Douglas Farnum
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Well buddy, here we are again. Not much has changed, and we're still missing ya. Met a buddy of yours through my work with the new company that I work with, NTT, guy named Mike Cantatore, we had quite a few chuckles reminiscing about you. Sorry things aren't better here, but we still hold out hope.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2024 8:36AM
22 years. Miss ya bro. This world has gotten stupid. I work with one of your former coworkers now, Mike Cantalone. Nice guy, we've had a few laughs sharing stories about our time with you. Enjoy paradise brother.
Joseph Molion, Family
Sep 11 2023 6:07AM
Well bud, here we are once again. 21 years since the day the world stopped making sense. We miss you down here. I'm working with one of your M&M colleagues now, how's that for a strange twist of fate? Dude, we all love & miss you here on the physical plane, and wish someone would figure out a way to bridge the divide. I bet you've got some good stories to share. Peace out brother. Until next year.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2022 8:47AM
So many High School memories of us just hanging out. Skipping school and doing our best to be cool. I've thought about you so many times over the years and to hear about losing you to such a tragedy, I fall apart in side. I will know your name, when I see you in heaven.
Crystal Dunn, Friend
Sep 12 2021 2:17AM
Hello Doug! Well it’s coming up to 20 years now, 20 years and our country is still no better off then it was the day it took your life, and all the other souls that perished that horrible day! I still get a lump in my throat when I think of the thought of you being gone! That day the plane crashed into the first building I was holding my daughter and feeding her, and watching the news. I was living in Naples, Fl. I remember as though it was yesterday. Was that what I really just witnessed as I screamed for my mom to come into the back lanai ! At that point I was living in Florida six years, and my daughter was one years old. I knew it was no accident, I knew it was terrorist the second I saw that! Something rather odd came over me, a feeling that shot through me! I’ve never had this feeing before! While it was only seconds that past, I started to think about you! Why was I thinking about you, I thought? Although we hadn’t spoken in a couple of years, it was a very powerful and somber feeling. I knew you were gone in minutes after the plane struck the building! I thought my heart stopped, maybe cause we had dated for years? Maybe it was something you told me? I’m quoting you right now, “CLASSIC” ???? Inside joke! I couldn’t believe you shared with me! You asked me not to laugh, but as always I couldn’t help myself! You were truly the light in every room you walked into! You had the very way to be the life of every party. I could only imagine how the second you walked up to heaven, your Dad greeted you with open arms! You loved your Dad, you were always bothered about his passing so young! What can I say, I have so many memories more than I can write here! All I can say is you are so missed, and loved! I got to tell you something that will make you laugh now! You gave me a tape when we broke up, you remember? You know you do, all of our music that we shared together? Keep thinking, a full good 15 minutes of you telling me about how I made you a better person, well that’s got to be the funniest thing you ever said! Than I heard one even funnier! The very words you saying to me, goodbye and good luck!! That song that followed, I laughed & cried at the same time! I love you till this very day, I still have that tape, I still listen to it at least 30+ years old in my car to keep you where you belong Doug in my heart , and my prayers! God bless you my very best friend! All my love, hope to see you one fine day! You are never forgotten, although extremely missed. Love your, “Classic One”!! Rest in greatness Nips! Say hello to my Dad, & Grandma! Send them all my love . Love you, Adreinne Lampasona
Adrienne Lampasona , Friend
Sep 8 2021 5:05PM
Doug was a friend of my moms. In lots of ways I know he still is. When 9/11 happened, I was coming up on the brink of 2 years old and my mom had just moved to Florida from Brooklyn. It’s now almost 20 years later and I can say there isn’t a day that goes by that she doesn’t remember his humor and light that he was in her life and I will always love Doug for that, even though I’d never even met him. I grew up on hilarious stories of memories of them and his family and friends and it always made me feel like I knew him. Sometimes the best people don’t get to stay on the ground because they’re meant to watch over those who are and I’m certain that’s what Doug is doing, I see it all the time. 20 years later and his legacy lives on, as even I who’ve never met him, get to celebrate what I hear to be a special and unmatched personality. We miss you, Doug. Thanks for protecting my Mamma.
Deanna Lampasona, Friend
Sep 8 2021 11:54AM
Year 19 buddy. We're FINALLY making some headway toward removing our head from the Middle East's butthole, pulling troops out, but it's not happening fast enough. Miss ya buddy. Still raging against that particular machine, because I made a promise the same as all the rest of America. Never Forget. Peace out bro. See ya next year.
