 'I love you, Wayne.' I didn't think you could hear me, but you replied, 'I love you too, in case I never told you.' I knelt in front of you grasping your hands and asked you, 'How are we supposed to go on with our lives?' You looked into my eyes and said, 'You have to. For me, you have to.' You then smiled and said, 'Don't worry about me. I'm in a beautiful place.' And then you were gone. I've been up since 4:00 this morning with such an ache in my heart. I loved those few minutes we were together, but I want more. Thank you for coming to me and letting me know you're o.k. I've been waiting... Waynezee, I promise to honor you and keep your memory alive until I take my last breath. I love you with all my heart... Lynne
Lynne Russo-Linale, Family
Jul 25 2002 4:18PM
To my beloved Wayno: Everyone should have a friend like you. Such a good person, you touch my heart with your kindness. When you offered me your advice and when you sit in quiet support. Time after time, without a complain, always understanding. I will keep you alive in my heart and in my dreams. God gave me a beautiful gift, and it was you Wayne. I know that now you are enjoying heaven. Thank you for loving me and for always being there for me. Its been 10 months since I havent spoken to you, I miss you.... YOU WERE THERE FOR ME' Word escape me at this moment that seems like the end yet it is only the beginning when friendship are close and dreams are far you were there for me. Tears fill me with memories of both good and bad some nearly forgotten yet all dear to the heart you were there for me. In times of truble and in times of thanks you stood by my side Through your ever-patient ears to your comforting hugs you were there for me. From that first day when I saw you and knew that you would love me for who I was you were there for me. And I know i will see you again. I know that you are always with me. love you xixa
LISA (XIXA), Friend
Jul 24 2002 1:21PM
Dear Waynezee, I can't believe it has been 10 months since Mom, Dad, and I have seen your beautiful face and heard your sweet voice. We love you and miss you more than words can say. Keeping your memory alive is what keeps us going. Your little niece, Jordan Wayne, is the only thing that brings us some joy. She is such a happy baby. She laughs all the time. Jordan is so easy-going and likes everyone. She definitely takes after her Uncle Waynezee. And I know you watch over her...all of your family and friends, every minute of the day. You are our guardian angel, but you always were. I love you my sweet brother. You are with me all the time, in my heart and in my memories. I will cherish those memories forever. I can feel you by my side, holding me up and helping me get through another day. Thank you for being my big brother...I am the luckiest sister around!! All my love, Lynne To the living, I am gone. To the sorrowful, I will never return. To the angry, I was cheated. But to the happy, I am at peace. And to the faithful, I have never left. I cannot speak, but I can listen. I cannot be seen, but I can be heard. So as you stand upon a shore gazing at a beautiful sea, REMEMBER ME. As you look upon a flower and admire its simplicity, REMEMBER ME. REMEMBER ME in your hearts your thoughts, and your memories of the times we loved, the times we cried, the times we laughed. For if you always think of me, I will never have gone...
Lynne Russo-Linale, Family
Jul 11 2002 3:40PM
Hi Wayne: Just had a good laugh with Charmaine, your co-worker. I requested an org updated chart that you always always sent me, and I told her, 'As Wayne always said, I'll go 'spread the love!'' There was this indescribable feeling that went through me when I said that. You are so so missed, and there is something that constantly reminds us all of your absence. We miss you so much. Have you seen the pyramids yet? Rei
Rei Hirasawa, Colleague
Jun 25 2002 5:37PM
Wayne, I didn't know you that long. We worked together on Marsh NY accounts. You for Marsh, me for St Paul. I definately enjoyed the time we got to work together. You were always so helpful and friendly. Whenever you picked up the phone there was always a smile on the other end. You always had funny things to say to me in emails. I have gotten to know you better through your family & co-workers over the past months. What a wonderful person you are! I'm sorry I won't get a chance to know you better. I saw a picture of your sister the other day that just about broke my heart. She looks so lost. I know you are watching over your family. Please continue to give them your strength. I'm so happy I got to have you in my life for a short while. I will never forget you Wayne & will keep your family in my thoughts & prayers. Kim
