Rajesh Khandelwal
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I hope to see you everyday friend
Ben Dover, Colleague
Mar 6 2025 6:13PM
Rajesh was my school mate. He was of the pioneer batch. He was our school captain. We studied together in the same school for 10 years. Cannot forget him for ever. After leaving school I never ever saw him or met him again. May his soul Rest In Peace.
Reena Philip, Friend
Jul 24 2022 11:15AM
May God give Rajesh's family the support and courage to live. God bless them for future.
Jitender Sethia, Colleague
Sep 11 2013 10:37AM
May God Bless Rajesh wherever he is.... I am deeply moved by his story. -- Prashanth Palvai
Prashanth Palvai, Friend
May 8 2012 5:02PM
As the 10th anniversary rememberance of 9/11 approaches, it is inevitable that we immediately remember Rajesh who is survived by Shweta and Shivam. A very loving personality who shall always be remembered by all of us. May his soul rest in peace
Ajay Khandelwal, Family
Sep 7 2011 9:15AM
hello. my name is rae-ann. i am from bristol, ri, where we have americas oldest 4th of july celebration. this year, we tried to honor 9/11 victims by placing 2,977 flags in our front yard, each one with the name of a victim from 9/11. after the 4th of july we passed out flags to people and asked them to google the person on their flag. i googled rajesh and this is the first page i came to. my husband and i have a flag with rajesh's name on it and would like to know if anyone on this site would like to have it. if so, we will gladly mail it to you. you can email me if you are interested. we would really appreciate it. my email is ladyrae00@aol.com thank you very much
RAE-ANN, Friend
Aug 25 2011 6:27PM
I met rajesh through his cousins in 1994. He was of the same age as me and when we started talking I felt we had so many things in common and also lot to learn from his gentle behaviour. He is too nice to spend time with and an extremely hard worker. Infact his son is a month elder to mine and i use to take tips on what's next. On 9/10/2001, he sent an email and i read it only on 9/12/01. I only felt that he is fine since i saw an email after the crash, but it never occured to me that he sent it the before day. I could not digest the fact when i called his family to confirm that he is not there any more. I always wish god be with his family for ever.
Sasidhar Thiriveedhi, Friend
Sep 11 2006 5:00PM
'Rajesh Khandelwal', this name I always remember whenever I passes through WTC for PATH train. I never met Rajesh but based on previous post I can say that he must be 'gem of a person'. Though I never met him, the reason I am writing here about him because the name he carries, I am also carries the same name as him as 'Rajesh Khandelwal'. When ever I google for 'Rajesh Khandelwal' I always found his name and photograph. from there I come to know about him. When ever I passes through WTC I always try to search his name on the list of the peroson who lost there lives on 9/11 there at WTC. Today(09/11/06) morning again when I was passing through WTC I took a pause to pay my tribute to him. May GOD bless Rajesh and his soul rest in peace. Rajesh Khandelwal
Rajesh Khandelwal, Friend
Sep 11 2006 1:06PM
It is exactly 8 years ago today Rajesh started working for Marsh in our group. 5 years ago i wished him today on his 3rd anniversary at Marsh. We were both unaware of what was in store 3 days later. Rajesh was a friend, a colleague and above all a gem of a person. An extremely hard worker and always ready to help one and all. He was always with very out of the box ideas on every situation. His was also the most well kept cubicle in the office - very neat and extremely organized. Like his name - Raj - he surely had all the qualities of a royal person. I miss him till this day and can certainly understand the void it has created in so many lives. I sincerely offer my prayers to god almighty to always give his family the strength and courage and enlighten their path with all the very best things in life. Will always cherish the good times we have had and shall always miss you Bala
Bala Venkatraman, Friend
Sep 8 2006 10:40AM
Rajesh and I used to live in the same apartment complex and we used to take the shuttle to NYC from Edison. I was shocked to hear about his demise. I pray for him and may his soul rest in peace.
