Jeffrey Wiener
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I graduated Trumbull High School with Jeffrey. Remembering and honoring the loss to so many today.
James Shaham, Friend
Sep 11 2024 3:19PM
He was destined for great things. He was smart, dedicated and gracious. I miss him.
Mary Russell, Colleague
Sep 11 2022 6:36PM
I still think of you as my go to guy...I see you in the Stars, and the bright lights. I remember the amazibg tributes given about your impact ob the lives of your friends and family... Never have I heard so many different people refer to one peraon as their best friend... You were an amazing friend and colleague. Miss you.
Bob Henderson , Colleague
Sep 10 2021 0:47PM
All these years later, I still think of Jeff Wiener as one of the kindest, most generous, most selfless people I have ever run across. I knew him as a fellow engineering student at Princeton. He was such a model human being, the kind of person everyone wished they could be. Continued condolences to his wife, Heidi, parents and all of his family. We will never forget your wonderful Jeff!
Amy Shipley, Friend
Sep 11 2021 6:38PM
Thinking about family and friends of Jeffrey's today. God Bless!
Diane Lynn Wren, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 7:09PM
I'm not a family member, friend, or colleague of Jeff, but he had big impact on my life. In April of 2001, was interviewed by Jeff in his office for a position on his team. I also vividly recall seeing a picture of his family and of his wife behind him and thinking, wow, this guy has it all: successful career, loving family, intelligence, and he seems like just a cool guy, I said to myself - that's the life I want. The conversation turned to his experience getting an MBA from NYU, which resonated so much with me that it played a big part in motivating me to do the same years later. In the end, I never got an offer which was disappointing. But I've never forgotten that interview among the dozens before and since. Jeff - thank you, from the bottom of stranger's heart. You made me better.
Paul Fort, Colleague
Apr 5 2020 4:55PM
One of my most vivid memories of all my Princeton years was cleaning a dorm room with Jeff. One day in the middle of us lounging about, he stood up and proclaimed "I HEREBY DECLARE A DORM CLEANUP". Jeff and his roommates Gary Greenstein and Josh Dever proceeded to blast R.E.M.'s "Finest Worksong" at top volume and with stoic expressions on their faces they cleaned up every bit of clutter in the dorm room, working at hyper-speed. Someone else here said "diligent and hard-working but also light-hearted and a great friend" and that describes this moment perfectly. It was like something out of a Monty Python sketch; hilarious and yet purposeful. That vignette will be my curio memory of Jeff forever.
EDS Silberman '91, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 10:38PM
Think about you often. It was a blessing to know you.
Bob Henderson, Colleague
Sep 11 2018 6:57AM
Jeff was my manager but he always treated me as a friend and fellow colleague. I remember when he interviewed me he asked me a lot of technical questions and then told me that I was doing really well as he saw the sweat on my forehead. From that point on I knew I wanted to work for him, with him,and get to know him. I'm thankful that Jeff helped me become a better person in life and he lives on in my memory and in the memories of many people.
Samir Wadhawan, Colleague
Sep 11 2012 11:21AM
Thinking of you.
Hugh Lynch, Friend
Sep 11 2012 8:34AM
Think of you often. Miss you.
Mary Russell, Colleague
Nov 12 2011 9:12AM
Jeff was a friend and classmate through many late-night problem sets at Princeton. He was so smart and so diligent and yet light-hearted and funny. We didn't keep in touch, but I suspected he was up to great things. He was taken too soon.
Hugh Lynch, Friend
Sep 11 2011 8:02PM
Jeff was a classmate of mine at Princeton. I remember him being one fo the hardest working people I knew and nevertheless one of the personable and kind ones as well. He was a good guy and taken from us too soon.
David Chaumette, Friend
Sep 11 2011 5:56PM
We will never forget.
Veronique Attal, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 2:45PM
A mensch, through and through.
Stu Frank, Colleague
Sep 11 2011 8:46AM
On the 10 year anniversary, thoughts of Jeff and Heidi flood my mind. I remember the happiness as they celebrated their 'second' wedding at the Brotherhood Synagogue; the joy he brought as our lay-chazen. So much life and joy ahead of them, so quickly taken away. Jeff you are sorely missed. Heidi, know you are in our thoughts and prayers.
Susan Unruh, Friend
Sep 11 2011 2:20AM
Miss you buddy
Bob Henderson, Colleague
Sep 9 2011 5:31PM
Thinking of you Jeff as we approach the 10 year mark. You are not forgotten. God bless you and your family. Amy Williams Black Princeton Class of 1990
Amy Williams Black, Friend
Sep 5 2011 5:16AM
Hi jeff its your favorite cousin brian,i wanted to tell you that i am looking forward for family outing you have been the best cousin a guy ever wanted,i remember those family outings with the whole family when we were whole i wish it was me at the trade center and not you,you have been there for me no matter what,i love you so much and i really miss you,i love coming to the house for the jewish holidays boy do i really miss that,you are the best cousin,jeff please come home. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH AND I REALLY MISS YOU
brian Katz, Family
Sep 11 2010 3:31PM
Jeff and I sat next to each other in a Corporate Ethics class at NYU. I remember one night before class started he was reading a Harry Potter book. This was before the movies came out, but he was really into it. I gave him a hard time for reading a 'kids' book, but he defended the book (can't remember which volume) and said 'No, it's really good. You'd really like it.' Really smart, nice, and fun classmate. I'm sorry this happened to him that day. Just want to say I'm thinking about you Jeff and all the other friends/classmates I lost.
