Gene Edward Maloy

Family Tribute:After interviewing my Grandmother, Mrs. Merlyn Maloy, about September 11, 2001, I wrote this poem in memory of her son, my uncle, Gene. This is her point of view of what happened that day.911I had one last talk with my son that day,I never thought it would end that way.I found out in a tragic way - -Thank goodness my boss had the radio on that day.I knew he was still alive,But when I came home,Some of my hopes began to die.My son was on the 97th floor.But he couldn't get out through a door.God took him from me that day.I know he is in heaven watching over me.I stayed on the computer for thirty-six hours,Still no sign of hope -- everything began to shatter.My hope began to turn to fear;Then my eyes filled with tears.This was not supposed to happen in the land of the freeAnd the home of the brave.Our sense of security was taken away.As I look back on that day,I remember how people screamed and prayedWhile the Towers came down in a crumbling way.It took two foreigners in American planesTo kill many people in such an awful way.September 11th was such a tragic day,I never thought he would be taken away.The Bible says that 'Man is here, but for a few short years.'I was blessed with this son for forty-one years.911 was a call for HELP!By: Whitney Alissa-Karen Maloy, May 31, 2002When he was a senior in high school, Gene Edward Maloy had an open block in his schedule. He needed a subject to fill it. His mother, Merlyn, thought she had a good idea: typing. He looked at her, stunned, and said, 'Typing is for girls.' But nothing else fit, and so typing it was.

Years later, he thanked his mother. The course came in handy as he became enraptured by computers. 'Computers were his passion,' she said. When he visited his parents as an adult, it would be, 'Hi, Mom; hi, Dad,' and he would vanish into the room with the computer and not be heard from for hours.

Mr. Maloy, 41, who lived in Brooklyn and was an analyst for Marsh & McLennan in the company’s technology department, had a unusual bond with his mother.

'Gene and I had like a psychic relationship,' Mrs. Maloy said. 'I would be meaning to call him about something, and before I did, he would call me up and say, ’O.K., Mom, what’s up?’ He would just know.'

On the morning of Sept. 11, Mrs. Maloy felt this urge and decided she didn’t care if she was late for work. She had to speak to her son. She got him on the phone, they chatted, and she went off to work. 'I’m glad I did that,' she said. 'I had that last conversation.'

