John Tobin
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He was the type of guy to randomly hug you for no reason. i love and miss him so much
Friend, Friend
Sep 19 2024 5:15AM
Thinking of you and fellow co-workers today John. #neverforget
Tracey Lambe, Colleague
Sep 11 2023 9:38AM
I didn't know John. This year I wanted to research those lost on 9/11 and I came across this site. By the number of heartfelt tributes left here, John must have been quite a guy! When so many remember you, and your kindness, it's something special. I hope his family has moved forward as best they could over the last 21 years, with their cherished memories bringing them comfort and peace. America will never forget you.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 18 2022 7:39PM
I always remember you. Always so helpful. I will never forget. RIP
Migdalia Otero, Colleague
Sep 11 2021 11:43AM
I remember John on many occasions. He was consistently kind and helpful to everyone. I still hear his counsel and words of wisdom. He was truly one of a kind with such meaningful impact on so many. I can also hear his laughter after so many years. Thank you John for being such a good mentor and friend. We miss you still.
Raj P, Colleague
Sep 10 2021 8:03PM
John was one of the finest and giving individuals I've known. I first met John at Cardinal Hayes High School. John continued to give back to Hayes and came back to mentor the students through the track team and other activities he supported. He is missed.
Michael McLaughlin, Friend
Sep 11 2020 0:52PM
I met John while we were both working at the New York Stock Exchange. We both worked in the Finance division. He was always so positive and upbeat. Always saw the good in people. May Almighty God rest you John and may He keep you and your beautiful family close to His sacred heart.
Tom Long, Colleague
Feb 27 2016 10:20AM
John interviewed me for my first job right out of college and I started my career with Marsh & McMclennan- One of my favorite places to work - Thanks to John for giving me a start.
Angela Grooms Mastrosimone, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 8:26PM
thinking of you and your family John. You were always so kind to all of us...Marilyn
Marilyn Boss, Colleague
Sep 11 2014 11:59AM
I could always remember John,, If I needed to find a colleague John would go out of his way to help me find the person even with all the folders and paperwork stored almost high as the ceiling on his desk. I just knew this guy was too busy to help me, but John came from behind all of the folders and was determined to help me find the person even if he did not know the person he would walk around with you until we both find the person. John was a warm spirited co-worker. I enjoyed coming to his floor cause I knew if I could not locate someone John would assist.. Thanks,, always remembered
Antoine Mc cants, Colleague
Jul 23 2014 11:37AM
John was a wonderful person to work with and he left a lasting impression on me. I always think of him and those thoughts are always with a smile.
annoymous, Colleague
Sep 30 2011 7:34AM
I'll never forget John's seemingly ever-present smile, his sense of humor and his dedication to family and to his job at Marsh FinPro. He called me 'Jay-Bird', which I never really liked when I was a kid, but coming from him it was a term of endearment, of friendship and collegiality which I not only accepted, but looked forward to. He's truly missed by all who knew him.
Jay Brodsky, Colleague
Sep 12 2011 10:42AM
May God continue to comfort the Tobin family.
Elizabeth Rivera-Bosch, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 7:51PM
I remember John always had a smile on his face and he adored his family. Each year at this time I remember his wonderful spirit. Although I did not work at Marsh on 9/11/01 I still remember John's warm spirit all of these years later.
D. Bell, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 9:05AM
I continue to remember John and his positive example and influence. I'm glad to know his daughter has seen these telling tributes. I never left John's office without feeling like I'd met one or more family members. In that small way, and in my memories, his daughter did share the office with him. My heart goes out to all of you who are missing someone today.
Anonymous, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 9:25PM
I worked at FINPRO for 2 years (2000-2002). I remember meeting John and being impressed by what a genuine guy he was. Whenever I had a question, I could call or e-mail him and he always went out of his way to help. After all these years I still remember him fondly.
