Tara Debek-Moore
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Each year, on this saddest of all days, I come here to remember Tara and all of her colleagues that were lost in 9/11. I was MMC's Cash Management Officer and knew and was friends with many of their employees. I say a prayer each year on this day to remember those who were lost, and send my continued condolences to the families.
Richard T Moore, Colleague
Sep 11 2024 8:48PM
It's hard to believe that it's 21 years since we lost you and your friends and colleagues on 9/11. While I write to console Tara's family, I extend my sincere condolences to all those affected by this tragedy. May you all be resting safely in the care of our Lord....
Richard T Moore , Colleague
Sep 10 2023 11:59PM
I wish somehow you knew how grateful I was that you hired me. I miss you .
Ruth (Deanna) Mancuso , Colleague
Dec 29 2021 4:44PM
I've come here several times since September 11, 2001, to leave my condolences not only to Tara's family & friends, but also to all of her colleagues who were lost that day. I worked at The Bank of New York at 1 Wall Street, and Marsh was one of my primary clients. My daily contacts who survived that day knew that I would never call or email them on any September 11th after out of respect for their continued sadness. Although I'm retired now, every 9/11, I say a prayer for all the lost innocents out of remembrance. Blessings on them all....
Richard T Moore, Colleague
Sep 6 2021 9:39PM
You are in many hearts.
Chui Yuen, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 11:37AM
I have come here for many years now, to pay tribute to Tara and to all of her associates. We will never forget. I am now retired, living in Florida, but my heart will always be with you. Rest easy, and know that we will never forget you.
Richard Moore, Colleague
Sep 11 2019 3:36PM
I managed the cash business for Marsh, and I leave a message here not only for Tara and her family, but for all members of the MMC family who were taken from us on 9/11. May all of souls be flying with the angels...
Richard T Moore, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 10:11AM
I visit MMC's memorial site each year. I served as their cash management service officer for 13 years during my tenure at The Bank of New York Mellon. I leave my remarks here for Tara, her family, friends and colleagues,as she carried the same name as me. I still remember that horrific day, it is still etched into the dark recesses of my mind. After 15 years, we still must always remember and cherish the lives that were lost that day. Rest easy, Tara, along with your colleagues and know that we still think of you....
Richard T Moore, Colleague
Sep 10 2016 11:55PM
I worked for the Bank of New York, and before I retired earlier this year, spent many years as being MMC'S cash management account officer. Each year on this date, I say silent prayers for all of the innocents lost on 9/11, as well as for those lost souls from Marsh & McLennan. While I post this for all, I specifically choose Tara's name, as it is the same as mine. I wish you all peace and love on this day, and I vow, never to forget.....
Richard T Moore, Colleague
Sep 11 2015 10:49PM
Friends are forever, you might lose them but you'll never forget them. Tara and I met in kindergarten in Lindenhurst and became best friends. I remember joining Brownies together, the sleepovers and how kind her family was to me. We even sat next to each other in Mr. Wirth’s 6th grade class at E.W. Bower. I moved to Ireland in 1979 and we lost touch. My heart aches for her family and I think of her often. Everyone leaves footprints in your memory, but the ones that leave footprints in your heart are the ones you will truly remember. Tara, I am sure you are among the angels and I hope we meet again one day, we have a lot of catching up to do. Love, Maureen Murphy (Fiorellini)
Maureen Murphy Fiorellini, Friend
Sep 11 2012 4:08PM
Dear Tara, I will always remember you as a young girl, playing in your front yard with Lisa and my younger sister Maureen. My thoughts are with your family and I know you are always in their hearts.
Eileen Murphy, Friend
Sep 11 2012 8:30AM
Dear Tara, I still see you as we last met with your sister by your side and my sister Maureen not far away. My heart aches for your Mom, and family. My love and prayers are with you all, Jacqueline
Jacqueline Murphy Ballback, Friend
Jul 9 2012 6:06PM
Dear Tara Sorry we lost touch,but you will be forever inn our prayers. Maureen &Jackie; Murphy
maureen murphy, Friend
Jul 7 2012 7:10PM
While I could not attend the ceremony yesterday at the WTC site, I did visit the memorial in Eisenhauer Park in Long Island. I said silent prayers for the Debek-Moore family, as well as for everyone who lost family members and colleagues who were part of the MMC family. I grieve with you until this day. Know always that there are many New Yorkers and Americans who often think of you and prayer for your deliverance from your sorrow. On your darkest day, always know that you are never alone. I wish you all peace along with all of of God's good blessings. We shall never forget...
Richard T. Moore, Colleague
Sep 12 2011 8:19AM
Dear Tara, This day is a tough one for me each year. I miss you everyday. I hope your family is doing okay and I hope you're watching over them. I take my kids to Broadway shows every year because I remembered how much you enjoyed going there and bringing your family each year. It meant so much to you to open up that world for them and I am doing the same with mine. I will always be grateful for meeting you and working with you side by side. You taught me so much. One day, we will all meet up again, but for now, I'm glad you're on my side up there. Love you lots !