Kim, Colleague
Jun 7 2002 9:55PM
Dear Waynzee, Well, tomorrow is Linda's wedding. This will be the first family wedding without you there behind the cameras. The weather is going to be beautiful, and all of her plans have really come together. We think you had a lot to do with it. Linda made a joke about you being upset because she's not going to walk down the aisle with a sweater tied around her neck! Your sense of humor will always be remembered. Tomorrow, I will miss your wisecracks about my hair, as I'm sure you would have something to say about it. Tomorrow, I will think about my wedding day and our dance together. Tomorrow, and every day, I will miss everything about you. Tomorrow...Why was your tomorrow taken away? Waynezee, I love you more than words can say. Please help our hearts to heal. Mom, Dad, and I are in so much pain. It is unbearable at times. I am still waiting to wake up from this nightmare. I don't know how to be just 'Lynne'. I need 'Wayne' in front of my name. I need my big brother. Fun isn't fun anymore. I know you will be there with all of us tomorrow as we celebrate this happy occasion. You will be in our hearts, as well, and remembered the whole day through. I know you are the most loved member of this whole big wacky family. There is nothing not to love...Please don't ever leave my side. I will love you forever I will love you for always As long as I'm living My brother you'll be Your adoring sister, Lynne
Lynne, Family
Jun 7 2002 4:12PM
I am very grateful for having Wayne in my life. Even though it was for a short while, it was enough to impact me forever. I thank you, Wayne, for so many good memories. Wayne was geniunely the nicest person I had ever met. The voice of reason. So very patient my friend. Something I had always admired about him. How nothing much bothered him. Wayne, you were the perfect friend and now you are the perfect angel. You are always in my heart and in my thoughts. Until we meet again, my friend. I love you.
Annette, Friend
May 30 2002 10:18AM
it was comforting to read the sermon at wayne's memorial.. wayne is in my thoughts and in my heart always. he was the nicest person and i wish i kept in touch with him. i pray he is watching his family and friends and is at peace and happy in heaven. i am still in disbelief at what happened to him and thousands others. he was the most peaceful loving man...
Suzanne, Friend
May 7 2002 10:40PM
Dear Wayne, Though I never had the opportunity to meet you firsthand, I feel as if you were my best friend. To hear and read about you from your friends, colleagues and especially my sister makes the pain resonate down many levels. I know you took care of my sister whenever she needed somebody and I couldn't be there, and I truly appreciate it. Thank you. I remember her talking so fondly about you, calling her 'Lady Rei' and looking at the postcards you sent to her from India...it's on our refrigerator. I promised Rei that I would keep up your tradition in any way possible, and have done so by sending a postcard to your niece, Jordan and plan on doing so in the future. As my sister probably mentioned, you will love Japan and I know that you will be the inspiration to many people, even those who unfortunately were unable to meet you. You are in our thoughts constantly.
K. Robert Hirasawa, Friend
May 2 2002 3:01AM
I first meet Wayne, when he worked at Sedgwick which later merged with Marsh. Wayne and I bowled in the Insurance League on Fridays. He was so nice and stand out because he had alot of hair and long. When we bowled with each other we had a nice time laughing and drinking beer and joking around. His team was a happy bunch. Anyway his team always beat us. He was a great bowler. My last conversation with him was an e-mail on an accounting problem. He use to tell me he misses working in the Midtown area. We both had stopped bowling because the location was changed. Wayne, will be missed by alot of his friends and colleague.
