Michael Cahill

Michael J. Cahill had been a cross-country runner in high school 20 years ago and at 37, he was still running. Last May he came in third — behind two teenagers — in a field of 100 in the annual five-mile race in East Williston, N.Y., where he lived. (His wife, Colleen, walked it with the kids, Conor, 5, and Fiona, 2, in a double stroller.) It was typical. Mr. Cahill was good at almost everything he did.

That is why Marsh & McLennan, where he had worked for seven years and was a senior vice president and claims attorney on the 99th floor of Tower 1, promoted him posthumously to managing director.

That is why St. John's University Law School, from which he graduated in 1991, is giving him its Dean's Award on Dec. 1.

That is why neighbors in East Williston, where he joined Halloween parades, Christmas tree lightings and other doings, will put up a bench and plaque in his name on the village green, and why 1,000 friends attended a memorial Mass at St. Aidan's Roman Catholic Church in Williston Park on Oct. 1.

And that is why his children, with whom he shared music, sports and trips to the beach, and Colleen, who met him at a Hamptons share house in 1990 and adored his wit and honesty, will miss him.

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Mike not a time goes by when the mention of 9/11 comes up that I don’t think of and pray for you and all our other colleagues who fate it was to be part of this tragedy. Your children are grown maybe with some grandchildren for you to look down upon. Time goes by but you will never be forgotten.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Sep 10 2024 8:49PM
Mike - we worked on 1 account together, my largest one, but I will always remember you and make it a purpose not to forget. I will remember you as a dedicated professional and gentle soul. May you rest in peace and may your friends and family find it under God's grace, trusting in HIS sovereignty and ultimate victory over evil through the blood of Christ.
TD from Zurich American Insurance Company, Colleague
Sep 6 2024 0:10PM
Mike was the best. Hysterical wit and sense of humor. Always smiling and upbeat. The world was a better place with him.
Jim Wolfe, Family
Sep 11 2023 4:25PM
Mike was a fantastic person. He went out of his way to come over and introduce himself at a company function. Although it was the only time we were together his kindness was unforgettable.
Eddie Monteith , Colleague
Sep 10 2023 8:46PM
Mike I think of you often but at this time of year especially. I’m again attending a local 9/11 service tomorrow and you and your family will be in my thoughts and prayers.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Sep 10 2023 9:56AM
I worked with Mike very briefly, but remember him as a kind person who went out of his way to help me. I remember him fondly and try to take a little of his spirit with me when I go about my daily life. May God bless and keep his family and friends.
Jeff, Colleague
Sep 10 2023 11:00PM
Mr. Cahill sounds like he was a great guy. I, like so many Americans are sorry that a bright young life like his was cut short on that awful day 21 years ago now. To his wife, children, family and friends, I offer my sincerest condolences and best wishes for the future.
Leslie Honcharik, Friend
Sep 15 2022 5:08PM
Mike, Although 21 years have gone by, you and your family are always in our hearts and prayers. I can still hear your words of encouragement on our runs and humour in the office. I am sure you are making them laugh up in heaven. 🙏🙏🙏
Jim Loughlin , Colleague
Sep 11 2022 0:46PM
Tomorrow is that sad anniversary of that tragic day 21 years ago. I am attending a local 9/11 memorial service and you and your family will be forefront in my mind as you are every year. Gone but never forgotten.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Sep 10 2022 0:53PM
Honoring you today. We were CIGNA Colleagues. You were such a sweet person. I hope you are resting in peace.
Traci Wolf, Colleague
Sep 11 2021 0:25PM
20 years ago we met for the first and only time but I never forget your candir, kindness and brilliance
JP MacPherson, Colleague
Sep 7 2021 1:02AM
Michael, it’s hard to believe it’s the 20th anniversary of that terrible day. There is a whole generation that weren’t even alive. Some of them may be aware of the significance of 9/11 but those of use who were alive will always remember you and our colleagues. Rest In Peace we won’t forget you.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Aug 31 2021 5:53PM
I think about you often, everytime I watch St Johns I think about you and I discussing Bootsy Thornton. You will never be forgotten. Such a great guy. Dan Moran
Dan moran , Colleague
Aug 17 2021 2:11AM
Mike, 19 years later and I will still never ever forget. You were my colleague, my neighbor, my running buddy and a great friend. I still find myself laughing to myself when I think about your dry wit and sense of humor. Rest in peace my friend...
Jim Loughlin, Friend
Sep 11 2020 2:25PM
Another year has flown by and it has been a tough one down here. My hope is that your family is doing well in these turbulent times. Just wanted you to know you are not forgotten.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Sep 11 2020 1:02PM
Mike, I just wanted to let you know I will never forget the friendship we had...I think of you often. God Bless.
Jim Loughlin, Colleague
Sep 10 2019 7:39PM
Mike, from time to time over the year/years I think of you and our other colleagues who left us on that tragic day 18 years ago. Each year as we approach September 11th my thoughts turn to you. As I’ve said in past years sadly you are Gone but know you are not forgotten.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Sep 8 2019 11:56PM