John Murphy, Colleague
Jul 1 2010 10:48PM
I have never met Jeff, yet his memory lives on through one of his cats, who now lives with me. Jeff had named this cat 'Mr. Baggins.' While I renamed this cat 'Simon,' his past is forever remembered, in the copies of the adoption papers and vet records. I had lost a cousin and several good friends in the WTC on 9/11. Worst: I was on 6th Ave at E 26th St when I saw the fireball burst out of the South Tower. That image replayed through nightmares that woke me for months. Adopting Simon - or rather, allowing him to adopt me - was my action to make something positive out of 9/11 while keeping alive the memory of those who perished, including a fellow animal-loving person I have never met. This cat has an incredible personality and the most captivating green eyes. I'm lucky this cat is in my life. I hope it is reassuring to Heidi and Jeff's family to know that one of his cats continues to thrive, and that this cat's owner is helping to keep Jeff's memory alive.
AD Stoltz, Friend
Aug 18 2008 2:45PM
I was just sitting here bored at work typing names of old friends into Google. I typed Jeff’s name in and was shocked and saddened to see that he was killed on September 11. I knew Jeff in high school. Jeff was super smart, but also very down to earth and very devoted. We used to tease him for being so devoted to his parents, I remember teasing him for painting their deck instead of hanging out with his friends. Jeff loved music, I think he played guitar, and at one point during high school he decided to join the marching band. He picked up the trumpet, and within a few months was about as good as many of us were after playing for many years. When he left Trumbull for Princeton, we kept in touch. His exposure to “college life” served as a window into college life for me (I was still a high school senior). When he came back to Trumbull on breaks, he was always super excited about all the stuff he was learning, and all the fun he was having. Jeff was sort of my older, smarter friend - I really looked up to him. My heart is heavy now. David Tamber Syracuse, NY October 29, 2003
David Tamber, Friend
Oct 29 2003 4:15PM
Jeff was one of the greatest managers I have ever had the pleasure to work with. Anytime there was an issue that needed addressing, he handled it with style. It was just a few short years that I had the pleasure of working with Jeff -- Those years will never be forgotton, and neither will he.
Jonathon Glashan, Colleague
Sep 11 2003 11:48AM
It's hard for me to believe this is real. I know 9/11 happened, but I'm still compelled to come back and check on those people I knew who died. I think subconsciously I have a fear that one day this site will be gone. My WTC ID (which I have carried with me every day since 9/11) and this site are among the few things that I have that directly connect me to that fateful day. I'm glad to see that others have been by recently. I hope this site never goes away. Jeff was my manager. He hired me. Truthfully I didn't think he was a great manager and I didn't love my job, but he was one of the nicest people I've ever met. In at 7, out at 7 he was one of the hardest workers in the group. He didn't miss work for anything... until his cat got sick. He ran out of a client meeting in the middle of the day to be with his wife and ailing cat. We joked about it at the time because making fun of your boss is part of office life, but that was just a small example of how caring he was. When it came to work, he always put people first. We always had room to deal with our personal issues first. I have no idea why I'm here in the middle of May writing this, but I guess that's what is bound to happen. For those of us who lived through the trauma, no matter how far we move past it, we will always have a piece of 9/11 inside of us that could spring up on us at any time. I've never wished more for any one thing in my life not to have happend. I have no ending - these are just my thoughts at the moment. Thomas
Thomas Baiter, Colleague
May 6 2003 5:23PM
I never met a man who was able to be the best friend of so many. When Jeff died, I lost my best friend, my left arm, and my moral compass when I was lost. Jeff worked for me at Marsh, but he was so much more than my direct report, he was my best friend. I love you Jeff, and I miss you every day. Bob
Bob Henderson, Friend
Mar 11 2003 11:25PM
Jeff hired me at Marsh, and he was my boss until this tragedy happened. Now...I miss him a lot. He was a smart and a very nice person. I learned a lot from him and he was a real support to me when I needed it. Now he is gone, but he will always be in my prayers.
hakim ben yedder, Colleague
Feb 7 2003 8:36PM
I had the privilege of working with Jeff on a mutual client. He was smart, professional and dedicated. When things got tough with a Stars client, he was the 'go to' guy. He turned the situation around quickly, and added value the client never anticipated. He did it with little fanfare, a real professional. He is missed and will never be forgotten by those who worked with him.
Drew Haaser, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 2:47PM
I remember when I first started with J&H; and the first night I worked late, Jeff was there, and I was there helping him with a problem that I had no idea how to figure out. Not only did he show the utmost patience and interest in my attempts, he showed genuine respect for my thoughts despite my hopeless lack of experience. I remember sitting down next to him as he showed me pictures of his last vacation - which was a cruise. I really appreciated that, and he earned a lot of respect from me. I always thought he looked like Calvin and Hobbes dad, almost to the very detail, but I think that fits him as he was respected by many, and many of us would seek out his advice. I know I learned to be a better professional thanks to Jeff.
Manoj Aggarwal, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 2:46PM
I only met Jeff once - he made a presentation to Ford with me in Detroi several months before he died, but he was a class act and I will never forget him.
Don Engle, Colleague
Apr 27 2002 11:43PM