Pavan Gadi, Friend
Sep 7 2006 4:24PM
Rajesh was my cousin brother.I never seen him.But i was in touch with him through e-mails.I wanted to come to USA for my master's, & he guided me properly,But Rajesh bhaiya is not any more and i took his place in shivam's & shweta's family.Shivam is now my son $ shweta is my wife.I know nobody could fill the place of rajesh bhaiy but i pray to god to give me strength to fullfill his desire whatever he wanted to do his family. vikas
vikas khandelwal, Family
Dec 21 2005 9:59AM
We have no words about this. now, we pray to god that the Shweta and Shivam will live together whole life with happiness. but nobody can fill the place of Rajeshji in their life. Shakun
Shakun Khandelwal, Family
Jun 4 2004 4:01AM
I knew Rajesh thru my relatives and always found him to be very helpful, kind and jolly. I used to love talking to him whenever I ran into him at Sunshine Video and we shared this common bond since we were both in the computer field. He was very friendly and a wonderful person to talk to. We shall definitely miss him and may his soul be in peace.
Eric Gagrat, Friend
Nov 14 2002 4:13PM
Our most relogious fastival Deewali was celeberated Ist time in USA and without you it I can not say how much we all missed.........after collecting courage to day I am in position to put my words in your memory we are missing you and missing all-----------Ramesh
Ramesh Khandelwal, Family
Nov 9 2002 9:44AM
My son Rajesh was a gem in my family,he was born in candle light (as for few miniutes whole city become in dark) Dr.Who was on duity comments that he will be light of your family and it become so....he who never fell sick was never in fear in any circumstance.he was the symble of peace and and happiness, always telling every body not to worry. In my life I never found for any punishment.He born like lord Krishna Astrologically also he was too similar to him, always stood Ist in order of merrit for 10 years he was the leader of his school keeping flag in his hand whole school was proud of him. I still belive he may come any time as he comes in-to my dreams. Rajesh was a boy of courage,studious,honest and hard working was loved by every man of my family friends and city.when I came on 18th Sept.2001 and met to the persons - no body address him Mr Rajesh but only bhayya(brother) Rajesh that is what he earned and I am proud of him. God bless America. Ramesh
Ramesh Khandelwal, Family
Oct 27 2002 9:56PM
I being a sister i could write pages and pages abt bhaiya,its so difficult to put it in few words as to how u feel abt him,or how he felt abt all of us.But I know i owe this to him.My brother rajesh was not only a brother to me ,he was my best friend & my teacher.I have in my last 12 years learned so much from him that sometimes i feel myself talking like him. Life without him seemed impossible after 9/11 ,there was nothing that could make us feel better but no one can stop living..and life has to go on.Now I try to find him in shivam,he has so many of his qualities,and especially the way he looks it seems as if rajesh is standing right there. I can write tons but i know thats not what it should be,but before i end I would like to add one of his poem to this tribute,which he wrote to me on my birthday. Standing for what you believe in, Regardless of the odds against you,and pressure that tears at your resistance, ...means courage Keeping a smile on your face, When inside you feel like dying, For the sake of supporting others, ...means strength Helping a friend in need, No matter the time or effort, To the best of your ability, ...means loyalty Doing more than is expected, To make other's life more bearable, Without uttering a single complaint, ...means compassion Giving more than you have, And expecting nothing But nothing in return, ...means friendship Don't ever quit beleiving in Yourself. As long as u beleive u Can, You will have reason for trying. This is what he believed in,and he wanted us to believe in,so now if we are able to do what he wished,he will always be with us. He lives in r hearts,and that is one thing no terrorist can take away from us. Rekha
Rekha khandelwal, Family
Oct 22 2002 11:06AM
Rajesh, my husband, was the 'Gem' of the family. He had very loving,caring and understanding personality. He always liked to help the people. He had knowledge in all fields. He liked to have adventures as he never got scared to go high on any ride in a theme park. So after few days of WTC attack we were thinking that he might not get scared to fall down when WTC was being crashed. He used to say me ' I like to work on 97 th floor because in the moments of stress if I see out of the window I see the clouds down the window and it makes me absolutely fresh.' He loved his 9 months old son very much. His last words also were for him 'Shivam, I will be back in the evening and play with you.' No evening came like that. He is in my heart ever and forever and I miss him very much. Now my son Shivam reflects Rajesh in many things. It makes my day.
Shweta Khandelwal, Family
Aug 28 2002 11:21PM
I worked with Rajesh for more than 2 years. He was a lively person who will become your friend in no time. I pray to God that the family gets courae to handle this grave loss. - Atul
Atul Sharma, Friend
Jun 18 2002 10:25AM