Another year has gone by and I am saddened by how many individuals in the country have forgotten the tragic day you and our other colleagues lost your lives. Mike Rest In Peace you are not forgotten by all who knew you.
Robert Gammons, Colleague
Sep 10 2018 3:45PM
Mike I think about you and our other colleagues from time to time but Is at this sad time a year when your loss is at the forefront of my mind. Your children are adults now I hope they are aware that you are still remembered as a trusted friend and true professional by many of us.
Bob Gammons, Colleague
Sep 4 2017 9:38PM
Mike you are always in my thoughts on the anniversary of your tragic loss along with so many of our valued colleagues.
Bob Gammons, Colleague
Sep 11 2016 9:31AM
Always on my mind st this time of year. God bless you and your family.
Bob Gammons,
Sep 10 2015 6:09PM
Always remembered. Mike was the best of the best of us.
Bob gammons, Colleague
Sep 12 2014 9:38AM
I will never forget you Mike. I am thankful that I had the opportunity to work with you and be your friend... You are and always will be in our thoughts, prayers and hearts...
Jim Loughlin, Friend
Sep 11 2011 12:05PM
Michael, It's been 9 more years since my last tribute, but nothing has changed. You are still the person and professional I aspire to be. I hope your family sees this and takes some pride In knowing the enormity of respect you commanded (but never sought).
Drew Haaser, Colleague
Sep 10 2011 3:30AM
Mike was the one I knew the best out of the three Marsh FINPRO victims whose memorials I attended. When I worked at Marsh for two years in the mid-1990s I had called Mike often for his advice on fidelity insurance matters (about which I knew nothing and he was an expert.) When I returned to working for AIG, I dealt with Mike from the other side of the table. The universal opinion on Mike was that he was a great guy who was always willing to help out and had as much integrity as anyone in the business. He was the kind of guy who you knew would be an exemplary brother or teammate; Mike was always there for you when you needed him. Mike's memorial service was held at St. Aidan's Church in East Williston, New York (Long Island) on a morning in early October of 2001. The place was already jammed 20 minutes before the start. In retrospect I recall a rainy and gloomy day but I'm not sure if my memory is accurate or simply clouded by the general nature of the proceedings. Like hundreds of others in the packed church, I filed in quietly and found a seat. What transpired over the next hour I won't recount in detail, although I can tell you that the first three to speak at the ceremony (Mike's parish priest, his brother and his boss at Marsh, Tom Vietor) all rose to the occasion and did an admirable job under staggeringly sad conditions. The last eulogist however, Mike's wife Colleen, left to rear their two beautiful young children herself, took it to another level. She spoke with unparalleled eloquence, passion and composure. I don't think I'll ever truly understand from where Colleen drew her strength (the inspiring memories of Mike, no doubt, had much to do with it), but I have never witnessed such a display of courage and composure in the face of a tragedy of this magnitude. Her eulogy was funny, endearing and engaging. It was simultaneously heartwarming and heartbreaking. It captured the essence of Mike perfectly, at least as I knew him, which only magnified our sense of loss. She recounted, among other things, that the story of who-pursued-who in the relationship differed depending upon whose version you heard, Mike's or Colleen's. They had met as summer-share housemates in the Hamptons. According to Mike's version, Colleen sat by the pool reading a paperback with eyeholes cut right through the book so that she could follow his every move. Colleen's eyes, amazingly, remained dry throughout the eulogy. Both her words and their deliverance were truly inspirational. The final piece to Colleen's tribute was an REM song, one of Mike's favorites. St. Aidan's graciously allowed the family to play the recording over the church's loudspeakers as the memorial concluded and people filed out even though, strictly speaking, it was against church policy. I don't recall the title, but it was about a guy who, smitten with a woman, calls to ask her out but gets her answering machine. It mirrored in a way Mike's own courting of Colleen. As the song played my eyes were drawn to the couple's innocent children fidgeting in the front pew of the church. It was a sledgehammer of sadness and it found its mark in most of us. As Colleen walked up the center isle to exit, the previously-muted sobs of the crowd began to rise in unison, unabated. All but those few souls who had already cried themselves out were in tears as the church emptied.
Larry Goanos, Colleague
Aug 30 2011 9:21PM
I will always remember the good time he had at his wedding. He was a devoted father and loved his wife and had a true zest for life.
Eileen Thiery, Friend
Sep 13 2007 9:32PM
I have been affected by the loss of so many colleagues, but none greater than Michael. We worked together on several mutual clients in the late 1990s, and I developed a tremendous respect for Michael as a colleague and a person. He epitomized every quality I would hope to have: he was highly intelligent, always in good humor, kind and attentive, quick to respond, unflappable and a perfect gentleman. He will always stay with me as an example of the professional and person I aspire to be.
Drew Haaser, Colleague
Sep 11 2002 2:17PM