Joe Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2020 9:55AM
Miss everyone that that day it will allway be with me . Douglas was a good friend allways had something nice to say and was helpful at work sad to loss a great person so soon. I worked with him at American Express and saw him almost every work day at WTC.
Lane Haverly, Friend
Sep 12 2020 7:01PM
18 years today. Still think about you every single time I hear about a certain topic. Dude, hope things are doing better wherever you are than they are here. Still stuck in these crap hole countries, doing whatever it is they claim we're doing. Tired of this. Be well my friend. See ya when it's my turn, I guess.
Joseph D Molion Jr., Friend
Sep 11 2019 10:48AM
Here we are once again buddy. Another year has gone by, and now we're not even fighting Taliban or Alqueada (I have no idea how that crap is spelled.), now we've got this ISIS/ISIL garbage to contend with? Ponderous man, f***ing ponderous. Still sucks you're wherever people go when they're not here, and all this is going on here. Should be the other way around. Well, see ya next year, pal. Keep 'em laughing.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2014 6:50AM
Here we are again, one year later, no years smarter. Can you believe we're STILL stuck in these freaking wars that led to 9/11? Planning to start yet another one?!? We never learn. Still miss you my friend. Keep God laughing. Maybe I'll meet ya there someday. (If I am, in fact, heading up...)
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2013 7:00AM
11 years bro. Still missing you. Was talking to Jorge Genao about you last night; hard to believe it's already been 11 years! Keep god laughing, my friend.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2012 7:27AM
I think about you often, you are the perfect example of how someone could leave a lifelong impression in a short time. Those years banging through the bagel stores of brooklyn the ups and downs the trying to find a real job, we did it together and had alot of laughs along the way. I'm grateful to have known you.
Chris g, Friend
Apr 11 2012 11:00PM
Thank You from his brother Greg
Greg Farnum, Family
Sep 17 2011 3:16PM
Ten years man. Still think about you & hope you're at peace. God bless dude.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2011 10:13AM
Douglas: Sabrina and I think of you always, and have the fondest memories of you and our times at Madison Jewish Center as kids. You are missed and our hearts are always with your family.
Kenne Kuramochi, Friend
Sep 11 2010 9:58PM
9 years later, buddy. Still love ya, miss the hell out of you. Never ever forget you and all who went with you that day. God bless, man.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Sep 11 2010 7:24PM
Still miss ya, man. Keep 'em laughin up there.
Joe Molion, Friend
Feb 13 2009 4:09PM
Doug, we all miss you. I don't think anyone could have said it better than Igor. Mike
M.C., Friend
Jan 8 2009 2:04PM
Douglas, we were both in the Scouts together and what I remember of you was a really rambunctios and funny individual. People have given much praise to the man you became, it is a shame that you left the world suddenly and in the situation that caused it. Peace be with you always.
Keith R. Esbin, Friend
Oct 3 2008 11:32AM
Dear Doug! It's so strange to look at the photo that I took on your Wedding and so painful to realize that it’s been 7 years since the day when you left us. You did not even make to your 1 year Wedding Anniversary. Everybody still asking the same question: WHY? You and all other our Marsh friends did not do anything bad for the ISLAMIC terrorists. Nor other people in the world who died on the airplanes, buses or in schools. WHY? Because they hate US. All of US. They hate us more than they love their lives and their children. WHY? Because the Terror and distraction is in their blood and in the milk of their mothers. WHY? Because they want to dominate the World and enslave all of us and our kids. 7 long years of unfair WAR that was started on that sunny Tuesday in 2001. We need to win this war to save our friends and families, to save our kids, to save our right to live in FREEDOM. We need to win this WAR and we need to understand that there is no way to do that, if we continue to let the terrorists sleep well at night. There is no way to win the WAR wearing the white gloves. We need to win the WAR and stop that bubonic plague that already cased the devastation on a very large part of the Earth! Doug, you had just 33 short years given to you. I believe that as long as someone remembers you – your soul would be alive. Your deeds will make you live as long as we live!
Igor, Friend
Sep 11 2008 2:20PM
Another anniversary...yet this is the way it will always be every year this day comes around. I don't wait for this day to arrive just to remember you. It's a constant, and I will never forget you man. Although this year is different. You have George Carlin up there to crack up the heavens with...I don't know if that's really a good thing but... Missing you truly, love ya lots.
