Katherine Wolf

There is a 37-year-old home recording of the voice of Katherine Wolf, as a 3-year-old girl in Wales, telling her 'mummy and daddy' that she would 'like to sing `All Things Bright and Beautiful.' '

It was a promising start to a lifelong avocation. Mrs. Wolf became a classically trained pianist, and an accompanist for the Philbeach Society, an amateur operetta group in London. Her musicianship led her to America in 1988, when the ensemble staged a joint production with the Village Light Opera Group in Manhattan. Charles Wolf, a member of the opera group, recalled the night he met her that year and said to a colleague: 'Who is that woman? I have got to get to know her.' They were together ever since.

Mrs. Wolf worked for years at Schroders, a British asset management company in Midtown. And just three weeks before Sept. 11, she began a new job at Marsh & McLennan, on the 97th floor of 1 World Trade Center.

'You couldn't let her reserved exterior fool you — she'd stand up to anyone for something or someone who she believed in,' said her friend Jean Orr.

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I was only 16 at the time of this tragedy and that day my whole entire outlook on the world changed. During my first visit to NY I knew I had to go to by the 9/11 memorial and pay my respects to the victims of this tragedy. While at the memorial I took a picture of the dedication wall and the fountain. In my picture I can make out Katherine Susan Wolf’s name. And it wasn’t until today that I decided to look her up, and I’m so happy there’s a tribute for her. I understand this tribute page is for friends and family; however, I wanted to pay my respects and make sure her family knows her memory will live on with me as well, and that she hasn’t been forgotten.
Jeffrey Montgomery, Friend
Sep 11 2024 3:48PM
Thinking of you always ❤️
Sarah , Friend
Sep 15 2021 5:18AM
Thinking of family and friends of Katherine's today. God Bless!
Diane Lynn Wren, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 7:06PM
To Katherine and her family, I'm from Swansea, and I do a lot for the history and culture side of the local council, and have heard of Katherine many times, so from here I have applied for Katherine to have a blue plaque in memory of her, so that she will never be forgotten. NEVER SAY GOODBYE, BECAUSE SAYING GOODBYE MEANS FORGETTING, AND LEST WE NEVER FORGET
Thomas carsley, Friend
Mar 15 2018 4:25PM
Dearest Katherine -you worked as one of my Saturday girls at Wilks Music in Swansea. So talented,- and wonderful memories of our St. Mary's concert with you performing Mozart with the Ealingng Youth Orchestra, and then I sang Elgar's Sea Pictures. I still listen to the recording which Swansea Sound broadcast all those years ago when you were 16. I also recall the builder working at Wilks who said 'either she stops playing those exercises or I leave!!' We had such a laugh. Dedicated, so talented, and with such beautiful golden ginger hair and clear complexion. Thought of so often - you are unforgetable. Helen
Helen Hopkins, Friend
Sep 6 2011 1:55PM
I just had the honor and the privilege to ride in the Americas 9-11 Foundation motorcycle run in Katherine's name. I may not have known you but now i will never forget you. We all will never forget and i will make sure of that!
John P. Fitzgerald, Friend
Aug 20 2011 8:15PM
I just wanted to let katherine and her famiy know that my brother John Fitzgerald is riding this weekend with the Americas 911 foundation in her honor. This is a great honor for my brother to ride in katherine's memory. This is the 10th anniversary and Americas 911 foundation is one foundation that proves that 'WE HAVE NOT FORGOTTEN' you!!
Mary Petersen, Friend
Aug 19 2011 9:15AM
i didn't know you. justice for you with today's event. from the bio you seem to have had a kind soul.
martin schreiber, Friend
May 2 2011 1:00AM
Rest in Peace Katherine! I will remember you from our Schroders days.
Joan Crossley, Colleague
Jul 5 2010 10:47PM
We all miss you Aunt Kath!! Especially on this day, you are remembered!!
Erika Fritz, Family
Sep 11 2008 11:29AM
Your light still shines! Your gift and music stills sings... your essence will always guide us. Kim
Kim Stengel, Friend
Sep 11 2006 5:24AM
o...WTF...i miss u kath!
maryan, Colleague
May 1 2006 1:53PM
Two years later ... I miss you Kath.
Rachel Luxemburg, Friend
Sep 11 2003 2:04AM
Katherine was my cousin - we back-packed around the Far East together; she was my bridesmaid; I loved her. We in England knew a different, gentler and simpler Katherine than did her American friends.
sian jones, Family
Mar 28 2003 5:28PM
My name is Katherine Wolf too!!!
katherine wolf, Friend
Mar 11 2003 2:00PM