Gizelle Ortiz-Velazquez, Colleague
Sep 5 2011 5:22PM
John Tobin was the chief financial officer for a division of Marsh known as FINPRO. He was the kind of guy who would spot you at the other end of the hallway and he'd make a point to shout out your name and a big 'Hello' punctuated with a wave and a smile. In fact, this very scenario happened to me less than a month before September 11th and it will remain for me an enduring - almost haunting - image. John's friend Eileen Johnson has many fond memories. They met when John's employer, Marsh, merged with Johnson & Higgins, where Eileen held a position similar to John's. She recalls her initial frustration in not being able to get direct answers from John. She originally perceived this as his attempts to withhold information from a workplace rival. Soon she realized that John's verbal meandering was just his way of being friendly and was a basic (and endearing) part of his personality. You'd go to John with a question and he'd tell you what was going on in sports, how his wife and children (whom he adored) were doing, the details of a softball game that he played in 10 years earlier, what his neighbors were up to and just generally touch on a bunch of unrelated topics. You came out of his office not even remembering why you went there in the first place! - This trait shouldn't be confused, however, with intellectual weakness. 'John had an amazing mind,' Eileen says, 'He hated computers and would do even the most complicated calculations all by hand. He wrote out long spreadsheets that had to be taped together to be understood but he was always 100% correct. It was incredible. She also remembers that John took a special interest in the young people at work and served as a mentor to a group of high school student interns one summer, even going so far as to help them choose colleges and fill out applications. I have truly become a better person from knowing John, he taught me a great deal not only regarding work, but also about life and I will always cherish that, Eileen says. 'I still, to this day, when faced with a difficult task, ask myself what John would say about it and I try to follow his lead.' John's body was one of the first recovered, within a week or so of September 11th, which was miraculous considering that he was at the exact point of the first plane's impact. His wake was also one of the first to be held and nobody knew exactly what to expect. It was a grim event, but also moving, and the love of his family and friends was evident and uplifting. It was the most you could hope for under the circumstances.
Larry Goanos, Colleague
Aug 30 2011 9:26PM
All, As I said on 9/11/2008, tremendous thanks for all of your kind words and thoughts. I now work in Marsh NY on the 38th floor (was transferred from the Morristown office). I would love to meet those colleagues who knew my Dad. I can't believe it will be 10 years in September. If my Dad was here, we would be in the same office, could commute together, and have lunch together. We all miss him terrible. Thanks again.
Jennifer Dolan (Tobin), Family
Mar 28 2011 11:17AM
I worked for Marsh & Mclennan in 1988 through 1990. John Tobin was one My bosses Boss at 1221 on 12th floor and 1166 Ave of Americas. He was a very nice boss and a great proffesional. I am very sorry to hear of the Loss from My friend John Colliprisco which we were on the Marsh & Mclennan Insurance Softball league in Brooklyn. We also lost another team mate as well. 9/11 was the most awful, stressful and frightening thing that could be imagined in America. I hope and pray to God something like this will never happen again and will do my part to stop this in the future for the rest of my life. Sorry for all the Losses and I really loved working there at the time and appreciated the professional training, friendships and opportunity. After a Car Accident took effect on me, I had to leave but I am better now and again I am very sorry for the loss of John and sympathy to his family members. God Bless
Joseph A. Brancatelli Jr., Colleague
Feb 9 2011 12:37PM
I think of John often. I was lucky to know him as a friend as we worked for different subsidiaries. I met John while playing on the company volleyball team. Neither of us were very good but we always had fun even when we didn't win. Both of us got too busy to continue playing so I treasured bumping into John in the elevator banks. He always had a smile on his face and always said hi. He was always pleasant no matter how busy he was. Rest in peace. God bless your family.
Mei Sei Fong, Friend
Sep 15 2009 2:54PM
John welcomed me to MMC when I first started in 1999. He was warm and helpful and always there when you needed him. To this day I can't believe he is no longer with us, but I know he is watching over us. God Bless you, John.
Eleanor Wilson, Colleague
Sep 9 2009 2:27PM
When I started at Marsh (from the J&H; acqwuisition) John was a friendly face who always took the time to help and get us 'newbies' adjusted. He was never too busy and always greeted me by name even though he had so much going on at the time. I still think of him fondly and hope his family is well.
Dena Magyar (formerly Cusick), Colleague
Sep 3 2009 1:52PM
The eighth anniversary is approaching and this is my first message of John. We will never forget that day. He was always there to help you and always with a smile. He knew your about families and would ask about them and kid you about certain people or situations. I can't tell you how much he is missed - he always had time to listen and help everyone. Just want you to know he is thought of almost every day. My prayers and thoughts are of his family, whom I'm sure he is watching over closely.