Migdalia Otero, Colleague
May 1 2002 1:59PM
Like a slow motion shot from a movie, Wayne, I can still see you driving by me quickly as i passed you in your Monte Carlo and I left Prescott Road. I had just dropped your Mom off on September l0, 2001. That is my last memory of you. I can still see you in slow motion giving me kind of a side wave as we passed each other. It is not the only memory that I have of you though. I have the memories of a young boy, a man, a kind and caring person; the memories of the quiet man who watched everything so closely. I remember at a party that my children gave me to celebrate passing the bar, you said, 'Evelyn, people were watching you as you studied in my Uncle Anthony's Office all those years in college; we were watching you as you studied for the Bar; we were all watching.' You took me aside to tell me this and that I deserved this party and so much more. It warmed my heart and kind of astonished me to hear all of these words from you because you were so quiet and laid back. I didn't know that you were watching. And then there were all those other things that you did. You were always there. When I could not drive for some time, you were the one that came to pick me up in rain, sleet and snow, no matter what time I called, from the office or from home. Your Mom felt confident in telling me, 'call Wayne he will come for you.' And it was true 8:00 in the morning or 8:00 in the evening it did not matter. If you were in for the night, you were there and you would say, 'walk over to the Union Center National Bank and I will pick you up' and when I was leaving a law firm you were the sole mover on a hot evening struggling with boxes of files into the elevator, the trunk and depositing them at the new location; and with Mom at the Cove in Roselle park where we would listen to you play in your band; and all that Mom had to tell me on Friday Nights about Wayne's trips and Wayne excelling at Karate and bowling; and so much more that Mom would tell me over the years of our long and happy friendship. Together you and Lynn were her diamonds and my dear friend Arthur's diamonds. On September llth God needed and wanted some of his precious diamonds and you were chosen to the great loss of we humble humans left here on earth without you. We fight against this; we do not want to accept this because we miss you so much; we want you here in our lives; this loss leaves a hole in our hearts; a void in our lives that cannot be filled; certainly not for Mom, Dad and sister, brother in law and for those of us family and friends who knew you or who you touched in even the smallest of ways. Wayne, I love you and miss you so much. Please continue to watch over Mom, Dad, Lynn, Mario and Jordan. Please continue to send them signs that you are at peace and Please know that you made such a mark in this world with all of the people that you have touched and that you are so fiercely missed. Love your friend Evelyn Raimondo Kaiser
Evelyn P. Raimondo Kaiser, Family
Apr 28 2002 4:31PM
Wayne, You are the brother I never thought I would have. When I married your sister I gained the most wonderful family anyone could have wished for or dreamed about. From the very first momment that I met you I could tell that you were a great person. I could also tell by the tone in your sister's voice and the look in her eyes that she adored you, her big brother. Wayne, My brother in law, you are an incredibly special and unique person. The world was a richer place when you were here, you graced all that met you or knew you with your presence. The world will surely be a colder and lonely place now that you are gone, especially for all of us who loved you. Wayne, I always felt a connection to your easy going spirit. As you know I did not have any true brothers or sisters and I feel as if you were my brother. You were always there for your family and for those who needed you. You were a brave man, compassionate, gentle, caring, loyal, trustworthy, trusting, intelligent and above all humble, in spite of so many wonderful characteristics. Wayne, I know that you're watching over your family now. I know that you're in a happier and better place. I know that when your sister asks me why you're there and not here with us, my soul knows the right answer and that is you always deserved to be in a better place than this earth, you deserve to be in a beautiful place without heartache and pain. A world where you would instantly fit in. We have often speculated on whether or not you were an angel sent to grace the world for a limited time. I know that you watch over and care for and guide your family every minute of every day. You know that your neice Jordan Wayne Russo Linale bears your name, not only out of respect and love for you, but in the hope and confidence that your spirit will watch over her and protect her from the violent and hostile world we live in. It is also my hope that Jordan will share in some of the wonderful qualities I have known in you, if she inherits a small piece of you, you will surely live on and the world will indeed be a better place for it. You will always be her Godfather and her guardian angel and I vow as her Father to tell her every day about her guardian angel who watces over her and takes care of her daily. Wayne, please bring peace to your family, to your Mother and your Father and to your beloved, adoring sister, my wife and the love of my life. They ache every day for you and I pray that you guide them to find peace. That is surely what you would want. I know that our lives will pass in the blink of an eye and your family will be reunited again, about that I'm sure.... I'll always be your brother and your friend, I am eternally grateful to you for watching over Jordan. I love you, Mario
Mario Linale, Family
Apr 19 2002 12:07PM
I am a friend of Wayne's sister, Lynne. Wayne was a wonderful guy, devoted and loving son and brother and terrific friend. Wayne was gentle, very smart, humble, loving, generous, honest, hard working, funny and down to earth. All his family and friends loved being around him for all these reasons and a million more. Everyone respected Wayne and knew they could count on Wayne. Wayne loved music, all kinds, my mom had old albums and just wanted to find someone who would like having them and Wayne made her feel like she gave him a great gift. At the memorial service the Pastor said that we can all honor Wayne by showing anonymous kindness to someone, and he will live in our kind actions until we meet again.