Aileen Caraballo, Friend
Sep 11 2008 8:01AM
I don't think a day goes by in my life that I have a thought remembering our friendship which was bonded by blood. We shared so many memories together at the start of our High school days to till we became men with new purposes in life. I always said that life is too short and I thank God for allowing me to have grown up besides you as you have influenced me in many ways to enjoy life to the fullest. When I get to heaven you will be the first person I will look for so we can reminisce about how we had a blast while living in the flesh of the notorious duo only known as me and you . Buuuurrrrrpppp
Ira Jay Gold, Friend
May 16 2008 2:24PM
Hey dude, How's it going? Miss you. Guess what? I came across that t-shirt you gave my. from B H.COM. I'll never wear it you know. Means too much to me now. Besides, my gf would probably want to walk 10 feet ahead of me if I do. LOL. I hope you're ok. Love u, M
M, Friend
May 12 2008 11:14AM
Douglas had this amazing ability to take any situation, regardless of the gravity, spin it around and make it a comedy of grand proportions. All in the attempt to make you see the lighter side of life. That’s how I remember him. That and the incredible amount of pork buns he was able to eat in one sitting. Forever the joker, he was blessed with the gift of insane, sarcastic wit and was proud of it. And he was successful in passing on that gift to me, which I carry in my heart at all times. Doug, I know you have found your peace, and every time I tell a joke, I say it in your name. Because of that, you will never be forgotten. Love and blessings buddy
Aileen Caraballo, Friend
Sep 11 2007 1:33PM
Doug- 6 years today - I've watched the ceremony each year until they read your name, then I say a prayer.. Rest in Peace Chris Randvere
Chris Randvere, Colleague
Sep 11 2007 5:50AM
billy deluca, Friend
Sep 10 2006 2:40AM
Still miss you like crazy bro. Just felt like letting you know.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Feb 16 2006 2:27PM
I met Doug when we worked together in the IT trenches of American Express. The guy was a neverending source of jokes, wry observations about everyday life, and never failed to make me smile, no matter what my mood was before. I considered him almost as a brother, and will always hold a treasured place for him in my heart. We lost a good man in you, Douggie, but God got himself a great morale booster up there in Heaven. God bless you, man. See ya when (if) I get there.
Joseph Molion, Friend
Jul 16 2003 11:15AM
Doug! It's been a while since 9/11 and I still miss you terribly! I want to write my words here like I spoke to you everyday. I miss you man. You were a nut! You even managed to out do me at times, and thats not easy! You were always a good guy at heart and one of the funiiest persons Ive ever met. We had lots of fun making mischief in the lab on 95 and I always appreciated your contributions to my software and video collection. I have your picture hanging near my desk here at work. I may not think of you everyday, but you are one of the great friends I have lost whose loss goes to my core and will hurt me till the day I join you in heaven. I love you man, Smile me a sunny day from time to time, ok? Mike
Michael Cantatore, Friend
Feb 3 2003 12:26PM
There are two words I can think of immediately, when I think of Doug....funny and sweet. I have known Doug since we were kids. He made you laugh so hard, you cried. He also had a caring soul. When my husband and I moved to Florida, from Brooklyn in 1994..Doug was right behind us, with his side kick Ira, helping us get settled into our new home. I will never forget the day Doug, Ira and my husband were trying to hang a new front door in our home and it began to rain so hard, all Doug could do was laugh and make jokes. That's how we will always remember you, with a smile on your face! God Bless You and Keep You in His Care. With love, Your friends, Elaina & Tom
Elaina Lampasona Ortolivo & Tom Ortolivo, Friend
Sep 11 2002 10:16PM
I knew Doug from our tenure at American Express, we both worked for Vanstar..It's funny how you never think this type of horror will ever touch your life, and when you find out that you have a connection like this attached to it, makes it all the more somber.. I worked with him, I smoked cigarettes with him, he made me laugh... God Bless You Doug....
Chris Randvere, Colleague
Sep 9 2002 10:05PM
Douglas was one in a million since I knew him from age 14. I always got along with him ever since we started our friendship. We started out woking for ICES QUEEN on Uica ave in Brooklyn for three dollars an hour. All we wanted was money for fun and cigarettes. It took 15 years for us to break away from counter jobs for minimum wage. We ended up somehow always working together. Doug,thanks for starting my carreer in computers! Thats right we worked neck and neck all the way up to Marsh at the top of the world. Forget about smoke breaks- In order to smoke a smoke you had to take the elevator all the way down from 95 to like 78, walk around to the next bank and go all the way to the lobby to have a security guard direct us smokers to the nearest open door. 45 minutes to an hour just for one smoke break! Doug its ok because your still on top of the world in our eyes and you left a legacy of great friendships, laughter and love. Here's to you old friend..
Ira Gold, Friend
Apr 12 2002 6:31PM