Linda Vogt, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 5:42PM
think of you everyday! hope you are smiling over paige your family and all of us!
ellen lessman, Friend
Sep 9 2011 4:43PM
I come here every September 11th to leave my message not only for Tara's family, but for the entire MMC family as well. I hope that today's news will bring some sort of closure and comfort to the Debek-Moore family as well as everyone at MMC who lost friends, colleagues and loved ones on September 11, 2001. I have said a silent prayer for each of you this morning.
Richard T Moore, Colleague
May 2 2011 10:02AM
I can't believe it's been 9 years since that fateful day. I think of you often and wonder how Paige is doing; how big she must be by now. I will never understand why this happened and why so many good people were taken away from us. I will always remember the good times we had, the laughs, the Christmas parties, the Happy hours, all of it. I know one day, we will all meet up again; I count on you being one of my guardian angels; please look over me and my family. I miss you ! Go Yankees !!!!
Linda Vogt, Colleague
Sep 10 2010 1:34PM
I think of my many friends in the MMC Companies every year at this time, and the sadness of the day returns to me. While I leave this message at Tara's space here, it is actually for every Marsh family who lost a loved one on that dark day. I continue to hold you in my prayers and good thoughts. Let us never forget what happened to MMC and to all of us here in the financial industry on that dark day. My prayers are with the Debek family and all of the family members who continue to grieve on this sad anniversary.
Richard T Moore, Colleague
Sep 9 2010 1:49PM
Dearest Tara-I wanted your family to know I never stopped thinking of you and how grateful I will always be for having faith in my abilities when you hired me. I thought of you as a mentor, and one I admired greatly. I remembered the baby shower we had for you and the mets and yankees outfit given by one of us (I don't remember who)and thinking what a perfect match you and Derek were. I also remember the Christmas parties and how you loved Disco music. I miss you and frequesntly talk of how wonderful you were. Deanna Mancuso
Deanna Mancuso, Colleague
Jan 20 2009 9:07PM
Thinking of you today, cuz, and missing you as always.
Ronnie, Family
Sep 11 2008 11:50AM
I remember Tara from Bower school in Lindenhurst. She was ALWAYS nice to everyone and so smart! I cannot remember a time where she didn't have a smile on her face. My sincerest sympathy to her husband and daughter, family, and her friends.
Jackie, Friend
Sep 11 2008 11:10AM
Tara I am thinking about you today as I always do when Sept. 11 rolls around. I was a colleague/friend of Tara's. I work for Mercer; but I played volleyball with her on the Marsh team. We were the same age and both single. I remember going out dancing with her and having fun. She would wear her purple contacts. We always talked about getting married and having a family. I lost touch with Tara when she relocated to the WTC. After Sept. 11, I found out that she got married and had a baby girl. I was so happy for her; yet so sad for her family. I will always think of Tara and her family and may God Bless you all.
Anne Marie Cutone, Friend
Sep 11 2008 9:33AM
I did not know Tara personally, but after I joined the unit in 2002 that I'm currently in at BNY-Mellon, one of my colleagues here mentioned her and what a great person she was to work with. With having the same last name, it's almost like I too, lost a family member that day in September. I write this to let her family and friends know that many of us in the Financial District think about the terrible losses on that day, and that we grieve with you. I handle the Marsh relationship here to this day, and on every 9/11, I say a silent prayer for all of the Marsh family, and for Tara's family as well. Love will rise above all sadness and adversity and permit us to always remember our loved ones. Blessings to you all. Richard T. Moore
Richard, Colleague
May 9 2008 4:43PM
Happy Belated Birthday, my friend. I was thinking about you yesterday. I miss you. We definitely had alot of laughs but most of all, I miss the fact that I just can't pick up the phone and call you when I need advice. And, boy, did I need some in these last few years ! I just wanted to let you know how much you are still loved ! Linda
Linda Vogt, Friend
Aug 16 2007 8:13AM
It has been a long five years plus since you left us. And even thought I tried to move on with my life, so far it has just been a farce. I am at home, sick and my thoughts automatically run to you my dear. Paige is growing up fast, she's in kindergarden. She's so smart (your brains), so big, and beautiful. Her hair is has these incredible blond streaks, and she inherited your smiling eyes. She's got your cheecks, and your nose. Believe it or not, she knows you. She asks about you. I try to paint a picture of you to her, I am not quite sure that I am doing such a good job of it. Rest in peace my love, and know that you are more than missed, you're still loved. Derek
Derek, Family
Feb 2 2007 2:24PM
Tara my fellow purple person. I miss our early mornings talking about family and children. You always had a great sense of humor and a smile. You were always willing to help or to point someone in the right direction. Five years and I still think of you and Derek and the joy of when Paige was born. May God continue to bless them in your absence. Lovingly submitted, Yvette Guidry-Robinson Marsh (1995-2004)
Yvette Guidry-Robinson, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 1:31PM
I just wanted to let you know that I've been thinking about you. Whenever I'm in my car, it seems that a Rick Springfield song comes on the radio (and you know how much I LOVED him...keep dreaming!) Your family is in my prayers. I haven't seen Paige in such a long time (years). I hope she's doing well. I can't believe she will be five this year! Kindergarten is right around the corner for her! I just wanted you to know that I was thinking of you today!