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We will never forget. Continuing my career in public service as well as my involvement in music and writing because of you.
Becky Brauning Roberts, Friend
Sep 11 2024 5:13PM
I miss you brother.
Marie Nancy Pierre, Friend
Sep 11 2024 0:49PM
Thinking of you today! Continue to RIP! ♥
Reshena Baldridge, Family
Sep 11 2023 1:19PM
I'll always remember our workouts together. You, Me Sidney and my son Alex. I remember Alex was a new born and we used to take turns holding Alex between sets. LOL. "BIG 300"
Alvin B. Griffin , Friend
Sep 11 2023 7:18AM
Will always remember you and keep you and your "mom" in my daily thoughts and prayers. I'm sure you are doing GREAT things up there. Keep an eye on me and my family.. if you have any time.
Hugo Puya, Colleague
Sep 11 2021 7:34PM
Gene, this year was especially poignant as they played a Baroque chamber music piece we had played in school together. I try every day to live intentionally - you would if the situation had been reversed. A special condolence to your Mom...a great lady
Becky Brauning-Roberts, Friend
Sep 11 2014 11:42AM
Gene, You continue to live deep inside my heart. I still feel the tight bear hug you gave me, in front of the Indian Museum a few days before 9/11, after you were so happy to see me. Your picture still sits on my home office desk and midtown office. My wife and three kids, now 20, 19 and 13, continue to salute you as they walk by my desk. We've grown to love you more and more each year and my kids continue to ask me to tell them more about you and all the good things you did for everyone including your volunteer work at the local 'Big Brother'. You will live in my family's heart for the rest of our days and you will continue to be a big inspiration for all of us. I hope I make it to heaven so I can see you again.
Hugo Puya, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 6:00PM
Gene was a friend of mine from first grade on into high school, when our schools split due to increased population. His parents, mine and several others would take us around to different musical events and we always had such fun. Gene was not only a fantastic cello player but a gentleman and a dear friend who has enriched my life by just knowing him. My thoughts and prayers go out to the Maloys there in VA and elsewhere - your son, uncle, fiance' always inspired me and continues to do so every year since his passing.
Becky Brauning-Roberts, Friend
Sep 11 2012 4:49PM
Gene, was a beautiful person. High spirited! A great mentor, I can go on and on. I thank him for giving me the opportunity to work with Marsh, for believing in me. Never forgotten!!!
Erika Colon, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 10:40AM
I worked with Gene on the 97th floor. I frequently traveled back and forth between our Midtown office and the WTC. My desk was right next to Gene. We got along very well. I miss him very much. The days afterwards and the news reports were hard to watch but I will never forget Gene. The picture that was posted onto the news from the family was a picture I took while he was standing at a printer. He got so mad at me for taking that picture. Miss ya bud.
Angelo Volpe, Colleague
Sep 7 2011 4:11PM
Gene, As soon as I heard about the capturing and killing of the number one terrorist; I immediately thought of you. May this current event allow you to rest in peace and may all the other victims also rest in peace. May God Bless the World.
Hugo Puya, Colleague
May 4 2011 9:03AM
Gene, Your picture is still on my desk; both at my home office and midtown office. My children still salute you as they walk by and we honor you every single day. You've become an inspiration in our everyday lifes and I hope to make it to heaven to see you again.
Hugo Puya, Colleague
Oct 29 2008 2:36PM
Gene, Everyday I thank our maker for allowing me to cross your path. You help me continue to have a positive attitude towards life and you will always be my hero. I have your picture on my desk both at home and in my office. My children and wife always salute you as they walk by your picture and they always asked me to tell them more about you...and of course I do! Thanks Gene
Hugo Puya, Colleague
Sep 14 2007 8:06PM
Gene, Although your life span was short I was always very proud of you during your lifetime. Just knowing how you touched others lives during the forty-one years you had on earth, is truly a blessing that has helped to sustain me these five years. I knew you were special the first day of your life and I'm so proud that God allowed me to be your mom. I'm elated that other people were able to see what a blessing you were not only to your family but to make your mark caring and helping others during your lifetime. I love you, Mom
Merlyn A.Maloy, Family
Sep 11 2006 10:59PM
Gene Edward Maloy: I remember interviewing Gene for an IT position with Knight Ridder Information/KR Source One. I was very please with his IT experience and his professionalism, but one thing that really impressed me most of all was his request to leave early twice a week. We asked Gene the reason for his request and he proudly told us that he was a volunteer at 'Big Brother' and the kids always looked forward his weekly visits. I immediately offered him the position. I'm so honored to be given the opportunity to work with Gene for more that 2 years, Gene was a very caring individual and always talked about his mother. The last time I saw Gene was in front of the American Indian Museum in early September 2001, Gene gave me a big hug and thanked me for helping him with his career. I gave his mother a call after September 11 occured and I could not find the words to express my feelings. We lost Gene on September 11, 2001, but Gene will always live in our hearts, thoughts and prayers.
hugo puya, Colleague
Sep 11 2006 9:59AM
It's been two years today, but it seems like it was yesterday. There is not a day that goes by that we do not think about you. We miss you, we miss the old days at Grambling State University, we miss the late night phone calls. May God bless all of the families of 9/11 and give us strength on this difficult day today. Deborah Maloy
Deborah Maloy, Family
Sep 11 2003 3:28PM
No words could express my feelings for Gene. It's more than a year later and I am still having problems dealing with his absence. Gene and I worked together and would talk everyday and 2-3 times a week meet after work. He was more than just the average friend. I could always confide in him and he would always have a logical answer. My God I miss him... I could still hear his voice. Although that day will never leave me. I am a better person for knowing him and having him in my life. Etienne 11/02
Beverly Terry, Family
Nov 8 2002 12:49AM
Gene was a kind, gentle and genuine person. We sat near each other before the technology department moved to the WTC. I often came up with computer problems that were 'way out there' and he always seemed to enjoy the challenge, approaching them with a child-like curiosity. We were both Yankee fans and I passed tickets along to him a few times - you would have thought I was handing over gold in seeing how happy he was at the prospect of going to the game. His presence will be greatly missed.
Tom Bittner, Colleague
Sep 13 2002 3:46AM
I never did get to meet Gene, but I heard so many good things about him through his brother. Ever since I found out about his death, and others as well, it just put me in a trance. A state of disbelief. To the Maloy Family, I wanted to say May God continue to bless you all. There's so much more I would like to say, but tears are beginning to fill up in my eyes. Gene you were a great man, son, father, and brother. (Smart and Brilliant too). Rest In Peace, Toni
Toni, Friend
Sep 11 2002 2:17AM
No one laughed liked Gene. He had this laugh that came from deep within his chest that was so hard that it seemed like it was the funniest thing he'd ever heard. It truly made work more fun. I've worked with so many people over the years, but I remember Gene so vividly. That voice, his beautiful suits, his fun (especially hand-held) toys, and his ability to arrive at work at 6:30 AM everyday all made him such an interesting character. I was fortunate to have worked with Gene. His experience at our company taught me more than I can ever mention. May God bless his family and loved ones.
Brian La Rosa, Colleague
Sep 2 2002 11:39PM
My prayers go out to your family. I know how dear your parents were to you. I remember the photo you had of them on your desk. Last time we spoke you mentioned you where going to the Islands on Vacation. I am glad you enjoyed your life to the fullest. And it was a blessing to have known you.
Michelle Mitchell, Colleague
Jun 26 2002 2:57AM
I met Gene back in 1978 at my high school dance, he was very polite and indeed a gentelman. There was never a time he wasn't on an possitive note he had something good to say every time I saw him, even as years past. I learned so much from him, he will be greatly missed by so many.
Robbye Bradford, Friend
Apr 28 2002 12:20AM
Gene sat two rows away from me on the 97th floor. He was always the final authority, the 'guru of last resort' when something didn't work properly. Of course, after he got hold of it, whatever hadn't been working usually was. One time I was conducting a class on ACT! for the support staff. On the evaluation form, under the heading 'How would you improve this class?', his only comment was 'Use Outlook.' We all had a good laugh over that.
Paul Zorovich, Colleague
Apr 18 2002 8:57AM