Kathleen Woelfel, Colleague
Sep 3 2009 1:36PM
I always found John to be without ego, happy to help out with anything and invariably smiling and happy - he was a genuinely good person.
Chris Reeves, Colleague
Sep 16 2008 6:03PM
It is still an honor to remember John. I pray that God continues to comfort his family.
Elizabeth Rivera-Bosch (formerly Davis), Friend
Sep 11 2008 1:15PM
I first and foremost want to thank everyone for their kind words and thoughts for my Dad, Mom, myself and Sean. I also want you to know that I read the tributes at least once a year on the 9/11 anniversary. Even though it is hard to read the comments without tearing up, it is such an honor that everyone remembers him and in such a positive way. My Dad was very quiet about work and would never boast about helping someone, so all of the stories on here are the first time we are hearing of them. Thank you for your continued support and thoughts. It certainly has not gotten any easier, but we just know that he is watching over us and sees all that goes on in our lives. We just wish he were here in person obviously. This year is particularly a harder year for me as I have big changes in my life. I wish he were here to react to my recent engagement, to step foot into the new house I am hoping I get, and most importantly, to walk me down the aisle in May 2010. Sean, I am sure, wishes our Dad were here to see him driving and to help him with college. We can only live our lives knowing that he watches from above. Hopefully, you find comfort in hearing some of his children's accomplishments and important life changes. Again, thank you for taking the time to remember my Dad and us in writing in this tribute. All the best to you and yours.
Jennifer Tobin, Family
Sep 11 2008 11:49AM
John, I just signed the beam from the World Trade Center and thought of you. God bless you and your family.
Cathy Jones, Colleague
Sep 10 2008 3:19PM
Just wanted to let the Tobin family know that nobody in FINPRO has forgotten John Tobin . . . one of the nicest people I (we) will ever know. And while I write this on the 5th anniversary of 9/11, please rest assured we miss him and think of him often. We are all fortunate to have been lucky enough to have called John our friend. He was a great man. Steve Blount P.S. - We have also been lucky to have John's daughter, Jennifer, working in our Morristown office the past couple of years . . . . she's a wonderful person and I know John is proud of her.
Steve Blount, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 2:43PM
Sep 21 2005 3:14PM
Joining the Marsh Fidelity Staff in 99' as a technical assist, John Tobin was the first person to come to me and say ' No matter what the issue or situation, you contact me if you have and problems.' I thought it was just a line. I needed help and John was there.., seconds later. I just wish I could have been there for him.
William Dean, Colleague
Nov 12 2004 1:30PM
I regret having lost contact with John after I left Marsh . John had such an influence on my career a skilled political mentor and whilst I only met up with him a half dozen times a year when visisting from London he would always send me back with my batteries fully charged . Friends and colleages cant help but mention the Tobin smile. Anyone crossing his rardar could not avoid the rays from that smile you could not help but be infected by his positive energy. Thats what he did he just zappped people with his smile . I have never met anyone quite like JT.
stephen b evans, Friend
Apr 30 2004 5:11AM
Last year I was asked to speak about friends that I lost on September 11th. Among the three that I will always remember is John Tobin. Here's what I said: Helpful, Teacher, Mentor, Husband, Father,Friend John took me under his wing on the first day I started working at Marsh. My boss hired me and went on business for three weeks. It was John who came to my rescue to show me the ropes on expense reports. I will never forget how no matter how busy he was, if anyone walked into his office he would stop what he was doing to help.
Elizabeth Davis, Colleague
Jan 15 2004 4:02PM
I met Mr. Tobin when I worked for M&M; in 1984. I use to deliver his mail when we worked at 1221 6th Ave on the 15 th floor. He was a very nice person to work with and I will miss him very much. He encouraged me to go on and graduate college.He made a difference in my life.My prayers go out to him and his family.
James D'Agostino, Friend
Oct 23 2002 2:13PM
John was such a nice man. Always glad to see you. Even when things were not going so well, he always made it seem okay. He was a tremendous resource and a delightful person to be around. God bless him and his family. He is missed.
Marilyn Boss, Colleague
Sep 13 2002 4:34PM
I'll always remember John as someone who no matter how busy he was or how much paper was piled up on his desk would drop everything to help you out if you had a question or problem.