Michele Iwahashi, Friend
Apr 18 2002 11:58AM
Waynezee, I miss you so much. My heart is truly broken. Mom, Dad and I are lost without you. You should be here, with us...always together as a family. We are so sad. You can see it in our eyes. We are not living, just existing. I know you wouldn't want that. I know you want us to be happy again, but I don't think that will ever be. You are in my thoughts every minute of the day. Sometimes I think you will walk through the door any minute. I can see you walking down the street with your headphones on at the end of the day. I can hear the music blasting from the basement. I can hear you laughing all by yourself at something funny on TV. I can hear your ankle cracking as you walk up the stairs, and that squishy noise you would make with your eyes. I can see you playing with the cats and calling them by the nicknames you made up. I know Bret, Rudy and Nikki are there with you. I can see you playing with all the kids at a family picnic or birthday party. I can see you riding in the Monte as I pass you on the street and give a wave. I can hear you call me at work and ask if I want to go to a concert. I can see us at the mall on Christmas Eve, scrambling to buy presents, and the two of us on Christmas morning, sitting on the living room rug opening them. I can see us dancing at my wedding to 'Shook Me All Night Long.' That was one of the highlights of my life. I can see us as kids, teenagers, and adults - always there for each other. Waynezee, I love you so much - the pain never goes away. This Saturday, your beautiful niece, Jordan Wayne, will be baptized. I know you will be there, looking after her always. You are her godfather and guardian angel. Every time I look at her, I see you. She is a part of you. Your blood runs through her veins. You will live on through her. I promise, she will know her Uncle Waynezee. I tell her about you all the time. I pray that she turns out just like you. I will be the luckiest parent around. On September 11th, my purpose in life changed. I never knew what it was before then. I will dedicate my life to you and keeping your memory alive. I promise you, Waynezee, you will never be forgotten. I love you with all my heart, my big brother by one year and five days. Please watch over your family, and guide us with your gentle soul, until we can be together again. Brother and sister forever... I will love you for all eternity... Your adoring sister, Lynne Please go onto Wayne's personal website and write something in the guestbook. Also take a look at the pictures, and remember, with a smile, our beloved Wayne. Go into Yahoo and do a search for Wayne Russo. You will see A Tribute to Wayne Alan Russo web page under geocities. Thank you.
Lynne V. Russo-Linale, Family
Apr 16 2002 5:31PM
To Wayno: (as we so fondly refer to him by) It still seems like yesterday, even though it happened months ago. It is still raw, but Wayno lives in our hearts and minds. His spirit will forever shine brightly. He is our Guardian Angel watching over us and pushing us on. I had the honor and the privilege to be first introduce to Wayne by Annette, Lisa and Wili at the companies formerly merge into Marsh. Not only did he become my colleague, but also a cherished friend. To know Wayne was to love him. You just couldn't help yourself. He was so lovable, so full of energy and life, sweet, caring, honest, loyal, so helful, handsome, so enthuasiastic, always optimistic, and always a word of encouragement. My heartfelt prayers are with The Russo family. We miss you terribly Wayno, may God Bless you. You will never be forgotten. I just have to look up at heaven and know that you are smiling down at us. Your star lives on. See ya soon Gigi
Grissel Gutierrez (Gigi), Friend
Apr 12 2002 12:10PM
Wayne: It's been almost seven months already, but it feels like everyday, your presence, here, is so dearly missed. I've corresponded with many of those people you referred to in our conversations, and it just reminds me the extent of your generousity, your sincerity, your kindness, and most of all, your friendship. I've been down to your department, but the visit is never the same any more. All those times I stopped by to see you after my sessions come back in waves as I talk to your co-workers that sat around you. You always helped put a face to a name, and made everyone human, not just a name on the phone list, a name on email, or a voice over the phone. Now, I keep you alive in my heart, through the postcard that I am going to pass to your beloved niece, through your promises of sending me postcards 'because I want to be able to tell people I received something from a country far-far-away,' through your voice that I remember, answering the phone in your calm, soothing voice, 'Lady Rei.' We miss you immensely. I think, if I ache this much from your loss for knowing you for only a fraction of the time of your existence here, it is unfathomable what your family and close friends must be experiencing. May we grow stronger from you -- your humility, humanity, sincerity, generosity, and simply, from knowing a person as wonderful as you. Until we meet again.
Rei Hirasawa, Friend
Apr 3 2002 9:41PM