Linda Vogt, Friend
Feb 18 2006 8:25PM
January 2001 was the last time I saw Tara. She was pregnant with her daughter and she was a glowing radiant mother-to-be. I asked her how she was feeling and she said 'Good.' I will always remember her that way-cheery. She never complained about discomfort or inconviences. She took everything with a shrug and a smile. I was reading Seabiscuit the other day and it made me think of Tara. She liked to watch the races at Belmont. Her favorite Jockey was Pat Day. She liked to go early on opening day to save the best spot in the picnic area for her family. Purple Flowers to my one-time boss and friend. I am honored that you chose me for your team. You were always so thoughtful and full of life. You never forgot a Birthday or a special event. God Bless you Tara I won't forget you.
Charlene Auclair, Colleague
Sep 11 2003 1:22PM
Tara was my cousin. She was a friend to me and my husband, as well as a great role model for my three daughters. Although nine months have passed, not a day goes by that I do not think of Tara. She was kind, caring, and understood my sometimes silly sense of humor. I can still hear her laughter. Tara grew up on Long Island while I grew up in the center of NYC. Yet she was the one to introduce my family and me to the wonders of the theater. Each Christmas she presented us with tickets to a Broadway play and she came along, too. It was always a treat!! Tara had a baby girl in March of 2001 and her name is Paige. I will try my best to be as good a cousin to Paige as Tara was to me and my girls. If I could pinpoint one of the greatest gifts I have received since that fateful September day, it is this: my mother passed away a very long time ago. I have not had a real mother figure in my life since. However, Tara's passing has drawn me closer to her mother, Maureen. In Maureen I found someone who listens to my motherhood woes and other trials and tribulations with a loving heart and a world of advice. Thank you Tara. I miss you so much, Cuz. Love Ronnie
Ronnie Keegan-Moore, Family
Jun 24 2002 1:49PM
When I think of Tara I remember how she loved to laugh and joke around. She always seemed to be happy. Tara was most happiest though when she was talking about her family, especially her nieces. Then her daughter, Paige was born and her life changed. She was happier than ever. Tara was so proud of Paige, always bragging about how she was the perfect baby. Tara worked hard at Marsh. She helped me solve work related problems and always lent an ear when I needed it. I'm glad I got to know Tara. I miss her a lot!!
Leila Elvebakk, Colleague
Apr 22 2002 9:12AM
There isn't enough I can say about Tara. She was such an amazing person. I knew Tara since 1994. I was one of the lucky ones to have a chance to work for her. I learned so much from her. She had such a way with her staff... you actually enjoyed doing things for her. She praised you when you deserved it and let you hear it when you did something wrong. I liked that quality about her. She held weekly meetings with her staff where we could have said anything to her and she listened to us. I think through the years, we became good friends as well. She knew about my family just as much as I knew about hers. Her family meant everything to her. She enjoyed going to Atlantic City and DisneyWorld with them every year. She adored her nieces so much. Tara's greatest accomplishment was giving birth to her beautiful daughter, Paige. Tara loved children and I am grateful she had the chance to experience that for herself. I will miss Tara dearly. There isn't a day that goes by that I don't think of her, especially whenever a Rick Springfield song comes on the radio. He was her favorite!!!
Linda Vogt, Friend
Apr 17 2002 12:05PM
How can I begin… Tara and I shared similar positions in different cities for over eight years. We worked closely together on many things and became good friends in the process. We spoke on the phone almost each day – hashing out the various quirks in our positions, trading funny stories about our spouses, complaining about our friends in other departments and every other thing “girlfriends” talk about. I only saw her three or four times in eight years but I knew her better than some people I see every day. I remember the first time I met Tara – she traveled to Atlanta where I worked at the time…We spent several days working but I remember noticing her smile and how down to earth she was. Tara was never shy about speaking her mind and sticking up for her staff and her friends. Tara was such a special person in my life, and my life - like so many other Marsh employees - has been so changed since 9/11. I come in to the office each day wishing that I could pick up the phone and tell her a funny story. She had a way to make me laugh and smile every time we spoke. I still hear her favorite phrase “Not for nothing…” so often that it scares me. I grieve for Tara each day, but I also grieve for Derek and her young baby, Paige, who she loved more than anything. I was lucky enough to meet Derek and Paige in October and I now know why she was so proud. I also grieve for her sister and her family who she spoke so highly of. Her family was her life… but she also loved Marsh and her many co-workers. Tara was a special person in my life - may her memory be eternal!
Joann Hearn, Colleague
Apr 11 2002 9:39AM