Stefano Minale, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 10:12AM
John was integral to the office's corporate culture, with a unique grace that allowed him to treat everyone he encountered with genuine respect and dignity. Being around John just made you want to be a better person. I was lucky to know him in my career. There will always be a hole in the world where John should be. My thoughts are with his family.
Stacey Lonegan, Colleague
Sep 10 2002 11:37PM
John Tobin was the best kind of person to be a manager and to work with. He was always cheerful and really had all of the answers to your questions. My deepest sympathy to his family. He will be missed
Philip Lian, Friend
Sep 7 2002 11:22PM
I worked with John for many years passing him in the hallway and sometimes having a laugh. He was a great person to work with. We worked together on the Take Your Children to Work program for several years and he was just so organized and energized in the process. We will miss him and I as well felt sadness when I found out that he was among the missing. I am sure that everyone who worked for him, is missing him and his abilities, as am I.
Donna DiDonato, Colleague
Jun 12 2002 11:22AM
I had known John the better part of 19 years just meeting him after I first started with MM Risk Management in 1976. My first encounter and my final encounter was seeing his smiling face, him saying 'we'll get through this no matter what' and 'don't hesitate to ask me anything.' A person most admired in many many peoples eyes. I considered him a dear friend and wish his family the strength to carry on the memory of him. He was 'one of the good guys' and will surely be missed.
Cora E. Cohen, Friend
Jun 10 2002 1:38PM
John Tobin was, and still is, more special than most. No one could make you feel more important and more at ease, so instantly. He treated everyone like family-- and his family is what mattered most to him. He was more of a friend or a brother than a boss. If it was not for him I would not have sought the help I needed. That was many years ago-- and I live, love, and smile today because of his message. He was a hero and a role model before any of this ever happened. He never even knew that. Today, he lives on in my heart, my recovery, my work and volunteer activities. I speak of him, often, so that others will know him. No one should ever forget John Tobin-- with the most welcoming smile and most genuine spirit.
Anonymous, Colleague
May 29 2002 10:48PM
Tobinsky, my buddy, was the best! Dedicated to his family - absolutely Dedicated to his work - absolutely. One heckuva icon buster. A wonderful impersonator of some of the characters we all know. I pray he's at rest now because he worked so hard here on earth! (But I'm sure he's still doing his schtick up there!)
Ray Paul, Colleague
May 3 2002 8:52AM
In all the years I knew John he was never in a bad mood. Always busy working so down to earth. I always saw him passing me in the hallway or the elevator and saying to me 'how was I doing is everything OK'. I was so sad when I found out he was in the WTC that day for a meeting. I will never forget that day and will miss John passing me by in the hallway or elevator. Migdalia Otero,
Migdalia Otero, Colleague
May 1 2002 1:41PM
I think John was more of a role model to his collegues than he ever knew. He was certainly one of the most disciplined people I have ever encountered at keeping his life balanced and in perspective -- in and out of the office -- and being accomplished in all dimensions of his life, both personal and professional. No amount of work, pressures or deadlines would ever sway his ability to stop, focus on a person, and ask how he or she was doing or how he could help. John is as good natured and warm as a person could get, and we are all worse off without his presence. My thoughts are with all his family and friends.
James Enelow, Colleague
Apr 24 2002 6:35AM
I truly Nice Man, who always had a smile and always greeted you by name. I never worked within the same group as John but we were acquaintances whose paths crossed over the last 11 years. John always took a few minutes to say hello and ask, “what’s going on”. My thoughts and prayers go out to John’s family.
Pat Foy, Colleague
Apr 22 2002 8:28AM
John's office was a sea of paper, desk piled high, notes taped to the wall. He was always working. Amazingly, though, you could interupt him at anytime with a question and John would always stop what he was doing and with a smile on his face get you your answer. He was such a positive person. He was such a great example to us.
Andrew Huntley-Robertson, Colleague
Apr 5 2002 11:16AM
What amazed me about John was that he always had a smile on his face, always looked you in the eye when he passed, and titles did not change him. I credit his patience, intelligence and willingness to give of his personal time to help me overcome the frustrations of an Accounting class in college which almost caused me to quit. He will be missed by anyone who knew him, certainly me.
Merle P. Millman, Colleague
Apr 5 2002 6:42AM